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  • rspencer/awit-zsh-superawesome
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# Uses the command-not-found package zsh support
# as seen in
# this is installed in Ubuntu
[[ -e /etc/zsh_command_not_found ]] && source /etc/zsh_command_not_found
# Arch Linux command-not-found support, you must have package pkgfile installed
[[ -e /usr/share/doc/pkgfile/command-not-found.zsh ]] && source /usr/share/doc/pkgfile/command-not-found.zsh
# Fedora command-not-found support
if [ -f /usr/libexec/pk-command-not-found ]; then
command_not_found_handler () {
[ ! -S /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket ] && runcnf=0
[ ! -x /usr/libexec/packagekitd ] && runcnf=0
if [ $runcnf -eq 1 ]
/usr/libexec/pk-command-not-found $@
return $retval
# Advanced Aliases.
# Use with caution
# ls, the common ones I use a lot shortened for rapid fire usage
alias l='ls -lFh' #size,show type,human readable
alias la='ls -lAFh' #long list,show almost all,show type,human readable
alias lr='ls -tRFh' #sorted by date,recursive,show type,human readable
alias lt='ls -ltFh' #long list,sorted by date,show type,human readable
alias ll='ls -l' #long list
alias ldot='ls -ld .*'
alias lS='ls -1FSsh'
alias lart='ls -1Fcart'
alias lrt='ls -1Fcrt'
alias zshrc='$EDITOR ~/.zshrc' # Quick access to the ~/.zshrc file
alias grep='grep --color'
alias sgrep='grep -R -n -H -C 5 --exclude-dir={.git,.svn,CVS} '
alias t='tail -f'
# Command line head / tail shortcuts
alias -g H='| head'
alias -g T='| tail'
alias -g G='| grep'
alias -g L="| less"
alias -g M="| most"
alias -g LL="2>&1 | less"
alias -g CA="2>&1 | cat -A"
alias -g NE="2> /dev/null"
alias -g NUL="> /dev/null 2>&1"
alias -g P="2>&1| pygmentize -l pytb"
alias dud='du -d 1 -h'
alias duf='du -sh *'
alias fd='find . -type d -name'
alias ff='find . -type f -name'
alias h='history'
alias hgrep="fc -El 0 | grep"
alias help='man'
alias p='ps -f'
alias sortnr='sort -n -r'
alias unexport='unset'
alias whereami=display_info
alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'
# zsh is able to auto-do some kungfoo
# depends on the SUFFIX :)
if [ ${ZSH_VERSION//\./} -ge 420 ]; then
# open browser on urls
_browser_fts=(htm html de org net com at cx nl se dk dk php)
for ft in $_browser_fts ; do alias -s $ft=$BROWSER ; done
_editor_fts=(cpp cxx cc c hh h inl asc txt TXT tex)
for ft in $_editor_fts ; do alias -s $ft=$EDITOR ; done
_image_fts=(jpg jpeg png gif mng tiff tif xpm)
for ft in $_image_fts ; do alias -s $ft=$XIVIEWER; done
_media_fts=(ape avi flv mkv mov mp3 mpeg mpg ogg ogm rm wav webm)
for ft in $_media_fts ; do alias -s $ft=mplayer ; done
#read documents
alias -s pdf=acroread
alias -s ps=gv
alias -s dvi=xdvi
alias -s chm=xchm
alias -s djvu=djview
#list whats inside packed file
alias -s zip="unzip -l"
alias -s rar="unrar l"
alias -s tar="tar tf"
alias -s tar.gz="echo "
alias -s ace="unace l"
# Make zsh know about hosts already accessed by SSH
zstyle -e ':completion:*:(ssh|scp|sftp|rsh|rsync):hosts' hosts 'reply=(${=${${(f)"$(cat {/etc/ssh_,~/.ssh/known_}hosts(|2)(N) /dev/null)"}%%[# ]*}//,/ })'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FILE: compleat.plugin.zsh
# DESCRIPTION: oh-my-zsh plugin file.
# AUTHOR: Sorin Ionescu (
# VERSION: 1.0.0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (( ${+commands[compleat]} )); then
local prefix="${commands[compleat]:h:h}"
local setup="${prefix}/share/compleat-1.0/compleat_setup"
if [[ -f "$setup" ]]; then
if ! bashcompinit >/dev/null 2>&1; then
autoload -U bashcompinit
bashcompinit -i
source "$setup"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FILE: composer.plugin.zsh
# DESCRIPTION: oh-my-zsh composer plugin file.
# AUTHOR: Daniel Gomes (
# VERSION: 1.0.0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Composer basic command completion
_composer_get_command_list () {
$_comp_command1 --no-ansi | sed "1,/Available commands/d" | awk '/^[ \t]*[a-z]+/ { print $1 }'
_composer_get_required_list () {
$_comp_command1 show -s --no-ansi | sed '1,/requires/d' | awk 'NF > 0 && !/^requires \(dev\)/{ print $1 }'
_composer () {
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
typeset -A opt_args
_arguments \
'1: :->command'\
'*: :->args'
case $state in
compadd $(_composer_get_command_list)
compadd $(_composer_get_required_list)
compdef _composer composer
compdef _composer composer.phar
# Aliases
alias c='composer'
alias csu='composer self-update'
alias cu='composer update'
alias cr='composer require'
alias ci='composer install'
alias ccp='composer create-project'
alias cdu='composer dump-autoload'
alias cgu='composer global update'
alias cgr='composer global require'
# install composer in the current directory
alias cget='curl -s | php'
# Add Composer's global binaries to PATH
export PATH=$PATH:~/.composer/vendor/bin
function copydir {
pwd | tr -d "\r\n" | pbcopy
\ No newline at end of file
function copyfile {
[[ "$#" != 1 ]] && return 1
local file_to_copy=$1
cat $file_to_copy | pbcopy
#Show progress while file is copying
# Rsync options are:
# -p - preserve permissions
# -o - preserve owner
# -g - preserve group
# -h - output in human-readable format
# --progress - display progress
# -b - instead of just overwriting an existing file, save the original
# --backup-dir=/tmp/rsync - move backup copies to "/tmp/rsync"
# -e /dev/null - only work on local files
# -- - everything after this is an argument, even if it looks like an option
alias cpv="rsync -poghb --backup-dir=/tmp/rsync -e /dev/null --progress --"
#compdef cpanm
# cpanminus Z Shell completion script
# Current supported cpanm version: 1.4000 (Tue Mar 8 01:00:49 PST 2011)
# The latest code is always located at:
local arguments curcontext="$curcontext"
typeset -A opt_args
# Commands
# '(--install -i)'{--install,-i}'[Installs the modules]'
'(- :)--self-upgrade[Upgrades itself]'
'(- :)--info[Displays distribution info on CPAN]'
'(--installdeps)--installdeps[Only install dependencies]'
'(--look)--look[Download/unpack the distribution and then open the directory with your shell]'
'(- :)'{--help,-h}'[Displays help information]'
'(- :)'{--version,-V}'[Displays software version]'
# Options
{--force,-f}'[Force install]'
{--notest,-n}'[Do not run unit tests]'
{--sudo,-S}'[sudo to run install commands]'
'(-v --verbose --quiet -q)'{--verbose,-v}'[Turns on chatty output]'
'(-q --quiet --verbose -v)'{--quiet,-q}'[Turns off all output]'
{--local-lib,-l}'[Specify the install base to install modules]'
{--local-lib-contained,-L}'[Specify the install base to install all non-core modules]'
'--mirror[Specify the base URL for the mirror (e.g.]:URLs:_urls'
'--mirror-only[Use the mirror\''s index file instead of the CPAN Meta DB]'
'--prompt[Prompt when configure/build/test fails]'
'--reinstall[Reinstall the distribution even if you already have the latest version installed]'
'--interactive[Turn on interactive configure]'
'--scandeps[Scan the depencencies of given modules and output the tree in a text format]'
'--format[Specify what format to display the scanned dependency tree]:scandeps format:(tree json yaml dists)'
'--save-dists[Specify the optional directory path to copy downloaded tarballs]'
# '--uninst-shadows[Uninstalls the shadow files of the distribution that you\''re installing]'
'--auto-cleanup[Number of days that cpanm\''s work directories expire in. Defaults to 7]'
'(--no-man-pages)--man-pages[Generates man pages for executables (man1) and libraries (man3)]'
'(--man-pages)--no-man-pages[Do not generate man pages]'
# Note: Normally with "--lwp", "--wget" and "--curl" options set to true (which is the default) cpanm tries LWP,
# Wget, cURL and HTTP::Tiny (in that order) and uses the first one available.
# (So that the exclusions are not enabled here for the completion)
'(--lwp)--lwp[Use LWP module to download stuff]'
'(--wget)--wget[Use GNU Wget (if available) to download stuff]'
'(--curl)--curl[Use cURL (if available) to download stuff]'
# Other completions
'*:Local directory or archive:_files -/ -g "*.(tar.gz|tgz|tar.bz2|zip)(-.)"'
# '*::args: _normal' # this looks for default files (any files)
_arguments -s $arguments \
&& return 0
return 1
# Authors:
# Debian-related zsh aliases and functions for zsh
# Use aptitude if installed, or apt-get if not.
# You can just set apt_pref='apt-get' to override it.
if [[ -e $( which -p aptitude 2>&1 ) ]]; then
# Use sudo by default if it's installed
if [[ -e $( which -p sudo 2>&1 ) ]]; then
# Aliases ###################################################################
# These are for more obscure uses of apt-get and aptitude that aren't covered
# below.
alias age='apt-get'
alias api='aptitude'
# Some self-explanatory aliases
alias acs="apt-cache search"
alias aps='aptitude search'
alias as="aptitude -F \"* %p -> %d \n(%v/%V)\" \
--no-gui --disable-columns search" # search package
# apt-file
alias afs='apt-file search --regexp'
# These are apt-get only
alias asrc='apt-get source'
alias app='apt-cache policy'
# superuser operations ######################################################
if [[ $use_sudo -eq 1 ]]; then
# commands using sudo #######
alias aac='sudo $apt_pref autoclean'
alias abd='sudo $apt_pref build-dep'
alias ac='sudo $apt_pref clean'
alias ad='sudo $apt_pref update'
alias adg='sudo $apt_pref update && sudo $apt_pref $apt_upgr'
alias adu='sudo $apt_pref update && sudo $apt_pref dist-upgrade'
alias afu='sudo apt-file update'
alias ag='sudo $apt_pref $apt_upgr'
alias ai='sudo $apt_pref install'
# Install all packages given on the command line while using only the first word of each line:
# acs ... | ail
alias ail="sed -e 's/ */ /g' -e 's/ *//' | cut -s -d ' ' -f 1 | "' xargs sudo $apt_pref install'
alias ap='sudo $apt_pref purge'
alias ar='sudo $apt_pref remove'
# apt-get only
alias ads='sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade'
# Install all .deb files in the current directory.
# Warning: you will need to put the glob in single quotes if you use:
# glob_subst
alias dia='sudo dpkg -i ./*.deb'
alias di='sudo dpkg -i'
# Remove ALL kernel images and headers EXCEPT the one in use
alias kclean='sudo aptitude remove -P ?and(~i~nlinux-(ima|hea) \
?not(~n`uname -r`))'
# commands using su #########
alias aac='su -ls \'$apt_pref autoclean\' root'
abd() {
cmd="su -lc '$apt_pref build-dep $@' root"
print "$cmd"
eval "$cmd"
alias ac='su -ls \'$apt_pref clean\' root'
alias ad='su -lc \'$apt_pref update\' root'
alias adg='su -lc \'$apt_pref update && aptitude $apt_upgr\' root'
alias adu='su -lc \'$apt_pref update && aptitude dist-upgrade\' root'
alias afu='su -lc "apt-file update"'
alias ag='su -lc \'$apt_pref $apt_upgr\' root'
ai() {
cmd="su -lc 'aptitude -P install $@' root"
print "$cmd"
eval "$cmd"
ap() {
cmd="su -lc '$apt_pref -P purge $@' root"
print "$cmd"
eval "$cmd"
ar() {
cmd="su -lc '$apt_pref -P remove $@' root"
print "$cmd"
eval "$cmd"
# Install all .deb files in the current directory
# Assumes glob_subst is off
alias dia='su -lc "dpkg -i ./*.deb" root'
alias di='su -lc "dpkg -i" root'
# Remove ALL kernel images and headers EXCEPT the one in use
alias kclean='su -lc '\''aptitude remove -P ?and(~i~nlinux-(ima|hea) \
?not(~n`uname -r`))'\'' root'
# Completion ################################################################
# Registers a compdef for $1 that calls $apt_pref with the commands $2
# To do that it creates a new completion function called _apt_pref_$2
apt_pref_compdef() {
local f fb
eval "function ${f}() {
shift words;
words=(\"\$apt_pref\" '$2' \$words);
test \"\${apt_pref}\" = 'aptitude' && _aptitude || _apt
compdef "$f" "$1"
apt_pref_compdef aac "autoclean"
apt_pref_compdef abd "build-dep"
apt_pref_compdef ac "clean"
apt_pref_compdef ad "update"
apt_pref_compdef afu "update"
apt_pref_compdef ag "$apt_upgr"
apt_pref_compdef ai "install"
apt_pref_compdef ail "install"
apt_pref_compdef ap "purge"
apt_pref_compdef ar "remove"
apt_pref_compdef ads "dselect-upgrade"
# Misc. #####################################################################
# print all installed packages
alias allpkgs='aptitude search -F "%p" --disable-columns ~i'
# Create a basic .deb package
alias mydeb='time dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc'
# Functions #################################################################
# create a simple script that can be used to 'duplicate' a system
apt-copy() {
print '#!/bin/sh'"\n" >
cmd='$apt_pref install'
for p in ${(f)"$(aptitude search -F "%p" --disable-columns \~i)"}; {
cmd="${cmd} ${p}"
print $cmd "\n" >>
chmod +x
# Prints apt history
# Usage:
# apt-history install
# apt-history upgrade
# apt-history remove
# apt-history rollback
# apt-history list
# Based On:
apt-history () {
case "$1" in
zgrep --no-filename 'install ' $(ls -rt /var/log/dpkg*)
zgrep --no-filename $1 $(ls -rt /var/log/dpkg*)
zgrep --no-filename upgrade $(ls -rt /var/log/dpkg*) | \
grep "$2" -A10000000 | \
grep "$3" -B10000000 | \
awk '{print $4"="$5}'
zcat $(ls -rt /var/log/dpkg*)
echo "Parameters:"
echo " install - Lists all packages that have been installed."
echo " upgrade - Lists all packages that have been upgraded."
echo " remove - Lists all packages that have been removed."
echo " rollback - Lists rollback information."
echo " list - Lists all contains of dpkg logs."
# Kernel-package building shortcut
kerndeb () {
# temporarily unset MAKEFLAGS ( '-j3' will fail )
MAKEFLAGS=$( print - $MAKEFLAGS | perl -pe 's/-j\s*[\d]+//g' )
print '$MAKEFLAGS set to '"'$MAKEFLAGS'"
appendage='-custom' # this shows up in $ (uname -r )
revision=$(date +"%Y%m%d") # this shows up in the .deb file name
make-kpkg clean
time fakeroot make-kpkg --append-to-version "$appendage" --revision \
"$revision" kernel_image kernel_headers
# List packages by size
function apt-list-packages {
dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Installed-Size} ${Package} ${Status}\n' | \
grep -v deinstall | \
sort -n | \
awk '{print $1" "$2}'
# enables cycling through the directory stack using
# Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right
# left/right direction follows the order in which directories
# were visited, like left/right arrows do in a browser
# NO_PUSHD_MINUS syntax:
# pushd +N: start counting from left of `dirs' output
# pushd -N: start counting from right of `dirs' output
insert-cycledleft () {
emulate -L zsh
setopt nopushdminus
builtin pushd -q +1 &>/dev/null || true
zle reset-prompt
zle -N insert-cycledleft
insert-cycledright () {
emulate -L zsh
setopt nopushdminus
builtin pushd -q -0 &>/dev/null || true
zle reset-prompt
zle -N insert-cycledright
# add key bindings for iTerm2
if [[ "$TERM_PROGRAM" == "" ]]; then
bindkey "^[[1;6D" insert-cycledleft
bindkey "^[[1;6C" insert-cycledright
bindkey "\e[1;6D" insert-cycledleft
bindkey "\e[1;6C" insert-cycledright
\ No newline at end of file
# Navigate directory history using ALT-LEFT and ALT-RIGHT. ALT-LEFT moves back to directories
# that the user has changed to in the past, and ALT-RIGHT undoes ALT-LEFT.
export dirhistory_past
export dirhistory_future
# Pop the last element of dirhistory_past.
# Pass the name of the variable to return the result in.
# Returns the element if the array was not empty,
# otherwise returns empty string.
function pop_past() {
eval "$1='$dirhistory_past[$#dirhistory_past]'"
if [[ $#dirhistory_past -gt 0 ]]; then
function pop_future() {
eval "$1='$dirhistory_future[$#dirhistory_future]'"
if [[ $#dirhistory_future -gt 0 ]]; then
# Push a new element onto the end of dirhistory_past. If the size of the array
# is >= DIRHISTORY_SIZE, the array is shifted
function push_past() {
if [[ $#dirhistory_past -ge $DIRHISTORY_SIZE ]]; then
shift dirhistory_past
if [[ $#dirhistory_past -eq 0 || $dirhistory_past[$#dirhistory_past] != "$1" ]]; then
function push_future() {
if [[ $#dirhistory_future -ge $DIRHISTORY_SIZE ]]; then
shift dirhistory_future
if [[ $#dirhistory_future -eq 0 || $dirhistory_futuret[$#dirhistory_future] != "$1" ]]; then
# Called by zsh when directory changes
function chpwd() {
push_past $PWD
# If DIRHISTORY_CD is not set...
if [[ -z "${DIRHISTORY_CD+x}" ]]; then
# ... clear future.
function dirhistory_cd(){
cd $1
# Move backward in directory history
function dirhistory_back() {
local cw=""
local d=""
# Last element in dirhistory_past is the cwd.
pop_past cw
if [[ "" == "$cw" ]]; then
# Someone overwrote our variable. Recover it.
pop_past d
if [[ "" != "$d" ]]; then
dirhistory_cd $d
push_future $cw
push_past $cw
# Move forward in directory history
function dirhistory_forward() {
local d=""
pop_future d
if [[ "" != "$d" ]]; then
dirhistory_cd $d
push_past $d
# Bind keys to history navigation
function dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_back() {
# Erase current line in buffer
zle kill-buffer
zle accept-line
function dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_future() {
# Erase current line in buffer
zle kill-buffer
zle accept-line
zle -N dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_back
# xterm in normal mode
bindkey "\e[3D" dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_back
bindkey "\e[1;3D" dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_back
# Putty:
bindkey "\e\e[D" dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_back
# GNU screen:
bindkey "\eO3D" dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_back
zle -N dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_future
bindkey "\e[3C" dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_future
bindkey "\e[1;3C" dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_future
bindkey "\e\e[C" dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_future
bindkey "\eO3C" dirhistory_zle_dirhistory_future
# Save dirstack history to .zdirs
# adapted from:
if [[ -f ${dirstack_file} ]] && [[ ${#dirstack[*]} -eq 0 ]] ; then
dirstack=( ${(f)"$(< $dirstack_file)"} )
# "cd -" won't work after login by just setting $OLDPWD, so
[[ -d $dirstack[1] ]] && cd $dirstack[1] && cd $OLDPWD
chpwd() {
if (( $DIRSTACKSIZE <= 0 )) || [[ -z $dirstack_file ]]; then return; fi
local -ax my_stack
my_stack=( ${PWD} ${dirstack} )
builtin print -l ${(u)my_stack} >! ${dirstack_file}
typeset -ga nul_args
'--verbosity=-[verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=all output.]:Verbosity:((0\:minimal 1\:normal 2\:all))'
'--settings=-[the Python path to a settings module.]:file:_files'
'--pythonpath=-[a directory to add to the Python path.]:directory:_directories'
'--traceback[print traceback on exception.]'
"--no-color[Don't colorize the command output.]"
"--version[show program's version number and exit.]"
{-h,--help}'[show this help message and exit.]'
typeset -ga start_args
'--template=-[The path or URL to load the template from.]:directory:_directories'
'--extension=-[The file extension(s) to render (default: "py").]'
'--name=-[The file name(s) to render.]:file:_files'
typeset -ga db_args
'--database=-[Nominates a database. Defaults to the "default" database.]'
typeset -ga noinput_args
'--noinput[tells Django to NOT prompt the user for input of any kind.]'
typeset -ga no_init_data_args
'--no-initial-data[Tells Django not to load any initial data after database synchronization.]'
typeset -ga tag_args
'--tag=-[Run only checks labeled with given tag.]'
'--list-tags[List available tags.]'
_arguments -s : \
$tag_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
'--username=-[Specifies the login for the superuser.]' \
'--email=-[Specifies the email for the superuser.]' \
$noinput_args \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
'--link[Create a symbolic link to each file instead of copying.]' \
'--no-post-process[Do NOT post process collected files.]' \
'--ignore=-[Ignore files or directories matching this glob-style pattern. Use multiple times to ignore more.]' \
'--dry-run[Do everything except modify the filesystem.]' \
'--clear[Clear the existing files using the storage before trying to copy or link the original file.]' \
'--link[Create a symbolic link to each file instead of copying.]' \
'--no-default-ignore[Do not ignore the common private glob-style patterns "CVS", ".*" and "*~".]' \
$noinput_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
"--all[Display all settings, regardless of their value.]"
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
'--format=-[Specifies the output serialization format for fixtures.]:format:(json yaml xml)' \
'--indent=-[Specifies the indent level to use when pretty-printing output.]' \
'--exclude=-[An app_label or app_label.ModelName to exclude (use multiple --exclude to exclude multiple apps/models).]' \
'--natural-foreign[Use natural foreign keys if they are available.]' \
'--natural-primary[Use natural primary keys if they are available.]' \
"--all[Use Django's base manager to dump all models stored in the database.]" \
'--pks=-[Only dump objects with given primary keys.]' \
$db_args \
$nul_args \
'*::appname:_applist' && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
$no_init_data_args \
$db_args \
$noinput_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
'*:command:_managepy_cmds' \
$nul_args && ret=0
local line
local -a cmd
_call_program help-command ./ help \
|& sed -n '/^ /s/[(), ]/ /gp' \
| while read -A line; do cmd=($line $cmd) done
_describe -t managepy-command ' command' cmd
_arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
'--ignorenonexistent[Ignores entries in the serialized data for fields that do not currently exist on the model.]' \
'--app=-[Only look for fixtures in the specified app.]:appname:_applist' \
'*::file:_files' \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
'--locale=-[Creates or updates the message files for the given locale(s) (e.g. pt_BR).]' \
'--domain=-[The domain of the message files (default: "django").]' \
'--all[Updates the message files for all existing locales.]' \
'--extension=-[The file extension(s) to examine (default: "html,txt", or "js" if the domain is "djangojs").]' \
'--symlinks[Follows symlinks to directories when examining source code and templates for translation strings.]' \
'--ignore=-[Ignore files or directories matching this glob-style pattern.]' \
"--no-default-ignore[Don't ignore the common glob-style patterns 'CVS', '.*', '*~' and '*.pyc'.]" \
"--no-wrap[Don't break long message lines into several lines.]" \
"--no-location[Don't write '#: filename:line' lines.]" \
'--no-obsolete[emove obsolete message strings.]' \
'--keep-pot[Keep .pot file after making messages.]' \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
'--dry-run[Just show what migrations would be made]' \
'--merge[Enable fixing of migration conflicts.]' \
'--empty[Create an empty migration.]' \
$noinput_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
'--fake[Mark migrations as run without actually running them]' \
'--list[Show a list of all known migrations and which are applied]' \
$no_init_data_args \
$noinput_args \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
local state
local fcgi_opts
'protocol[fcgi, scgi, ajp, ... (default fcgi)]:protocol:(fcgi scgi ajp)'
'host[hostname to listen on..]:'
'port[port to listen on.]:'
'socket[UNIX socket to listen on.]:file:_files'
'method[prefork or threaded (default prefork)]:method:(prefork threaded)'
'maxrequests[number of requests a child handles before it is killed and a new child is forked (0 = no limit).]:'
'maxspare[max number of spare processes / threads.]:'
'minspare[min number of spare processes / threads.]:'
'maxchildren[hard limit number of processes / threads.]:'
'daemonize[whether to detach from terminal.]:boolean:(False True)'
'pidfile[write the spawned process-id to this file.]:file:_files'
'workdir[change to this directory when daemonizing.]:directory:_files'
'outlog[write stdout to this file.]:file:_files'
'errlog[write stderr to this file.]:file:_files'
_arguments -s : \
$nul_args \
'*: :_values "FCGI Setting" $fcgi_opts' && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
'--ipv6[Tells Django to use an IPv6 address.]' \
'--nothreading[Tells Django to NOT use threading.]' \
'--noreload[Tells Django to NOT use the auto-reloader.]' \
'--nostatic[Tells Django to NOT automatically serve static files at STATIC_URL.]' \
'--insecure[Allows serving static files even if DEBUG is False.]' \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
'--plain[Tells Django to use plain Python, not IPython.]' \
'--no-startup[When using plain Python, ignore the PYTHONSTARTUP environment variable and ~/ script.]' \
'--interface=-[Specify an interactive interpreter interface.]:INTERFACE:((ipython bpython))' \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
'--no-optimize[Do not try to optimize the squashed operations.]' \
$noinput_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
$start_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_arguments -s : \
$start_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_managepy-syncdb() {
_arguments -s : \
$noinput_args \
$no_init_data_args \
$db_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_managepy-test() {
_arguments -s : \
'--failfast[Tells Django to stop running the test suite after first failed test.]' \
'--testrunner=-[Tells Django to use specified test runner class instead of the one specified by the TEST_RUNNER setting.]' \
'--liveserver=-[Overrides the default address where the live server (used with LiveServerTestCase) is expected to run from. The default value is localhost:8081.]' \
'--top-level-directory=-[Top level of project for unittest discovery.]' \
'--pattern=-[The test matching pattern. Defaults to test*.py.]:' \
$noinput_args \
'*::appname:_applist' \
$nul_args && ret=0
_managepy-testserver() {
_arguments -s : \
'--addrport=-[port number or ipaddr:port to run the server on.]' \
'--ipv6[Tells Django to use an IPv6 address.]' \
$noinput_args \
'*::fixture:_files' \
$nul_args && ret=0
_managepy-validate() {
_arguments -s : \
$tag_args \
$nul_args && ret=0
_managepy-commands() {
local -a commands
"changepassword:Change a user's password for django.contrib.auth."
'check:Checks the entire Django project for potential problems.'
'compilemessages:Compiles .po files to .mo files for use with builtin gettext support.'
'createcachetable:Creates the table needed to use the SQL cache backend.'
'createsuperuser:Used to create a superuser.'
'collectstatic:Collect static files in a single location.'
'dbshell:Runs the command-line client for the current DATABASE_ENGINE.'
"diffsettings:Displays differences between the current and Django's default settings."
'dumpdata:Output the contents of the database as a fixture of the given format.'
'flush:Executes ``sqlflush`` on the current database.'
' help.'
'inspectdb:Introspects the database tables in the given database and outputs a Django model module.'
'loaddata:Installs the named fixture(s) in the database.'
'makemessages:Runs over the entire source tree of the current directory and pulls out all strings marked for translation.'
'makemigrations:Creates new migration(s) for apps.'
'migrate:Updates database schema. Manages both apps with migrations and those without.'
'runfcgi:Run this project as a fastcgi (or some other protocol supported by flup) application,'
'runserver:Starts a lightweight Web server for development.'
'shell:Runs a Python interactive interpreter.'
'sql:Prints the CREATE TABLE SQL statements for the given app name(s).'
'sqlall:Prints the CREATE TABLE, custom SQL and CREATE INDEX SQL statements for the given model module name(s).'
'sqlclear:Prints the DROP TABLE SQL statements for the given app name(s).'
'sqlcustom:Prints the custom table modifying SQL statements for the given app name(s).'
'sqldropindexes:Prints the DROP INDEX SQL statements for the given model module name(s).'
'sqlflush:Returns a list of the SQL statements required to return all tables in the database to the state they were in just after they were installed.'
'sqlindexes:Prints the CREATE INDEX SQL statements for the given model module name(s).'
"sqlinitialdata:RENAMED: see 'sqlcustom'"
'sqlsequencereset:Prints the SQL statements for resetting sequences for the given app name(s).'
'squashmigrations:Squashes an existing set of migrations (from first until specified) into a single new one.'
"startapp:Creates a Django app directory structure for the given app name in this project's directory."
"startproject:Creates a Django project directory structure for the given project name in this current directory."
"syncdb:Create the database tables for all apps in INSTALLED_APPS whose tables haven't already been created."
'test:Runs the test suite for the specified applications, or the entire site if no apps are specified.'
'testserver:Runs a development server with data from the given fixture(s).'
'validate:Validates all installed models.'
_describe -t commands ' command' commands && ret=0
_applist() {
local line
local -a apps
_call_program help-command "python -c \"import os.path as op, re, django.conf, sys;\\
.stdout.write(str(re.sub(r'^%s\.(.*?)$' %
bn, r'\1', i)) + '\n') for i in django.conf.settings.\\
INSTALLED_APPS if re.match(r'^%s' % bn, i)]\"" \
| while read -A line; do apps=($line $apps) done
_values 'Application' $apps && ret=0
_managepy() {
local curcontext=$curcontext ret=1
if ((CURRENT == 2)); then
shift words
(( CURRENT -- ))
_call_function ret _managepy-$words[1]
compdef _managepy
compdef _managepy django
compdef _managepy django-admin
compdef _managepy
compdef _managepy django-manage
# Docker-compose plugin for oh my zsh
A copy of the completion script from the [docker-compose](1) git repo.
#compdef docker-compose
# Description
# -----------
# zsh completion for docker-compose
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Version
# -------
# 0.1.0
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Authors
# -------
# * Steve Durrheimer <>
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Inspiration
# -----------
# * @albers docker-compose bash completion script
# * @felixr docker zsh completion script :
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# For compatibility reasons, Compose and therefore its completion supports several
# stack compositon files as listed here, in descending priority.
# Support for these filenames might be dropped in some future version.
__docker-compose_compose_file() {
local file
for file in docker-compose.y{,a}ml fig.y{,a}ml ; do
[ -e $file ] && {
echo $file
echo docker-compose.yml
# Extracts all service names from docker-compose.yml.
___docker-compose_all_services_in_compose_file() {
local already_selected
local -a services
already_selected=$(echo ${words[@]} | tr " " "|")
awk -F: '/^[a-zA-Z0-9]/{print $1}' "${compose_file:-$(__docker-compose_compose_file)}" 2>/dev/null | grep -Ev "$already_selected"
# All services, even those without an existing container
__docker-compose_services_all() {
_alternative "args:services:($services)"
# All services that have an entry with the given key in their docker-compose.yml section
___docker-compose_services_with_key() {
local already_selected
local -a buildable
already_selected=$(echo ${words[@]} | tr " " "|")
# flatten sections to one line, then filter lines containing the key and return section name.
awk '/^[a-zA-Z0-9]/{printf "\n"};{printf $0;next;}' "${compose_file:-$(__docker-compose_compose_file)}" 2>/dev/null | awk -F: -v key=": +$1:" '$0 ~ key {print $1}' 2>/dev/null | grep -Ev "$already_selected"
# All services that are defined by a Dockerfile reference
__docker-compose_services_from_build() {
buildable=$(___docker-compose_services_with_key build)
_alternative "args:buildable services:($buildable)"
# All services that are defined by an image
__docker-compose_services_from_image() {
pullable=$(___docker-compose_services_with_key image)
_alternative "args:pullable services:($pullable)"
__docker-compose_get_services() {
local kind expl
declare -a running stopped lines args services
docker_status=$(docker ps > /dev/null 2>&1)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
_message "Error! Docker is not running."
return 1
[[ $kind = (stopped|all) ]] && args=($args -a)
lines=(${(f)"$(_call_program commands docker ps ${args})"})
services=(${(f)"$(_call_program commands docker-compose 2>/dev/null ${compose_file:+-f $compose_file} ${compose_project:+-p $compose_project} ps -q)"})
# Parse header line to find columns
local i=1 j=1 k header=${lines[1]}
declare -A begin end
while (( $j < ${#header} - 1 )) {
i=$(( $j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 1))
j=$(( $i + ${${header[$i,-1]}[(i) ]} - 1))
k=$(( $j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 2))
# Container ID
local line s name
local -a names
for line in $lines; do
if [[ $services == *"${line[${begin[CONTAINER ID]},${end[CONTAINER ID]}]%% ##}"* ]]; then
names=(${(ps:,:)${${line[${begin[NAMES]},-1]}%% *}})
for name in $names; do
s="${${name%_*}#*_}:${(l:15:: :::)${${line[${begin[CREATED]},${end[CREATED]}]/ ago/}%% ##}}"
s="$s, ${line[${begin[CONTAINER ID]},${end[CONTAINER ID]}]%% ##}"
s="$s, ${${${line[$begin[IMAGE],$end[IMAGE]]}/:/\\:}%% ##}"
if [[ ${line[${begin[STATUS]},${end[STATUS]}]} = Exit* ]]; then
stopped=($stopped $s)
running=($running $s)
[[ $kind = (running|all) ]] && _describe -t services-running "running services" running
[[ $kind = (stopped|all) ]] && _describe -t services-stopped "stopped services" stopped
__docker-compose_stoppedservices() {
__docker-compose_get_services stopped "$@"
__docker-compose_runningservices() {
__docker-compose_get_services running "$@"
__docker-compose_services () {
__docker-compose_get_services all "$@"
__docker-compose_caching_policy() {
oldp=( "$1"(Nmh+1) ) # 1 hour
(( $#oldp ))
__docker-compose_commands () {
local cache_policy
zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy cache_policy
if [[ -z "$cache_policy" ]]; then
zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy __docker-compose_caching_policy
if ( [[ ${+_docker_compose_subcommands} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid docker_compose_subcommands) \
&& ! _retrieve_cache docker_compose_subcommands;
local -a lines
lines=(${(f)"$(_call_program commands docker-compose 2>&1)"})
_docker_compose_subcommands=(${${${lines[$((${lines[(i)Commands:]} + 1)),${lines[(I) *]}]}## #}/ ##/:})
_store_cache docker_compose_subcommands _docker_compose_subcommands
_describe -t docker-compose-commands "docker-compose command" _docker_compose_subcommands
__docker-compose_subcommand () {
local -a _command_args
integer ret=1
case "$words[1]" in
_arguments \
'--no-cache[Do not use cache when building the image]' \
'*:services:__docker-compose_services_from_build' && ret=0
_arguments ':subcommand:__docker-compose_commands' && ret=0
_arguments \
'-s[SIGNAL to send to the container. Default signal is SIGKILL.]:signal:_signals' \
'*:running services:__docker-compose_runningservices' && ret=0
_arguments \
'--no-color[Produce monochrome output.]' \
'*:services:__docker-compose_services_all' && ret=0
_arguments \
'(-):Recreate containers to add labels' && ret=0
_arguments \
'--protocol=-[tcp or udap (defaults to tcp)]:protocol:(tcp udp)' \
'--index=-[index of the container if there are mutiple instances of a service (defaults to 1)]:index: ' \
'1:running services:__docker-compose_runningservices' \
'2:port:_ports' && ret=0
_arguments \
'-q[Only display IDs]' \
'*:services:__docker-compose_services_all' && ret=0
_arguments \
'--allow-insecure-ssl[Allow insecure connections to the docker registry]' \
'*:services:__docker-compose_services_from_image' && ret=0
_arguments \
'(-f --force)'{-f,--force}"[Don't ask to confirm removal]" \
'-v[Remove volumes associated with containers]' \
'*:stopped services:__docker-compose_stoppedservices' && ret=0
_arguments \
'--allow-insecure-ssl[Allow insecure connections to the docker registry]' \
'-d[Detached mode: Run container in the background, print new container name.]' \
'--entrypoint[Overwrite the entrypoint of the image.]:entry point: ' \
'*-e[KEY=VAL Set an environment variable (can be used multiple times)]:environment variable KEY=VAL: ' \
'(-u --user)'{-u,--user=-}'[Run as specified username or uid]:username or uid:_users' \
"--no-deps[Don't start linked services.]" \
'--rm[Remove container after run. Ignored in detached mode.]' \
"--service-ports[Run command with the service's ports enabled and mapped to the host.]" \
'-T[Disable pseudo-tty allocation. By default `docker-compose run` allocates a TTY.]' \
'(-):services:__docker-compose_services' \
'(-):command: _command_names -e' \
'*::arguments: _normal' && ret=0
_arguments '*:running services:__docker-compose_runningservices' && ret=0
_arguments '*:stopped services:__docker-compose_stoppedservices' && ret=0
_arguments \
'(-t --timeout)'{-t,--timeout}"[Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds. (default: 10)]:seconds: " \
'*:running services:__docker-compose_runningservices' && ret=0
_arguments \
'--allow-insecure-ssl[Allow insecure connections to the docker registry]' \
'-d[Detached mode: Run containers in the background, print new container names.]' \
'--no-color[Produce monochrome output.]' \
"--no-deps[Don't start linked services.]" \
"--no-recreate[If containers already exist, don't recreate them.]" \
"--no-build[Don't build an image, even if it's missing]" \
'(-t --timeout)'{-t,--timeout}"[Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds. (default: 10)]:seconds: " \
"--x-smart-recreate[Only recreate containers whose configuration or image needs to be updated. (EXPERIMENTAL)]" \
'*:services:__docker-compose_services_all' && ret=0
_arguments \
"--short[Shows only Compose's version number.]" && ret=0
_message 'Unknown sub command'
return ret
_docker-compose () {
# Support for subservices, which allows for `compdef _docker docker-shell=_docker_containers`.
# Based on /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Unix/_git without support for `ret`.
if [[ $service != docker-compose ]]; then
_call_function - _$service
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line ret=1
typeset -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
'(- :)'{-h,--help}'[Get help]' \
'--verbose[Show more output]' \
'(- :)'{-v,--version}'[Print version and exit]' \
'(-f --file)'{-f,--file}'[Specify an alternate docker-compose file (default: docker-compose.yml)]:file:_files -g "*.yml"' \
'(-p --project-name)'{-p,--project-name}'[Specify an alternate project name (default: directory name)]:project name:' \
'(-): :->command' \
'(-)*:: :->option-or-argument' && ret=0
local counter=1
#local compose_file compose_project
while [ $counter -lt ${#words[@]} ]; do
case "${words[$counter]}" in
(( counter++ ))
(( counter++ ))
(( counter++ ))
case $state in
__docker-compose_commands && ret=0
__docker-compose_subcommand && ret=0
return ret
_docker-compose "$@"
## Docker autocomplete plugin
- Adds autocomplete options for all docker commands.
- Will also show containerIDs and Image names where applicable
####Shows help for all commands
![General Help]( "Help for all commands")
####Shows your downloaded images where applicable
![Images]( "Images")
####Shows your running containers where applicable
![Containers]( "Containers")
Maintainer : Ahmed Azaan ([@aeonazaan](
#compdef docker
# Docker autocompletion for oh-my-zsh
# Requires: Docker installed
# Author: Azaan (@aeonazaan)
# Updates: Bob Maerten (@bobmaerten) for Docker v0.9+
# Paul van den Berg (@bergvandenp) for Docker v1.3+
# ----- Helper functions
# Output a selectable list of all running docker containers
__docker_containers() {
declare -a cont_cmd
cont_cmd=($(docker ps | awk 'NR>1{print $NF":[CON("$1")"$2"("$3")]"}'))
if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]]
_describe 'containers' cont_cmd
# Output a selectable list of all containers, even not running
__docker_all_containers() {
declare -a cont_cmd
cont_cmd=($(docker ps -a | awk 'NR>1{print $NF":[CON("$1")"$2"("$3")]"}'))
if [[ 'X$cont_cmd' != 'X' ]]
_describe 'containers' cont_cmd
# output a selectable list of all docker images
__docker_images() {
declare -a img_cmd
img_cmd=($(docker images | awk 'NR>1{print $1}'))
_describe 'images' img_cmd
# ----- Commands
# Seperate function for each command, makes extension easier later
# ---------------------------
__attach() {
_arguments \
'--no-stdin[Do not attach STDIN]' \
'--sig-proxy[Proxify all received signal to the process (even in non-tty mode)]'
__build() {
_arguments \
'--no-cache[Do not use cache when building the image]' \
'(-q,--quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[Suppress the verbose output generated by the containers]' \
'--rm[Remove intermediate containers after a successful build]' \
'(-t,--tag=)'{-t,--tag=}'[Repository name (and optionally a tag) to be applied to the resulting image in case of success]' \
__commit() {
_arguments \
'(-a,--author=)'{-a,--author=}'[Author (e.g. "John Hannibal Smith <>")]' \
'(-c,--change=)'{-c,--change=}'[Apply Dockerfile instruction to the created image]' \
'(-m,--message=)'{-m,--message=}'[Commit message]' \
'(-p,--pause=)'{-p,--pause=}'[Pause container during commit]' \
__cp() {
__create() {
_arguments \
'(-P,--publish-all=)'{-P,--publish-all=}'[Publish all exposed ports to the host interfaces]' \
'(-a,--attach=)'{-a,--attach=}'[Attach to STDIN, STDOUT or STDERR]' \
'--add-host=[Add a custom host-to-IP mapping]' \
'--cap-add=[Add Linux capabilities]' \
'--cap-drop=[Drop Linux capabilities]' \
'--cpuset-cpus=[CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)]' \
'(-c,--cpu-shares=)'{-c,--cpu-shares=}'[CPU shares (relative weight)]' \
'--cidfile=[Write the container ID to the file]' \
'--device=[Add a host device to the container]' \
'--dns=[Set custom dns servers]' \
'--dns-search=[Set custom DNS search domains]' \
'(-e,--env=)'{-e,--env=}'[Set environment variables]' \
'--env-file=[Read in a file of environment variables]' \
'--entrypoint=[Overwrite the default entrypoint of the image]' \
'--expose=[Expose a port from the container without publishing it to your host]' \
'(-h,--hostname=)'{-h,--hostname=}'[Container host name]' \
'(-i,--interactive=)'{-i,--interactive=}'[Keep STDIN open even if not attached]' \
'--ipc=[IPC namespace to use]' \
'(-l,--label=)'{-l,--label=}'[Set meta data on a container]' \
'--link=[Add link to another container (name:alias)]' \
'--log-driver=[Logging driver for the container]' \
'--lxc-conf=[Add custom LXC options]' \
'--mac-address=[Container MAC address (e.g. 92:d0:c6:0a:29:33)]' \
'(-m,--memory=)'{-m,--memory=}'[Memory limit (format: <number><optional unit>, where unit = b, k, m or g)]' \
'--net=[Set the Network mode for the container]' \
'--name=[Assign a name to the container]' \
'--pid=[PID namespace to use]' \
'(-p,--publish=)'{-p,--publish=}'[Publish a container''s port to the host (format: ip:hostPort:containerPort/protocol)]' \
'--privileged=[Give extended privileges to this container]' \
'--restart=[Restart policy to apply when a container exits]' \
'--security-opt=[Security Options]' \
'--sig-proxy=[Proxify all received signal to the process (even in non-tty mode)]' \
'(-t,--tty=)'{-t,--tty=}'[Allocate a pseudo-tty]' \
'(-u,--user=)'{-u,--user=}'[Username or UID]' \
'--ulimit=[Ulimit options]' \
'(-v,--volume=)'{-v,--volume=}'[Bind mount a volume (e.g. -v /host:/container or -v /container)]' \
'--volumes-from=[Mount volumes from the specified container(s)]' \
'(-w,--workdir=)'{-w,--workdir=}'[Working directory inside the container]'
__diff() {
__events() {
_arguments \
'--since=[Show previously created events and then stream.]'
__export() {
__history() {
_arguments \
'--no-trunc=[Don''t truncate output]' \
'(-q,--quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[Only show numeric IDs]'
__images() {
_arguments \
'(-a,--all)'{-a,--all}'[Show all images (by default filter out the intermediate images used to build)]' \
'--no-trunc[Don''t truncate output]' \
'(-q,--quiet=)'{-q,--quiet=}'[Only show numeric IDs]' \
'(-t,--tree=)'{-t,--tree=}'[Output graph in tree format]' \
'(-v,--viz=)'{-v,--viz=}'[Output graph in graphviz format]'
__import() {
_arguments '*:files:_files'
__info() {
# no arguments
__inspect() {
__kill() {
_arguments \
'(-s,--signal=)'{-s,--signal=}'[KILL Signal]'
__load() {
_arguments '*:files:_files'
__login() {
_arguments \
'(-e,--email=)'{-e,-email=}'[Email]' \
'(-p,--password=)'{-p,-password=}'[Password]' \
__logs() {
_arguments \
'(-f,--follow)'{-f,-follow}'[Follow log output]'
__port() {
__top() {
__ps() {
_arguments \
'(-a,--all)'{-a,--all}'[Show all containers. Only running containers are shown by default.]' \
'--before-id=[Show only container created before Id, include non-running ones.]' \
'(-l,--latest)'{-l,--latest}'[Show only the latest created container, include non-running ones.]' \
'-n=[Show n last created containers, include non-running ones. default=-1.]' \
'--no-trunc[Don''t truncate output]' \
'(-q,--quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[Only display numeric IDs]' \
'(-s,--size)'{-s,--size}'[Display sizes]' \
'--since-id=[Show only containers created since Id, include non-running ones.]'
__pull() {
_arguments \
'(-t,--tag=)'{-t,--tag=}'[Download tagged image in repository]'
__push() {
# no arguments
__restart() {
_arguments \
'(-t,--time=)'{-t,--time=}'[Number of seconds to try to stop for before killing the container. Once killed it will then be restarted. Default=10]'
__rm() {
_arguments \
'(-f,--force=)'{-f,--force=}'[Force removal of running container]' \
'(-l,--link=)'{-l,--link=}'[Remove the specified link and not the underlying container]' \
'(-v,--volumes=)'{-v,--volumes=}'[Remove the volumes associated to the container]'
__rmi() {
_arguments \
__run() {
_arguments \
'(-P,--publish-all=)'{-P,--publish-all=}'[Publish all exposed ports to the host interfaces]' \
'(-a,--attach=)'{-a,--attach=}'[Attach to STDIN, STDOUT or STDERR]' \
'--add-host=[Add a custom host-to-IP mapping]' \
'--cap-add=[Add Linux capabilities]' \
'--cap-drop=[Drop Linux capabilities]' \
'--cpuset-cpus=[CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)]' \
'(-c,--cpu-shares=)'{-c,--cpu-shares=}'[CPU shares (relative weight)]' \
'--cidfile=[Write the container ID to the file]' \
'(-d,--detach=)'{-d,--detach=}'[Run container in the background, print new container id]' \
'--device=[Add a host device to the container]' \
'--dns=[Set custom dns servers]' \
'--dns-search=[Set custom DNS search domains]' \
'(-e,--env=)'{-e,--env=}'[Set environment variables]' \
'--env-file=[Read in a file of environment variables]' \
'--entrypoint=[Overwrite the default entrypoint of the image]' \
'--expose=[Expose a port from the container without publishing it to your host]' \
'(-h,--hostname=)'{-h,--hostname=}'[Container host name]' \
'(-i,--interactive=)'{-i,--interactive=}'[Keep STDIN open even if not attached]' \
'--ipc=[IPC namespace to use]' \
'(-l,--label=)'{-l,--label=}'[Set meta data on a container]' \
'--link=[Add link to another container (name:alias)]' \
'--log-driver=[Logging driver for the container]' \
'--lxc-conf=[Add custom LXC options]' \
'--mac-address=[Container MAC address (e.g. 92:d0:c6:0a:29:33)]' \
'(-m,--memory=)'{-m,--memory=}'[Memory limit (format: <number><optional unit>, where unit = b, k, m or g)]' \
'--net=[Set the Network mode for the container]' \
'--name=[Assign a name to the container]' \
'--pid=[PID namespace to use]' \
'(-p,--publish=)'{-p,--publish=}'[Publish a container''s port to the host (format: ip:hostPort:containerPort/protocol)]' \
'--privileged=[Give extended privileges to this container]' \
'--restart=[Restart policy to apply when a container exits]' \
'--rm=[Automatically remove the container when it exits (incompatible with -d)]' \
'--security-opt=[Security Options]' \
'--sig-proxy=[Proxify all received signal to the process (even in non-tty mode)]' \
'(-t,--tty=)'{-t,--tty=}'[Allocate a pseudo-tty]' \
'(-u,--user=)'{-u,--user=}'[Username or UID]' \
'--ulimit=[Ulimit options]' \
'(-v,--volume=)'{-v,--volume=}'[Bind mount a volume (e.g. -v /host:/container or -v /container)]' \
'--volumes-from=[Mount volumes from the specified container(s)]' \
'(-w,--workdir=)'{-w,--workdir=}'[Working directory inside the container]'
__search() {
_arguments \
'--no-trunc=[Don''t truncate output]' \
'-s,--stars=)'{-s,--stars=}'[Only displays with at least xxx stars]' \
'-t,--trusted=)'{-t,--trusted=}'[Only show trusted builds]'
__save() {
__start() {
_arguments \
'(-a,--attach=)'{-a,--attach=}'[Attach container''s STDOUT/STDERR and forward all signals to the process]' \
'(-i,--interactive=)'{-i,--interactive=}'[Attach container''s STDIN]'
__stats() {
__stop() {
_arguments \
'(-t,--time=)'{-t,--time=}'[Number of seconds to wait for the container to stop before killing it.]'
__tag() {
_arguments \
__version() {
# no arguments
__wait() {
__exec() {
_arguments \
'(-d,--detach=)'{-d,--detach=}'[Detached mode: run command in the background]' \
'(-i,--interactive=)'{-i,--interactive=}'[Keep STDIN open even if not attached]' \
'(-t,--tty=)'{-t,--tty=}'[Allocate a pseudo-TTY]'
# end commands ---------
# ----------------------
local -a _1st_arguments
"attach":"Attach to a running container"
"build":"Build a container from a Dockerfile"
"commit":"Create a new image from a container's changes"
"cp":"Copy files/folders from the containers filesystem to the host path"
"create":"Create new container without running it"
"diff":"Inspect changes on a container's filesystem"
"events":"Get real time events from the server"
"export":"Stream the contents of a container as a tar archive"
"history":"Show the history of an image"
"images":"List images"
"import":"Create a new filesystem image from the contents of a tarball"
"info":"Display system-wide information"
"inspect":"Return low-level information on a container"
"kill":"Kill a running container"
"load":"Load an image from a tar archive"
"login":"Register or Login to the docker registry server"
"logs":"Fetch the logs of a container"
"port":"Lookup the public-facing port which is NAT-ed to PRIVATE_PORT"
"ps":"List containers"
"pull":"Pull an image or a repository from the docker registry server"
"push":"Push an image or a repository to the docker registry server"
"restart":"Restart a running container"
"rm":"Remove one or more containers"
"rmi":"Remove one or more images"
"run":"Run a command in a new container"
"save":"Save an image to a tar archive"
"search":"Search for an image in the docker index"
"start":"Start a stopped container"
"stats":"Display a live stream of one or more containers' resource usage statistics"
"stop":"Stop a running container"
"tag":"Tag an image into a repository"
"top":"Lookup the running processes of a container"
"version":"Show the docker version information"
"wait":"Block until a container stops, then print its exit code"
"exec":"Run a task inside a running container"
_arguments '*:: :->command'
if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
_describe -t commands "docker command" _1st_arguments
local -a _command_args
case "$words[1]" in
__attach ;;
__build ;;
__commit ;;
__cp ;;
__create ;;
__diff ;;
__events ;;
__export ;;
__history ;;
__images ;;
__import ;;
__info ;;
__inspect ;;
__kill ;;
__load ;;
__login ;;
__logs ;;
__port ;;
__ps ;;
__pull ;;
__push ;;
__restart ;;
__rm ;;
__rmi ;;
__run ;;
__save ;;
__search ;;
__stats ;;
__start ;;
__stop ;;
__tag ;;
__top ;;
__version ;;
__wait ;;
__exec ;;
# Emacs 23 daemon capability is a killing feature.
# One emacs process handles all your frames whether
# you use a frame opened in a terminal via a ssh connection or X frames
# opened on the same host.
# Benefits are multiple
# - You don't have the cost of starting Emacs all the time anymore
# - Opening a file is as fast as Emacs does not have anything else to do.
# - You can share opened buffered across opened frames.
# - Configuration changes made at runtime are applied to all frames.
if "$ZSH/tools/" emacs 23 2>/dev/null ; then
export EMACS_PLUGIN_LAUNCHER="$ZSH/plugins/emacs/"
# set EDITOR if not already defined.
alias emacs="$EMACS_PLUGIN_LAUNCHER --no-wait"
alias e=emacs
# same than M-x eval but from outside Emacs.
alias eeval="$EMACS_PLUGIN_LAUNCHER --eval"
# create a new X frame
alias eframe='emacsclient --alternate-editor "" --create-frame'
# to code all night long
alias emasc=emacs
alias emcas=emacs
# Write to standard output the path to the file
# opened in the current buffer.
function efile {
local cmd="(buffer-file-name (window-buffer))"
"$EMACS_PLUGIN_LAUNCHER" --eval "$cmd" | tr -d \"
# Write to standard output the directory of the file
# opened in the the current buffer
function ecd {
local cmd="(let ((buf-name (buffer-file-name (window-buffer))))
(if buf-name (file-name-directory buf-name)))"
local dir="$($EMACS_PLUGIN_LAUNCHER --eval $cmd | tr -d \")"
if [ -n "$dir" ] ;then
echo "$dir"
echo "can not deduce current buffer filename." >/dev/stderr
return 1
## Local Variables:
## mode: sh
## End:
# get list of available X windows.
x=`emacsclient --alternate-editor '' --eval '(x-display-list)' 2>/dev/null`
if [ -z "$x" ] || [ "$x" = "nil" ] ;then
# Create one if there is no X window yet.
emacsclient --alternate-editor "" --create-frame "$@"
# prevent creating another X frame if there is at least one present.
emacsclient --alternate-editor "" "$@"
# Ember-cli
**Maintainer:** [BilalBudhani](
Ember-cli (
### List of Aliases
alias es='ember serve'
alias ea='ember addon'
alias eb='ember build'
alias ed='ember destroy'
alias eg='ember generate'
alias eh='ember help'
alias ein='ember init'
alias eia='ember install:addon'
alias eib='ember install:bower'
alias ein='ember install:npm'
alias ei='ember install'
alias et='ember test'
alias eu='ember update'
alias ev='ember version'