<?php include_once("include/db.php"); # Remove realm member function removeAdminRealmMember($params) { $res = DBDo("DELETE FROM clients_to_realms WHERE ID = ?",array($params[0])); # Return result if (is_bool($res)) { return $res; } return NULL; } # Return list of members function getAdminRealmMembers($params) { # Filters and sorts are the same here $filtersorts = array( 'ID' => 'clients_to_realms.ID', 'Name' => 'realm_attributes.Name' ); # Fetch members $res = DBSelectSearch(" SELECT clients_to_realms.ID, clients.Name FROM clients_to_realms, clients WHERE clients.ID = clients_to_realms.ClientID AND clients_to_realms.RealmID = ".DBQuote($params[0])." ",$params[1],$filtersorts,$filtersorts); $sth = $res[0]; $numResults = $res[1]; # If STH is blank, return the error back to whoever requested the data if (!isset($sth)) { return $res; } # Loop through rows $resultArray = array(); while ($row = $sth->fetchObject()) { $item = array(); $item['ID'] = $row->id; $item['Name'] = $row->name; # Push this row onto array array_push($resultArray,$item); } return array($resultArray,$numResults); } # vim: ts=4