diff --git a/webgui/ajax.php b/webgui/ajax.php
index 7e62d4d47dabd65e679856c5b11a8a96247d3e44..95f4facc20bca331e952dc97f00b8f265f36bf4e 100644
--- a/webgui/ajax.php
+++ b/webgui/ajax.php
@@ -165,6 +165,48 @@
 	switch ($function) {
+		case "getWiSPUserLogsSummary":
+			$res = getWiSPUserLogsSummary($soapParams);
+			$rawData = $res[0]; $numResults = $res[1];
+			$res = new json_response;
+			$res->addField('uptimeCap','int');
+			$res->addField('trafficCap','int');
+			$res->addField('trafficCurrentTopupUsed','int');
+			$res->addField('trafficCurrentTopupCap','int');
+			$res->addField('uptimeCurrentTopupUsed','int');
+			$res->addField('uptimeCurrentTopupCap','int');
+			$res->addField('trafficTopupRemaining','int');
+			$res->addField('uptimeTopupRemaining','int');
+			$res->parseHash($rawData);
+			$res->setDatasetSize($numResults);
+			echo json_encode($res->export());
+			break;
+		case "getAdminUserLogsSummary":
+			$res = getAdminUserLogsSummary($soapParams);
+			$rawData = $res[0]; $numResults = $res[1];
+			$res = new json_response;
+			$res->addField('uptimeCap','int');
+			$res->addField('trafficCap','int');
+			$res->addField('trafficCurrentTopupUsed','int');
+			$res->addField('trafficCurrentTopupCap','int');
+			$res->addField('uptimeCurrentTopupUsed','int');
+			$res->addField('uptimeCurrentTopupCap','int');
+			$res->addField('trafficTopupRemaining','int');
+			$res->addField('uptimeTopupRemaining','int');
+			$res->parseHash($rawData);
+			$res->setDatasetSize($numResults);
+			echo json_encode($res->export());
+			break;
 		# AdminUserTopups.js functions
 		case "getAdminUserTopups":
@@ -339,6 +381,7 @@
+			$res->addField('AcctSessionTime','int');
diff --git a/webgui/include/ajax/functions/AdminUserLogs.php b/webgui/include/ajax/functions/AdminUserLogs.php
index e38a71866a0c0dcce4601d30895ca6bd1ebec9f1..0d11e94bccd549f2dc89885f708cff694801c5c8 100644
--- a/webgui/include/ajax/functions/AdminUserLogs.php
+++ b/webgui/include/ajax/functions/AdminUserLogs.php
@@ -3,6 +3,300 @@
+# Return user logs summary
+function getAdminUserLogsSummary($params) {
+	$res = DBSelect("
+				user_attributes.Name,
+				user_attributes.Value
+			FROM
+				user_attributes
+				user_attributes.UserID = ?",
+				array($params[0]['ID'])
+	);
+	# Return if error
+	if (!is_object($res)) {
+		return $res;
+	}
+	# Array of results
+	$resultArray = array();
+	# Fetch uptime and traffic limits, if not  found, this is prepaid account.. use -1 as we need int
+	$trafficCap = -1;
+	$uptimeCap = -1;
+	while ($row = $res->fetchObject()) {
+		if ($row->name == 'SMRadius-Capping-Traffic-Limit') {
+			$trafficCap = (int)$row->value;
+		}
+		if ($row->name == 'SMRadius-Capping-Uptime-Limit') {
+			$uptimeCap = (int)$row->value;
+		}
+	}
+	# Add cap type / amount to result
+	$resultArray['trafficCap'] = $trafficCap;
+	$resultArray['uptimeCap'] = $uptimeCap;
+	# Dates we want to use to search search
+	$dateFrom = new DateTime($params[0]['From']);
+	$dateTo = new DateTime($params[0]['To']);
+	# Fetch user uptime and traffic summary
+	$res = DBSelect("
+			topups_summary.Balance,
+			topups.Type,
+			topups.Value
+			topups_summary,
+			topups
+			topups_summary.TopupID = topups.ID
+			AND topups.UserID = ?
+			AND topups_summary.PeriodKey = ?
+			AND topups.Depleted = 0
+			topups.Timestamp",
+			array($params[0]['ID'],$dateFrom->format('Y-m'))
+	);
+	# Return if error
+	if (!is_object($res)) {
+		return $res;
+	}
+	# Store summary topups
+	$topups = array();
+	$i = 0;
+	while ($row = $res->fetchObject()) {
+		$topups[$i] = array();
+		$topups[$i]['Type'] = $row->type;
+		$topups[$i]['Limit'] = $row->balance;
+		$topups[$i]['OriginalLimit'] = $row->value;
+		$i++;
+	}
+	# Fetch user uptime and traffic topups
+	$res = DBSelect("
+			Value, Type
+			topups
+			topups.UserID = ?
+			AND topups.ValidFrom = ?
+			AND topups.ValidTo >= ?
+			AND topups.Depleted = 0
+			topups.Timestamp",
+			array($params[0]['ID'],$dateFrom->format('Y-m-d'),$dateTo->format('Y-m-d'))
+	);
+	# Return if error
+	if (!is_object($res)) {
+		return $res;
+	}
+	# Store normal topups
+	while ($row = $res->fetchObject()) {
+		$topups[$i] = array();
+		$topups[$i]['Type'] = $row->type;
+		$topups[$i]['Limit'] = $row->value;
+		$i++;
+	}
+	$res = DBSelect("
+			accounting.AcctSessionTime,
+			accounting.AcctInputOctets,
+			accounting.AcctInputGigawords,
+			accounting.AcctOutputOctets,
+			accounting.AcctOutputGigawords
+			accounting, users
+			users.ID = ?
+			AND EventTimestamp >= ?
+			AND accounting.Username = users.Username",
+			array($params[0]['ID'],$dateFrom->format('Y-m-d'))
+	);
+	if (!is_object($res)) {
+		return $res;
+	}
+	# Set total traffic and uptime used
+	$totalTraffic = 0;
+	$totalUptime = 0;
+	while ($row = $res->fetchObject()) {
+		# Traffic in
+		$inputDataItem = 0;
+		if (isset($row->acctinputoctets) && $row->acctinputoctets > 0) {
+			$inputDataItem += ($row->acctinputoctets / 1024) / 1024;
+		}
+		if (isset($row->acctinputgigawords) && $row->acctinputgigawords > 0) {
+			$inputDataItem += ($row->acctinputgigawords * 4096);
+		}
+		$totalTraffic += $inputDataItem;
+		# Traffic out
+		$outputDataItem = 0;
+		if (isset($row->acctoutputoctets) && $row->acctoutputoctets > 0) {
+			$outputDataItem += ($row->acctoutputoctets / 1024) / 1024;
+		}
+		if (isset($row->acctoutputgigawords) && $row->acctoutputgigawords > 0) {
+			$outputDataItem += ($row->acctoutputgigawords * 4096);
+		}
+		$totalTraffic += $outputDataItem;
+		# Uptime
+		$sessionTimeItem = 0;
+		if (isset($row->acctsessiontime) && $row->acctsessiontime > 0) {
+			$sessionTimeItem += $row->acctsessiontime;
+		}
+		$totalUptime += $sessionTimeItem;
+		# Round up
+		$totalUptime = ceil($totalUptime / 60);
+	}
+	# Set excess traffic usage
+	$excessTraffic = 0;
+	if (is_numeric($trafficCap) && $trafficCap > 0) {
+		$excessTraffic += $totalTraffic - $trafficCap;
+	} else {
+		$excessTraffic += $totalTraffic;
+	}
+	# Set excess uptime usage
+	$excessUptime = 0;
+	if (is_numeric($uptimeCap) && $uptimeCap > 0) {
+		$excessUptime += $totalUptime - $uptimeCap;
+	} else {
+		$excessUptime += $totalUptime;
+	}
+	$currentTrafficTopup = array();
+	$topupTrafficRemaining = 0;
+	# Loop through traffic topups and check for current topup, total topups not being used
+	if (is_string($trafficCap) || $trafficCap != 0) {
+		$i = 0;
+		# User is using traffic from topups
+		if ($excessTraffic > 0) {
+			foreach ($topups as $topupItem) {
+				if ($topupItem['Type'] == 1) {
+					if ($excessTraffic <= 0) {
+						$topupTrafficRemaining += $topupItem['Limit'];
+						next($topupItem);
+					} elseif ($excessTraffic >= $topupItem['Limit']) {
+						$excessTraffic -= $topupItem['Limit'];
+					} else {
+						if (isset($topupItem['OriginalLimit'])) {
+							$currentTrafficTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['OriginalLimit'];
+						} else {
+							$currentTrafficTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['Limit'];
+						}
+						$currentTrafficTopup['Used'] = $excessTraffic;
+						$excessTraffic -= $topupItem['Limit'];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		# User has not used traffic topups yet
+		} else {
+			foreach ($topups as $topupItem) {
+				if ($topupItem['Type'] == 1) {
+					if ($i == 0) {
+						if (isset($topupItem['OriginalLimit'])) {
+							$currentTrafficTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['OriginalLimit'];
+						} else {
+							$currentTrafficTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['Limit'];
+						}
+						$i = 1;
+							$currentTrafficTopup['Used'] = 0;
+					} else {
+						$topupTrafficRemaining += $topupItem['Limit'];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	$currentUptimeTopup = array();
+	$topupUptimeRemaining = 0;
+	# Loop through uptime topups and check for current topup, total topups not being used
+	if (is_string($uptimeCap) || $uptimeCap != 0) {
+		$i = 0;
+		# User is using uptime from topups
+		if ($excessUptime > 0) {
+			foreach ($topups as $topupItem) {
+				if ($topupItem['Type'] == 2) {
+					if ($excessUptime <= 0) {
+						$topupUptimeRemaining += $topupItem['Limit'];
+						next($topupItem);
+					} elseif ($excessUptime >= $topupItem['Limit']) {
+						$excessUptime -= $topupItem['Limit'];
+					} else {
+						if (isset($topupItem['OriginalLimit'])) {
+							$currentUptimeTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['OriginalLimit'];
+						} else {
+							$currentUptimeTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['Limit'];
+						}
+						$currentUptimeTopup['Used'] = $excessUptime;
+						$excessUptime -= $topupItem['Limit'];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		# User has not used uptime topups yet
+		} else {
+			foreach ($topups as $topupItem) {
+				if ($topupItem['Type'] == 2) {
+					if ($i == 0) {
+						if (isset($topupItem['OriginalLimit'])) {
+							$currentUptimeTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['OriginalLimit'];
+						} else {
+							$currentUptimeTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['Limit'];
+						}
+						$i = 1;
+							$currentUptimeTopup['Used'] = 0;
+					} else {
+						$topupUptimeRemaining += $topupItem['Limit'];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	# Traffic..
+	$resultArray['trafficCurrentTopupUsed'] = -1;
+	$resultArray['trafficCurrentTopupCap'] = -1;
+	if (count($currentTrafficTopup) > 0) {
+		$resultArray['trafficCurrentTopupUsed'] = $currentTrafficTopup['Used'];
+		$resultArray['trafficCurrentTopupCap'] = (int)$currentTrafficTopup['Cap'];
+	}
+	$resultArray['trafficTopupRemaining'] = $topupTrafficRemaining;
+	# Uptime..
+	$resultArray['uptimeCurrentTopupUsed'] = -1;
+	$resultArray['uptimeCurrentTopupCap'] = -1;
+	if (count($currentUptimeTopup) > 0) {
+		$resultArray['uptimeCurrentTopupUsed'] = $currentUptimeTopup['Used'];
+		$resultArray['uptimeCurrentTopupCap'] = (int)$currentUptimeTopup['Cap'];
+	}
+	$resultArray['uptimeTopupRemaining'] = $topupUptimeRemaining;
+	# Return results
+	return array($resultArray, 1);
 # Return list of user logs
 function getAdminUserLogs($params) {
@@ -39,7 +333,8 @@ function getAdminUserLogs($params) {
-					accounting.AcctTerminateCause
+					accounting.AcctTerminateCause,
+					accounting.AcctSessionTime
 					accounting, users
@@ -79,6 +374,13 @@ function getAdminUserLogs($params) {
 			$acctOutputMbyte += ($row->acctoutputgigawords * 4096);
+		# Uptime
+		$acctSessionTime = 0;
+		if (isset($row->acctsessiontime) && $row->acctsessiontime > 0) {
+			$acctSessionTime += ($row->acctsessiontime / 60);
+		}
+		ceil($acctSessionTime);
 		# Build array for this row
 		$item = array();
@@ -98,6 +400,7 @@ function getAdminUserLogs($params) {
 		$item['FramedIPAddress'] = $row->framedipaddress;
 		$item['AcctInputMbyte'] = $acctInputMbyte;
 		$item['AcctOutputMbyte'] = $acctOutputMbyte;
+		$item['AcctSessionTime'] = $acctSessionTime;
 		$item['ConnectTermReason'] = strRadiusTermCode($row->servicetype);
 		# Push this row onto main array
diff --git a/webgui/include/ajax/functions/WiSPUserLogs.php b/webgui/include/ajax/functions/WiSPUserLogs.php
index bf1f0874506c5911e0628634e9484b1159fd2161..c8ffd4c083f66232420b90edd1263aac9165dbbe 100644
--- a/webgui/include/ajax/functions/WiSPUserLogs.php
+++ b/webgui/include/ajax/functions/WiSPUserLogs.php
@@ -3,6 +3,300 @@
+# Return user logs summary
+function getWiSPUserLogsSummary($params) {
+	$res = DBSelect("
+				user_attributes.Name,
+				user_attributes.Value
+			FROM
+				user_attributes
+				user_attributes.UserID = ?",
+				array($params[0]['ID'])
+	);
+	# Return if error
+	if (!is_object($res)) {
+		return $res;
+	}
+	# Array of results
+	$resultArray = array();
+	# Fetch uptime and traffic limits, if not  found, this is prepaid account.. use -1 as we need int
+	$trafficCap = -1;
+	$uptimeCap = -1;
+	while ($row = $res->fetchObject()) {
+		if ($row->name == 'SMRadius-Capping-Traffic-Limit') {
+			$trafficCap = (int)$row->value;
+		}
+		if ($row->name == 'SMRadius-Capping-Uptime-Limit') {
+			$uptimeCap = (int)$row->value;
+		}
+	}
+	# Add cap type / amount to result
+	$resultArray['trafficCap'] = $trafficCap;
+	$resultArray['uptimeCap'] = $uptimeCap;
+	# Dates we want to use to search search
+	$dateFrom = new DateTime($params[0]['From']);
+	$dateTo = new DateTime($params[0]['To']);
+	# Fetch user uptime and traffic summary
+	$res = DBSelect("
+			topups_summary.Balance,
+			topups.Type,
+			topups.Value
+			topups_summary,
+			topups
+			topups_summary.TopupID = topups.ID
+			AND topups.UserID = ?
+			AND topups_summary.PeriodKey = ?
+			AND topups.Depleted = 0
+			topups.Timestamp",
+			array($params[0]['ID'],$dateFrom->format('Y-m'))
+	);
+	# Return if error
+	if (!is_object($res)) {
+		return $res;
+	}
+	# Store summary topups
+	$topups = array();
+	$i = 0;
+	while ($row = $res->fetchObject()) {
+		$topups[$i] = array();
+		$topups[$i]['Type'] = $row->type;
+		$topups[$i]['Limit'] = $row->balance;
+		$topups[$i]['OriginalLimit'] = $row->value;
+		$i++;
+	}
+	# Fetch user uptime and traffic topups
+	$res = DBSelect("
+			Value, Type
+			topups
+			topups.UserID = ?
+			AND topups.ValidFrom = ?
+			AND topups.ValidTo >= ?
+			AND topups.Depleted = 0
+			topups.Timestamp",
+			array($params[0]['ID'],$dateFrom->format('Y-m-d'),$dateTo->format('Y-m-d'))
+	);
+	# Return if error
+	if (!is_object($res)) {
+		return $res;
+	}
+	# Store normal topups
+	while ($row = $res->fetchObject()) {
+		$topups[$i] = array();
+		$topups[$i]['Type'] = $row->type;
+		$topups[$i]['Limit'] = $row->value;
+		$i++;
+	}
+	$res = DBSelect("
+			accounting.AcctSessionTime,
+			accounting.AcctInputOctets,
+			accounting.AcctInputGigawords,
+			accounting.AcctOutputOctets,
+			accounting.AcctOutputGigawords
+			accounting, users
+			users.ID = ?
+			AND EventTimestamp >= ?
+			AND accounting.Username = users.Username",
+			array($params[0]['ID'],$dateFrom->format('Y-m-d'))
+	);
+	if (!is_object($res)) {
+		return $res;
+	}
+	# Set total traffic and uptime used
+	$totalTraffic = 0;
+	$totalUptime = 0;
+	while ($row = $res->fetchObject()) {
+		# Traffic in
+		$inputDataItem = 0;
+		if (isset($row->acctinputoctets) && $row->acctinputoctets > 0) {
+			$inputDataItem += ($row->acctinputoctets / 1024) / 1024;
+		}
+		if (isset($row->acctinputgigawords) && $row->acctinputgigawords > 0) {
+			$inputDataItem += ($row->acctinputgigawords * 4096);
+		}
+		$totalTraffic += $inputDataItem;
+		# Traffic out
+		$outputDataItem = 0;
+		if (isset($row->acctoutputoctets) && $row->acctoutputoctets > 0) {
+			$outputDataItem += ($row->acctoutputoctets / 1024) / 1024;
+		}
+		if (isset($row->acctoutputgigawords) && $row->acctoutputgigawords > 0) {
+			$outputDataItem += ($row->acctoutputgigawords * 4096);
+		}
+		$totalTraffic += $outputDataItem;
+		# Uptime
+		$sessionTimeItem = 0;
+		if (isset($row->acctsessiontime) && $row->acctsessiontime > 0) {
+			$sessionTimeItem += $row->acctsessiontime;
+		}
+		$totalUptime += $sessionTimeItem;
+		# Round up
+		$totalUptime = ceil($totalUptime / 60);
+	}
+	# Set excess traffic usage
+	$excessTraffic = 0;
+	if (is_numeric($trafficCap) && $trafficCap > 0) {
+		$excessTraffic += $totalTraffic - $trafficCap;
+	} else {
+		$excessTraffic += $totalTraffic;
+	}
+	# Set excess uptime usage
+	$excessUptime = 0;
+	if (is_numeric($uptimeCap) && $uptimeCap > 0) {
+		$excessUptime += $totalUptime - $uptimeCap;
+	} else {
+		$excessUptime += $totalUptime;
+	}
+	$currentTrafficTopup = array();
+	$topupTrafficRemaining = 0;
+	# Loop through traffic topups and check for current topup, total topups not being used
+	if (is_string($trafficCap) || $trafficCap != 0) {
+		$i = 0;
+		# User is using traffic from topups
+		if ($excessTraffic > 0) {
+			foreach ($topups as $topupItem) {
+				if ($topupItem['Type'] == 1) {
+					if ($excessTraffic <= 0) {
+						$topupTrafficRemaining += $topupItem['Limit'];
+						next($topupItem);
+					} elseif ($excessTraffic >= $topupItem['Limit']) {
+						$excessTraffic -= $topupItem['Limit'];
+					} else {
+						if (isset($topupItem['OriginalLimit'])) {
+							$currentTrafficTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['OriginalLimit'];
+						} else {
+							$currentTrafficTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['Limit'];
+						}
+						$currentTrafficTopup['Used'] = $excessTraffic;
+						$excessTraffic -= $topupItem['Limit'];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		# User has not used traffic topups yet
+		} else {
+			foreach ($topups as $topupItem) {
+				if ($topupItem['Type'] == 1) {
+					if ($i == 0) {
+						if (isset($topupItem['OriginalLimit'])) {
+							$currentTrafficTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['OriginalLimit'];
+						} else {
+							$currentTrafficTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['Limit'];
+						}
+						$i = 1;
+							$currentTrafficTopup['Used'] = 0;
+					} else {
+						$topupTrafficRemaining += $topupItem['Limit'];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	$currentUptimeTopup = array();
+	$topupUptimeRemaining = 0;
+	# Loop through uptime topups and check for current topup, total topups not being used
+	if (is_string($uptimeCap) || $uptimeCap != 0) {
+		$i = 0;
+		# User is using uptime from topups
+		if ($excessUptime > 0) {
+			foreach ($topups as $topupItem) {
+				if ($topupItem['Type'] == 2) {
+					if ($excessUptime <= 0) {
+						$topupUptimeRemaining += $topupItem['Limit'];
+						next($topupItem);
+					} elseif ($excessUptime >= $topupItem['Limit']) {
+						$excessUptime -= $topupItem['Limit'];
+					} else {
+						if (isset($topupItem['OriginalLimit'])) {
+							$currentUptimeTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['OriginalLimit'];
+						} else {
+							$currentUptimeTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['Limit'];
+						}
+						$currentUptimeTopup['Used'] = $excessUptime;
+						$excessUptime -= $topupItem['Limit'];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		# User has not used uptime topups yet
+		} else {
+			foreach ($topups as $topupItem) {
+				if ($topupItem['Type'] == 2) {
+					if ($i == 0) {
+						if (isset($topupItem['OriginalLimit'])) {
+							$currentUptimeTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['OriginalLimit'];
+						} else {
+							$currentUptimeTopup['Cap'] = $topupItem['Limit'];
+						}
+						$i = 1;
+							$currentUptimeTopup['Used'] = 0;
+					} else {
+						$topupUptimeRemaining += $topupItem['Limit'];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	# Traffic..
+	$resultArray['trafficCurrentTopupUsed'] = -1;
+	$resultArray['trafficCurrentTopupCap'] = -1;
+	if (count($currentTrafficTopup) > 0) {
+		$resultArray['trafficCurrentTopupUsed'] = $currentTrafficTopup['Used'];
+		$resultArray['trafficCurrentTopupCap'] = (int)$currentTrafficTopup['Cap'];
+	}
+	$resultArray['trafficTopupRemaining'] = $topupTrafficRemaining;
+	# Uptime..
+	$resultArray['uptimeCurrentTopupUsed'] = -1;
+	$resultArray['uptimeCurrentTopupCap'] = -1;
+	if (count($currentUptimeTopup) > 0) {
+		$resultArray['uptimeCurrentTopupUsed'] = $currentUptimeTopup['Used'];
+		$resultArray['uptimeCurrentTopupCap'] = (int)$currentUptimeTopup['Cap'];
+	}
+	$resultArray['uptimeTopupRemaining'] = $topupUptimeRemaining;
+	# Return results
+	return array($resultArray, 1);
 # Return list of user logs
 function getWiSPUserLogs($params) {
@@ -39,7 +333,8 @@ function getWiSPUserLogs($params) {
-					accounting.AcctTerminateCause
+					accounting.AcctTerminateCause,
+					accounting.AcctSessionTime
 					accounting, users
@@ -78,6 +373,13 @@ function getWiSPUserLogs($params) {
 			$acctOutputMbyte += ($row->acctoutputgigawords * 4096);
+		# Uptime
+		$acctSessionTime = 0;
+		if (isset($row->acctsessiontime) && $row->acctsessiontime > 0) {
+			$acctSessionTime += ($row->acctsessiontime / 60);
+		}
+		ceil($acctSessionTime);
 		# Build array for this row
 		$item = array();
@@ -97,6 +399,7 @@ function getWiSPUserLogs($params) {
 		$item['FramedIPAddress'] = $row->framedipaddress;
 		$item['AcctInputMbyte'] = $acctInputMbyte;
 		$item['AcctOutputMbyte'] = $acctOutputMbyte;
+		$item['AcctSessionTime'] = $acctSessionTime;
 		$item['ConnectTermReason'] = strRadiusTermCode($row->servicetype);
 		# Push this row onto main array
diff --git a/webgui/js/app/windows/AdminUserLogs.js b/webgui/js/app/windows/AdminUserLogs.js
index 94455141b85ed16edd7c6ef4b7c868cdf57f7cab..b4105aff71ed3fcfd9e50e6e34c017d50c21743d 100644
--- a/webgui/js/app/windows/AdminUserLogs.js
+++ b/webgui/js/app/windows/AdminUserLogs.js
@@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ function showAdminUserLogsWindow(id) {
 			filters: [
 				{type: 'numeric', dataIndex: 'ID'},
-					type: 'date',  
+					type: 'date',
 					format: 'Y-m-d H:i:s',
-					dataIndex: 'EventTimestamp', 
+					dataIndex: 'EventTimestamp',
 					value: {
 						after: firstOfMonth,
 						before: firstOfNext
@@ -240,13 +240,6 @@ function showAdminUserLogsWindow(id) {
 		var afterField = (searchForm.getForm().findField('after')).getValue();
 		var beforeField = (searchForm.getForm().findField('before')).getValue();
-		var trafficCap;
-		var uptimeCap;
-		var trafficTopups;
-		var uptimeTopups;
-		var response;
 		// Mask parent window
@@ -254,71 +247,120 @@ function showAdminUserLogsWindow(id) {
 				params: {
-						From: afterField,
-						To: beforeField,
-						ID: id,
-						SOAPUsername: globalConfig.soap.username,
-						SOAPPassword: globalConfig.soap.password,
-						SOAPAuthType: globalConfig.soap.authtype,
-						SOAPModule: 'AdminUserLogs',
-						SOAPFunction: 'getAdminUserLogsSummary',
-						SOAPParams: '0:ID,0:From,0:To'
-					},
-			customSuccess: function (result) { 
-				response = Ext.decode(result.responseText);
+					From: afterField,
+					To: beforeField,
+					ID: id,
+					SOAPUsername: globalConfig.soap.username,
+					SOAPPassword: globalConfig.soap.password,
+					SOAPAuthType: globalConfig.soap.authtype,
+					SOAPModule: 'AdminUserLogs',
+					SOAPFunction: 'getAdminUserLogsSummary',
+					SOAPParams: '0:ID,0:From,0:To'
+				},
-				trafficCap = response.data.trafficCap;
-				uptimeCap = response.data.uptimeCap;
-				trafficTopups = response.data.trafficTopups;
-				uptimeTopups = response.data.uptimeTopups;
+				customSuccess: function (result) {
+					response = Ext.decode(result.responseText);
-				// Total up traffic 
-				var trafficTotalAllowed;
-				if (trafficCap < 0) {
-					trafficTotalAllowed = trafficTopups;
-				} else {
-					trafficTotalAllowed = trafficCap + trafficTopups;
-				}
-				var trafficUsage = inputTotal + outputTotal;
-				var trafficRemaining = trafficTotalAllowed - trafficUsage;
+					// Traffic variables
+					var trafficCap = response.data.trafficCap; // value of -1: prepaid
+					var trafficCurrentTopupUsed = response.data.trafficCurrentTopupUsed; // value of -1: no current topup
+					var trafficCurrentTopupCap = response.data.trafficCurrentTopupCap; // value of -1: no current topup
+					var trafficTopupRemaining = response.data.trafficTopupRemaining;
+					// Uptime variables
+					var uptimeCap = response.data.uptimeCap; // value of -1: prepaid
-				var form = adminUserLogsWindow.getComponent('summary-form');
-				var summaryTotal = form.getForm().findField('summaryTotal');
+					var uptimeCurrentTopupUsed = response.data.uptimeCurrentTopupUsed; // value of -1: no current topup
+					var uptimeCurrentTopupCap = response.data.uptimeCurrentTopupCap; // value of -1: no current topup
+					var uptimeTopupRemaining = response.data.uptimeTopupRemaining;
-				// Format string before printing
-				var summaryString = '';
-				if (trafficCap == -1) {
-					trafficCap = 'Prepaid';
-					summaryString += sprintf(
-						'Traffic Cap: %s Traffic Topups: %d\n------------------------------------\n'+
-						'Allowed: %d Used: %d\n-------------------------------\nRemaining: %d',
-						trafficCap,trafficTopups,trafficTotalAllowed,trafficUsage,trafficRemaining
-					);
+					// Total up traffic
+					var trafficTotalAllowed;
+					var validTrafficTopups;
+					if (trafficCurrentTopupCap > 0) {
+						validTrafficTopups = trafficCurrentTopupCap;
+						validTrafficTopups += trafficTopupRemaining;
+					} else {
+						validTrafficTopups = trafficTopupRemaining;
+					}
-				} else if (trafficCap == 0) {
-					summaryString += sprintf(
-						'Traffic Cap: Uncapped\n---------------------------------\nUsed: %d',
-						trafficUsage
-					);
+					if (trafficCap < 0) {
+						trafficTotalAllowed = validTrafficTopups;
+					} else {
+						trafficTotalAllowed = trafficCap + validTrafficTopups;
+					}
-				} else {
-					summaryString += sprintf(
-						'Traffic Cap: %d Traffic Topups: %d\n------------------------------------\n'+
-						'Allowed: %d Used: %d\n-------------------------------\nRemaining: %d',
-						trafficCap,trafficTopups,trafficTotalAllowed,trafficUsage,trafficRemaining
-					);
-				}
+					// Traffic usage
+					var trafficUsage = inputTotal + outputTotal;
+					// Total up uptime
+					var uptimeTotalAllowed;
+					var validUptimeTopups;
+					if (uptimeCurrentTopupCap > 0) {
+						validUptimeTopups = uptimeCurrentTopupCap;
+						validUptimeTopups += uptimeTopupRemaining;
+					} else {
+						validUptimeTopups = uptimeTopupRemaining;
+					}
-				summaryTotal.setValue(summaryString);
-			},
-			failure: function (result) { 
-				Ext.MessageBox.alert('Failed', 'Couldn\'t fetch data: '+result.date); 
-			},
-		});
+					if (uptimeCap < 0) {
+						uptimeTotalAllowed = validUptimeTopups;
+					} else {
+						uptimeTotalAllowed = uptimeCap + validUptimeTopups;
+					}
+					// Get summary field
+					var form = adminUserLogsWindow.getComponent('summary-form');
+					var summaryTotal = form.getForm().findField('summaryTotal');
+					// Format string before printing
+					var trafficString = '';
+					// Prepaid traffic
+					if (trafficCap == -1) {
+						trafficCap = 'Prepaid';
+						trafficString += sprintf('               Traffic\nCap: %s MB Topup: %d MB\n'+
+								'Usage: %d/%d MB\n=====================================\n',
+								trafficCap,validTrafficTopups,trafficUsage,trafficTotalAllowed);
+					// Uncapped traffic
+					} else if (trafficCap == 0) {
+						trafficString += sprintf('               Traffic\nCap: Uncapped Used: %d\n=====================================n',
+								trafficUsage);
+					// Capped traffic
+					} else {
+						trafficString += sprintf('               Traffic\nCap: %d MB Topup: %d MB\n'+
+								'Usage: %d/%d MB\n=====================================\n',
+								trafficCap,validTrafficTopups,trafficUsage,trafficTotalAllowed);
+					}
+					// Format string before printing
+					var uptimeString = '';
+					// Prepaid uptime
+					if (uptimeCap == -1) {
+						uptimeCap = 'Prepaid';
+						uptimeString += sprintf('               Uptime\nCap: %s MB Topup: %d MB\n'+
+								'Usage: %d/%d MB',
+								uptimeCap,validUptimeTopups,uptimeTotal,uptimeTotalAllowed);
+					// Uncapped uptime
+					} else if (uptimeCap == 0) {
+						uptimeString += sprintf('               Uptime\nCap: Uncapped Used: %d',
+								uptimeTotal);
+					// Capped uptime
+					} else {
+						uptimeString += sprintf('               Uptime\nCap: %d MB Topup: %d MB\n'+
+								'Usage: %d/%d MB',
+								uptimeCap,validUptimeTopups,uptimeTotal,uptimeTotalAllowed);
+					}
+					summaryTotal.setValue(trafficString+uptimeString);
+				},
+				failure: function (result) {
+					Ext.MessageBox.alert('Failed', 'Couldn\'t fetch data: '+result.date);
+				},
+			}
+		);
-	adminUserLogsWindow.show();				
+	adminUserLogsWindow.show();
 // vim: ts=4
diff --git a/webgui/js/app/windows/WiSPUserLogs.js b/webgui/js/app/windows/WiSPUserLogs.js
index b25b4d41dd48f345a7605de97dddc85c23f81784..71ed9260aec280a3ce99dfb8eb6f12e1eebfffce 100644
--- a/webgui/js/app/windows/WiSPUserLogs.js
+++ b/webgui/js/app/windows/WiSPUserLogs.js
@@ -177,6 +177,10 @@ function showWiSPUserLogsWindow(id) {
 					header: "Output Mbyte",
 					dataIndex: 'AcctOutputMbyte'
+				{
+					header: "Session Uptime",
+					dataIndex: 'AcctSessionTime'
+				},
 					header: "Term. Reason",
 					dataIndex: 'ConnectTermReason'
@@ -219,6 +223,7 @@ function showWiSPUserLogsWindow(id) {
 				{type: 'string',  dataIndex: 'FramedIPAddress'},
 				{type: 'numeric',  dataIndex: 'AcctInputMbyte'},
 				{type: 'numeric',  dataIndex: 'AcctOutputMbyte'},
+				{type: 'numeric',  dataIndex: 'AcctSessionTime'},
 				{type: 'string',  dataIndex: 'ConnectTermReason'}
@@ -229,21 +234,130 @@ function showWiSPUserLogsWindow(id) {
 	store.on('load',function() {
 		var inputTotal = store.sum('AcctInputMbyte');
 		var outputTotal = store.sum('AcctOutputMbyte');
+		var uptimeTotal = store.sum('AcctSessionTime');
+		var searchForm = wispUserLogsWindow.getComponent('search-form');
+		var afterField = (searchForm.getForm().findField('after')).getValue();
+		var beforeField = (searchForm.getForm().findField('before')).getValue();
+		// Mask parent window
+		wispUserLogsWindow.getEl().mask();
+		uxAjaxRequest(
+			wispUserLogsWindow,
+			{
+				params: {
+					From: afterField,
+					To: beforeField,
+					ID: id,
+					SOAPUsername: globalConfig.soap.username,
+					SOAPPassword: globalConfig.soap.password,
+					SOAPAuthType: globalConfig.soap.authtype,
+					SOAPModule: 'WiSPUserLogs',
+					SOAPFunction: 'getWiSPUserLogsSummary',
+					SOAPParams: '0:ID,0:From,0:To'
+				},
+				customSuccess: function (result) {
+					response = Ext.decode(result.responseText);
-		var userCap = 3000;
-		var userTopups = 1000;
-		// Total up into this ... 
-		var userTotalAllowed = userCap + userTopups;
-		var userUsage = inputTotal + outputTotal;
-		var userLeft = userTotalAllowed - userUsage;
+					// Traffic variables
+					var trafficCap = response.data.trafficCap; // value of -1: prepaid
+					var trafficCurrentTopupUsed = response.data.trafficCurrentTopupUsed; // value of -1: no current topup
+					var trafficCurrentTopupCap = response.data.trafficCurrentTopupCap; // value of -1: no current topup
+					var trafficTopupRemaining = response.data.trafficTopupRemaining;
+					// Uptime variables
+					var uptimeCap = response.data.uptimeCap; // value of -1: prepaid
+					var uptimeCurrentTopupUsed = response.data.uptimeCurrentTopupUsed; // value of -1: no current topup
+					var uptimeCurrentTopupCap = response.data.uptimeCurrentTopupCap; // value of -1: no current topup
+					var uptimeTopupRemaining = response.data.uptimeTopupRemaining;
+					// Total up traffic
+					var trafficTotalAllowed;
+					var validTrafficTopups;
+					if (trafficCurrentTopupCap > 0) {
+						validTrafficTopups = trafficCurrentTopupCap;
+						validTrafficTopups += trafficTopupRemaining;
+					} else {
+						validTrafficTopups = trafficTopupRemaining;
+					}
+					if (trafficCap < 0) {
+						trafficTotalAllowed = validTrafficTopups;
+					} else {
+						trafficTotalAllowed = trafficCap + validTrafficTopups;
+					}
-		var form = wispUserLogsWindow.getComponent('summary-form');
-		var summaryTotal = form.getForm().findField('summaryTotal');
+					// Traffic usage
+					var trafficUsage = inputTotal + outputTotal;
-		summaryTotal.setValue(
-				sprintf('Cap Total: %6d\nTopups   : %6d\n-----------------\n           %6d\n-----------------\nUsage    : %6d\n=================\nAvailable: %6d',userCap,userTopups,userTotalAllowed,userUsage,userLeft)
+					// Total up uptime
+					var uptimeTotalAllowed;
+					var validUptimeTopups;
+					if (uptimeCurrentTopupCap > 0) {
+						validUptimeTopups = uptimeCurrentTopupCap;
+						validUptimeTopups += uptimeTopupRemaining;
+					} else {
+						validUptimeTopups = uptimeTopupRemaining;
+					}
+					if (uptimeCap < 0) {
+						uptimeTotalAllowed = validUptimeTopups;
+					} else {
+						uptimeTotalAllowed = uptimeCap + validUptimeTopups;
+					}
+					// Get summary field
+					var form = wispUserLogsWindow.getComponent('summary-form');
+					var summaryTotal = form.getForm().findField('summaryTotal');
+					// Format string before printing
+					var trafficString = '';
+					// Prepaid traffic
+					if (trafficCap == -1) {
+						trafficCap = 'Prepaid';
+						trafficString += sprintf('               Traffic\nCap: %s MB Topup: %d MB\n'+
+								'Usage: %d/%d MB\n=====================================\n',
+								trafficCap,validTrafficTopups,trafficUsage,trafficTotalAllowed);
+					// Uncapped traffic
+					} else if (trafficCap == 0) {
+						trafficString += sprintf('               Traffic\nCap: Uncapped Used: %d\n=====================================n',
+								trafficUsage);
+					// Capped traffic
+					} else {
+						trafficString += sprintf('               Traffic\nCap: %d MB Topup: %d MB\n'+
+								'Usage: %d/%d MB\n=====================================\n',
+								trafficCap,validTrafficTopups,trafficUsage,trafficTotalAllowed);
+					}
+					// Format string before printing
+					var uptimeString = '';
+					// Prepaid uptime
+					if (uptimeCap == -1) {
+						uptimeCap = 'Prepaid';
+						uptimeString += sprintf('               Uptime\nCap: %s MB Topup: %d MB\n'+
+								'Usage: %d/%d MB',
+								uptimeCap,validUptimeTopups,uptimeTotal,uptimeTotalAllowed);
+					// Uncapped uptime
+					} else if (uptimeCap == 0) {
+						uptimeString += sprintf('               Uptime\nCap: Uncapped Used: %d',
+								uptimeTotal);
+					// Capped uptime
+					} else {
+						uptimeString += sprintf('               Uptime\nCap: %d MB Topup: %d MB\n'+
+								'Usage: %d/%d MB',
+								uptimeCap,validUptimeTopups,uptimeTotal,uptimeTotalAllowed);
+					}
+					summaryTotal.setValue(trafficString+uptimeString);
+				},
+				failure: function (result) {
+					Ext.MessageBox.alert('Failed', 'Couldn\'t fetch data: '+result.date);
+				},
+			}