diff --git a/webgui/ajax.php b/webgui/ajax.php
index 0aed8d94d3b77318a746bb74ada1aa5b82946db7..564c6acd7cc97b17b372ef174bcee2566f708d83 100644
--- a/webgui/ajax.php
+++ b/webgui/ajax.php
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
+	include_once("include/ajax/functions/AdminUserTopups.php");
@@ -164,6 +165,69 @@
 	switch ($function) {
+		# AdminUserTopups.js functions
+		case "getAdminUserTopups":
+			$res = getAdminUserTopups($soapParams);
+			$rawData = $res[0]; $numResults = $res[1];
+			$res = new json_response;
+			$res->setID('ID');
+			$res->addField('ID','int');
+			$res->addField('Timestamp','date');
+			$res->addField('Type','int');
+			$res->addField('Value','int');
+			$res->addField('ValidFrom','string');
+			$res->addField('ValidTo','string');
+			$res->parseArray($rawData);
+			$res->setDatasetSize($numResults);
+			echo json_encode($res->export());
+			break;
+		case "createAdminUserTopup":
+			$res = createAdminUserTopup($soapParams);
+			if (isset($res)) {
+				ajaxException($res);
+			}
+			break;
+		case "updateAdminUserTopup":
+			$res = updateAdminUserTopup($soapParams);
+			if (isset($res)) {
+				ajaxException($res);
+			}
+			break;
+		case "getAdminUserTopup":
+			$rawData = getAdminUserTopup($soapParams);
+			$res = new json_response;
+			$res->setID('ID');
+			$res->addField('ID','int');
+			$res->addField('Type','int');
+			$res->addField('Value','int');
+			$res->addField('ValidFrom','date');
+			$res->addField('ValidTo','date');
+			$res->parseHash($rawData);
+			echo json_encode($res->export());
+			break;
+		case "removeAdminUserTopup":
+			$res = removeAdminUserTopup($soapParams);
+			if (isset($res)) {
+				ajaxException($res);
+			}
+			break;
 		# WiSPUserTopups.js functions
 		case "getWiSPUserTopups":
diff --git a/webgui/include/ajax/functions/AdminUserTopups.php b/webgui/include/ajax/functions/AdminUserTopups.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a5288191398caf9e1318ae851fd020b3deaa8d40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webgui/include/ajax/functions/AdminUserTopups.php
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Add new topup
+function createAdminUserTopup($params) {
+	global $db;
+	$timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
+	$res = DBDo("INSERT INTO topups (UserID,Timestamp,Type,Value,ValidFrom,ValidTo) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)",
+			array($params[0]['UserID'],$timestamp,$params[0]['Type'],$params[0]['Value'],$params[0]['ValidFrom'],
+					$params[0]['ValidTo'])
+	);
+	if (!is_numeric($res)) {
+		return $res;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+# Edit topup
+function updateAdminUserTopup($params) {
+	global $db;
+	$res = DBDo("UPDATE topups SET Value = ?, Type = ?, ValidFrom = ?, ValidTo = ? WHERE ID = ?",
+				array($params[0]['Value'],
+				$params[0]['Type'],
+				$params[0]['ValidFrom'],
+				$params[0]['ValidTo'],
+				$params[0]['ID'])
+	);
+	if (!is_numeric($res)) {
+		return $res;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+# Delete user topup
+function removeAdminUserTopup($params) {
+	global $db;
+	$res = DBDo("DELETE FROM topups WHERE ID = ?",array($params[0]));
+	if (!is_numeric($res)) {
+		return $res;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+# Return specific topup row
+function getAdminUserTopup($params) {
+	global $db;
+	$res = DBSelect("SELECT ID, Type, Value, ValidFrom, ValidTo FROM topups WHERE ID = ?",array($params[0]));
+	if (!is_object($res)) {
+		return $res;
+	}
+	$resultArray = array();
+	$row = $res->fetchObject();
+	$resultArray['ID'] = $row->id;
+	$resultArray['Type'] = $row->type;
+	$resultArray['Value'] = $row->value;
+	# Convert to ISO format
+	$date = new DateTime($row->validfrom);
+	$value = $date->format("Y-m-d");
+	$resultArray['ValidFrom'] = $value;
+	# Convert to ISO format
+	$date = new DateTime($row->validto);
+	$value = $date->format("Y-m-d");
+	$resultArray['ValidTo'] = $value;
+	return $resultArray;
+# Return list of topups
+function getAdminUserTopups($params) {
+	global $db;
+	# Filters and sorts are the same here
+	$filtersorts = array(
+		'ID' => 'topups.ID',
+		'Type' => 'topups.Type',
+		'Value' => 'topups.Value',
+		'ValidFrom' => 'topups.ValidFrom',
+		'ValidTo' => 'topups.ValidTo'
+	);
+	$res = DBSelectSearch("
+				ID, Timestamp, Type, Value, ValidFrom, ValidTo 
+			FROM 
+				topups 
+			WHERE 
+				Depleted = 0
+			AND
+				UserID = ".DBQuote($params[0]['UserID'])."
+				Timestamp
+			DESC
+		",$params[1],$filtersorts,$filtersorts);
+	$sth = $res[0]; $numResults = $res[1];
+	# If STH is blank, return the error back to whoever requested the data
+	if (!isset($sth)) {
+		return $res;
+	}
+	$resultArray = array();
+	# loop through rows
+	while ($row = $sth->fetchObject()) {
+		$item = array();
+		$item['ID'] = $row->id;
+		$item['Timestamp'] = $row->timestamp;
+		$item['Type'] = $row->type;
+		$item['Value'] = $row->value;
+		# Convert to ISO format
+		$date = new DateTime($row->validfrom);
+		$value = $date->format("Y-m-d");
+		$item['ValidFrom'] = $value;
+		# Convert to ISO format
+		$date = new DateTime($row->validto);
+		$value = $date->format("Y-m-d");
+		$item['ValidTo'] = $value;
+		# push this row onto array
+		array_push($resultArray,$item);
+	}
+	return array($resultArray,$numResults);
+# vim: ts=4
diff --git a/webgui/index.html b/webgui/index.html
index 02b05fe7f7632bb3722eae21b52a54d7409aabe6..439fdcfc6584c0a464206cd209a69655a8c88ea2 100644
--- a/webgui/index.html
+++ b/webgui/index.html
@@ -74,22 +74,20 @@
 	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/WiSPUserTopups.js"></script>
 	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/WiSPLocations.js"></script>
 	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/WiSPLocationMembers.js"></script>
 	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/WiSPResellers.js"></script>
-	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/AdminRealms.js"></script>
-	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/AdminRealmAttributes.js"></script>
 	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/AdminUsers.js"></script>
 	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/AdminUserLogs.js"></script>
 	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/AdminUserAttributes.js"></script>
 	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/AdminUserGroups.js"></script>
+	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/AdminUserTopups.js"></script>
+	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/AdminRealms.js"></script>
+	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/AdminRealmAttributes.js"></script>
 	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/AdminGroups.js"></script>
 	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/AdminGroupAttributes.js"></script>
 	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/windows/AdminGroupMembers.js"></script>
 	<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById('loading-msg').innerHTML = 'Layout...';</script>
 	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app/main-layout.js"></script>
diff --git a/webgui/js/app/windows/AdminUserTopups.js b/webgui/js/app/windows/AdminUserTopups.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81eb2f7c8563dd83c0b6e0df84ca3a18ac2bce35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webgui/js/app/windows/AdminUserTopups.js
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+function showAdminUserTopupsWindow(userID) {
+	var adminUserTopupsWindow = new Ext.ux.GenericGridWindow(
+		// Window config
+		{
+			title: "User Topups",
+			width: 500,
+			height: 335,
+			minWidth: 500,
+			minHeight: 335,
+		},
+		// Grid config
+		{
+			// Inline toolbars
+			tbar: [
+				{
+					text:'Add',
+					tooltip:'Add topup',
+					iconCls:'add',
+					handler: function() {
+						showAdminUserTopupAddEditWindow(userID,0);
+					}
+				}, 
+				'-', 
+				{
+					text:'Edit',
+					tooltip:'Edit topup',
+					iconCls:'option',
+					handler: function() {
+						var selectedItem = adminUserTopupsWindow.getComponent('gridpanel').getSelectionModel().getSelected();
+						// Check if we have selected item
+						if (selectedItem) {
+							// If so display window
+							showAdminUserTopupAddEditWindow(userID,selectedItem.data.ID);
+						} else {
+							adminUserTopupsWindow.getEl().mask();
+							// Display error
+							Ext.Msg.show({
+								title: "Nothing selected",
+								msg: "No topup selected",
+								icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
+								buttons: Ext.Msg.CANCEL,
+								modal: false,
+								fn: function() {
+									adminUserTopupsWindow.getEl().unmask();
+								}
+							});
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				'-',
+				{
+					text:'Remove',
+					tooltip:'Remove topup',
+					iconCls:'remove',
+					handler: function() {
+						var selectedItem = adminUserTopupsWindow.getComponent('gridpanel').getSelectionModel().getSelected();
+						// Check if we have selected item
+						if (selectedItem) {
+							// If so display window
+							showAdminUserTopupRemoveWindow(adminUserTopupsWindow,selectedItem.data.ID);
+						} else {
+							adminUserTopupsWindow.getEl().mask();
+							// Display error
+							Ext.Msg.show({
+								title: "Nothing selected",
+								msg: "No topup selected",
+								icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
+								buttons: Ext.Msg.CANCEL,
+								modal: false,
+								fn: function() {
+									adminUserTopupsWindow.getEl().unmask();
+								}
+							});
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			],
+			// Column model
+			colModel: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([
+				{
+					id: 'ID',
+					header: "ID",
+					sortable: true,
+					hidden: true,
+					dataIndex: 'ID'
+				},
+				{
+					header: "Type",
+					sortable: true,
+					dataIndex: 'Type'
+				},
+				{
+					header: "Value",
+					sortable: true,
+					dataIndex: 'Value'
+				},
+				{
+					header: "Timestamp",
+					sortable: true,
+					hidden: true,
+					dataIndex: 'Timestamp'
+				},
+				{
+					header: "ValidFrom",
+					sortable: true,
+					dataIndex: 'ValidFrom'
+				},
+				{
+					header: "ValidTo",
+					sortable: true,
+					dataIndex: 'ValidTo'
+				}			
+			]),
+		},
+		// Store config
+		{
+			baseParams: {
+				SOAPUsername: globalConfig.soap.username,
+				SOAPPassword: globalConfig.soap.password,
+				SOAPAuthType: globalConfig.soap.authtype,
+				SOAPModule: 'AdminUsers',
+				SOAPFunction: 'getAdminUserTopups',
+				SOAPParams: '0:UserID,__search',
+				UserID: userID
+			}
+		},
+		// Filter config
+		{
+			filters: [
+				{type: 'numeric',  dataIndex: 'ID'},
+				{type: 'date',  dataIndex: 'Timestamp'},
+				{type: 'numeric',  dataIndex: 'Value'},
+				{type: 'date',  dataIndex: 'ValidFrom'},
+				{type: 'date',  dataIndex: 'ValidTo'}
+			]
+		}
+	);
+	adminUserTopupsWindow.show();
+// Display edit/add form
+function showAdminUserTopupAddEditWindow(userID,topupID) {
+	var today = new Date();
+	var firstOfMonth = today.getFirstDateOfMonth();
+	var firstOfNext = today.getLastDateOfMonth().add(Date.DAY, 1);
+	var submitAjaxConfig;
+	// We doing an update
+	if (topupID) {
+		submitAjaxConfig = {
+			ID: topupID,
+			SOAPFunction: 'updateAdminUserTopup',
+			SOAPParams: 
+				'0:ID,0:Value,0:Type,'+
+				'0:ValidFrom,0:ValidTo'
+		};
+	// We doing an Add
+	} else {
+		submitAjaxConfig = {
+			UserID: userID,
+			SOAPFunction: 'createAdminUserTopup',
+			SOAPParams: 
+				'0:UserID,0:Value,0:Type,'+
+				'0:ValidFrom,0:ValidTo'
+		};
+	}
+	// Create window
+	var adminUserTopupFormWindow = new Ext.ux.GenericFormWindow(
+		// Window config
+		{
+			title: "Topup Information",
+			width: 400,
+			height: 200,
+			minWidth: 400,
+			minHeight: 200
+		},
+		// Form panel config
+		{
+			labelWidth: 85,
+			baseParams: {
+				SOAPUsername: globalConfig.soap.username,
+				SOAPPassword: globalConfig.soap.password,
+				SOAPAuthType: globalConfig.soap.authtype,
+				SOAPModule: 'AdminUsers'
+			},
+			items: [
+				{
+					xtype: 'numberfield',
+					fieldLabel: 'Type',
+					name: 'Type',
+					minValue: 1,
+					allowBlank: false
+				},
+				{
+					xtype: 'numberfield',
+					fieldLabel: 'Value',
+					name: 'Value',
+					minValue: 1,
+					allowBlank: false
+				},
+				{
+					xtype: 'datefield', 
+					fieldLabel: 'ValidFrom',
+					name: 'ValidFrom',
+					id: 'ValidFrom',
+					vtype: 'daterange',
+					value: firstOfMonth,
+					format: 'Y-m-d',
+					endDateField: 'ValidTo'
+				},
+				{
+					xtype: 'datefield',
+					fieldLabel: 'ValidTo',
+					name: 'ValidTo',
+					id: 'ValidTo',
+					vtype: 'daterange',
+					value: firstOfNext,
+					format: 'Y-m-d',
+					startDateField: 'ValidFrom'
+				}
+			],
+		},
+		// Submit button config
+		submitAjaxConfig
+	);
+	adminUserTopupFormWindow.show();
+	if (topupID) {
+		adminUserTopupFormWindow.getComponent('formpanel').load({
+			params: {
+				id: topupID,
+				SOAPUsername: globalConfig.soap.username,
+				SOAPPassword: globalConfig.soap.password,
+				SOAPAuthType: globalConfig.soap.authtype,
+				SOAPModule: 'AdminUsers',
+				SOAPFunction: 'getAdminUserTopup',
+				SOAPParams: 'id'
+			}
+		});
+	}
+// Display edit/add form
+function showAdminUserTopupRemoveWindow(parent,id) {
+	// Mask parent window
+	parent.getEl().mask();
+	// Display remove confirm window
+	Ext.Msg.show({
+		title: "Confirm removal",
+		msg: "Are you very sure you wish to remove this topup?",
+		icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
+		buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO,
+		modal: false,
+		fn: function(buttonId,text) {
+			// Check if user clicked on 'yes' button
+			if (buttonId == 'yes') {
+				// Do ajax request
+				uxAjaxRequest(parent,{
+					params: {
+						id: id,
+						SOAPUsername: globalConfig.soap.username,
+						SOAPPassword: globalConfig.soap.password,
+						SOAPAuthType: globalConfig.soap.authtype,
+						SOAPModule: 'AdminUsers',
+						SOAPFunction: 'removeAdminUserTopup',
+						SOAPParams: 'id'
+					}
+				});
+			// Unmask if user answered no
+			} else {
+				parent.getEl().unmask();
+			}
+		}
+	});
+// vim: ts=4
diff --git a/webgui/js/app/windows/AdminUsers.js b/webgui/js/app/windows/AdminUsers.js
index ab07e5e2486c8abcb49af984d4175d625b5ef952..97270a8924f1ab5602b4a0355d8ab228ebe03fba 100644
--- a/webgui/js/app/windows/AdminUsers.js
+++ b/webgui/js/app/windows/AdminUsers.js
@@ -151,6 +151,34 @@ function showAdminUserWindow() {
 						} else {
+							// Display error
+							Ext.Msg.show({
+								title: "Nothing selected",
+								msg: "No user selected",
+								icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
+								buttons: Ext.Msg.CANCEL,
+								modal: false,
+								fn: function() {
+									AdminUserWindow.getEl().unmask();
+								}
+							});
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				'-',
+				{
+					text:'Topups',
+					tooltip:'User topups',
+					iconCls:'logs',
+					handler: function() {
+						var selectedItem = AdminUserWindow.getComponent('gridpanel').getSelectionModel().getSelected();
+						// Check if we have selected item
+						if (selectedItem) {
+							// If so display window
+							showAdminUserTopupsWindow(selectedItem.data.ID);
+						} else {
+							AdminUserWindow.getEl().mask();
 							// Display error
 								title: "Nothing selected",