diff --git a/guppy.py b/guppy.py
index 9ab335639e39bed94c4e3371103ccc2d698e9fec..8a494f9e5c8f2384a8191ccc50cd5ff52c86b363 100644
--- a/guppy.py
+++ b/guppy.py
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class main(object):
     def start(self):
         for section in self.config.sections():
             server_config = {}
-            server_config["host"] = section
+            server_config["network"] = section
             server_config["confdir"] = self.directory
             for item,value in self.config.items(section):
                 server_config[item] = value
@@ -105,28 +105,30 @@ class main(object):
         self.config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
         getting_servers = True
         while getting_servers:
-            currentServer = self.my_raw("IRC server to connect to")
+            currentNetwork = self.my_raw("IRC network name")
-                self.config.add_section(currentServer)
+                self.config.add_section(currentNetwork)
             except ConfigParser.DuplicateSectionError:
                 overwrite = self.my_raw("Server already exists! Overwrite? (yes/no)", "no").lower()
                 while overwrite != "yes" and overwrite != "y" and overwrite != "no" and overwrite != "n":
-                    overwrite = self.my_raw("Invalid option. Overwrite configuration for "+currentServer+"? (yes/no)", "no").lower()
+                    overwrite = self.my_raw("Invalid option. Overwrite configuration for "+currentNetwork+"? (yes/no)", "no").lower()
                 if overwrite.lower() == "no" or overwrite.lower() == "n":
                     continue #go back to top of "while getting_servers:"
                 #else continue out of try/except
-            self.set(currentServer,'channels',"Channels to automatically join (comma-separated, no spaces)")
-            self.set(currentServer,'nickname',"My nickname")
-            self.set(currentServer,'ident',"My ident")
-            self.set(currentServer,'ns_name',"NickServ username (if there is none, press ENTER)")
-            self.set(currentServer,'ns_pwd',"NickServ password (if there is none, press ENTER)")
-            self.set(currentServer,'port',"Port", "6667")
-            self.set(currentServer,"comchar","My command char", "-")
-            self.set(currentServer,"plugins","Plugins to load on startup (comma-separated, no spaces)", "auth,printer,pluginloader")
+            self.set(currentNetwork,'host',"The IRC network host to connect to")
+            self.set(currentNetwork,'channels',"Channels to automatically join (comma-separated, no spaces)")
+            self.set(currentNetwork,'nickname',"My nickname")
+            self.set(currentNetwork,'ident',"My ident")
+            self.set(currentNetwork,'owner_nick',"Your username (use the auth plugin to set a password)")
+            self.set(currentNetwork,'ns_name',"NickServ username (if there is none, press ENTER)")
+            self.set(currentNetwork,'ns_pwd',"NickServ password (if there is none, press ENTER)")
+            self.set(currentNetwork,'port',"Port", "6667")
+            self.set(currentNetwork,"comchar","My command char", "-")
+            self.set(currentNetwork,"plugins","Plugins to load on startup (comma-separated, no spaces)", "auth,printer,pluginloader")
-            another_server = self.my_raw("All done with "+currentServer+". Add another server? (yes/no)", "no").lower()
+            another_server = self.my_raw("All done with "+currentNetwork+". Add another server? (yes/no)", "no").lower()
             while another_server != "yes" and another_server != "y" and another_server != "no" and another_server != "n":
                 another_server = self.my_raw("Invalid option. Do you want to add another server? (yes/no)", "no").lower()
diff --git a/irc.py b/irc.py
index 217f40712c1bc597b1c10cdac7c3768a5b5a525f..769b10ff5af0b3e2bfc6e70c945bcfd7f0a1c423 100644
--- a/irc.py
+++ b/irc.py
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class PluginManager(object):
     def loadAllPlugins(self):
         errs = {}
-        plugins = self.server.config["plugins"].split(",")
+        plugins = [k for k in self.server.config["plugins"].split(",") if k != '']
         for plugin in plugins:
             err = self.loadPlugin(plugin.lower())
             if err is not None:
@@ -178,7 +178,11 @@ class IRC(threading.Thread):
         self.handlers = self.pluginManager.handlers
         self.plugins = self.pluginManager.plugins
         self.getPlugin = self.pluginManager.getPlugin
-        self.pluginManager.loadAllPlugins()
+        errs = self.pluginManager.loadAllPlugins()
+        if errs:
+            for k,v in errs.items():
+                self.prnt("Plugin "+k+" error loading: "+v)
         self.running = False
     def _readline(self):
@@ -231,15 +235,15 @@ class IRC(threading.Thread):
                 # (make sure to send whatever follows the PING, in case they send a random hash)
                 self.sendLine("PONG " + data[5:])
-            # Takes the ':Nick!Ident@Host' chunk and assigns Nick to user
-            try:
-                user = words[0].split(":")[1].split("!")[0]
-            except IndexError:
+            elif words[0] == "ERROR":
+                #there was an error, we probably had a KeyboardInterrupt
                 self.prnt("Connection lost to server.")
                 self.running = False
+            # Takes the ':Nick!Ident@Host' chunk and assigns Nick to user
+            user = words[0].split(":")[1].split("!")[0]
             if words[1] == "433":
                 #There was a nick collision
                 self.config["nickname"] = self.config["nickname"] + "_"
@@ -252,7 +256,7 @@ class IRC(threading.Thread):
                 self.pluginManager.event("connect", self.config["host"])
-                for chan in self.config["channels"].split(","):
+                for chan in [k for k in self.config["channels"].split(",") if k != '']:
             elif words[1] == "PRIVMSG":
diff --git a/plugins/auth.py b/plugins/auth.py
index a9664c8bc437c5b71aa7597699fc249973885e98..e4db452c1c657acb2978c4b79d17ae1acf17d336 100644
--- a/plugins/auth.py
+++ b/plugins/auth.py
@@ -4,21 +4,101 @@ import os, ConfigParser
 class Auth(object):
     def __init__(self, server):
         self.server = server
-        self.commands = [ "addadmin", "addmod", "deladmin", "delmod", "admins", "mods", "owners" ]
-        self.owners = []
-        self.admins = []
-        self.mods = []
+        self.commands = [ "addadmin", "addmod", "deladmin", "delmod", "admins", "mods", "owners", "passwd", "identify" ]
+        self.owners = {}
+        self.admins = {}
+        self.mods = {}
         self.server.handle("command", self.handle_command, self.commands)
-        self.authfile = self.server.config["confdir"] + "auth.conf"
+        self.authdir = self.server.config["confdir"] + "network-auth-users/"
+        self.authfile = self.authdir + self.server.config["network"] + "-auth.cfg"
     def handle_command(self, channel, user, cmd, args):
         if cmd == "owners":
-            self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": My owners are "+" ".join(self.owners))
+            self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": My owners are: "+" ".join(self.owners))
         elif cmd == "admins":
             self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": My administrators are: "+" ".join(self.admins))
         elif cmd == "mods":
             self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": My moderators are: "+" ".join(self.mods))
+        elif cmd == "passwd":
+            if channel == user:
+                if user in self.owners.keys():
+                    if self.owners[user][1]:
+                        if len(args) < 1:
+                            self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Not enough arguments.")
+                            return
+                        if len(args) >= 2:
+                            self.owners[user][0] = args[1]
+                            self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Password successfully changed.")
+                        else:
+                            self.owners[user][0] = args[0]
+                            self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Password successfully changed.")
+                elif user in self.admins.keys():
+                    if self.admins[user][1]:
+                        if len(args) < 1:
+                            self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Not enough arguments.")
+                            return
+                        if len(args) >= 2:
+                            self.admins[user][0] = args[1]
+                            self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Password successfully changed.")
+                        else:
+                            self.admins[user][0] = args[0]
+                            self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Password successfully changed.")
+                elif user in self.mods.keys():
+                    if self.mods[user][1]:
+                        if len(args) < 1:
+                            self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Not enough arguments.")
+                            return
+                        if len(args) >= 2:
+                            self.mods[user][0] = args[1]
+                            self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Password successfully changed.")
+                        else:
+                            self.mods[user][0] = args[0]
+                            self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Password successfully changed.")
+                else:
+                    self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": You are not in the owners/admins/mods lists.")
+                    return
+            else:
+                self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Please do that using private messaging.")
+                return
+        elif cmd == "identify":
+            if len(args) < 1:
+                self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Not enough arguments.")
+                return
+            if channel == user:
+                if user in self.owners.keys():
+                    if self.owners[user][1]:
+                        self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": You are already identified.")
+                    elif args[0] == self.owners[user][0]:
+                        self.owners[user][1] = True
+                        self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": You are now identified for "+user)
+                    else:
+                        self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Invalid password.")
+                elif user in self.admins.keys():
+                    if self.admins[user][1]:
+                        self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": You are already identified.")
+                    elif args[0] == self.admins[user][0]:
+                        self.admins[user][1] = True
+                        self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": You are now identified for "+user)
+                    else:
+                        self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Invalid password.")
+                elif user in self.mods.keys():
+                    if self.mods[user][1]:
+                        self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": You are already identified.")
+                    elif args[0] == self.mods[user][0]:
+                        self.mods[user][1] = True
+                        self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": You are now identified for "+user)
+                    else:
+                        self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Invalid password.")
+            else:
+                self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Please do that using private messaging.")
+                return
         elif self.isOwner(user):
             if len(args) < 1:
@@ -26,48 +106,69 @@ class Auth(object):
             if cmd == "addadmin":
-                if args[0] in self.admins: return
-                self.admins.append(args[0])
+                if args[0] in self.admins.keys(): return
+                self.admins[args[0]] = ['', False]
             elif cmd == "addmod":
-                if args[0] in self.mods: return
-                self.mods.append(args[0])
+                if args[0] in self.mods.keys(): return
+                self.mods[args[0]] = ['', False]
             elif cmd == "deladmin":
-                if args[0] in self.admins:
-                    self.admins.remove(args[0])
+                if args[0] in self.admins.keys():
+                    del self.admins[args[0]]
             elif cmd == "delmod":
-                if args[0] in self.mods:
-                    self.mods.remove(args[0])
+                if args[0] in self.mods.keys():
+                    del self.mods[args[0]]
-    def _loadusers(self):
-        if not os.path.isfile(self.authfile):
-            return
+    def _saveusers(self):
+        if not os.path.isdir(self.authdir):
+            os.mkdir(self.authdir)
+        fh = open(self.authfile, "w")
+        self.configParser.write(fh)
+        fh.close()
-        self.configParser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-        self.configParser.read(self.authfile)
-        for section in self.configParser.sections():
-            if section == self.server.config["host"]:
-                for key,values in self.configParser.items(section):
-                    if key == "owners":
-                        self.owners += values.split(",")
-                    elif key == "admins":
-                        self.admins += values.split(",")
-                    elif key == "mods":
-                        self.mods += values.split(",")
+    __del__ = _saveusers
+    def _loadusers(self):
+        if os.path.isfile(self.authfile):
+            self.configParser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+            self.configParser.read(self.authfile)
+            for section in self.configParser.sections():
+                if section == "owners":
+                    for user,pswd in self.configParser.items(section):
+                        self.owners[user] = [pswd, pswd == '']
+                elif section == "admins":
+                    for user,pswd in self.configParser.items(section):
+                        self.admins[user] = [pswd, pswd == '']
+                elif section == "mods":
+                    for user,pswd in self.configParser.items(section):
+                        self.mods[user] = [pswd, pswd == '']
+        onick = self.server.config["owner_nick"]
+        if not onick in self.owners.keys():
+            if getattr(self, "configParser", None) is None:
+                self.configParser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+                self.configParser.add_section("owners")
+                self.configParser.add_section("admins")
+                self.configParser.add_section("mods")
+            self.configParser.set("owners", onick, '')
+            self.owners[onick] = ['', True]
     def isOwner(self, user):
-        return user in self.owners
+        return user in self.owners and self.owners[user][1]
     def isAdmin(self, user):
-        if user in self.admins: 
+        if user in self.admins and self.admins[user][1]: 
             return True
-            return user in self.owners
+            return self.isOwner(user)
     def isMod(self, user):
-        if user in self.mods: 
+        if user in self.mods and self.mods[user][1]: 
             return True
-        elif user in self.admins: 
+        elif self.isAdmin(user): 
             return True
-            return user in self.owners
+            return self.isOwner(user)
diff --git a/plugins/plugintools.py b/plugins/plugintools.py
index 2b593e0a24852293e207f31a4e31b500672e2e1a..9a744bbb8744d145a5a594f5f689e08076fd0c63 100644
--- a/plugins/plugintools.py
+++ b/plugins/plugintools.py
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class PluginLoader(object):
             elif cmd == "reload":
                 err = self.server.pluginManager.reloadPlugin(args[0])
                 if err is not None and err:
-                    self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Exception reloading plugin "+args[0]+": "+" ".join([v for k,v in err.items()]))
+                    self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Exception reloading plugin "+args[0]+": "+" ".join([k+": "+v for k,v in err.items()]))
                     self.server.doMessage(channel, user+": Successfully reloaded plugin "+args[0]+".")
             elif cmd == "loaded":