# # Server configuration # [server] # User to run this daemon as #user= #group= # Filename to store pid of parent process #pid_file=/var/run/smradiusd.pid # Uncommenting the below option will prevent awradiusd going into the background #background=no # Preforking configuration # # min_server - Minimum servers to keep around # min_spare_servers - Minimum spare servers to keep around ready to # handle requests # max_spare_servers - Maximum spare servers to have around doing nothing # max_servers - Maximum servers alltogether # max_requests - Maximum number of requests each child will serve # # One may want to use the following as a rough guideline... # Small : 2, 2, 4, 10, 1000 # Medium: 4, 4, 12, 25, 1000 # Large : 8, 8, 16, 64, 1000 # #min_servers=4 #min_spare_servers=4 #max_spare_servers=12 #max_servers=25 #max_requests=1000 # Log level: # 0 - Errors only # 1 - Warnings and errors # 2 - Notices, warnings, errors # 3 - Info, notices, warnings, errors # 4 - Debugging #log_level=2 # File to log to instead of stdout #log_file=/var/log/smradiusd.log # Things to log in extreme detail # modules - Log detailed module running information # # There is no default for this configuration option. Options can be # separated by commas. ie. modules # #log_detail= # IP to listen on, * for all #host=* # Timeout in communication with clients #timeout=120 # cidr_allow/cidr_deny # Comma, whitespace or semi-colon separated. Contains a CIDR block to # compare the clients IP to. If cidr_allow or cidr_deny options are # given, the incoming client must match a cidr_allow and not match a # cidr_deny or the client connection will be closed. #cidr_allow= #cidr_deny= [database] #DSN=DBI:SQLite:dbname=smradius.sqlite DSN=DBI:mysql:database=smradius;host=localhost Username=root Password= # What do we do when we have a database connection problem # tempfail - Return temporary failure # pass - Return success bypass_mode=tempfail # How many seconds before we retry a DB connection bypass_timeout=5 [dictionary] load=<<EOT dicts/dictionary dicts/dictionary.microsoft dicts/dictionary.mikrotik EOT [authentication] mechanisms=<<EOT mod_auth_pap mod_auth_chap mod_auth_mschap EOT users=<<EOT mod_userdb_sql EOT [system] modules=<<EOT mod_config_sql mod_config_sql_topups EOT [features] modules=<<EOT mod_feature_capping EOT [accounting] modules=<<EOT mod_accounting_sql EOT # MOD_CONFIG_SQL [mod_config_sql] get_config_query=<<EOT SELECT Name, Operator, Value FROM @TP@realm_attributes EOT # MOD_CONFIG_SQL_TOPUPS [mod_config_sql_topups] get_topups_summary_query=<<EOT SELECT @TP@topups_summary.Balance, @TP@topups.Type, @TP@topups.ID FROM @TP@topups_summary, @TP@topups, @TP@users WHERE @TP@topups.ID = @TP@topups_summary.TopupID AND @TP@topups.UserID = @TP@users.ID AND @TP@topups_summary.PeriodKey = ? AND @TP@topups.Depleted = 0 AND @TP@users.Username = ? EOT get_topups_query=<<EOT SELECT @TP@topups.ID, @TP@topups.Type, @TP@topups.Value FROM @TP@topups, @TP@users WHERE @TP@topups.UserID = @TP@users.ID AND @TP@topups.ValidFrom >= ? AND @TP@topups.ValidTo >= ? AND @TP@topups.Depleted = 0 AND @TP@users.Username = ? EOT # MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL [mod_accounting_sql] accounting_start_query=<<EOT INSERT INTO @TP@accounting ( Username, ServiceType, FramedProtocol, NASPort, NASPortType, CallingStationID, CalledStationID, NASPortID, AcctSessionID, FramedIPAddress, AcctAuthentic, EventTimestamp, AcctStatusType, NASIdentifier, NASIPAddress, AcctDelayTime ) VALUES ( %{request.User-Name}, %{request.Service-Type}, %{request.Framed-Protocol}, %{request.NAS-Port}, %{request.NAS-Port-Type}, %{request.Calling-Station-Id}, %{request.Called-Station-Id}, %{request.NAS-Port-Id}, %{request.Acct-Session-Id}, %{request.Framed-IP-Address}, %{request.Acct-Authentic}, %{request.Timestamp}, %{request.Acct-Status-Type}, %{request.NAS-Identifier}, %{request.NAS-IP-Address}, %{request.Acct-Delay-Time} ) EOT accounting_update_query=<<EOT UPDATE @TP@accounting SET AcctSessionTime = %{request.Acct-Session-Time}, AcctInputOctets = %{request.Acct-Input-Octets}, AcctInputGigawords = %{request.Acct-Input-Gigawords}, AcctInputPackets = %{request.Acct-Input-Packets}, AcctOutputOctets = %{request.Acct-Output-Octets}, AcctOutputGigawords = %{request.Acct-Output-Gigawords}, AcctOutputPackets = %{request.Acct-Output-Packets}, AcctStatusType = %{request.Acct-Status-Type} WHERE Username = %{request.User-Name} AND AcctSessionID = %{request.Acct-Session-Id} AND NASIPAddress = %{request.NAS-IP-Address} EOT accounting_stop_query=<<EOT UPDATE @TP@accounting SET AcctSessionTime = %{request.Acct-Session-Time}, AcctInputOctets = %{request.Acct-Input-Octets}, AcctInputGigawords = %{request.Acct-Input-Gigawords}, AcctInputPackets = %{request.Acct-Input-Packets}, AcctOutputOctets = %{request.Acct-Output-Octets}, AcctOutputGigawords = %{request.Acct-Output-Gigawords}, AcctOutputPackets = %{request.Acct-Output-Packets}, AcctStatusType = %{request.Acct-Status-Type}, AcctTerminateCause = %{request.Acct-Terminate-Cause} WHERE Username = %{request.User-Name} AND AcctSessionID = %{request.Acct-Session-Id} AND NASIPAddress = %{request.NAS-IP-Address} EOT accounting_usage_query=<<EOT SELECT SUM(AcctInputOctets) AS InputOctets, SUM(AcctOutputOctets) AS OutputOctets, SUM(AcctInputGigawords) AS InputGigawords, SUM(AcctOutputGigawords) AS OutputGigawords, SUM(AcctSessionTime) AS SessionTime FROM @TP@accounting WHERE Username = %{request.User-Name} EOT # MOD_USERDB_SQL [mod_userdb_sql] userdb_find_query=<<EOT SELECT ID FROM @TP@users WHERE Username = %{request.User-Name} EOT userdb_get_group_attributes_query=<<EOT SELECT group_attributes.Name, group_attributes.Operator, group_attributes.Value FROM @TP@group_attributes, @TP@users_to_groups WHERE users_to_groups.UserID = %{userdb.id} AND group_attributes.GroupID = users_to_groups.GroupID EOT userdb_get_user_attributes_query=<<EOT SELECT Name, Operator, Value FROM @TP@user_attributes WHERE UserID = %{userdb.id} EOT