From a3987aa2dfc274e6d0b75d91a79ec85a9c059979 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nigel Kukard <>
Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 06:38:29 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] * Removed JSON class from ajax.php

 webgui/ajax.php | 159 +++---------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 151 deletions(-)

diff --git a/webgui/ajax.php b/webgui/ajax.php
index a3abd0ac..92bd1dd8 100644
--- a/webgui/ajax.php
+++ b/webgui/ajax.php
@@ -1,162 +1,16 @@
 	# Requires / Includes
-	include_once("functions/AdminUsers.php");
-	include_once("functions/AdminGroups.php");
-	include_once("functions/AdminRealms.php");
-	include_once("functions/AdminLocations.php");
+	include_once("includes/ajax/json.php");
+	include_once("includes/ajax/functions/AdminUsers.php");
+	include_once("includes/ajax/functions/AdminGroups.php");
+	include_once("includes/ajax/functions/AdminRealms.php");
+	include_once("includes/ajax/functions/AdminLocations.php");
-	class json_response {
-		private $_fields = array();
-		private $_id;
-		private $_results;
-		private $_datasetSize;
-		private $_status = RES_OK;
-		## @method setID($id)
-		# Set ID column
-		#
-		# @param id ID column name
-		public function setID($id) {
-			$this->_id = $id;
-		}
-		## @method setStatus($status)
-		# Set response status
-		#
-		# @param status Either RES_OK (default) or RES_ERROR
-		public function setStatus($status) {
-			$this->_status = $status;
-		}
-		## @method addField($name,$type)
-		# Add a field to our return results
-		#
-		# @param name Field name
-		# @param type Field type, 'int', 'string', 'float', 'boolean', 'date'
-		public function addField($name,$type) {
-			# Build field
-			$field = array(
-				'name' => $name,
-				'type' => $type
-			);
-			# Set ISO date format
-			if ($field['type'] == "date") {
-				$field['dateFormat'] = "Y-m-d";
-			}
-			# Add field to list
-			array_push($this->_fields,$field);
-		}
-		## @method setDatasetSize($size)
-		# Set how many records are returned in the dataset
-		#
-		# @param size Dataset size
-		public function setDatasetSize($size) {
-			$this->_datasetSize = $size;
-		}
-		## @method parseArrayRef($array)
-		# Parse in the array of results and fix it up
-		#
-		# @param arrayref Array ref containing the results
-		public function parseArray($array) {
-			$this->_results = array();
-			# Loop with array items
-			foreach ($array as $aitem) {
-				$item = array();
-				# Loop with fields we want
-				foreach ($this->_fields as $field) {
-					# FIXME - typecast?
-					$item[$field['name']] = $aitem[$field['name']];
-				}
-				array_push($this->_results,$item);
-			}
-		}
-		## @method parseHash($hashref)
-		# Parse in the hash of results and fix it up
-		#
-		# @param hashref Hash ref containing the results
-		public function parseHash($hash) {
-			$this->_results = array();
-			foreach ($this->_fields as $field) {
-				# FIXME - typecast?
-				$this_results[$field['name']] = $hash[$field['name']];
-			}
-		}
-		## @method export
-		# Export response into something we return 
-		#
-		# @return JSON hash
-		# @li result - Result code/status
-		# @li data - Ref containing results
-		# @li metaData - Metadata containing info about the results being returned
-		# Metadata contains properties..
-		# - root: root element, which is always 'data'
-		# - fields: Optional field description, arrayref of hash refs, name = 'name', type 'type' and 'dateFormat' = 'Y-m-d'
-		# - id: Optional ID field name
-		# - totalProperty: Optional property name containing the number of records, always 'datasetSize'
-		# @li datasetSize Optional, number of records we're rturning
-		public function export() {
-			# Build result
-			$ret = array(
-				'result' => $this->_status,
-				# Additional stuff for other things to make life easier
-				'success' => $this->_status == RES_OK ? 1 : 0,
-				'metaData' => array(
-					'successProperty' => 'success'
-				)
-			);
-			# If we have results, add them
-			if (isset($this->_results)) {
-				$ret['data'] = $this->_results;
-				$ret['metaData']['root'] = 'data';
-				# If we have fields, set them up
-				if (isset($this->_fields)) {
-					$ret['metaData']['fields'] = $this->_fields;
-				}
-			}
-			# Check if we have an ID set
-			if (isset($this->_id)) {
-				$ret['metaData']['totalProperty'] = 'datasetSize';
-				$ret['datasetSize'] = $this->_datasetSize;
-			}
-			return $ret;
-		}
-	}
  * AJAX Interface to SMEngine SOAP
@@ -506,3 +360,6 @@
 	echo json_encode($soapRes);
+# vim: ts=4