#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2010-2014, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Author: Nigel Kukard <nkukard@lbsd.net>

# - USE incremental backups!!!! fucking awesome
# - Read in defaultSystemExcl extras from /proc/mounts
# - proc, nfs, nfs4, fusectl fuse.glusterfs, sysfs, tmpfs, devtmpfs, devpts

use strict;
use Compress::Zlib;
use Config::IniFiles;
use Cwd;
use Fcntl qw (:mode);
use File::Find;
use File::Path qw( rmtree mkpath );
use File::Spec;
use Getopt::Long;
use POSIX qw (strftime lchown);
use Data::Dumper;
use MIME::Base64;

my $VERSION = "0.0.21";
# System dirs we don't care about
my @defaultSystemExcl = ("/dev","/run","/proc","/sys","/tmp","/var/tmp","/misc","/media","/mnt");
# These should be backed up separately
my @defaultDataExcl = (
		# We cannot backup the DB reliably by just copying files

		# Exclude amavis working files

		# Exclude postfix queues
		# Exclude squid cache

		# Yum cache
		# Apt cache

		# cPanel

# Backup constants
use constant {
	LOG_DEBUG => 5,
	LOG_INFO => 4,

use constant {
	ST_DIR_NEW	=> 2,
	ST_DIR_SYS	=> 4,
	ST_FILE_NEW	=> 32,

# Main config
my %config = (
		'log-level' => LOG_NOTICE,
		'tar' => 'tar',
		'exclude-system' => 0,
		'backup-upgrade' => 0,
# Choose default compression method
if (-x "/bin/xz" || -x "/usr/bin/xz") {
	$config{'compress'} = "xz";
} else {
	$config{'compress'} = "bzip2";

print(STDERR "DBackup v$VERSION, Copyright (c) 2010-2014, AllWorldIT\n\n");

# Grab options
my %optctl = ();








# Check for help
if (defined($optctl{'help'})) {
	exit 0;

# Check for invalid combination
if (defined($optctl{'backup'}) && defined($optctl{'restore'})) {
	print(STDERR "ERROR: Cannot backup AND restore at the same time\n\n");
	exit 1;

# Check config file exists
if (!defined($optctl{'config'})) {
	$optctl{'config'} = "/etc/dbackupc.conf";

if (! -f $optctl{'config'}) {
	print(STDERR "ERROR: Configuration file '".$optctl{'config'}."' NOT found!\n");
	exit 1;

# Make sure we only have 2 additional args
if (@ARGV > 2 || @ARGV < 2) {
		print(STDERR "ERROR: Invalid number of arguments\n\n");
		exit 1;

# Check both dirs exist...
if (! -d $ARGV[0]) {
	print(STDERR "ERROR: Source directory '".$ARGV[0]."' does not exist!\n\n");
	exit 1;
if (! -d $ARGV[1]) {
	print(STDERR "ERROR: Destination directory '".$ARGV[1]."' does not exist!\n\n");
	exit 1;

# Use config file, ignore case
tie my %inifile, 'Config::IniFiles', (
		-file => $optctl{'config'},
		-nocase => 1
) or die "Failed to open config file '".$optctl{'config'}."': ".join("\n",@Config::IniFiles::errors);

# Check if we actually have something...
if (defined($inifile{'backup'})) {
	# Loop with config items
	foreach my $item (keys %{$inifile{'backup'}}) {
		$config{$item} = $inifile{'backup'}{$item};

# Process config
if (!defined($config{'system-base'})) {
	# Quick hack to see if we have a cmdline option
	if (!defined($optctl{'system-base'})) {
		$config{'system-base'} = ["/"];
	} else {
		$config{'system-base'} = [];
} else {
	$config{'system-base'} = toArray($config{'system-base'});

if (!defined($config{'system-dir'})) {
	$config{'system-dir'} = [];
} else {
	$config{'system-dir'} = toArray($config{'system-dir'});

if (!defined($config{'tar-ignore-failed-read'})) {
	$config{'tar-ignore-failed-read'} = [];
} else {
	$config{'tar-ignore-failed-read'} = toArray($config{'tar-ignore-failed-read'});

if (!defined($config{'data-dir'})) {
	$config{'data-dir'} = [];
} else {
	$config{'data-dir'} = toArray($config{'data-dir'});

if (!defined($config{'exclude-file'})) {
	$config{'exclude-file'} = [];
} else {
	$config{'exclude-file'} = toArray($config{'exclude-file'});

if (!defined($config{'exclude-path'})) {
	$config{'exclude-path'} = [];
} else {
	$config{'exclude-path'} = toArray($config{'exclude-path'});

if (!defined($config{'exclude-fs-type'})) {
	$config{'exclude-fs-type'} = [];
} else {
	$config{'exclude-fs-type'} = toArray($config{'exclude-fs-type'});

# Check commandline options

if (defined($optctl{'backup-upgrade'})) {
	$config{'backup-upgrade'} = 1;

if (defined($optctl{'compress'})) {
	# Why use --compress with --restore?
	if (defined($optctl{'restore'})) {
		print(STDERR "WARNING: The use of --compress with --restore does not make sense\n");

	# Make sure its valid
	if (
				$optctl{'compress'} ne "xz" &&
				$optctl{'compress'} ne "bzip2" &&
				$optctl{'compress'} ne "gzip" &&
				$optctl{'compress'} ne "none"
	) {
		print(STDERR "ERROR: Compression is invalid, valid values are: xz bzip2 gzip none\n\n");
		exit 1;
	$config{'compress'} = $optctl{'compress'};

if (defined($optctl{'tar'})) {
	# Check if tar is executable
	if ( -x $optctl{'tar'}) {
		$config{'tar'} = $optctl{'tar'};
	} else {
		print(STDERR "ERROR: tar '".$optctl{'tar'}."' does not exist or is not executable\n");
my $tarVer = getTarVer($config{'tar'});

if (defined($optctl{'log-level'})) {
	$config{'log-level'} = $optctl{'log-level'};

if (defined($optctl{'manifest-format'})) {
	if (
				$optctl{'manifest-format'} ne "null" &&
				$optctl{'manifest-format'} ne "newline"
	) {
		print(STDERR "ERROR: Manifest format is invalid, valid values are: null newline\n\n");
		exit 1;
	$config{'manifest-format'} = $optctl{'manifest-format'};

if (defined($optctl{'exclude-system'})) {
	$config{'exclude-system'} = 1;

if (defined($optctl{'system-base'})) {

if (defined($optctl{'system-dir'})) {

if (defined($optctl{'tar-ignore-failed-read'})) {

if (defined($optctl{'data-dir'})) {

if (defined($optctl{'exclude-file'})) {

if (defined($optctl{'exclude-path'})) {

if (defined($optctl{'exclude-fs-type'})) {

if (@{$config{'exclude-fs-type'}} > 0) {
	# Pull in mounts
	open(MOUNTS, "< /proc/mounts")
			or die "ERROR: Failed to open '/proc/mounts': $!";
	while (my $line = <MOUNTS>) {
		# Split off items we need
		my (undef,$path,$type) = split(/\s+/,$line);
		# Loop with types and check
		foreach my $item (@{$config{'exclude-fs-type'}}) {
			if ($item eq $type) {

# Sanitize the source and dest
my $sourceDir = File::Spec->rel2abs($ARGV[0]);
my $destDir = File::Spec->rel2abs($ARGV[1]);

# Backup function
sub backup
	our ($source,$dest) = @_;

	# State infor for current dir
	our %doBackup;
	our %srcFileList;
	our %srcDirList;
	# Original .state file read in during backup
	our %origFileList;
	our %origDirList;
	our %origPathAttribs;
	# New attributes
	our %newPathAttribs;

	# Preprocess dir
	sub backup_preprocess {
		my @list = @_;

		# Strip first part of the path
		(my $path = $File::Find::dir) =~ s#^$source/?##;

		# Check if this dir should be backed up or not....
		if ( -f "$source/$path/.nodbackup" ) {
			printLog(LOG_INFO,"S: Path '[$source]/($path)' EXCLUDED from backup with .nodbackup\n");
			return ();
		# Exclude trash folders
		if ( "$source/$path" =~ /(\.Trash-[0-9]{4})$/) {
			printLog(LOG_INFO,"S: Path '[$source]/($path)' EXCLUDED from backup, Linux trash folder\n");
			return ();

		# Make sure even if we processing empty dirs that we actually record it
		if (!defined($srcFileList{$path})) {
			# Just set to empty hash ref
			$srcFileList{$path} = {};

		# Exclude system directories
		if ($config{'exclude-system'}) {
			# Loop through system dirs
			foreach my $sysdir (@{$config{'system-base'}}) {
				# Loop with system paths
				foreach my $excl (@defaultSystemExcl,@{$config{'system-dir'}}) {
					# Sanitize path
					my $testPath = File::Spec->rel2abs("$sysdir/$excl");
					# Check...
					if ("/$path" eq $testPath) {
						printLog(LOG_INFO,"S: Path '[$source]/($path)' is a system directory, ignoring files\n");
						$doBackup{$path} |= ST_DIR_SYS;
						return ();
				# Check if we excluding data dirs
				if (defined($config{'exclude-data'})) {
					# Loop with data dirs
					foreach my $excl (@defaultDataExcl,@{$config{'data-dir'}}) {
						# Sanitize path
						my $testPath = File::Spec->rel2abs("$sysdir/$excl");
						# Check...
						if ("/$path" eq $testPath) {
							printLog(LOG_INFO,"S: Path '[$source]/($path)' is a data directory, ignoring files\n");
							$doBackup{$path} |= ST_DIR_SYS;
							return ();
		# Exclude paths
		foreach my $item (@{$config{'exclude-path'}}) {
			# Check...
			if ("/$path" =~ $item) {
				printLog(LOG_INFO,"S: Path '[$source]/($path)' is an excluded path, ignoring files\n");
				$doBackup{$path} |= ST_DIR_SYS;
				return ();

		# Check if this dir exists on the backup, if not we need to back it up obviously...
		if ( ! -d "$dest/$path") {
			$doBackup{$path} |= ST_DIR_NEW;
		# This can probably only be because a backup was continued
		} elsif ( ! -f "$dest/$path/.dbackup-state" ) {
			# First backup will never have the main dir .dbackup-state file existing
			if ($path ne "") {
				printLog(LOG_WARNING,"State file '[$dest]/($path)/.dbackup-state' does not exist\n");
			$doBackup{$path} |= ST_DIR_NEW;

		# Cannot read in for new dirs can we...
		if (($doBackup{$path} & ST_DIR_NEW) != ST_DIR_NEW) {
			# Load state file

			# Check we have at least the version attribute
			if (!defined($origPathAttribs{$path}) || !defined($origPathAttribs{$path}->{'dbackup.version'})) {
				printLog(LOG_ERROR,"No dbackup version information found in '[$dest]/($path)/.dbackup-state', IGNORING\n");

			# NK:
			# Sanity check, some versions created empty'ish .dbackup-state files with no sequence  < 2012-01-21
			# If we have a manifest, we should have a backup, therefore a format and sequence
			} elsif (
					-f "$dest/$path/dbackup0.manifest" && (
						!defined($origPathAttribs{$path}->{'format'}) ||
			) {
				printLog(LOG_ERROR,"No dbackup format/sequence information found in ".
						"'[$dest]/($path)/.dbackup-state', IGNORING\n");

			# Check if we going to upgrade...
			} else {
				# Are we doing backup upgrades?
				if ($config{'backup-upgrade'}) {
					# Pull in versions
					my $a = getNumericVer($origPathAttribs{$path}->{'dbackup.version'});
					my $b = getNumericVer($VERSION);
					# Compare
					if (
							$a < 16		# Things before 0.0.16 may have .dbackup-state issues and missing
										# required info.
					) {
						# Check if end in .x
						if ($VERSION =~ /\.x$/) {
							printLog(LOG_WARNING,"S: Path '[$source]/($path)' ".
									"cannot be upgraded, dbackup is TRUNK version\n");
						} else {
							printLog(LOG_INFO,"S: Path '[$source]/($path)' will be backed up, upgrading\n");
							# Force state file update if dir is empty
							$doBackup{$path} |= ST_DIR_CHANGED;

		# Apply filter...
		if ((@{$config{'exclude-file'}}) > 0) {
			my @newList;
			foreach my $item (@list) {
				my $match = 0;
				# Apply only to files
				if ( -f "$source/$path/$item") {
					# Loop with exclude filters
					foreach my $filter (@{$config{'exclude-file'}}) {
						# Check for match
						if ($item =~ $filter) {
							printLog(LOG_INFO,"S: Path '[$source]/($path)/$item' matches file exclude filter, ignoring\n");
							# XXX: NK - If this ws backed up before and now not, dir has changed?
							$match = 1;
				# If not matched, add to new list
				if (!$match) {
			# Replace the list now
			@list = @newList;

		return @list;

	# Process files
	sub backup_process {
		my $name = $File::Find::name;
		# Strip first part of the path
		(my $path = $File::Find::dir) =~ s#^$source/?##;

		# Store current filename
		my $item = $_;

		# We use lstat so we don't follow symlinks that don't exist
		my @stat = lstat($name);
		# Split it up
		my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,
				$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = @stat;

		# Process directory
		if (S_ISDIR($mode)) {
			# Skip over main dir
			if ($item eq ".") {

			# Make sure sub dirs have a santized name
			my $ppath = ($path ne "") ? "$path/$item" : $item;

			# Set default flags to nothing...
			$doBackup{$ppath} = 0;

			# Ok, lets see whats going on with the dir
			if (!defined($origDirList{$path}->{$item})) {
				printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"S: Directory '[$source]/($path)/$item' is new\n");
				$doBackup{$path} |= ST_DIR_CHANGED;

			# Check if mtime matches
			} elsif (
					!defined($origDirList{$path}->{$item}->{'mtime'}) ||
					$origDirList{$path}->{$item}->{'mtime'} ne $mtime
			) {
				printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"S: Directory '[$source]/($path)/$item' was modified\n");
				$doBackup{$path} |= ST_DIR_CHANGED;
			# Check if uid matches
			} elsif (
					!defined($origDirList{$path}->{$item}->{'uid'}) ||
					$origDirList{$path}->{$item}->{'uid'} ne $uid
			) {
				printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"S: Directory '[$source]/($path)/$item' UID was changed\n");
				$doBackup{$path} |= ST_DIR_CHANGED;
			# Check if gid matches
			} elsif (
					!defined($origDirList{$path}->{$item}->{'gid'}) ||
					$origDirList{$path}->{$item}->{'gid'} ne $gid
			) {
				printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"S: Directory '[$source]/($path)/$item' GID was changed\n");
				$doBackup{$path} |= ST_DIR_CHANGED;
			# Check if mode matches
			} elsif (
					!defined($origDirList{$path}->{$item}->{'mode'}) ||
					$origDirList{$path}->{$item}->{'mode'} ne $mode
			) {
				printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"S: Directory '[$source]/($path)/$item' MODE was changed\n");
				$doBackup{$path} |= ST_DIR_CHANGED;

			# Record details...
			$srcDirList{$path}->{$item}->{'size'} = $size;
			$srcDirList{$path}->{$item}->{'ctime'} = $ctime;
			$srcDirList{$path}->{$item}->{'atime'} = $atime;
			$srcDirList{$path}->{$item}->{'mtime'} = $mtime;
			$srcDirList{$path}->{$item}->{'uid'} = $uid;
			$srcDirList{$path}->{$item}->{'gid'} = $gid;
			$srcDirList{$path}->{$item}->{'mode'} = $mode;


		# Check if we're a socket
		} elsif (S_ISSOCK($mode)) {
			# Blatently ignore...

		# Initialize file state
		my $state = 0;

		# Check if file does not exists on backup
		if (!defined($origFileList{$path}->{$item})) {
			if (($doBackup{$path} & ST_DIR_NEW) != ST_DIR_NEW) {
				printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"S: File '[$source]/($path)/$item' is new\n");
			$state |= ST_FILE_NEW;

		# Check if size matches
		} elsif (
				!defined($origFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'size'}) ||
				$origFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'size'} ne $size
		) {
			printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"S: File '[$source]/($path)/$item' has different size\n");
			$state |= ST_FILE_CHANGED;

		# NK: Does not like chmod changes to files???
		# Check if ctime matches
#		} elsif (
#				!defined($origFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'ctime'}) ||
#				$origFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'ctime'} ne $ctime
#		) {
#			printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"S: File '[$source]/($path)/$item' was recreated\n");
#			$state |= ST_FILE_CHANGED;

		# Check if mtime matches
		} elsif (
				!defined($origFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'mtime'}) ||
				$origFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'mtime'} ne $mtime
		) {
			printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"S: File '[$source]/($path)/$item' was modified\n");
			$state |= ST_FILE_CHANGED;

		# Check if uid matches
		} elsif (
				!defined($origFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'uid'}) ||
				$origFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'uid'} ne $uid
		) {
			printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"S: File '[$source]/($path)/$item' UID was changed\n");

		# Check if gid matches
		} elsif (
				!defined($origFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'gid'}) ||
				$origFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'gid'} ne $gid
		) {
			printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"S: File '[$source]/($path)/$item' GID was changed\n");
			$state |= ST_FILE_ATTR_CHANGED;

		# Check if mode matches
		} elsif (
				!defined($origFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'mode'}) ||
				$origFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'mode'} ne $mode
		) {
			printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"S: File '[$source]/($path)/$item' MODE was changed\n");
			$state |= ST_FILE_ATTR_CHANGED;

		# Update state of path, this is used below, the $state is used to track WHAT changed
		if ($state) {
			$doBackup{$path} |= ST_FILE_CHANGED;

		# Record details...
		$srcFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'size'} = $size;
		$srcFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'ctime'} = $ctime;
		$srcFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'atime'} = $atime;
		$srcFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'mtime'} = $mtime;
		$srcFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'uid'} = $uid;
		$srcFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'gid'} = $gid;
		$srcFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'mode'} = $mode;
		$srcFileList{$path}->{$item}->{'_state'} = $state;

	# Time to do stuff
	sub backup_postprocess {
		# Strip first part of the path
		(my $path = $File::Find::dir) =~ s#^$source/?##;
		# Get current lists
		my $curDirList = $srcDirList{$path};
		my $curFileList = $srcFileList{$path};

		# Compare the two file lists, we know what was added, lets see if anything was removed
		foreach my $fname (keys %{$origFileList{$path}}) {
			if (!defined($srcFileList{$path}->{$fname})) {
				printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"File '[$source]/($path)/$fname' removed\n");
				$doBackup{$path} |= ST_FILE_CHANGED;

		# Create backup dir
		if (($doBackup{$path} & ST_DIR_NEW) == ST_DIR_NEW && ! -d "$dest/$path") {

		# NK:
		# Before we do anything, we copy our previous attributes.
		# If we do not write an archive below, we still have our stuff.
		# If there is something special, we still have it. Best idea? right?
		foreach my $item (keys %{$origPathAttribs{$path}}) {
			$newPathAttribs{$path}->{$item} = $origPathAttribs{$path}->{$item};

		# Check if we need to backup this dir
		if (($doBackup{$path} & ST_FILE_CHANGED) == ST_FILE_CHANGED) {
			printLog(LOG_INFO,"B: Path '[$source]/$path' backing up\n");

			# If we not backing up a system dir, we create a manifest and backup the files
			if (($doBackup{$path} & ST_DIR_SYS) != ST_DIR_SYS) {
				# Did file contents change?
				my $changedFiles = 0;
				my $changedAttrs = 0;
				my @newFiles = ();
				my @manifestList;

				# Take a look quick...
				foreach my $item (sort keys %{$curFileList}) {
					# Lets see whats happened...
					if (($curFileList->{$item}->{'_state'} & ST_FILE_NEW) == ST_FILE_NEW) {
					if (($curFileList->{$item}->{'_state'} & ST_FILE_CHANGED) == ST_FILE_CHANGED) {
						$changedFiles = 1;
					if (($curFileList->{$item}->{'_state'} & ST_FILE_ATTR_CHANGED) == ST_FILE_ATTR_CHANGED) {
						$changedAttrs = 1;

				# If we don't have a sequence, this is a new backup?
				if (!defined($newPathAttribs{$path}->{'sequence'} = $origPathAttribs{$path}->{'sequence'})) {
					$newPathAttribs{$path}->{'sequence'} = 0;
					@manifestList = keys %{$curFileList};
				} else {
					# If this is new files, then just inc the counter
					if (@newFiles > 0 && !$changedFiles && !$changedAttrs) {
						@manifestList = @newFiles;
					# If files changed we blow everything away
					} else {
						$newPathAttribs{$path}->{'sequence'} = 0;
						# Remove old files
						@manifestList = keys %{$curFileList};

				# Get current sequence
				my $seq = $newPathAttribs{$path}->{'sequence'};

				# Setup tar args
				my @tarArgs = ();
				my $tarExt;
				if ($config{'compress'} eq "xz") {
					$tarExt = ".xz";
				} elsif ($config{'compress'} eq "bzip2") {
					$tarExt = ".bz2";
				} elsif ($config{'compress'} eq "gzip") {
					$tarExt = ".gz";
				} elsif ($config{'compress'} eq "none") {
					$tarExt = "";

				# Save format and compression
				$newPathAttribs{$path}->{'format'} = "tar";
				$newPathAttribs{$path}->{'compression'} = $config{'compress'};

				# Sort out manifest format
				my $manifestDelim;
				# Are we overriding the manifest format?
				if (defined($config{'manifest-format'})) {
					$newPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'} = $config{'manifest-format'};
				} else {
					# If not choose best
					if (defined($origPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'})) {
						$newPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'} = $origPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'};
					} else {
						# Tar pre-1.22 is buggered with \0 manifest files
						if ($tarVer > 122) {
							$newPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'} = "null";
						} else {
							$newPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'} = "newline";

				# Setup manifest delim & tar options
				if ($newPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'} eq "null") {
					push(@tarArgs,"--files-from", "$dest/$path/dbackup$seq.manifest");
					$manifestDelim = "\0";
				} elsif ($newPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'} eq "newline") {
					push(@tarArgs,"--files-from", "$dest/$path/dbackup$seq.manifest");
					$manifestDelim = "\n";
				} else {
					printLog(LOG_ERROR,"Invalid manifest.format '".$newPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'}."'\n");
					exit 1;

				# File list to backup
				open(MANIFEST,"> $dest/$path/dbackup$seq.manifest")
						or die "Failed to open '[$dest]/($path)/dbackup$seq.manifest': $!";
				foreach my $item (@manifestList) {
					# Sanity check to see if this filename is going to work
					if ($manifestDelim eq "\n" && $item =~ /[\n"'\\]/) {
						printLog(LOG_ERROR,"ERROR: Your version of tar cannot backup => path:'$path', file '$item'\n");
					# If this is not the top dir, use /
					if ($path ne "") {
						print(MANIFEST "$path/$item$manifestDelim");
					# If it is, don't use /
					} else {
						print(MANIFEST "$item$manifestDelim");

				# tar specifics...
				if ($newPathAttribs{$path}->{'format'} eq "tar") {
					# Exclude paths for tar-ignore-failed-read
					foreach my $item (@{$config{'tar-ignore-failed-read'}}) {
						# Check...
						if ("/$path" eq $item) {
							printLog(LOG_NOTICE,"B: Path '[$source]/$path' ignore-failed-read passed to tar\n");

				# Change dir and start backup
					# Output file
					"--file", "$dest/$path/dbackup$seq.tar$tarExt",
					# cd into here first...
					"--directory", "$source",
					# Do not recurse
					# Output to this file
					"--index-file", "$dest/$path/dbackup$seq.index",
					# Incremental options
#					"--listed-incremental", "$dest/$path/dbackup.snar",
#					"--no-check-device",
				if ($? == -1) {
					printLog(LOG_ERROR,"Failed to execute: $!\n");
					exit 1;
				} elsif ($? & 127) {
					printLog(LOG_ERROR,"Child died with signal ".($? & 127)."\n");
					exit 1;
				} else {
					my $retcode = $? >> 8;
					# If tar died, lets die too
					if ($retcode >= 2) {
						printLog(LOG_ERROR,"tar died with error code $retcode\n");
#						exit 1;
			# if (($doBackup{$path} & ST_DIR_SYS) != ST_DIR_SYS) {
			} else {
					# Remove old files
		} # if (($doBackup{$path} & ST_FILE_CHANGED) == ST_FILE_CHANGED) {

		# Check if we need to record directory changes...
		if (
					($doBackup{$path} & ST_FILE_CHANGED) == ST_FILE_CHANGED ||
					($doBackup{$path} & ST_DIR_CHANGED) == ST_DIR_CHANGED ||
					($doBackup{$path} & ST_DIR_NEW) == ST_DIR_NEW
		) {
			# If we have a revision, bump it
			if (defined($newPathAttribs{$path}->{'revision'} = $origPathAttribs{$path}->{'revision'})) {
				$newPathAttribs{$path}->{'revision'} = $origPathAttribs{$path}->{'revision'} + 1;
			} else {
				$newPathAttribs{$path}->{'revision'} = 0;

			# Set this as the dbackup that created this file
			$newPathAttribs{$path}->{'dbackup.version'} = $VERSION;

			printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"B: Writing state '[$source]/($path)' - revision ".$newPathAttribs{$path}->{'revision'}."\n");

			# Write out state, we do this AFTER we have backed up, so if we stopped, we can just  continue
			my $gz = gzopen("$dest/$path/.dbackup-state","wb")
					or die "Failed to open '[$dest]/($path)/.dbackup-state': $!";
			# Loop with attributes
			foreach my $item (keys %{$newPathAttribs{$path}}) {
			# Loop with directory list
			foreach my $item (sort keys %{$curDirList}) {
				my $ename = encode_base64($item);
				$ename =~ s/\n//g;
				# Save state of source files
			# Loop with file list
			foreach my $item (sort keys %{$curFileList}) {
				my $ename = encode_base64($item);
				$ename =~ s/\n//g;
				# Save state of source files
			# Finally close

		# State clear

	printLog(LOG_NOTICE,"BACKUP START: $source => $dest\n");
	printLog(LOG_INFO,"Compression: ".$config{'compress'}."\n");

	# Check if we excluding system files
	if ($config{'exclude-system'}) {
		printLog(LOG_NOTICE,"Exclude System Base: ".join(", ",@{$config{'system-base'}})."\n");
		printLog(LOG_NOTICE,"Exclude System Dirs: ".join(", ",@defaultSystemExcl,@{$config{'system-dir'}})."\n");
		# If we excluding data too...
		if ($config{'exclude-data'}) {
			printLog(LOG_NOTICE,"Exclude Data Dirs: ".join(", ",@defaultDataExcl,@{$config{'data-dir'}})."\n");
	printLog(LOG_NOTICE,"Exclude Paths: ".join(", ",@{$config{'exclude-path'}})."\n");
	printLog(LOG_NOTICE,"Exclude Files: ".join(", ",@{$config{'exclude-file'}})."\n");

	# We need an entry for our main dir before we start
	$doBackup{""} = 0;

	# This basically does our backup for us...
	find (
			preprocess => \&backup_preprocess,
			wanted => \&backup_process,
			postprocess => \&backup_postprocess

	printLog(LOG_INFO,"Processing stale directories...\n");
	my @rmlist;
	# Total item by item
	find (
			wanted => sub { },
			# We just need post processing ...
			postprocess => sub {
				# Strip first part of the path
				(my $path = $File::Find::dir) =~ s#^$dest/?##;
				# Does this dir exist on the backup, but not on the fileserver?
				if (!defined($srcFileList{$path})) {
	foreach my $rmitem ( @rmlist ) {
		printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"Remove path '[$dest]/($rmitem)'\n");


# Do backup
if (defined($optctl{'backup'})) {

} elsif (defined($optctl{'restore'})) {

} else {
	print(STDERR "ERROR: No command given\n\n");
	exit 1;

# Restore function
sub restore
	our ($source,$dest) = @_;

	# State infor for current dir
#	our %doBackup;
#	our %srcFileList;
#	our %srcDirList;
	our %origFileList;
	our %origDirList;
	our %origPathAttribs;

	# Preprocess dir
	sub restore_preprocess {
		my @list = @_;

		# Strip first part of the path
		(my $path = $File::Find::dir) =~ s#^$source/?##;

		# Check if we have all our source files
		if ( ! -f "$source/$path/.dbackup-state" ) {
			printLog(LOG_WARNING,"S: Path '[$source]/($path)' is MISSING .dbackup-state\n");
			return @list;

		# Load state file

		# Check we have at least the version attribute
		if (!defined($origPathAttribs{$path}) || !defined($origPathAttribs{$path}->{'dbackup.version'})) {
			printLog(LOG_ERROR, "No dbackup version information found in '[$source]/($path)/.dbackup-state', IGNORING\n");
			return @list;

		# During our check, we need to create the dir, we may not have a backup file
		# so we do it here.
		if ( ! -d "$dest/$path") {
			printLog(LOG_INFO,"R: Path '[$dest]/($path)' creating directory\n");

		# The lack of a sequence number probably means we didn't output any tar files during backup
		if (!defined($origPathAttribs{$path}->{'sequence'})) {
			return @list;

		# Loop through backup sequences
		for (my $seq = 0; $seq <= $origPathAttribs{$path}->{'sequence'}; $seq++) {
			printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"R: Path '[$dest]/($path)' restoring data ".($seq+1)." of ".

			# Args for tar
			my @tarArgs = ();

			my $tarExt;
			if ($origPathAttribs{$path}->{'compression'} eq "xz") {
				$tarExt = ".xz";
			} elsif ($origPathAttribs{$path}->{'compression'} eq "bzip2") {
				$tarExt = ".bz2";
			} elsif ($origPathAttribs{$path}->{'compression'} eq "gzip") {
				$tarExt = ".gz";
			} elsif ($origPathAttribs{$path}->{'compression'} eq "none") {
				$tarExt = "";

			# Check what type of backup we did
			if ( ! -f "$source/$path/dbackup$seq.tar$tarExt" ) {
				# If we have any other part of the backup, show a message
				if (
							( -f "$source/$path/dbackup$seq.index" ||
							-f "$source/$path/dbackup$seq.manifest" ||
							-f "$source/$path/dbackup$seq.snar" ) && $seq > 0
				) {
					printLog(LOG_WARNING,"Backup file '[$source]/($path)/dbackup$seq.tar$tarExt' not found, IGNORING\n");

				return @list;

			# Check we have files we need/created
			if ( ! -f "$source/$path/dbackup$seq.index" ) {
				printLog(LOG_WARNING,"Manifest file '[$source]/($path)/dbackup$seq.index' not found\n");
				return @list;
			if ( ! -f "$source/$path/dbackup$seq.manifest" ) {
				printLog(LOG_WARNING,"Manifest file '[$source]/($path)/dbackup$seq.manifest' not found\n");
				return @list;

			# Check if manifest.format is undefined, if it is, use the default
			if (!defined($origPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'})) {
				# Check if we have a commandline override
				if (defined($optctl{'manifest-format'})) {
					$origPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'} = $optctl{'manifest-format'};
				} else {
					# NK:
					# Default to null
					# This saves us from having to regenerate manifest.format attrs and backups for older
					# versions of dbackup.
					$origPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'} = "null";

			# Setup manifest delim & tar options
			if ($origPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'} eq "null") {
				push(@tarArgs,"--files-from", "$source/$path/dbackup$seq.manifest");
			} elsif ($origPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'} eq "newline") {
				push(@tarArgs,"--files-from", "$source/$path/dbackup$seq.manifest");
			} else {
				printLog(LOG_ERROR,"Invalid manifest.format '".$origPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'}.
						"' for '[$source]/($path)', try setting the default with --manifest-format=\n");
				exit 1;

			# Sanity check
			if ($tarVer < 122 && $origPathAttribs{$path}->{'manifest.format'} eq "null") {
				printLog(LOG_ERROR,"Your version of tar does NOT support manifest.format of 'null'\n");
				exit 1;

			# Other tar options
			if (defined($optctl{'tar-keep-newer'})) {
			if (defined($optctl{'tar-keep-old-files'})) {

			# Change dir and start backup
				# Output file
				"--file", "$source/$path/dbackup$seq.tar$tarExt",
				# cd into here first...
				"--directory", "$dest",
				# Do not recurse
				# Incremental options
#			"--incremental",
			if ($? == -1) {
				printLog(LOG_ERROR,"Failed to execute: $!\n");
				exit 1;
			} elsif ($? & 127) {
				printLog(LOG_ERROR,"Child died with signal ".($? & 127)."\n");
				exit 1;
			} else {
				my $retcode = $? >> 8;
				# If tar died, lets die too
				if ($retcode >= 2) {
					printLog(LOG_ERROR,"tar died with error code $retcode\n");
#					exit 1;

		return @list;

	# Process files
	sub restore_process {
		my $name = $File::Find::name;
		# Strip first part of the path
		(my $path = $File::Find::dir) =~ s#^$source/?##;

		# Store current filename
		my $item = $_;

#		print(STDERR "PROCESS: Path = $path, Name = $name, Item = $item)\n");

	# Time to do stuff
	sub restore_postprocess {
		# Strip first part of the path
		(my $path = $File::Find::dir) =~ s#^$source/?##;

		printLog(LOG_DEBUG,"R: Path '[$dest]/($path)' restoring meta-data\n");

		# Loop with directories in this path
		foreach my $dname (keys %{$origDirList{$path}}) {
			# Set dir
			my $dir = $origDirList{$path}->{$dname};

			# Full dirname
			my $fdirname = "$dest/$path/$dname";

			# Could be a dir with no contents of one which was ignored, in which case we must create it
			if (! -d $fdirname) {
				printLog(LOG_INFO,"R: Path '[$dest]/($path)/$dname' creating missing directory\n");

			# Restore attribs
			if (!chown($dir->{'uid'},$dir->{'gid'},$fdirname)) {
				printLog(LOG_ERROR,"Failed to chown(".$dir->{'uid'}.",".$dir->{'gid'}.") '$fdirname': $!\n");
			if (!chmod($dir->{'mode'},$fdirname)) {
				printLog(LOG_ERROR,"Failed to chmod(".$dir->{'mode'}.") '$fdirname': $!\n");
			if (!utime($dir->{'atime'},$dir->{'mtime'},$fdirname)) {
				printLog(LOG_ERROR,"Failed to utime(".$dir->{'atime'}.",".$dir->{'mtime'}.") '$fdirname': $!\n");

		# Loop with files in this path
		foreach my $fname (keys %{$origFileList{$path}}) {
			# Set dir
			my $file = $origFileList{$path}->{$fname};

			# Full dirname
			my $ffilename = "$dest/$path/$fname";

			# Restore for links and files
			if (!lchown($file->{'uid'},$file->{'gid'},$ffilename)) {
				printLog(LOG_ERROR,"Failed to lchown(".$file->{'uid'}.",".$file->{'gid'}.") '$ffilename': $!\n");

			# Ignore links for the rest...
			next if (S_ISLNK($file->{'mode'}));

			# Restore mode & utime only for files
			if (!chmod($file->{'mode'},$ffilename)) {
				printLog(LOG_ERROR,"Failed to chmod(".$file->{'mode'}.") '$ffilename': $!\n");
			if (!utime($file->{'atime'},$file->{'mtime'},$ffilename)) {
				printLog(LOG_ERROR,"Failed to utime(".$file->{'atime'}.",".$file->{'mtime'}.") '$ffilename': $!\n");

	printLog(LOG_NOTICE,"RESTORE START: $source => $dest\n");

	# This basically does our backup for us...
	find (
			preprocess => \&restore_preprocess,
			wanted => \&restore_process,
			postprocess => \&restore_postprocess


# Display log line
sub printLog {
	my ($level,$msg,@args) = @_;

	# Work out level txt all nicely
	my $levelTxt = "UNKNOWN";
	if ($level == LOG_DEBUG) {
		$levelTxt = "DEBUG";
	} elsif ($level == LOG_INFO) {
		$levelTxt = "INFO";
	} elsif ($level == LOG_NOTICE) {
		$levelTxt = "NOTICE";
	} elsif ($level == LOG_WARNING) {
		$levelTxt = "WARNING";
	} elsif ($level == LOG_ERROR) {
		$levelTxt = "ERROR";

	# Check log level
	if ($level <= $config{'log-level'}) {
		printf(STDERR "%s/$levelTxt: %s", strftime('%F %T',localtime()), $msg, @args);

# Display usage
sub displayHelp {
	# Build some strings we need
	my $systemDirStr = join (", ",@defaultSystemExcl);
	my $dataDirStr = join (", ",@defaultDataExcl);

Usage: $0 [args] <src> <dst>

    General Options:
      --help                             What you seeing now.
      --config=file                      Config file to use.
      --log-level                        5 = debug, 4 = info, 3 = notice
                                         2 = warning, 1 = error
      --tar                              Path to tar binary.

    Backing Options:
      --backup                           Backup src to dst.
      --backup-upgrade                   Upgrade backup to new dbackup ver.
      --compress=<xz|bz2|gzip|none>      Compression method to use defaults
                                         to using xz, or bzip2 if xz unavail.

      --exclude-data                     Exclude all data dirs listed below.
      --exclude-system                   Exclude system dirs listed below.

      --exclude-path=pcre                PCRE to exclude paths from backup.
      --exclude-file=pcre                PCRE to exclude files from backup.

      --exclude-fs-type=fstype           Filesystem type to exclude.

      --data-dir=dir                     Add an additional data directory.
      --system-dir=dir                   Add an additional system directory.
      --system-base=path                 Add a system base. This defaults to /
                                         and this option will override that.

      --tar-ignore-failed-read=path      This is passed to tar only. It will
                                         not cause errors of files that cannot
                                         be read for the path matched.

    Restore Options:
      --restore                          Restore src to dst.
      --tar-keep-newer                   Do not overwrite newer files.
      --tar-keep-old-files               Don't replace existing files.




sub loadStateFile {
		my ($statefile,$key,$fileList,$dirList,$pathAttribs) = @_;

		# Read in backup state file, we do it here because we may not have a backup file
		# to restore
		my $gz = gzopen($statefile,"rb")
				or die "FATAL ERROR: Failed to open '$statefile': $!";
		# Read in file list
		my $line;
		while ($gz->gzreadline($line) > 0) {
			# Pull out array of items
			my @aline = split(/\0/,$line);
			my $type = shift(@aline);
			# Check if its defined
			if (defined($type)) {
				# If its a file...
				if ($type eq "f") {
					my ($ename,$size,$ctime,$atime,$mtime,$uid,$gid,$mode) = @aline;
					my $name = decode_base64($ename);
					# Setup our hash
					$fileList->{$key}->{$name}->{'size'} = $size;
					$fileList->{$key}->{$name}->{'ctime'} = $ctime;
					$fileList->{$key}->{$name}->{'atime'} = $atime;
					$fileList->{$key}->{$name}->{'mtime'} = $mtime;
					$fileList->{$key}->{$name}->{'uid'} = $uid;
					$fileList->{$key}->{$name}->{'gid'} = $gid;
					$fileList->{$key}->{$name}->{'mode'} = $mode;
				# If its a dir
				} elsif ($type eq "d") {
					my ($ename,$ctime,$atime,$mtime,$uid,$gid,$mode) = @aline;
					my $name = decode_base64($ename);
					# Setup our hash
					$dirList->{$key}->{$name}->{'ctime'} = $ctime;
					$dirList->{$key}->{$name}->{'atime'} = $atime;
					$dirList->{$key}->{$name}->{'mtime'} = $mtime;
					$dirList->{$key}->{$name}->{'uid'} = $uid;
					$dirList->{$key}->{$name}->{'gid'} = $gid;
					$dirList->{$key}->{$name}->{'mode'} = $mode;
				# Attribute
				} elsif ($type eq "a") {
					my ($name,$value) = @aline;
					$pathAttribs->{$key}->{$name} = $value;
				# Unknown
				} else {
					print(STDERR "ERROR: Invalid type '$type' in '$statefile'\n");
					exit 1;
		# Close gzip file

sub removeBackups
	my ($path,$format,$compression,$seqs) = @_;

	# Loop through backup sequences
	for (my $i = 0; $i <= $seqs; $i++) {

		my $tarExt;
		if ($compression eq "xz") {
			$tarExt = ".xz";
		} elsif ($compression eq "bzip2") {
			$tarExt = ".bz2";
		} elsif ($compression eq "gzip") {
			$tarExt = ".gz";
		} elsif ($compression eq "none") {
			$tarExt = "";

		# Unlink backup files
		if (-f "$path/dbackup$i.tar$tarExt") {
					or die "ERROR: Failed to remove file '$path/dbackup$i.tar$tarExt': $!";
		# Unlink manifest
		if (-f "$path/dbackup$i.manifest") {
					or die "ERROR: Failed to remove file '$path/dbackup$i.manifest': $!";
		# Unlink index
		if (-f "$path/dbackup$i.index") {
					or die "ERROR: Failed to remove file '$path/dbackup$i.index': $!";
		# Unlink snar
		if (-f "$path/dbackup$i.snar") {
					or die "ERROR: Failed to remove file '$path/dbackup$i.snar': $!";


sub toArray
	my $param = shift;

	if (ref $param eq "ARRAY") {
		return $param;
	} else {
		return [ split(/\n/,$param) ];

sub getTarVer
	my $tar = shift;

	open(TAR, $config{'tar'} . " --version |")
		or die "FAILED to execute '".$config{'tar'}."': $!";
	if (!($tarVer = <TAR>)) {
		print(STDERR "ERROR: Failed to read tar version\n");
		exit 1;
	($tarVer) = ($tarVer =~ /([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/);
	if (!defined($tarVer) || $tarVer eq "") {
		print(STDERR "ERROR: Failed to parse tar version\n");
		exit 1;
	$tarVer =~ s/\.//g;
	if ($tarVer < 100) {
		print(STDERR "ERROR: Failed to read tar version or your version is simply too old\n");
		exit 1;

	return $tarVer;

sub getNumericVer
	my $a = shift;

	# 000 000 000
	my @a = split(/\./,$a);

	# Quick fix for devel versions
	$a[2] = 0 if ($a[2] eq "x");
	$a[2] =~ s/[a-z]$//;

	return ( ($a[0]*1000000) + ($a[1]*1000) + $a[2] );

# vim: ts=4