Installing OpenTrafficShaper:

* Requirements for OpenTrafficShaper

Debian: libpoe-perl

- Config::IniFiles
Debian: libconfig-inifiles-perl

- DateTime
Debian: libdatetime-perl

- Digest::SHA
Debian: libdigest-sha-perl

Debian: libjson-perl

Debian: libdbd-mysql-perl

- Perl 5.6+

* Pull in dependency code


* System Changes

1. If you are running kernel 3.12, please make sure you add the following to /etc/modules-load.d/htb-stats.conf
# Enable HTB stats
sch_htb htb_rate_est=1

* Next steps

1. Edit the config file

2. You can now run opentrafficshaper by using ./opentrafficshaperd --debug --config=opentrafficshaper.conf --fg

3. Browse to it using http://SERVER:8088/

For more configuration information see this link: