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with 10075 additions and 2978 deletions
# Basic radius dictionary
# Copyright (C) 2009-2013, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2009-2015, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# AllWorldIT vendor radius dictionary
# Copyright (C) 2009-2013, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2009-2015, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -21,4 +21,5 @@ VENDOR AllWorldIT 42109
ATTRIBUTE OpenTrafficShaper-Traffic-Limit 1 string AllWorldIT
ATTRIBUTE OpenTrafficShaper-Traffic-Group 2 integer AllWorldIT
ATTRIBUTE OpenTrafficShaper-Traffic-Class 3 integer AllWorldIT
ATTRIBUTE OpenTrafficShaper-Traffic-Pool 4 string AllWorldIT
# Log level:
# Log level
# 0 - Errors only
# 1 - Warnings and errors
# 2 - Notices, warnings, errors
# 3 - Info, notices, warnings, errors
# 4 - Debugging
# 4 - Debugging
# default:
# log_level=2
# Log file to write log messages to
# default:
# log_file=/var/log/opentrafficshaper/opentrafficshaper.log
# Log file:
# Filename to write log messages to
# Defaults to /var/log/opentrafficshaper/opentrafficshaper.log
# PID file to write our PID to
# default:
# pid_file=/run/opentrafficshaper/
# PID file:
# Filename to write our PID to
# Defaults to /var/run/opentrafficshaper/
# State file, this file is used to store persistent information
# default:
# statefile=/var/lib/opentrafficshaper/configmanager.state
# STATE file:
# This is the file used to store persistent information
# Plugins
# Names of plugins to load, one per line
# NOTE: The ordering is very important
# Radius support
# Statistics
# Must load before webserver if you want graphs
# Web interface
# Statistics live streaming snapin
# Must load after webserver
# Traffic shaper
# Traffic shaper interface to statistics
# Must load after statistics
# Must load after tc
# General shaping settings
# Group 1 is by default the "Default" group
# User group, this is the list of groups users can belong to
# The format of this option is:
# default:
# none
# Traffic classes
# ID's and short description of traffic classes to Setup. Traffic is
# priortized as the lowest number getting the highest priority
# Traffic classes ID's and short description of traffic classes to Setup. Traffic is priortized as the lowest number getting the
# highest priority
# The format of this option is:
# default:
# none
class=1:High Priority
......@@ -57,49 +90,158 @@ class=5:Bronze
class=6:Best Effort
# Default pool
# For traffic not classified, we can send it to a rate-limited pool
# Deafults to "no"
# Default pool for traffic not classified, we can send it to a specific traffic class. This is a pool ID.
# default:
# default_pool=no
# Interface groups that a pool is associated with
# The format of this option is:
# The txiface is always the interface the client traffic is transmitted on (downloaded)
# The rxiface is always the interface the client traffic is received on (uploaded)
# default:
# interface_group=eth1,eth0:Default
# Interface setup
# Each interface comprises of a name, rate and a list of class rates for each class defined above. Each interface used in the
# interface_groups above must be defined below.
[shaping.interface eth0]
# This is the friendly name used when displaying this interface
name=WAN interface
# The rate is specified in Kbps
# Class rate specification
# format:
# The CIR and Limit are specified in Kbps or percentage
# If Limit is not specified it defaults to CIR
# if the entire class definition is omitted, defaults to rate of interface
# default:
# --interface limit for each class--
[shaping.interface eth1]
name=LAN Interface
# Radius plugin
# Path of the radius dictionary files
# default:
# none
# Dictionaries we need to load for radius functionality
# Dictionaries we need to load for radius attributes we use, these are paths relative to dicitonary_path=
# default:
# none
# Expire traffic control entries from radius in this period of time if not updated
# Default: 86400 (1 day)
# Expire traffic control entries from radius in this period of time if not updated, this is in seconds
# default:
# expiry_period=86400
# Pool name transform to apply to the username. We apply a regex to the username and grab the first returned group, this group is
# then used as the pool name instead of the full username.
# Example: To use user@POOL, try something like this...
# username_to_pool_transform=^[^@]+@(.*)
# Example: To use user.POOL@realm, try something like this...
# username_to_pool_transform=^[^\.]+\.([^@]+)
# default:
# none
# Interface group to use for users which don't have the attribute set
# default:
# default_interface_group=1
# Match priority to use for users which don't have the attribute set
# default:
# default_match_priority=2
# Traffic class to use for users which don't have the attribute set
# default:
# default_traffic_class=2
# NOT IMPLEMENTED: Default group to use for users which don't have the attribute set
# default:
# default_group=1
# TC Plugin
# Interface used for transmission of traffic to client
# Interface used for the receiving of traffic for client
# Rates of both interfaces
# This is in Mbit/s!!
# Defaults to 100 each
# Protocol to filter on, 99% of the time it will be "ip"
# If however you're filtering VLAN Q-in-Q traffic, set this to 0x88a8
# IP Header offset
# If the kernel offsets your IP packet with octets you need to specify the value here
# this most commonly happens when you shaping vlan traffic (as per above one would maybe
# set this value to 4)
# Protocol to filter on, 99% of the time it will be "ip". If however you're filtering VLAN Q-in-Q traffic, set this to 0x88a8
# default:
# protocol=ip
# IP Header offset, if the kernel offsets your IP packet with octets you need to specify the value here this most commonly happens
# when you shaping vlan traffic (as per above one would maybe set this value to 4)
# default:
# iphdr_offset=0
# Statistics Plugin
# Database credentials used for stats recording
# example:
# db_dsn=DBI:mysql:dbname=ots
# db_username=
# db_password=
# POE::Filter::HybridHTTP - Copyright 2013, AllworldIT
# POE::Filter::HybridHTTP - Copyright 2007-2023, AllworldIT
# Hybrid HTTP filter supporting websockets too.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Code originally based on POE::Filter::HTTPD
......@@ -15,7 +28,7 @@
# and from HTTPD filters, they should submit their request as a patch.
package POE::Filter::HybridHTTP;
package opentrafficshaper::POE::Filter::HybridHTTP;
use warnings;
use strict;
......@@ -23,11 +36,11 @@ use strict;
use bytes;
use POE::Filter;
use POE::Filter::HybridHTTP::WebSocketFrame;
use opentrafficshaper::POE::Filter::HybridHTTP::WebSocketFrame;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
# NOTE - Should be #.### (three decimal places)
$VERSION = '1.000';
$VERSION = '2.000';
@ISA = qw(POE::Filter);
......@@ -52,11 +65,11 @@ my $HTTP_1_1 = _http_version("HTTP/1.1");
# Class instantiation
sub new
sub new
my $class = shift;
# These are our internal properties
# These are our internal properties
my $self = { };
# Build our class
bless($self, $class);
......@@ -71,7 +84,7 @@ sub new
# From the docs:
# get_one_start() accepts an array reference containing unprocessed stream chunks. The chunks are added to the filter's Internal
# buffer for parsing by get_one().
sub get_one_start
sub get_one_start
my ($self, $stream) = @_;
......@@ -84,7 +97,7 @@ sub get_one_start
# This is called to see if we can grab records/items
sub get_one
sub get_one
my $self = shift;
......@@ -96,7 +109,7 @@ sub get_one
# Waiting for content.
} elsif ($self->{'state'} == ST_HTTP_CONTENT) {
return $self->_get_one_http_content();
# Websocket
} elsif ($self->{'state'} == ST_WEBSOCKET_STREAM) {
return $self->_get_one_websocket_record();
......@@ -109,7 +122,7 @@ sub get_one
# Function to push data to the socket
sub put
sub put
my ($self, $responses) = @_;
my @results;
......@@ -124,7 +137,7 @@ sub put
# Check if its a websocket upgrade
if (
# Is it a request and do we have a original request?
$h_upgrade eq "websocket" && defined($self->{'last_request'}) &&
$h_upgrade eq "websocket" && defined($self->{'last_request'}) &&
# If so was there a websocket-key?
(my $websocketKey = $self->{'last_request'}->header('Sec-WebSocket-Key'))
) {
......@@ -132,7 +145,7 @@ sub put
# GUID for this protocol as per RFC6455 Section 1.3
my $websocketKeyResponseRaw = $websocketKey."258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11";
my $websocketKeyResponse = sha1_base64($websocketKeyResponseRaw);
# Pad up to base64 length 4[N/3]
# Pad up to base64 length 4[N/3]
$websocketKeyResponse .= "=" x ((length($websocketKeyResponse) * 3) % 4);
......@@ -141,18 +154,22 @@ sub put
# Handle WebSocket data
} elsif ($self->{'state'} == ST_WEBSOCKET_STREAM) {
# Compile our list of results
foreach my $response (@{$responses}) {
# If we don't have a websocket write state, create one
if (!$self->{'state_websocket_write'}) {
$self->{'state_websocket_write'} = new POE::Filter::HybridHTTP::WebSocketFrame();
# If we don't have a websocket state, create one
if (!$self->{'websocket_state'}) {
$self->{'websocket_state'} = new opentrafficshaper::POE::Filter::HybridHTTP::WebSocketFrame();
# Don't mask replies from server to client RFC6455 secion 5.1.
# Consume the response with websockets...
# Spit out bytes...
my $payload = $self->{'websocket_state'}->to_bytes();
......@@ -174,8 +191,7 @@ sub _reset
# Reset our filter state
$self->{'buffer'} = '';
$self->{'state'} = ST_HTTP_HEADERS;
$self->{'state_websocket_read'} = undef;
$self->{'state_websocket_write'} = undef;
$self->{'websocket_state'} = undef;
$self->{'last_request'} = $self->{'request'};
$self->{'request'} = undef; # We want the last request always
$self->{'content_len'} = 0;
......@@ -185,7 +201,7 @@ sub _reset
# Internal function to parse an HTTP status line and return the HTTP
# protocol version.
sub _http_version
sub _http_version
my $version = shift;
......@@ -214,7 +230,7 @@ sub _get_one_http_headers
if ($self->{'buffer'} !~ s/^(\S.*?(?:\r?\n){2})//s) {
return [ ];
# Pull the headers as a string off the buffer
# Pull the headers as a string off the buffer
my $header_str = $1;
# Parse the request line.
......@@ -258,7 +274,7 @@ sub _get_one_http_headers
# We no longer matching, so this is the last header?
} else {
last HEADER;
# Push on the last header if we had one...
$request->push_header($key, $val) if $key;
......@@ -272,7 +288,7 @@ sub _get_one_http_headers
$content_length = int($content_length);
my $content_encoding = $request->content_encoding();
# The presence of a message-body in a request is signaled by the
# inclusion of a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header field in
# the request's message-headers. A message-body MUST NOT be included in
......@@ -306,17 +322,17 @@ sub _get_one_http_headers
# the server SHOULD respond with 400 (bad request) if it cannot
# determine the length of the message, or with 411 (length required) if
# it wishes to insist on receiving a valid Content-Length.
# - RFC2616
# - RFC2616
# PG- This seems to imply that we can either detect the length (but how
# would one do that?) or require a Content-Length header. We do the
# latter.
# PG- Dispite all the above, I'm not fully sure this implements RFC2616
# properly. There's something about transfer-coding that I don't fully
# understand.
if (!$content_length) {
if (!$content_length) {
# assume a Content-Length of 0 is valid pre 1.1
if ($proto >= $HTTP_1_1 && !defined($content_length)) {
# We have Content-Encoding, but not Content-Length.
......@@ -328,7 +344,7 @@ sub _get_one_http_headers
$self->{'content_length'} = $content_length;
$self->{'state'} = ST_HTTP_CONTENT;
$self->{'request'} = $request;
$self->{'request'} = $request;
......@@ -387,16 +403,16 @@ sub _get_one_websocket_record
# If we don't have a websocket state, create one
if (!$self->{'state_websocket_read'}) {
$self->{'state_websocket_read'} = new POE::Filter::HybridHTTP::WebSocketFrame();
if (!$self->{'websocket_state'}) {
$self->{'websocket_state'} = new opentrafficshaper::POE::Filter::HybridHTTP::WebSocketFrame();
# Blank our buffer
$self->{'buffer'} = '';
# Loop with records and push onto result set
my @results;
while (my $item = $self->{'state_websocket_read'}->next()) {
while (my $item = $self->{'websocket_state'}->next()) {
......@@ -460,10 +476,11 @@ sub _build_raw_response
if (!defined($response->header("Server"))) {
$response->push_header("Server","POE Hybrid HTTP Server v$VERSION");
# Set our content Length
if (my $length = length($response->content)) {
# Set our content length
# - This is required even if the content length is 0, for instance when we doing a REDIRECT with no content some browsers hang if
# - there is no content length set.
$response->header("Content-Length" => length($response->content));
# Setup our output
my $output = sprintf("%s %s",$self->{'protocol'},$response->status_line);
......@@ -477,3 +494,4 @@ sub _build_raw_response
# vim: ts=4
# POE::Filter::HybridHTTP::WebSocketFrame - Copyright 2013, AllworldIT
# POE::Filter::HybridHTTP::WebSocketFrame - Copyright 2007-2023, AllworldIT
# Hybrid HTTP filter support for WebSocketFrames
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Code originally based on Protocol::WebSocket::Frame
......@@ -20,7 +33,9 @@
# the same terms as Perl 5.10.
package POE::Filter::HybridHTTP::WebSocketFrame;
package opentrafficshaper::POE::Filter::HybridHTTP::WebSocketFrame;
use bytes;
use strict;
use warnings;
......@@ -95,7 +110,7 @@ sub next {
return Encode::decode('UTF-8', $bytes);
sub fin { @_ > 1 ? $_[0]->{fin} = $_[1] : $_[0]->{fin} }
......@@ -133,7 +148,7 @@ sub next_bytes {
$offset += 1; # FIN,RSV[1-3],OPCODE
# Grab payload length
my $payload_len = unpack 'C', substr($self->{'buffer'}, $offset, 1);
my $payload_len = unpack('C',substr($self->{'buffer'}, $offset, 1));
# Check if the payload is masked, if it is flag it internally
my $masked = ($payload_len & 0b10000000) >> 7;
......@@ -147,7 +162,7 @@ sub next_bytes {
# Unpack the payload_len into its actual value & bump the offset
$payload_len = unpack 'n', substr($self->{'buffer'}, $offset, 2);
$payload_len = unpack('n',substr($self->{'buffer'},$offset,2));
$offset += 2;
} elsif ($payload_len > 126) {
......@@ -174,7 +189,7 @@ sub next_bytes {
$offset += 8;
# XXX - not sure how to return this sanely
if ($payload_len > $self->{'max_payload_size'}) {
if ($payload_len > $self->{'max_payload_size'}) {
$self->{'buffer'} = '';
......@@ -245,6 +260,7 @@ sub next_bytes {
sub to_bytes {
my $self = shift;
......@@ -259,38 +275,40 @@ sub to_bytes {
$opcode = $self->opcode || 1;
$string .= pack 'C', ($opcode + 128);
# Set FIN + black RSV + set OPCODE in the first 8 bites
$string .= pack('C',($opcode | 0b10000000) & 0b10001111);
my $payload_len = length($self->{'buffer'});
if ($payload_len <= 125) {
# Flip masked bit if we're masked
$payload_len |= 0b10000000 if $self->masked;
$string .= pack 'C', $payload_len;
# Encode the payload length and add to string
$string .= pack('C',$payload_len);
elsif ($payload_len <= 0xffff) {
$string .= pack 'C', 126 + ($self->masked ? 128 : 0);
$string .= pack 'n', $payload_len;
my $bits = 0b01111110;
$bits |= 0b10000000 if $self->masked;
$string .= pack('C',$bits);
$string .= pack('n',$payload_len);
else {
$string .= pack 'C', 127 + ($self->masked ? 128 : 0);
my $bits = 0b01111111;
$bits |= 0b10000000 if $self->masked;
$string .= pack('C',$bits);
# Shifting by an amount >= to the system wordsize is undefined
$string .= pack 'N', $Config{'ivsize'} <= 4 ? 0 : $payload_len >> 32;
$string .= pack 'N', ($payload_len & 0xffffffff);
$string .= pack('N',$Config{'ivsize'} <= 4 ? 0 : $payload_len >> 32);
$string .= pack('N',($payload_len & 0xffffffff));
if ($self->masked) {
my $mask = $self->{mask} || ( MATH_RANDOM_SECURE ? Math::Random::Secure::irand(MAX_RAND_INT) : int(rand(MAX_RAND_INT)) );
my $mask = $self->{mask}
|| (
? Math::Random::Secure::irand(MAX_RAND_INT)
: int(rand(MAX_RAND_INT))
$mask = pack 'N', $mask;
$mask = pack('N',$mask);
$string .= $mask;
$string .= $self->_mask($self->{'buffer'}, $mask);
$string .= $self->_mask($self->{'buffer'},$mask);
else {
$string .= $self->{'buffer'};
......@@ -302,6 +320,7 @@ sub to_bytes {
return $string;
sub _mask {
my $self = shift;
my ($payload, $mask) = @_;
......@@ -314,3 +333,4 @@ sub _mask {
# vim: ts=4
# OpenTrafficShaper POE::Filter::TCStatistics TC stats filter
# OpenTrafficShaper webserver module: limits page
# Copyright (C) 2007-2023, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Code originally based on POE::Filter::HTTPD
# Filter::HTTPD Copyright 1998 Artur Bergman <>.
# Thanks go to Gisle Aas for his excellent HTTP::Daemon. Some of the
# get code was copied out if, unfortunately HTTP::Daemon is not easily
# subclassed for POE because of the blocking nature.
# 2001-07-27 RCC: This filter will not support the newer get_one()
# interface. It gets single things by default, and it does not
# support filter switching. If someone absolutely needs to switch to
# and from HTTPD filters, they should submit their request as a patch.
package opentrafficshaper::POE::Filter::TCStatistics;
use warnings;
use strict;
use JSON qw(decode_json);
use POE::Filter;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
# NOTE - Should be #.### (three decimal places)
$VERSION = '3.000';
@ISA = qw(POE::Filter);
# Class instantiation
sub new
my $class = shift;
# These are our internal properties
my $self = { };
# Build our class
bless($self, $class);
# And initialize
return $self;
# From the docs:
# get_one_start() accepts an array reference containing unprocessed stream chunks. The chunks are added to the filter's Internal
# buffer for parsing by get_one().
sub get_one_start
my ($self, $stream) = @_;
# Join all the blocks of data and add to our buffer
$self->{'buffer'} .= join('',@{$stream});
return $self;
# This is called to see if we can grab records/items
sub get_one
my $self = shift;
my @results = ();
# If we have a empty buffer we can just return
return [] if ($self->{'buffer'} eq '');
# NK: It seems we may not get the terminating ] at the end if the output is still busy?
return [] if (substr($self->{'buffer'},-1) ne "]");
# Try decode JSON payload
my $items;
eval {
$items = decode_json($self->{'buffer'});
$self->{'buffer'} = '';
} or do {
print(STDERR "FAILED TO DECODE JSON: >" . $self->{'buffer'} . "<\n");
return [];
# Loop with each item and generate a current stat
for my $item (@{$items}) {
my $curstat = {};
# Skip everything except HTB
if ($item->{'class'} ne "htb") {
# Split off the handle into the parent and child
( $curstat->{'TCClassParent'}, $curstat->{'TCClassChild'} ) = split( /:/, $item->{'handle'} );
# The rate and ceil is represented in bytes/s, so it needs to be multiplied by 8 and divided by 1000 to get Kbit/s
$curstat->{'CIR'} = (int($item->{'rate'}) * 8) / 1000;
$curstat->{'Limit'} = (int($item->{'ceil'}) * 8) / 1000;
# If we have a prio, we need to add this too
if (defined($item->{'prio'})) {
$curstat->{'Priority'} = int($item->{'prio'});
# We should probably always have these
$curstat->{'TotalBytes'} = int($item->{'stats'}->{'bytes'}) // 0;
$curstat->{'TotalPackets'} = int($item->{'stats'}->{'packets'}) // 0;
$curstat->{'TotalDropped'} = int($item->{'stats'}->{'drops'}) // 0;
$curstat->{'TotalOverLimits'} = int($item->{'stats'}->{'overlimits'}) // 0;
$curstat->{'QueueSize'} = int( $item->{'stats'}->{'backlog'} ) // 0;
$curstat->{'QueueLen'} = int( $item->{'stats'}->{'qlen'} ) // 0;
# These are HTB specific if stats are enabled
$curstat->{'Rate'} = 0;
if (defined($item->{'stats'}->{'rate'})) {
$curstat->{'Rate'} = (int($item->{'stats'}->{'rate'}) * 8) / 1000;
$curstat->{'PPS'} = 0;
if (defined($item->{'stats'}->{'pps'})) {
$curstat->{'PPS'} = int($item->{'stats'}->{'pps'});
return [ @results ];
# Function to push data to the socket
sub put
my ($self, $data) = @_;
my @results = [ $data ];
return \@results;
# Internal functions
# Prepare for next request
sub _reset
my $self = shift;
# Reset our filter state
$self->{'buffer'} = '';
# Get rate...
sub _getKNumber
my $str = shift;
my ($num,$multiplier) = ($str =~ /([0-9]+)([KMG])?/);
# We only work in Kbit
if (!defined($multiplier)) {
$num /= 1000;
} elsif ($multiplier eq "K") {
# noop
} elsif ($multiplier eq "M") {
$num *= 1000;
} elsif ($multiplier eq "G") {
$num *= 1000000;
return int($num);
# OpenTrafficShaper constants package
# Copyright (C) 2013, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2023, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
......@@ -25,16 +25,39 @@ require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
# CFGM_NEW - New
# CFGM_OFFLINE - Offline
# CFGM_ONLINE - Online
# CFGM_CHANGED - Changed
use constant {
CFGM_NEW => 4,
# SHAPER_NOTLIVE - Nothing is going on yet, something should happen
# SHAPER_PENDING - Waiting on shaper to do a change
# SHAPER_LIVE - Shaper is up to date with our config
# SHAPER_CONFLICT - Item is in conflict
use constant {
# Logging functionality
# Copyright (C) 2007-2013, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2023, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ use IO::Handle;
use POSIX qw( strftime );
# Instantiate
sub new {
my ($class) = @_;
......@@ -60,6 +61,8 @@ sub new {
return $self;
# Logging function
sub log
......@@ -81,9 +84,9 @@ sub log
# Parse message nicely
if ($msg =~ /^(\[[^\]]+\]) (.*)/s) {
$msg = "$1 $logtxt: $2";
$msg = sprintf("%s %s: %s",$1,$logtxt,$2);
} else {
$msg = "[UNKNOWN] $logtxt: $msg";
$msg = sprintf("[UNKNOWN] %s: %s",$logtxt,$msg);
# If we have args, this is more than likely a format string & args
......@@ -93,10 +96,12 @@ sub log
# Check if we need to log this
if ($level <= $self->{'level'}) {
local *FH = $self->{'handle'};
print(FH "[".strftime('%F %T',localtime)." - $$] $msg\n");
printf(FH "[%s - %s] %s\n",strftime('%F %T',localtime),$$,$msg);
# Set log file & open it
sub open
......@@ -113,6 +118,8 @@ sub open
$self->{'handle'} = $fh;
# Set log level
sub setLevel
......@@ -123,5 +130,7 @@ sub setLevel
$self->{'level'} = $level;
# vim: ts=4
# OpenTrafficShaper Plugin Handler
# Copyright (C) 2007-2013, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2023, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
......@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ our (@ISA,@EXPORT,@EXPORT_OK);
my $globals;
# Check if a plugin is loaded
sub plugin_is_loaded
sub isPluginLoaded
my $pluginName = shift;
......@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ sub plugin_is_loaded
# Function to register a plugin
sub plugin_register
......@@ -65,9 +67,9 @@ sub plugin_register
# System plugins are in the top dir
my $package;
if ($systemPlugin) {
$package = "opentrafficshaper::plugins::${packageName}";
$package = sprintf("opentrafficshaper::plugins::%s",$packageName);
} else {
$package = "opentrafficshaper::plugins::${packageName}::${pluginName}";
$package = sprintf("opentrafficshaper::plugins::%s::%s",$packageName,$pluginName);
# Core configuration manager
......@@ -79,17 +81,20 @@ sub plugin_register
if ($@ || (defined($res) && $res != 0)) {
# Check if the error is critical or not
if ($systemPlugin) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[PLUGINS] Error loading plugin '$pluginName', things WILL BREAK! ($@)");
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[PLUGINS] Error loading plugin '%s', things WILL BREAK! (%s)",$pluginName,$@);
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[PLUGINS] Error loading plugin '$pluginName' ($@)");
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[PLUGINS] Error loading plugin '%s' (%s)",$pluginName,$@);
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[PLUGINS] Plugin '$pluginName' loaded.");
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[PLUGINS] Plugin '%s' loaded.",$pluginName);
# Setup our main config ref
sub init
......@@ -99,11 +104,11 @@ sub init
# Internal functions
# Register plugin info
sub _plugin_register {
my ($pluginName,$pluginInfo) = @_;
......@@ -113,7 +118,7 @@ sub _plugin_register {
# If no info, return
if (!defined($pluginInfo)) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[MAIN] Plugin info not found for plugin => $pluginName");
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[MAIN] Plugin info not found for plugin => %s",$pluginName);
return -1;
......@@ -122,10 +127,14 @@ sub _plugin_register {
# Loop with plugin requires
foreach my $require (@{$pluginInfo->{'Requires'}}) {
# Check if plugin is loaded
my $found = plugin_is_loaded($require);
my $found = isPluginLoaded($require);
# If still not found ERR out
if (!$found) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[MAIN] Dependency '$require' for plugin '$pluginName' NOT MET. Make sure its loaded before '$pluginName'");
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[MAIN] Dependency '%s' for plugin '%s' NOT MET. Make sure its loaded before '%s'",
......@@ -139,11 +148,14 @@ sub _plugin_register {
$pluginInfo->{'Plugin'} = $pluginName;
$globals->{'plugins'}->{$pluginName} = $pluginInfo;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[MAIN] Intialization of plugin failed => $pluginName");
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[MAIN] Intialization of plugin failed => %s",$pluginName);
return 0;
# vim: ts=4
# OpenTrafficShaper configuration manager
# Copyright (C) 2007-2013, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2023, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -21,12 +21,28 @@ package opentrafficshaper::plugins::configmanager;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POE;
use Storable qw(
use Time::HiRes qw(
use awitpt::util qw(
use opentrafficshaper::constants;
use opentrafficshaper::logger;
use opentrafficshaper::utils;
use opentrafficshaper::util qw(
isIPv46 isIPv46CIDR
......@@ -37,89 +53,250 @@ our (@ISA,@EXPORT,@EXPORT_OK);
@EXPORT = qw(
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
use constant {
VERSION => '0.0.1',
VERSION => '1.0.0',
# After how long does a limit get removed if its's deemed offline
# How often our config check ticks
# Intervals for periodic actions
# Mandatory config attributes
# Mandatory pool attributes
Username IP
GroupID ClassID
TrafficLimitTx TrafficLimitRx
Expires Status
TrafficClassID TxCIR RxCIR
# Limit Changeset attributes - things that can be changed on the fly in the shaper
# Pool attributes that can be changed
GroupID ClassID
TrafficLimitTx TrafficLimitRx TrafficLimitTxBurst TrafficLimitRxBurst
TrafficClassID TxCIR RxCIR TxLimit RxLimit
# Persistent attributes supported
# Pool persistent attributes
Username IP
GroupID ClassID
TrafficLimitTx TrafficLimitRx TrafficLimitTxBurst TrafficLimitRxBurst TrafficPriority
FriendlyName Notes
Expires Created
TrafficClassID TxCIR RxCIR TxLimit RxLimit
# Class attributes that can be changed (overridden)
CIR Limit
# Class attributes that can be overidden
CIR Limit
# Class attributes that can be overidden
CIR Limit
# Mandatory pool member attributes
Username IPAddress
# Pool member attributes that can be changed
# Pool member persistent attributes
Username IPAddress
# Mandatory limit attributes
Username IPAddress
InterfaceGroupID MatchPriorityID
TrafficClassID TxCIR RxCIR
# Mandatory override attribute, one is required
# Pool override match attributes, one is required
Username IP
PoolName Username IPAddress
# Override changeset attributes
# Pool override attributes
PoolName Username IPAddress GroupID
TrafficClassID TxCIR RxCIR TxLimit RxLimit
# Pool override attributes that can be changed
TrafficClassID TxCIR RxCIR TxLimit RxLimit
# Pool override changeset attributes
TrafficLimitTx TrafficLimitRx TrafficLimitTxBurst TrafficLimitRxBurst
TrafficClassID TxCIR RxCIR TxLimit RxLimit
# Override attributes supported for persistent storage
# Pool override attributes supported for persistent storage
Username IP
GroupID ClassID
TrafficLimitTx TrafficLimitRx TrafficLimitTxBurst TrafficLimitRxBurst
FriendlyName Notes
PoolName Username IPAddress GroupID
TrafficClassID TxCIR RxCIR TxLimit RxLimit
Expires Created
......@@ -127,6 +304,8 @@ sub OVERRIDE_PERSISTENT_ATTRIBUTES {
# Plugin info
our $pluginInfo = {
Name => "Config Manager",
......@@ -137,122 +316,235 @@ our $pluginInfo = {
# Copy of system globals
# This modules globals
my $globals;
# System logger
my $logger;
# Configuration for this plugin
my $config = {
# Use default pool for unclassified traffic
'use_default_pool' => 0,
'default_pool_txrate' => undef,
'default_pool_rxrate' => undef,
'default_pool_priority' => 10,
# Traffic groups
'groups' => {
1 => 'Default'
# Traffic classes
'classes' => {
1 => 'Default'
our $config = {
# Match priorities
'match_priorities' => {
1 => 'First',
2 => 'Default',
3 => 'Fallthrough'
# State file
'statefile' => '/var/lib/opentrafficshaper/configmanager.state',
# Pending changes
my $changeQueue = { };
# GROUPS - pool members are linked to groups
# Attributes:
# * ID
# * Name
# $globals->{'Groups'}
# Attributes:
# * ID
# * Name
# $globals->{'TrafficClasses'}
# Attributes:
# * ID
# * Name
# * Interface
# * Limit
# $globals->{'Interfaces'}
# Parameters:
# * ID
# * FriendlyName
# - Used for display purposes
# * Name
# - Unix timestamp when this entry expires, 0 if never
# * TrafficClassID
# - Traffic class ID
# * InterfaceGroupID
# - Interface group this pool is attached to
# * TxCIR
# - Traffic limit in kbps
# * RxCIR
# - Traffic limit in kbps
# * TxLimit
# - Traffic bursting limit in kbps
# * RxLimit
# - Traffic bursting limit in kbps
# * Notes
# - Notes on this limit
# * Source
# - This is the source of the limit, typically plugin.ModuleName
# $globals->{'Pools'}
# $globals->{'PoolNameMap'}
# $globals->{'PoolIDCounter'}
# Supoprted user attributes:
# * ID
# * PoolID
# - Pool ID
# * Username
# - Users username
# * IP
# - Users IP
# - Users username
# * IPAddress
# - Users IP address
# * GroupID
# - Group ID
# * ClassID
# - Class ID
# * TrafficLimitTx
# - Traffic limit in kbps
# * TrafficLimitRx
# - Traffic limit in kbps
# * TrafficLimitTxBurst
# - Traffic bursting limit in kbps
# * TrafficLimitRxBurst
# - Traffic bursting limit in kbps
# - Group ID
# * MatchPriorityID
# - Match priority on the backend of this limit
# * TrafficClassID
# - Class ID
# * Expires
# - Unix timestamp when this entry expires, 0 if never
# - Unix timestamp when this entry expires, 0 if never
# * FriendlyName
# - Used for display purposes instead of username if specified
# - Used for display purposes instead of username if specified
# * Notes
# - Notes on this limit
# - Notes on this limit
# * Status
# - new
# - offline
# - online
# - unknown
# - new
# - offline
# - online
# - unknown
# * Source
# - This is the source of the limit, typically plugin.ModuleName
my $limits = { };
my $limitIPMap = { };
my $limitIDMap = { };
my $limitIDCounter = 1;
# - This is the source of the limit, typically plugin.ModuleName
# $globals->{'PoolMembers'}
# $globals->{'PoolMemberIDCounter'}
# $globals->{'PoolMemberMap'}
# Selection criteria:
# * PoolName
# - Pool name
# * Username
# - Users username
# * IP
# - Users IP
# - Users username
# * IPAddress
# - Users IP address
# * GroupID
# - Group ID
# - Group ID
# Overrides:
# * ClassID
# - Class ID
# * TrafficLimitTx
# - Traffic limit in kbps
# * TrafficLimitRx
# - Traffic limit in kbps
# * TrafficLimitTxBurst
# - Traffic bursting limit in kbps
# * TrafficLimitRxBurst
# - Traffic bursting limit in kbps
# Pool Overrides:
# * TrafficClassID
# - Class ID
# * TxCIR
# - Traffic limit in kbps
# * RxCIR
# - Traffic limit in kbps
# * TxLimit
# - Traffic bursting limit in kbps
# * RxLimit
# - Traffic bursting limit in kbps
# Parameters:
# * ID
# * FriendlyName
# - Used for display purposes
# - Used for display purposes
# * Expires
# - Unix timestamp when this entry expires, 0 if never
# - Unix timestamp when this entry expires, 0 if never
# * Notes
# - Notes on this limit
# - Notes on this limit
# * Source
# - This is the source of the limit, typically plugin.ModuleName
my $overrides = { };
# - This is the source of the limit, typically plugin.ModuleName
# $globals->{'PoolOverrides'}
# $globals->{'PoolOverrideIDCounter'}
# $globals->{'PoolChangeQueue'}
# $globals->{'PoolMemberChangeQueue'}
# Initialize plugin
sub plugin_init
$globals = shift;
my $system = shift;
my $now = time();
# Setup our environment
$logger = $globals->{'logger'};
$logger = $system->{'logger'};
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] OpenTrafficShaper Config Manager v%s - Copyright (c) 2007-2014, AllWorldIT",
# Initialize
$globals->{'LastCleanup'} = $now;
$globals->{'StateChanged'} = 0;
$globals->{'LastStateSync'} = $now;
$globals->{'Groups'} = { };
$globals->{'TrafficClasses'} = { };
$globals->{'Interfaces'} = { };
$globals->{'InterfaceGroups'} = { };
$globals->{'Pools'} = { };
$globals->{'PoolNameMap'} = { };
$globals->{'PoolIDCounter'} = 1;
$globals->{'DefaultPool'} = undef;
$globals->{'PoolMembers'} = { };
$globals->{'PoolMemberIDCounter'} = 1;
$globals->{'PoolMemberMap'} = { };
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] OpenTrafficShaper Config Manager v".VERSION." - Copyright (c) 2013, AllWorldIT");
$globals->{'PoolOverrides'} = { };
$globals->{'PoolOverrideIDCounter'} = 1;
$globals->{'InterfaceTrafficClasses'} = { };
$globals->{'InterfaceTrafficClassCounter'} = 1;
$globals->{'PoolChangeQueue'} = { };
$globals->{'PoolMemberChangeQueue'} = { };
$globals->{'InterfaceTrafficClassChangeQueue'} = { };
# If we have global config, use it
my $gconfig = { };
if (defined($system->{'file.config'}->{'shaping'})) {
$gconfig = $system->{'file.config'}->{'shaping'};
# Split off groups to load
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Loading traffic groups...");
# Check if we loaded an array or just text
my @groups = ref($globals->{'file.config'}->{'shaping'}->{'group'}) eq "ARRAY" ? @{$globals->{'file.config'}->{'shaping'}->{'group'}} :
( $globals->{'file.config'}->{'shaping'}->{'group'} );
my @groups;
if (defined($gconfig->{'group'})) {
if (ref($gconfig->{'group'}) eq "ARRAY") {
@groups = @{$gconfig->{'group'}};
} else {
@groups = ( $gconfig->{'group'} );
} else {
@groups = ( "1:Default (auto)" );
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] No groups, setting up defaults");
# Loop with groups
foreach my $group (@groups) {
# Skip comments
......@@ -260,101 +552,425 @@ sub plugin_init
# Split off group ID and group name
my ($groupID,$groupName) = split(/:/,$group);
if (!defined($groupID) || int($groupID) < 1) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to load traffic group definition '$group': ID is invalid");
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Traffic group definition '%s' has invalid ID, ignoring",$group);
if (!defined($groupName) || $groupName eq "") {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to load traffic group definition '$group': Name is invalid");
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Traffic group definition '%s' has invalid name, ignoring",$group);
$config->{'groups'}->{$groupID} = $groupName;
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Loaded traffic group '$groupName' with ID $groupID.");
# Create group
$groupID = createGroup({
'ID' => $groupID,
'Name' => $groupName
if (defined($groupID)) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Loaded traffic group '%s' [%s]",$groupName,$groupID);
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Loading traffic groups completed.");
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Traffic groups loaded");
# Split off traffic classes
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Loading traffic classes...");
# Check if we loaded an array or just text
my @classes = ref($globals->{'file.config'}->{'shaping'}->{'class'}) eq "ARRAY" ? @{$globals->{'file.config'}->{'shaping'}->{'class'}} :
( $globals->{'file.config'}->{'shaping'}->{'class'} );
my @classes;
if (defined($gconfig->{'class'})) {
if (ref($gconfig->{'class'}) eq "ARRAY") {
@classes = @{$gconfig->{'class'}};
} else {
@classes = ( $gconfig->{'class'} );
} else {
@classes = ( "1:Default (auto)" );
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] No classes, setting up defaults");
# Loop with classes
foreach my $class (@classes) {
# Skip comments
next if ($class =~ /^\s*#/);
# Split off class ID and class name
my ($classID,$className) = split(/:/,$class);
if (!defined($classID) || int($classID) < 1) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to load traffic class definition '$class': ID is invalid");
my ($trafficClassID,$className) = split(/:/,$class);
if (!defined(isNumber($trafficClassID))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Traffic class definition '%s' has invalid ID, ignoring",$class);
if (!defined($className) || $className eq "") {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to load traffic class definition '$class': Name is invalid");
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Traffic class definition '%s' has invalid name, ignoring",$class);
# Create class
$trafficClassID = createTrafficClass({
'ID' => $trafficClassID,
'Name' => $className
if (!defined($trafficClassID)) {
$config->{'classes'}->{$classID} = $className;
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Loaded traffic class '$className' with ID $classID.");
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Loaded traffic class '%s' [%s]",$className,$trafficClassID);
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Loading traffic classes completed.");
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Traffic classes loaded");
# Check if we using a default pool or not
if (defined(my $dp = booleanize($globals->{'file.config'}->{'shaping'}->{'use_default_pool'}))) {
# If we are using the default pool, load the limits
if ($config->{'use_default_pool'} = $dp) {
# Pull in both config items
if (defined(my $txir = $globals->{'file.config'}->{'shaping'}->{'default_pool_txrate'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Set default_pool_txrate to '$txir'");
$config->{'default_pool_txrate'} = isNumber($txir);
# Load interfaces
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Loading interfaces...");
my @interfaces;
if (defined($system->{'file.config'}->{'shaping.interface'})) {
@interfaces = keys %{$system->{'file.config'}->{'shaping.interface'}};
} else {
@interfaces = ( "eth0", "eth1" );
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] No interfaces defined, using 'eth0' and 'eth1'");
# Loop with interface
foreach my $interface (@interfaces) {
# This is the interface config to make things easier for us
my $iconfig = { };
# Check if its defined
if (defined($system->{'file.config'}->{'shaping.interface'}) &&
) {
$iconfig = $system->{'file.config'}->{'shaping.interface'}->{$interface}
# Check our friendly name for this interface
my $interfaceName = "$interface (auto)";
if (defined($iconfig->{'name'}) && $iconfig->{'name'} ne "") {
$interfaceName = $iconfig->{'name'};
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface '%s' has no 'name' attribute, using '%s (auto)'",
# Check our interface rate
my $interfaceLimit = 100000;
if (defined($iconfig->{'rate'}) && $iconfig->{'rate'} ne "") {
# Check limit is valid
if (defined(my $rate = isNumber($iconfig->{'rate'}))) {
$interfaceLimit = $rate;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] There is a problem with default_pool_txrate, config item use_default_pool disabled");
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface '%s' has invalid 'rate' attribute, using 100000 instead",
if (defined(my $rxir = $globals->{'file.config'}->{'shaping'}->{'default_pool_rxrate'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Set default_pool_rxrate to '$rxir'");
$config->{'default_pool_rxrate'} = isNumber($rxir);
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface '%s' has no 'rate' attribute specified, using 100000",$interface);
# Create interface
my $interfaceID = createInterface({
'ID' => $interface,
'Name' => $interfaceName,
'Device' => $interface,
'Limit' => $interfaceLimit
# Check if we have a section in our
if (defined($iconfig->{'class_rate'})) {
# Lets pull off the class_rate items
my @iclasses;
if (ref($iconfig->{'class_rate'}) eq "ARRAY") {
@iclasses = @{$iconfig->{'class_rate'}};
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] There is a problem with default_pool_rxrate, config item use_default_pool disabled");
@iclasses = ( $iconfig->{'class_rate'} );
# Loop with class_rates and parse
foreach my $iclass (@iclasses) {
# Skip comments
next if ($iclass =~ /^\s*#/);
# Split off class ID and class name
my ($itrafficClassID,$iclassCIR,$iclassLimit) = split(/[:\/]/,$iclass);
if (!defined($itrafficClassID = isTrafficClassIDValid($itrafficClassID))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface '%s' class definition '%s' has invalid Class ID, ignoring ".
# If the CIR is defined, try use it
if (defined($iclassCIR)) {
# If its not a number, something is wrong
if ($iclassCIR =~ /^([1-9][0-9]*)(%)?$/) {
my ($cir,$percent) = ($1,$2);
# Check if this is a percentage or an actual kbps value
if (defined($percent)) {
$iclassCIR = int($interfaceLimit * ($cir / 100));
} else {
$iclassCIR = $cir;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface '%s' class '%s' has invalid CIR, ignoring definition",
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface '%s' class '%s' has missing CIR, ignoring definition",
# If the limit is defined, try use it
if (defined($iclassLimit)) {
# If its not a number, something is wrong
if ($iclassLimit =~ /^([1-9][0-9]*)(%)?$/) {
my ($Limit,$percent) = ($1,$2);
# Check if this is a percentage or an actual kbps value
if (defined($percent)) {
$iclassLimit = int($interfaceLimit * ($Limit / 100));
} else {
$iclassLimit = $Limit;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface '%s' class '%s' has invalid Limit, ignoring",
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface '%s' class '%s' has missing Limit, using CIR '%s' instead",
$iclassLimit = $iclassCIR;
# Check if rates are below are sane
if ($iclassCIR > $interfaceLimit) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface '%s' class '%s' has CIR '%s' > interface speed '%s', ".
"adjusting to '%s'",
$iclassCIR = $interfaceLimit;
if ($iclassLimit > $interfaceLimit) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface '%s' class '%s' has Limit '%s' > interface speed '%s', ".
"adjusting to '%s'",
$iclassLimit = $interfaceLimit;
if ($iclassCIR > $iclassLimit) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface '%s' class '%s' has CIR '%s' > Limit '%s', adjusting CIR ".
"to '%s'",
$iclassCIR = $iclassLimit;
# Create class
my $interfaceTrafficClassID = createInterfaceTrafficClass({
'InterfaceID' => $interfaceID,
'TrafficClassID' => $itrafficClassID,
'CIR' => $iclassCIR,
'Limit' => $iclassLimit
if (!defined($interfaceTrafficClassID)) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Loaded interface '%s' class rate for class ID '%s': %s/%s",
# Time to check the interface classes
foreach my $trafficClassID (getAllTrafficClasses()) {
# Check if we have a rate defined for this class in the interface definition
if (!isInterfaceTrafficClassValid($interfaceID,$trafficClassID)) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface '%s' has no class '%s' defined, using interface limit",
# Create the default class
'InterfaceID' => $interfaceID,
'TrafficClassID' => $trafficClassID,
'CIR' => $interfaceLimit,
'Limit' => $interfaceLimit
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Loaded interface '%s' default class rate for class ID '%s': %s/%s",
# Check we have both items configured, if not deconfigure
if (!defined($config->{'default_pool_txrate'}) || !defined($config->{'default_pool_rxrate'})) {
$config->{'use_default_pool'} = 0;
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Loading interfaces completed");
# Pull in interface groupings
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Loading interface groups...");
# Check if we loaded an array or just text
my @cinterfaceGroups;
if (defined($gconfig->{'interface_group'})) {
if (ref($gconfig->{'interface_group'}) eq "ARRAY") {
@cinterfaceGroups = @{$gconfig->{'interface_group'}};
} else {
@cinterfaceGroups = ( $gconfig->{'interface_group'} );
} else {
@cinterfaceGroups = ( "eth1,eth0:Default" );
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] No interface groups, trying default eth1,eth0");
# Loop with interface groups
foreach my $interfaceGroup (@cinterfaceGroups) {
# Skip comments
next if ($interfaceGroup =~ /^\s*#/);
# Split off class ID and class name
my ($txInterface,$rxInterface,$friendlyName) = split(/[:,]/,$interfaceGroup);
if (!isInterfaceIDValid($txInterface)) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface group definition '%s' has invalid interface '%s', ignoring",
if (!isInterfaceIDValid($rxInterface)) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface group definition '%s' has invalid interface '%s', ignoring",
if (!defined($friendlyName) || $friendlyName eq "") {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface group definition '%s' has invalid friendly name, ignoring",
# Create interface group
my $interfaceGroupID = createInterfaceGroup({
'Name' => $friendlyName,
'TxInterface' => $txInterface,
'RxInterface' => $rxInterface
if (!defined($interfaceGroupID)) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Loaded interface group '%s' [%s] with interfaces '%s/%s'",
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface groups loaded");
# Check if we using a default pool or not
if (defined($gconfig->{'default_pool'})) {
# Check if its a number
if (defined(my $default_pool = isNumber($gconfig->{'default_pool'}))) {
if (isTrafficClassIDValid($default_pool)) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Default pool set to use class '%s'",
$globals->{'DefaultPool'} = $default_pool;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot enable default pool, class '%s' does not exist",
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot enable default pool, value for 'default_pool' is invalid");
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Using of default pool ". ( $config->{'use_default_pool'} ?
"ENABLED with rates $config->{'default_pool_txrate'}/$config->{'default_pool_rxrate'}" : "DISABLED" ) );
# Check if we have a state file
if (defined(my $statefile = $globals->{'file.config'}->{'system'}->{'statefile'})) {
if (defined(my $statefile = $system->{'file.config'}->{'system'}->{'statefile'})) {
$config->{'statefile'} = $statefile;
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Set statefile to '$statefile'");
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Set statefile to '%s'",$statefile);
# This is our configuration processing session
inline_states => {
_start => \&session_start,
_stop => \&session_stop,
_start => \&_session_start,
_stop => \&_session_stop,
_tick => \&_session_tick,
_SIGHUP => \&_session_SIGHUP,
limit_add => \&_session_limit_add,
tick => \&session_tick,
pool_override_add => \&_session_pool_override_add,
pool_override_change => \&_session_pool_override_change,
pool_override_remove => \&_session_pool_override_remove,
process_limit_change => \&process_limit_change,
process_override_change => \&process_override_change,
pool_add => \&_session_pool_add,
pool_remove => \&_session_pool_remove,
pool_change => \&_session_pool_change,
poolmember_add => \&_session_poolmember_add,
poolmember_remove => \&_session_poolmember_remove,
poolmember_change => \&_session_poolmember_change,
handle_SIGHUP => \&handle_SIGHUP,
# Start the plugin
sub plugin_start
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Started with ".( keys %{$changeQueue} )." queued items");
# Load config
if (-f $config->{'statefile'}) {
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Statefile '%s' cannot be opened: %s",$config->{'statefile'},$!);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Started with %s pools, %s pool members and %s pool overrides",
scalar(keys %{$globals->{'Pools'}}),
scalar(keys %{$globals->{'PoolMembers'}}),
scalar(keys %{$globals->{'PoolOverrides'}})
# Initialize config manager
sub session_start
sub _session_start
my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
......@@ -362,41 +978,32 @@ sub session_start
# Set our alias
# Load config
if (-f $config->{'statefile'}) {
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Statefile '$config->{'statefile'}' cannot be opened: $!");
# Set delay on config updates
$kernel->delay(tick => TICK_PERIOD);
$kernel->delay('_tick' => TICK_PERIOD);
$kernel->sig('HUP', 'handle_SIGHUP');
$kernel->sig('HUP', '_SIGHUP');
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Initialized");
# Stop the session
sub session_stop
sub _session_stop
my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Shutting down, saving configuration...");
# We only need to write the sate if something changed?
if ($globals->{'StateChanged'}) {
# The 1 means FULL WRITE of all entries
# Blow away all data
$globals = undef;
$changeQueue = { };
$limits = { };
$limitIPMap = { };
$limitIDMap = { };
$limitIDCounter = 1;
$overrides = { };
# XXX: Blow away rest? config?
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Shutdown");
......@@ -404,727 +1011,3048 @@ sub session_stop
# Time ticker for processing changes
sub session_tick
sub _session_tick
my $kernel = $_[KERNEL];
# Reset tick
$kernel->delay(tick => TICK_PERIOD);
my $now = time();
# Process limit change
sub process_limit_change
my ($kernel, $limit) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
# Check if we should sync state to disk
if ($globals->{'StateChanged'} && $globals->{'LastStateSync'} + STATE_SYNC_INTERVAL < $now) {
# Process override change
sub process_override_change
my ($kernel, $override) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
# Check if we should cleanup
if ($globals->{'LastCleanup'} + CLEANUP_INTERVAL < $now) {
# Loop with all pool overrides and check for expired entries
while (my ($poid, $poolOverride) = each(%{$globals->{'PoolOverrides'}})) {
# Pool override has effectively expired
if (defined($poolOverride->{'Expires'}) && $poolOverride->{'Expires'} > 0 && $poolOverride->{'Expires'} < $now) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool override '%s' [%s] has expired, removing",
# Loop with all pool members and check for expired entries
while (my ($pmid, $poolMember) = each(%{$globals->{'PoolMembers'}})) {
# Pool member has effectively expired
if (defined($poolMember->{'Expires'}) && $poolMember->{'Expires'} > 0 && $poolMember->{'Expires'} < $now) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool member '%s' [%s] has expired, removing",
# Loop with all the pools and check for expired entries
while (my ($pid, $pool) = each(%{$globals->{'Pools'}})) {
# Pool has effectively expired
if (defined($pool->{'Expires'}) && $pool->{'Expires'} > 0 && $pool->{'Expires'} < $now) {
# There are no members, its safe to remove
if (getPoolMembers($pid) == 0) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' [%s] has expired, removing",
# Reset last cleanup time
$globals->{'LastCleanup'} = $now;
# Loop through interface traffic classes
while (my ($interfaceTrafficClassID, $interfaceTrafficClass) = each(%{$globals->{'InterfaceTrafficClassChangeQueue'}})) {
my $shaperState = getInterfaceTrafficClassShaperState($interfaceTrafficClassID);
# Traffic class has been changed
if ($interfaceTrafficClass->{'Status'} == CFGM_CHANGED) {
# If the shaper is live we can go ahead
if ($shaperState & SHAPER_LIVE) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface traffic class [%s] has been modified, sending to shaper",
$kernel->post('shaper' => 'class_change' => $interfaceTrafficClassID);
# Set pending online
$interfaceTrafficClass->{'Status'} = CFGM_ONLINE;
# Remove from queue
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface traffic class [%s] has UNKNOWN state '%s'",
# Function to check the group ID exists
sub checkGroupID
my $gid = shift;
if (defined($config->{'groups'}->{$gid})) {
return $gid;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Interface traffic class [%s] has UNKNOWN status '%s'",
# Function to check the class ID exists
sub checkClassID
my $cid = shift;
if (defined($config->{'classes'}->{$cid})) {
return $cid;
# Loop through pool change queue
while (my ($pid, $pool) = each(%{$globals->{'PoolChangeQueue'}})) {
my $shaperState = getPoolShaperState($pid);
# Pool is newly added
if ($pool->{'Status'} == CFGM_NEW) {
# Function to check if the status is ok
sub checkStatus
my $status = shift;
if ($status eq "new" || $status eq "offline" || $status eq "online" || $status eq "conflict" || $status eq "unknown") {
return $status
# If the change is not yet live, we should queue it to go live
if ($shaperState & SHAPER_NOTLIVE) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' [%s] new and is not live, adding to shaper",
$kernel->post('shaper' => 'pool_add' => $pid);
# Set pending online
$pool->{'Status'} = CFGM_ONLINE;
# Remove from queue
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' [%s] has UNKNOWN state '%s'",
# Function to return a limit username
sub getLimitUsername
my $lid = shift;
if (defined($limits->{$lid})) {
return $limits->{$lid}->{'Username'};
# Pool is online but NOTLIVE
} elsif ($pool->{'Status'} == CFGM_ONLINE) {
# We've transitioned more than likely from offline, any state to online
# We don't care if the shaper is pending removal, we going to force re-adding now
if (!($shaperState & SHAPER_LIVE)) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' [%s] online and is not live, re-queue as add",
$pool->{'Status'} = CFGM_NEW;
# Function to return a limit
sub getLimit
my $lid = shift;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' [%s] has UNKNOWN state '%s'",
if (defined($limits->{$lid})) {
my %limit = %{$limits->{$lid}};
return \%limit;
# Pool has been modified
} elsif ($pool->{'Status'} == CFGM_CHANGED) {
# If the shaper is live we can go ahead
if ($shaperState & SHAPER_LIVE) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' [%s] has been modified, sending to shaper",
$kernel->post('shaper' => 'pool_change' => $pid);
# Set pending online
$pool->{'Status'} = CFGM_ONLINE;
# Remove from queue
} elsif ($shaperState & SHAPER_NOTLIVE) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' [%s] has been modified and is not live, re-queue as add",
$pool->{'Status'} = CFGM_NEW;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' [%s] has UNKNOWN state '%s'",
# Pool is being removed?
} elsif ($pool->{'Status'} == CFGM_OFFLINE) {
# If the change is live, but should go offline, queue it
if ($shaperState & SHAPER_LIVE) {
if ($now - $pool->{'LastUpdate'} > TIMEOUT_EXPIRE_OFFLINE) {
# If we still have pool members, we got to abort
if (!getPoolMembers($pid)) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' [%s] marked offline and expired, removing from shaper",
$kernel->post('shaper' => 'pool_remove' => $pid);
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' [%s] marked offline, but still has pool members, ".
"aborting remove",
$pool->{'Status'} = CFGM_ONLINE;
} else {
# Try remove all our pool members
if (my @poolMembers = getPoolMembers($pid)) {
# Loop with members and remove
foreach my $pmid (@poolMembers) {
my $poolMember = $globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid};
# Only remove ones online
if ($poolMember->{'Status'} == CFGM_ONLINE) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' [%s] marked offline and not expired, removing ".
"pool member [%s]",
} elsif ($shaperState & SHAPER_NOTLIVE) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' [%s] marked offline and is not live, removing",
# Remove pool from name map
# Remove pool member mapping
# Remove from queue
# Cleanup pool overrides
# Remove pool
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' [%s] has UNKNOWN status '%s'",
# Loop through pool member change queue
while (my ($pmid, $poolMember) = each(%{$globals->{'PoolMemberChangeQueue'}})) {
my $pool = $globals->{'Pools'}->{$poolMember->{'PoolID'}};
# We need to skip doing anything until the pool becomes live
if (getPoolShaperState($pool->{'ID'}) & SHAPER_NOTLIVE) {
my $shaperState = getPoolMemberShaperState($pmid);
# Pool member is newly added
if ($poolMember->{'Status'} == CFGM_NEW) {
# If the change is not yet live, we should queue it to go live
if ($shaperState & SHAPER_NOTLIVE) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' member '%s' [%s] new and is not live, adding to shaper",
$kernel->post('shaper' => 'poolmember_add' => $pmid);
# Set pending online
$poolMember->{'Status'} = CFGM_ONLINE;
# Remove from queue
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' member '%s' [%s] has UNKNOWN state '%s'",
# Pool member is online but NOTLIVE
} elsif ($poolMember->{'Status'} == CFGM_ONLINE) {
# We've transitioned more than likely from offline, any state to online
# We don't care if the shaper is pending removal, we going to force re-adding now
if (!($shaperState & SHAPER_LIVE)) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' member '%s' [%s] online and is not live, re-queue as add",
$poolMember->{'Status'} = CFGM_NEW;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' member '%s' [%s] has UNKNOWN state '%s'",
# Pool member has been modified
} elsif ($poolMember->{'Status'} == CFGM_CHANGED) {
# If the shaper is live we can go ahead
if ($shaperState & SHAPER_LIVE) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' member '%s' [%s] has been modified, sending to shaper",
$kernel->post('shaper' => 'poolmember_change' => $pmid);
# Set pending online
$poolMember->{'Status'} = CFGM_ONLINE;
# Remove from queue
} elsif ($shaperState & SHAPER_NOTLIVE) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' member '%s' [%s] has been modified and is not live, re-queue as ".
$poolMember->{'Status'} = CFGM_NEW;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' member '%s' [%s] has UNKNOWN state '%s'",
# Pool is being removed?
} elsif ($poolMember->{'Status'} == CFGM_OFFLINE) {
# If the change is live, but should go offline, queue it
if ($shaperState & SHAPER_LIVE) {
if ($now - $poolMember->{'LastUpdate'} > TIMEOUT_EXPIRE_OFFLINE) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' member '%s' [%s] marked offline and expired, removing ".
"from shaper",
$kernel->post('shaper' => 'poolmember_remove' => $pmid);
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' member '%s' [%s] marked offline and fresh, postponing",
} elsif ($shaperState & SHAPER_NOTLIVE) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' member '%s' [%s] marked offline and is not live, removing",
# Unlink interface IP address map
# Unlink pool map
# Remove from queue
# We need to re-process the pool overrides after the member has been removed
# Remove pool member
# Check if we have/had conflicts
if ((my @conflicts = keys
%{$globals->{'InterfaceGroups'}->{$pool->{'InterfaceGroupID'}}->{'IPMap'}->{$poolMember->{'IPAddress'}}}) > 0)
# We can only re-tag a pool member for adding if we have 1 pool member
if (@conflicts == 1) {
# Grab conflicted pool member, its index 0 in the conflicts array
my $cPoolMember = $globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$conflicts[0]};
my $cPoolMemberShaperState = getPoolMemberShaperState($cPoolMember->{'ID'});
# We only want to work with conflicts
if ($cPoolMemberShaperState & SHAPER_CONFLICT) {
# Grab pool
my $cPool = $globals->{'Pools'}->{$cPoolMember->{'PoolID'}};
# Unset conflict state
# Add to change queue
$globals->{'PoolMemberChangeQueue'}->{$cPoolMember->{'ID'}} = $cPoolMember;
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] IP '%s' is no longer conflicted, removing conflict from ".
"pool '%s' member '%s' [%s], was conflicted with pool '%s' member '%s' [%s]",
} else {
# Loop wiht conflicts and build some log items to use
my @logItems;
foreach my $pmid (@conflicts) {
my $cPoolMember = $globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid};
my $cPool = $globals->{'Pools'}->{$cPoolMember->{'PoolID'}};
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] IP '%s' is still in conflict: %s",
join(", ",@logItems)
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' member '%s' [%s] has UNKNOWN status '%s'",
# Reset tick
$kernel->delay('_tick' => TICK_PERIOD);
# Handle SIGHUP
sub _session_SIGHUP
my ($kernel, $heap, $signal_name) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Got SIGHUP, ignoring for now");
# Event for 'pool_add'
sub _session_pool_add
my ($kernel, $poolData) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
if (!defined($poolData)) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] No pool data provided for 'pool_add' event");
# Check if we have all the attributes we need
my $isInvalid;
foreach my $attr (POOL_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES) {
if (!defined($poolData->{$attr})) {
$isInvalid = $attr;
if ($isInvalid) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool add as there is an attribute missing: '%s'",
# Event for 'pool_remove'
sub _session_pool_remove
my ($kernel, $pid) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
my $pool;
if (!defined(getPool($pid))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Invalid pool ID '%s' for 'pool_remove' event",prettyUndef($pid));
# Event for 'pool_change'
sub _session_pool_change
my ($kernel, $poolData) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
if (!isPoolIDValid($poolData->{'ID'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Invalid pool ID '%s' for 'pool_change' event",prettyUndef($poolData->{'ID'}));
# Event for 'poolmember_add'
sub _session_poolmember_add
my ($kernel, $poolMemberData) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
if (!defined($poolMemberData)) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] No pool member data provided for 'poolmember_add' event");
# Check if we have all the attributes we need
my $isInvalid;
if (!defined($poolMemberData->{$attr})) {
$isInvalid = $attr;
if ($isInvalid) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process poolmember add as there is an attribute missing: '%s',$isInvalid");
# Event for 'poolmember_remove'
sub _session_poolmember_remove
my ($kernel, $pmid) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
if (!isPoolMemberIDValid($pmid)) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Invalid pool member ID '%s' for 'poolmember_remove' event",prettyUndef($pmid));
# Event for 'poolmember_change'
sub _session_poolmember_change
my ($kernel, $poolMemberData) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
if (!isPoolMemberIDValid($poolMemberData->{'ID'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Invalid pool member ID '%s' for 'poolmember_change' event",
# Event for 'limit_add'
sub _session_limit_add
my ($kernel, $limitData) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
if (!defined($limitData)) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] No limit data provided for 'limit_add' event");
# Check if we have all the attributes we need
my $isInvalid;
foreach my $attr (LIMIT_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES) {
if (!defined($limitData->{$attr})) {
$isInvalid = $attr;
if ($isInvalid) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process limit add as there is an attribute missing: '%s'",$isInvalid);
# Event for 'pool_override_add'
sub _session_pool_override_add
my ($kernel, $poolOverrideData) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
if (!defined($poolOverrideData)) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] No pool override data provided for 'pool_override_add' event");
# Check that we have at least one match attribute
my $isValid = 0;
if (!$isValid) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool override as there is no selection attribute");
# Event for 'pool_override_remove'
sub _session_pool_override_remove
my ($kernel, $poid) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
if (!isPoolOverrideIDValid($poid)) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Invalid pool override ID '%s' for 'pool_override_remove' event",
# Event for 'pool_override_change'
sub _session_pool_override_change
my ($kernel, $poolOverrideData) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
if (!isPoolOverrideIDValid($poolOverrideData->{'ID'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Invalid pool override ID '%s' for 'pool_override_change' event",
# Function to create a group
sub createGroup
my $groupData = shift;
my $group;
# Check if ID is valid
if (!defined($group->{'ID'} = $groupData->{'ID'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to add group as ID is invalid");
# Check if Name is valid
if (!defined($group->{'Name'} = $groupData->{'Name'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to add group as Name is invalid");
# Add pool
$globals->{'Groups'}->{$group->{'ID'}} = $group;
return $group->{'ID'};
# Function to check the group ID exists
sub isGroupIDValid
my $gid = shift;
if (!defined($globals->{'Groups'}->{$gid})) {
return $gid;
# Function to create a traffic class
sub createTrafficClass
my $classData = shift;
my $class;
# Check if ID is valid
if (!defined($class->{'ID'} = $classData->{'ID'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to add traffic class as ID is invalid");
# Check if Name is valid
if (!defined($class->{'Name'} = $classData->{'Name'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to add traffic class as Name is invalid");
# Add pool
$globals->{'TrafficClasses'}->{$class->{'ID'}} = $class;
return $class->{'ID'};
# Function to get traffic classes
sub getTrafficClasses
my @trafficClasses = ( );
# Loop with traffic classes
foreach my $trafficClassID (keys %{$globals->{'TrafficClasses'}}) {
# Skip over default pool if we have one
if (defined($globals->{'DefaultPool'}) && $trafficClassID eq $globals->{'DefaultPool'}) {
# Add to class list
push (@trafficClasses,$trafficClassID);
return @trafficClasses;
# Function to get a interface traffic class
sub getInterfaceTrafficClass
my ($interfaceID,$trafficClassID) = @_;
# Check if this interface ID is valid
if (!isInterfaceIDValid($interfaceID)) {
# Check if traffic class ID is valid
if (!defined($trafficClassID = isNumber($trafficClassID,ISNUMBER_ALLOW_ZERO))) {
if ($trafficClassID && !isTrafficClassIDValid($trafficClassID)) {
my $interfaceTrafficClass = dclone($globals->{'Interfaces'}->{$interfaceID}->{'TrafficClasses'}->{$trafficClassID});
# Check if the traffic class ID is not 0
if ($trafficClassID) {
$interfaceTrafficClass->{'Name'} = $globals->{'TrafficClasses'}->{$trafficClassID}->{'Name'};
# If if it 0, this is a root class
} else {
$interfaceTrafficClass->{'Name'} = "Root Class";
return $interfaceTrafficClass;
# Function to get a interface traffic class
sub getInterfaceTrafficClass2
my $interfaceTrafficClassID = shift;
# Check if this interface ID is valid
if (!isInterfaceTrafficClassIDValid2($interfaceTrafficClassID)) {
my $interfaceTrafficClass = dclone($globals->{'InterfaceTrafficClasses'}->{$interfaceTrafficClassID});
$interfaceTrafficClass->{'Name'} = $globals->{'TrafficClasses'}->{$interfaceTrafficClass->{'TrafficClassID'}};
return $interfaceTrafficClass;
# Function to check if traffic class is valid
sub isInterfaceTrafficClassValid
my ($interfaceID,$trafficClassID) = @_;
if (
!defined($interfaceID) || !defined($trafficClassID) ||
!defined($globals->{'Interfaces'}->{$interfaceID}) ||
) {
return $globals->{'Interfaces'}->{$interfaceID}->{'TrafficClasses'}->{$trafficClassID}->{'ID'};
# Function to check the interface traffic class ID is valid
sub isInterfaceTrafficClassIDValid2
my $interfaceTrafficClassID = shift;
if (
!defined($interfaceTrafficClassID) ||
) {
return $interfaceTrafficClassID;
# Function to create an interface class
sub createInterfaceTrafficClass
my $interfaceTrafficClassData = shift;
my $interfaceTrafficClass;
# Check if InterfaceID is valid
if (!defined($interfaceTrafficClass->{'InterfaceID'} = isInterfaceIDValid($interfaceTrafficClassData->{'InterfaceID'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to add interface traffic class as InterfaceID is invalid");
# Check if traffic class ID is valid
my $interfaceTrafficClassID;
if (!defined($interfaceTrafficClassID = isNumber($interfaceTrafficClassData->{'TrafficClassID'},ISNUMBER_ALLOW_ZERO))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process class change as there is no 'TrafficClassID' attribute");
if ($interfaceTrafficClassID && !isTrafficClassIDValid($interfaceTrafficClassData->{'TrafficClassID'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process class change as 'TrafficClassID' attribute is invalid");
$interfaceTrafficClass->{'TrafficClassID'} = $interfaceTrafficClassID;
# Check CIR is valid
if (!defined($interfaceTrafficClass->{'CIR'} = isNumber($interfaceTrafficClassData->{'CIR'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to add interface as CIR is invalid");
# Check Limit is valid
if (!defined($interfaceTrafficClass->{'Limit'} = isNumber($interfaceTrafficClassData->{'Limit'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to add interface as Limit is invalid");
# Set ID
$interfaceTrafficClass->{'ID'} = $globals->{'InterfaceTrafficClassCounter'}++;
# Set status
$interfaceTrafficClass->{'Status'} = CFGM_NEW;
# Add interface
->{$interfaceTrafficClass->{'TrafficClassID'}} = $interfaceTrafficClass;
# Link to interface traffic classes
$globals->{'InterfaceTrafficClasses'}->{$interfaceTrafficClass->{'ID'}} = $interfaceTrafficClass;
# TODO: Hack, this should set NOTLIVE & NEW and have the shaper create as per note in plugin_init section
# Set status on this interface traffic class
$interfaceTrafficClass->{'Status'} = CFGM_ONLINE;
return $interfaceTrafficClass->{'TrafficClassID'};
# Function to change a traffic class
sub changeInterfaceTrafficClass
my $interfaceTrafficClassData = shift;
# Check interface exists first
my $interfaceID;
if (!defined($interfaceID = isInterfaceIDValid($interfaceTrafficClassData->{'InterfaceID'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process interface class change as there is no 'InterfaceID' attribute");
# Check if traffic class ID is valid
my $trafficClassID;
if (!defined($trafficClassID = isNumber($interfaceTrafficClassData->{'TrafficClassID'},ISNUMBER_ALLOW_ZERO))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process class change as there is no 'TrafficClassID' attribute");
if ($trafficClassID && !isTrafficClassIDValid($interfaceTrafficClassData->{'TrafficClassID'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process class change as 'TrafficClassID' attribute is invalid");
my $interfaceTrafficClass = $globals->{'Interfaces'}->{$interfaceID}->{'TrafficClasses'}->{$trafficClassID};
my $changes = getHashChanges($interfaceTrafficClass,$interfaceTrafficClassData,[CLASS_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES]);
# Bump up changes
# Flag changed
$interfaceTrafficClass->{'Status'} = CFGM_CHANGED;
# XXX - hack our override in
$interfaceTrafficClass->{'.applied_overrides'}->{'change'} = $changes;
# Add to change queue
$globals->{'InterfaceTrafficClassChangeQueue'}->{$interfaceTrafficClass->{'ID'}} = $interfaceTrafficClass;
# Return what was changed
return dclone($changes);
# Function to return a class with any items changed as per class overrides
sub getEffectiveInterfaceTrafficClass2
my $interfaceTrafficClassID = shift;
my $interfaceTrafficClass;
if (!defined($interfaceTrafficClass = getInterfaceTrafficClass2($interfaceTrafficClassID))) {
my $realInterfaceTrafficClass = $globals->{'InterfaceTrafficClasses'}->{$interfaceTrafficClassID};
# If we have applied class overrides, check out what changes there may be
if (defined(my $appliedClassOverrides = $realInterfaceTrafficClass->{'.applied_overrides'})) {
my $interfaceTrafficClassOverrideSet;
# Loop with class overrides in ascending fashion, least matches to most
foreach my $interfaceTrafficClassID (
sort { $appliedClassOverrides->{$a} <=> $appliedClassOverrides->{$b} } keys %{$appliedClassOverrides}
) {
my $interfaceTrafficClassOverride = $appliedClassOverrides->{$interfaceTrafficClassID};
# Loop with attributes and create our override set
# Set class override set attribute if the class override has defined it
if (defined($interfaceTrafficClassOverride->{$attr}) && $interfaceTrafficClassOverride->{$attr} ne "") {
$interfaceTrafficClassOverrideSet->{$attr} = $interfaceTrafficClassOverride->{$attr};
# Set class overrides on pool
if (defined($interfaceTrafficClassOverrideSet)) {
foreach my $attr (keys %{$interfaceTrafficClassOverrideSet}) {
$interfaceTrafficClass->{$attr} = $interfaceTrafficClassOverrideSet->{$attr};
return $interfaceTrafficClass;
# Function to set interface traffic class shaper state
sub setInterfaceTrafficClassShaperState
my ($interfaceTrafficClassID,$state) = @_;
# Check interface traffic class exists first
if (!isInterfaceTrafficClassIDValid2($interfaceTrafficClassID)) {
$globals->{'InterfacesTrafficClasses'}->{$interfaceTrafficClassID}->{'.shaper_state'} |= $state;
return $globals->{'InterfacesTrafficClasses'}->{$interfaceTrafficClassID}->{'.shaper_state'};
# Function to unset interface traffic class shaper state
sub unsetInterfaceTrafficClassShaperState
my ($interfaceTrafficClassID,$state) = @_;
# Check interface traffic class exists first
if (!isInterfaceTrafficClassIDValid2($interfaceTrafficClassID)) {
$globals->{'InterfacesTrafficClasses'}->{$interfaceTrafficClassID}->{'.shaper_state'} &= ~$state;
return $globals->{'InterfacesTrafficClasses'}->{$interfaceTrafficClassID}->{'.shaper_state'};
# Function to get shaper state for a interface traffic class
sub getInterfaceTrafficClassShaperState
my $interfaceTrafficClassID = shift;
# Check interface traffic class exists first
if (!isInterfaceTrafficClassIDValid2($interfaceTrafficClassID)) {
return $globals->{'InterfacesTrafficClasses'}->{$interfaceTrafficClassID}->{'.shaper_state'};
# Function to get all traffic classes
sub getAllTrafficClasses
return ( keys %{$globals->{'TrafficClasses'}} );
# Function to get a traffic class
sub getTrafficClass
my $trafficClassID = shift;
if (!isTrafficClassIDValid($trafficClassID)) {
return $globals->{'TrafficClasses'}->{$trafficClassID};
# Function to check if traffic class is valid
sub isTrafficClassIDValid
my $trafficClassID = shift;
if (!defined($trafficClassID) || !defined($globals->{'TrafficClasses'}->{$trafficClassID})) {
return $trafficClassID;
# Function to return the traffic priority based on a traffic class
sub getTrafficClassPriority
my $trafficClassID = shift;
# Check it exists first
if (!isTrafficClassIDValid($trafficClassID)) {
# NK: Short circuit, our TrafficClassID = Priority
return $trafficClassID;
# Function to create an interface
sub createInterface
my $interfaceData = shift;
my $interface;
# Check if ID is valid
if (!defined($interface->{'ID'} = $interfaceData->{'ID'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to add interface as ID is invalid");
# Check if Interface is valid
if (!defined($interface->{'Device'} = $interfaceData->{'Device'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to add interface as Device is invalid");
# Check if Name is valid
if (!defined($interface->{'Name'} = $interfaceData->{'Name'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to add interface as Name is invalid");
# Check Limit is valid
if (!defined($interface->{'Limit'} = isNumber($interfaceData->{'Limit'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to add interface as Limit is invalid");
# Add interface
$globals->{'Interfaces'}->{$interface->{'ID'}} = $interface;
# Create interface main traffic class
'InterfaceID' => $interface->{'ID'},
'TrafficClassID' => 0,
'CIR' => $interfaceData->{'Limit'},
'Limit' => $interfaceData->{'Limit'},
return $interface->{'ID'};
# Function to return if an interface ID is valid
sub isInterfaceIDValid
my $interfaceID = shift;
# Return undef if interface is not valid
if (!defined($globals->{'Interfaces'}->{$interfaceID})) {
return $interfaceID;
# Function to return the configured Interfaces
sub getInterfaces
return ( keys %{$globals->{'Interfaces'}} );
# Return interface classes
sub getInterface
my $interfaceID = shift;
# Check if interface ID is valid
if (!isInterfaceIDValid($interfaceID)) {
my $res = dclone($globals->{'Interfaces'}->{$interfaceID});
# We don't want to return TrafficClasses
# And return it...
return $res;
# Function to return our default pool configuration
sub getInterfaceDefaultPool
my $interface = shift;
# We don't really need the interface to return the default pool
return $globals->{'DefaultPool'};
# Function to create an interface group
sub createInterfaceGroup
my $interfaceGroupData = shift;
my $interfaceGroup;
# Check if Name is valid
if (!defined($interfaceGroup->{'Name'} = $interfaceGroupData->{'Name'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to add interface group as Name is invalid");
# Check if TxInterface is valid
if (!defined($interfaceGroup->{'TxInterface'} = isInterfaceIDValid($interfaceGroupData->{'TxInterface'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to add interface group as TxInterface is invalid");
# Check if RxInterface is valid
if (!defined($interfaceGroup->{'RxInterface'} = isInterfaceIDValid($interfaceGroupData->{'RxInterface'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to add interface group as RxInterface is invalid");
$interfaceGroup->{'ID'} = sprintf('%s,%s',$interfaceGroup->{'TxInterface'},$interfaceGroup->{'RxInterface'});
$interfaceGroup->{'IPMap'} = { };
# Add interface group
$globals->{'InterfaceGroups'}->{$interfaceGroup->{'ID'}} = $interfaceGroup;
return $interfaceGroup->{'ID'};
# Function to get interface groups
sub getInterfaceGroups
return ( keys %{$globals->{'InterfaceGroups'}} );
# Function to get an interface group
sub getInterfaceGroup
my $interfaceGroupID = shift;
if (!isInterfaceGroupIDValid($interfaceGroupID)) {
my $interfaceGroup = dclone($globals->{'InterfaceGroups'}->{$interfaceGroupID});
return $interfaceGroup;
# Function to check if interface group is valid
sub isInterfaceGroupIDValid
my $interfaceGroupID = shift;
if (!defined($interfaceGroupID) || !defined($globals->{'InterfaceGroups'}->{$interfaceGroupID})) {
return $interfaceGroupID;
# Function to get match priorities
sub getMatchPriorities
return dclone($config->{'match_priorities'});
# Function to check if interface group is valid
sub isMatchPriorityIDValid
my $mpid = shift;
# Check all is ok
if (!defined($mpid) || !defined($config->{'match_priorities'}->{$mpid})) {
return $mpid;
# Function to set a pool attribute
sub setPoolAttribute
my ($pid,$attr,$value) = @_;
# Return if it doesn't exist
if (!isPoolIDValid($pid)) {
$globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'.attributes'}->{$attr} = $value;
return $value;
# Function to get a pool attribute
sub getPoolAttribute
my ($pid,$attr) = @_;
# Return if it doesn't exist
if (!isPoolIDValid($pid)) {
# Check if attribute exists first
if (
!defined($globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'.attributes'}) ||
return $globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'.attributes'}->{$attr};
# Function to remove a pool attribute
sub removePoolAttribute
my ($pid,$attr) = @_;
# Return if it doesn't exist
if (!isPoolIDValid($pid)) {
# Check if attribute exists first
if (
!defined($globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'.attributes'}) ||
return delete($globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'.attributes'}->{$attr});
# Function to return a pool override
sub getPoolOverride
my $poid = shift;
if (!isPoolOverrideIDValid($poid)) {
my $poolOverride = dclone($globals->{'PoolOverrides'}->{$poid});
return $poolOverride;
## Function to return a list of pool override ID's
sub getPoolOverrides
return (keys %{$globals->{'PoolOverrides'}});
# Function to create a pool
sub createPool
my $poolData = shift;
# Check if we have all the attributes we need
my $isInvalid;
foreach my $attr (POOL_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES) {
if (!defined($poolData->{$attr})) {
$isInvalid = $attr;
if ($isInvalid) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool add for '%s' as there is an attribute missing: '%s'",
my $pool;
my $now = time();
# Now check if the name is valid
if (!defined($pool->{'Name'} = $poolData->{'Name'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool add as Name is invalid");
# Check interface group ID is OK
if (!defined($pool->{'InterfaceGroupID'} = isInterfaceGroupIDValid($poolData->{'InterfaceGroupID'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool add for '%s' as the InterfaceGroupID is invalid",
# If we already have this name added, return it as the pool
if (defined(my $pool = $globals->{'PoolNameMap'}->{$pool->{'InterfaceGroupID'}}->{$pool->{'Name'}})) {
return $pool->{'ID'};
# Check class is OK
if (!defined($pool->{'TrafficClassID'} = isTrafficClassIDValid($poolData->{'TrafficClassID'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool add for '%s' as the TrafficClassID is invalid",
# Make sure things are not attached to the default pool
if (defined($globals->{'DefaultPool'}) && $pool->{'TrafficClassID'} eq $globals->{'DefaultPool'}) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool add for '%s' as the TrafficClassID is the default pool class",
# Check traffic limits
if (!isNumber($pool->{'TxCIR'} = $poolData->{'TxCIR'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool add for '%s' as the TxCIR is invalid",
if (!isNumber($pool->{'RxCIR'} = $poolData->{'RxCIR'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool add for '%s' as the RxCIR is invalid",
# If we don't have burst limits, improvize
if (!defined($pool->{'TxLimit'} = $poolData->{'TxLimit'})) {
$pool->{'TxLimit'} = $pool->{'TxCIR'};
$pool->{'TxCIR'} = int($pool->{'TxLimit'}/4);
if (!defined($pool->{'RxLimit'} = $poolData->{'RxLimit'})) {
$pool->{'RxLimit'} = $pool->{'RxCIR'};
$pool->{'RxCIR'} = int($pool->{'RxLimit'}/4);
# Set source
$pool->{'Source'} = $poolData->{'Source'};
# Set when this entry was created
$pool->{'Created'} = defined($poolData->{'Created'}) ? $poolData->{'Created'} : $now;
$pool->{'LastUpdate'} = $now;
# Set when this entry expires
$pool->{'Expires'} = defined($poolData->{'Expires'}) ? int($poolData->{'Expires'}) : 0;
# Check status is OK
$pool->{'Status'} = CFGM_NEW;
# Set friendly name and notes
$pool->{'FriendlyName'} = $poolData->{'FriendlyName'};
# Set notes
$pool->{'Notes'} = $poolData->{'Notes'};
# Assign pool ID
$pool->{'ID'} = $globals->{'PoolIDCounter'}++;
# NK: Need better pool ID determination, check what ID is available
# Add pool
$globals->{'Pools'}->{$pool->{'ID'}} = $pool;
# Link pool name map
$globals->{'PoolNameMap'}->{$pool->{'InterfaceGroupID'}}->{$pool->{'Name'}} = $pool;
# Blank our pool member mapping
$globals->{'PoolMemberMap'}->{$pool->{'ID'}} = { };
# Pool needs updating
$globals->{'PoolChangeQueue'}->{$pool->{'ID'}} = $pool;
# Resolve pool overrides
# Bump up changes
return $pool->{'ID'};
# Function to remove a pool
sub removePool
my $pid = shift;
# Check pool exists first
if (!isPoolIDValid($pid)) {
my $pool = $globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid};
# Check if pool is not already offlining
if ($pool->{'Status'} == CFGM_OFFLINE) {
my $now = time();
# Set status to offline so its caught by our garbage collector
$pool->{'Status'} = CFGM_OFFLINE;
# Updated pool's last updated timestamp
$pool->{'LastUpdate'} = $now;
# Pool needs updating
$globals->{'PoolChangeQueue'}->{$pool->{'ID'}} = $pool;
# Bump up changes
# Function to change a pool
sub changePool
my $poolData = shift;
# Check pool exists first
if (!isPoolIDValid($poolData->{'ID'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool change as there is no 'ID' attribute");
my $pool = $globals->{'Pools'}->{$poolData->{'ID'}};
my $now = time();
my $changes = getHashChanges($pool,$poolData,[POOL_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES]);
# Make changes...
foreach my $item (keys %{$changes}) {
$pool->{$item} = $changes->{$item};
# Set pool to being updated
$pool->{'Status'} = CFGM_CHANGED;
# Pool was just updated, so update our timestamp
$pool->{'LastUpdate'} = $now;
# Pool needs updating
$globals->{'PoolChangeQueue'}->{$pool->{'ID'}} = $pool;
# Bump up changes
# Return what was changed
return dclone($changes);
# Function to return a pool
sub getPool
my $pid = shift;
if (!isPoolIDValid($pid)) {
my $pool = dclone($globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid});
# Remove attributes?
return $pool;
# Function to get a pool by its name
sub getPoolByName
my ($interfaceGroupID,$name) = @_;
# Make sure both params are defined or we get warnings
if (!defined($interfaceGroupID) || !defined($name)) {
# Maybe it doesn't exist?
if (
!defined($globals->{'PoolNameMap'}->{$interfaceGroupID}) ||
return dclone($globals->{'PoolNameMap'}->{$interfaceGroupID}->{$name});
# Function to return a list of pool ID's
sub getPools
return (keys %{$globals->{'Pools'}});
# Function to return a pool TX interface
sub getPoolTxInterface
my $pid = shift;
# Check pool exists first
if (!isPoolIDValid($pid)) {
return $globals->{'InterfaceGroups'}->{$globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'InterfaceGroupID'}}->{'TxInterface'};
# Function to return a pool RX interface
sub getPoolRxInterface
my $pid = shift;
# Check pool exists first
if (!isPoolIDValid($pid)) {
return $globals->{'InterfaceGroups'}->{$globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'InterfaceGroupID'}}->{'RxInterface'};
# Function to return a pool traffic class ID
sub getPoolTrafficClassID
my $pid = shift;
# Check pool exists first
if (!isPoolIDValid($pid)) {
return $globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'TrafficClassID'};
# Function to set pools shaper state
sub setPoolShaperState
my ($pid,$state) = @_;
# Check pool exists first
if (!isPoolIDValid($pid)) {
$globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'.shaper_state'} |= $state;
return $globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'.shaper_state'};
# Function to return a list of limit ID's
sub getLimits
# Function to unset pools shaper state
sub unsetPoolShaperState
return (keys %{$limits});
my ($pid,$state) = @_;
# Check pool exists first
if (!isPoolIDValid($pid)) {
$globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'.shaper_state'} &= ~$state;
return $globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'.shaper_state'};
# Function to set a limit attribute
sub setLimitAttribute
# Function to get shaper state for a pool
sub getPoolShaperState
my ($lid,$attr,$value) = @_;
my $pid = shift;
# Only set it if it exists
if (defined($limits->{$lid})) {
$limits->{$lid}->{'attributes'}->{$attr} = $value;
# Check pool exists first
if (!isPoolIDValid($pid)) {
return $globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'.shaper_state'};
# Function to check the pool ID exists
sub isPoolIDValid
my $pid = shift;
if (!defined($pid) || !defined($globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid})) {
return $pid;
# Function to get a limit attribute
sub getLimitAttribute
# Function to return if a pool is ready for any kind of modification
sub isPoolReady
my ($lid,$attr) = @_;
my $pid = shift;
# Check if attribute exists first
if (defined($limits->{$lid}) && defined($limits->{$lid}->{'attributes'}) && defined($limits->{$lid}->{'attributes'}->{$attr})) {
return $limits->{$lid}->{'attributes'}->{$attr};
# Get state and check pool exists all in one
my $state;
if (!defined($state = getPoolShaperState($pid))) {
return ($globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'Status'} == CFGM_ONLINE && $state & SHAPER_LIVE);
# Function to check if pool is being overridden or not
sub isPoolOverridden
my $pid = shift;
if (!isPoolIDValid($pid)) {
# Set a property based on if this pool is overridden or not
if (defined($globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'.applied_overrides'}) &&
(keys %{$globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'.applied_overrides'}}) > 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Function to return a pool with any items changed as per pool overrides
sub getEffectivePool
my $pid = shift;
my $pool;
if (!defined($pool = getPool($pid))) {
my $realPool = $globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid};
# If we have applied pool overrides, check out what changes there may be
if (defined(my $appliedPoolOverrides = $realPool->{'.applied_overrides'})) {
my $poolOverrideSet;
# Loop with pool overrides in ascending fashion, least matches to most
foreach my $poid ( sort { $appliedPoolOverrides->{$a} <=> $appliedPoolOverrides->{$b} } keys %{$appliedPoolOverrides}) {
my $poolOverride = $globals->{'PoolOverrides'}->{$poid};
# Loop with attributes and create our pool override set
# Set pool override set attribute if the pool override has defined it
if (defined($poolOverride->{$attr}) && $poolOverride->{$attr} ne "") {
$poolOverrideSet->{$attr} = $poolOverride->{$attr};
# Set pool overrides on pool
if (defined($poolOverrideSet)) {
foreach my $attr (keys %{$poolOverrideSet}) {
$pool->{$attr} = $poolOverrideSet->{$attr};
return $pool;
# Function to create a pool member
sub createPoolMember
my $poolMemberData = shift;
# Check if we have all the attributes we need
my $isInvalid;
if (!defined($poolMemberData->{$attr})) {
$isInvalid = $attr;
if ($isInvalid) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool member add as there is an attribute missing: '%s'",$isInvalid);
my $poolMember;
my $now = time();
# Check if IP address is defined
if (!defined(isIPv46CIDR($poolMember->{'IPAddress'} = $poolMemberData->{'IPAddress'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool member add as the IPAddress is invalid");
if (defined($poolMemberData->{'IPNATAddress'}) && $poolMemberData->{'IPNATAddress'} ne "") {
if (!defined(isIPv46($poolMember->{'IPNATAddress'} = $poolMemberData->{'IPNATAddress'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool member add as the IPNATAddress is invalid");
} elsif (defined($poolMemberData->{'IPNATInbound'}) && $poolMemberData->{'IPNATInbound'} eq "yes") {
$poolMember->{'IPNATInbound'} = "yes";
# Now check if Username its valid
if (!defined(isUsername($poolMember->{'Username'} = $poolMemberData->{'Username'}, ISUSERNAME_ALLOW_ATSIGN))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool member add as Username is invalid");
# Check pool ID is OK
if (!defined($poolMember->{'PoolID'} = isPoolIDValid($poolMemberData->{'PoolID'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool member add for '%s' as the PoolID is invalid",
# Grab pool
my $pool = $globals->{'Pools'}->{$poolMember->{'PoolID'}};
# Check match priority ID is OK
if (!defined($poolMember->{'MatchPriorityID'} = isMatchPriorityIDValid($poolMemberData->{'MatchPriorityID'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool member add for '%s' as the MatchPriorityID is invalid",
# Check group ID is OK
if (!defined($poolMember->{'GroupID'} = isGroupIDValid($poolMemberData->{'GroupID'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool member add for '%s' as the GroupID is invalid",
# Set source
$poolMember->{'Source'} = $poolMemberData->{'Source'};
# Set when this entry was created
$poolMember->{'Created'} = defined($poolMemberData->{'Created'}) ? $poolMemberData->{'Created'} : $now;
$poolMember->{'LastUpdate'} = $now;
# Set when this entry expires
$poolMember->{'Expires'} = defined($poolMemberData->{'Expires'}) ? int($poolMemberData->{'Expires'}) : 0;
# Check status is OK
$poolMember->{'Status'} = CFGM_NEW;
# Set friendly name and notes
$poolMember->{'FriendlyName'} = $poolMemberData->{'FriendlyName'};
# Set notes
$poolMember->{'Notes'} = $poolMemberData->{'Notes'};
# Create pool member ID
$poolMember->{'ID'} = $globals->{'PoolMemberIDCounter'}++;
# Add pool member
$globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$poolMember->{'ID'}} = $poolMember;
# Link pool map
$globals->{'PoolMemberMap'}->{$pool->{'ID'}}->{$poolMember->{'ID'}} = $poolMember;
# Updated pool's last updated timestamp
$pool->{'LastUpdate'} = $now;
# Make sure pool is online and not offlining
if ($pool->{'Status'} == CFGM_OFFLINE) {
$pool->{'Status'} = CFGM_ONLINE;
# Check for IP conflicts
if (
defined($globals->{'InterfaceGroups'}->{$pool->{'InterfaceGroupID'}}->{'IPMap'}->{$poolMember->{'IPAddress'}}) &&
(my @conflicts = keys %{$globals->{'InterfaceGroups'}->{$pool->{'InterfaceGroupID'}}->{'IPMap'}
->{$poolMember->{'IPAddress'}}}) > 0
) {
# Loop wiht conflicts and build some log items to use
my @logItems;
foreach my $pmid (@conflicts) {
my $cPoolMember = $globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid};
my $cPool = $globals->{'Pools'}->{$cPoolMember->{'PoolID'}};
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool '%s' member '%s' IP '%s' conflicts with: %s",
join(", ",@logItems)
# We don't have to add it to the queue, as its in a conflicted state
} else {
# Pool member needs updating
$globals->{'PoolMemberChangeQueue'}->{$poolMember->{'ID'}} = $poolMember;
# Link interface IP address map, we must do the check above FIRST, as that needs the pool to be added to the pool map
->{$poolMember->{'ID'}} = $poolMember;
# Resolve pool overrides, there may of been no pool members, now there is one and we may be able to apply a pool override
# Bump up changes
return $poolMember->{'ID'};
# Function to return a override
sub getOverride
# Function to remove pool member, this function is actually just going to flag it offline
# the offline pool members will be caught by cleanup and removed, we do this because we
# need the pool member setup in the removal functions, we cannot remove it first, and we
# cannot allow plugins to remove internal data structures either.
sub removePoolMember
my $oid = shift;
my $pmid = shift;
# Check pool member exists first
if (!isPoolMemberIDValid($pmid)) {
my $poolMember = $globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid};
if (defined($overrides->{$oid})) {
my %override = %{$overrides->{$oid}};
return \%override;
# Check if pool member is not already offlining
if ($poolMember->{'Status'} == CFGM_OFFLINE) {
my $now = time();
# Grab pool
my $pool = $globals->{'Pools'}->{$poolMember->{'PoolID'}};
# Updated pool's last updated timestamp
$pool->{'LastUpdate'} = $now;
# Set status to offline so its caught by our garbage collector
$poolMember->{'Status'} = CFGM_OFFLINE;
# Update pool members last updated timestamp
$poolMember->{'LastUpdate'} = $now;
# Pool member needs updating
$globals->{'PoolMemberChangeQueue'}->{$poolMember->{'ID'}} = $poolMember;
# Bump up changes
# Function to return a list of override ID's
sub getOverrides
# Function to change a pool member
sub changePoolMember
my $poolMemberData = shift;
# Check pool member exists first
if (!isPoolMemberIDValid($poolMemberData->{'ID'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool change as there is no 'ID' attribute");
my $poolMember = $globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$poolMemberData->{'ID'}};
my $pool = $globals->{'Pools'}->{$poolMember->{'PoolID'}};
my $now = time();
my $changes = getHashChanges($poolMember,$poolMemberData,[POOLMEMBER_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES]);
# Make changes...
foreach my $item (keys %{$changes}) {
$poolMember->{$item} = $changes->{$item};
# Pool member isn't really updated, so we just set the last updated timestamp
$poolMember->{'LastUpdate'} = $now;
# Pool was just updated, so update our timestamp
$pool->{'LastUpdate'} = $now;
# Bump up changes
# Return what was changed
return dclone($changes);
# Function to return a list of pool ID's
sub getPoolMembers
return (keys %{$overrides});
my $pid = shift;
# Check pool exists first
if (!isPoolIDValid($pid)) {
# Check our member map is not undefined
if (!defined($globals->{'PoolMemberMap'}->{$pid})) {
return keys %{$globals->{'PoolMemberMap'}->{$pid}};
# Function to set shaper state on a limit
sub setShaperState
# Function to return a pool member
sub getPoolMember
my ($lid,$state) = @_;
my $pmid = shift;
if (defined($limits->{$lid})) {
$limits->{$lid}->{'_shaper.state'} = $state;
# Check pool member exists first
if (!isPoolMemberIDValid($pmid)) {
my $poolMember = dclone($globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid});
# Remove attributes?
return $poolMember;
# Function to get shaper state on a limit
sub getShaperState
# Function to return a list of pool ID's
sub getPoolMemberByUsernameIP
my $lid = shift;
if (defined($limits->{$lid})) {
return $limits->{$lid}->{'_shaper.state'};
my ($pid,$username,$ipAddress) = @_;
# Check pool exists first
if (!isPoolIDValid($pid)) {
# Check our member map is not undefined
if (!defined($globals->{'PoolMemberMap'}->{$pid})) {
# Loop with pool members and grab the match, there can only be one as we cannot conflict username and IP
foreach my $pmid (keys %{$globals->{'PoolMemberMap'}->{$pid}}) {
my $poolMember = $globals->{'PoolMemberMap'}->{$pid}->{$pmid};
if ($poolMember->{'Username'} eq $username && $poolMember->{'IPAddress'} eq $ipAddress) {
return $pmid;
# Function to get traffic classes
sub getTrafficClasses
# Function to return pool member ID's with a certain IP address using an interface group
sub getAllPoolMembersByInterfaceGroupIP
my ($interfaceGroupID,$ipAddress) = @_;
# Make sure both params are defined or we get warnings
if (!defined($interfaceGroupID) || !defined($ipAddress)) {
# Maybe it doesn't exist?
if (!defined($globals->{'InterfaceGroups'}->{$interfaceGroupID}->{'IPMap'}->{$ipAddress})) {
return keys %{$globals->{'InterfaceGroups'}->{$interfaceGroupID}->{'IPMap'}->{$ipAddress}};
# Function to check the pool member ID exists
sub isPoolMemberIDValid
my $pmid = shift;
if (!defined($pmid) || !defined($globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid})) {
return $pmid;
# Function to return if a pool member is ready for any kind of modification
sub isPoolMemberReady
my $pmid = shift;
# Check pool exists first
if (!isPoolMemberIDValid($pmid)) {
return ($globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid}->{'Status'} == CFGM_ONLINE && getPoolMemberShaperState($pmid) & SHAPER_LIVE);
# Function to return a pool member match priority
sub getPoolMemberMatchPriority
my $pmid = shift;
# Check pool member exists first
if (!isPoolMemberIDValid($pmid)) {
# NK: No actual mappping yet, we just return the ID
return $globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid}->{'MatchPriorityID'};
# Function to set a pool member attribute
sub setPoolMemberAttribute
my ($pmid,$attr,$value) = @_;
# Check pool member exists first
if (!isPoolMemberIDValid($pmid)) {
$globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid}->{'.attributes'}->{$attr} = $value;
return $value;
# Function to set pool member shaper state
sub setPoolMemberShaperState
my %classes = %{$config->{'classes'}};
my ($pmid,$state) = @_;
# Check pool member exists first
if (!isPoolMemberIDValid($pmid)) {
$globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid}->{'.shaper_state'} |= $state;
return $globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid}->{'.shaper_state'};
# Function to unset pool member shaper state
sub unsetPoolMemberShaperState
my ($pmid,$state) = @_;
# Check pool member exists first
if (!isPoolMemberIDValid($pmid)) {
$globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid}->{'.shaper_state'} &= ~$state;
return \%classes;
return $globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid}->{'.shaper_state'};
# Function to get class name
sub getTrafficClassName
# Function to get shaper state for a pool
sub getPoolMemberShaperState
my $class = shift;
return $config->{'classes'}->{$class};
my $pmid = shift;
# Function to check if traffic class is valid
sub isTrafficClassValid
my $class = shift;
if (defined($config->{'classes'}->{$class})) {
return $class;
# Check pool member exists first
if (!isPoolMemberIDValid($pmid)) {
return $globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid}->{'.shaper_state'};
# Handle SIGHUP
sub handle_SIGHUP
# Function to get a pool member attribute
sub getPoolMemberAttribute
my ($kernel, $heap, $signal_name) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];
my ($pmid,$attr) = @_;
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Got SIGHUP, ignoring for now");
# Check pool member exists first
if (!isPoolMemberIDValid($pmid)) {
# Check if attribute exists first
if (
!defined($globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid}->{'.attributes'}) ||
return $globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid}->{'.attributes'}->{$attr};
# Internal functions
# Function to compute the changes between two users
sub _getLimitChangeset
# Function to remove a pool member attribute
sub removePoolMemberAttribute
my ($orig,$new) = @_;
my ($pmid,$attr) = @_;
my $res;
# Loop through what can change
# Check if its first set, if it is, check if its changed
if (defined($new->{$item}) && $orig->{$item} ne $new->{$item}) {
# If so record it & make the change
$res->{$item} = $orig->{$item} = $new->{$item};
# Check pool member exists first
if (!isPoolMemberIDValid($pmid)) {
return $res;
# Check if attribute exists first
if (
!defined($globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid}->{'.attributes'}) ||
return delete($globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid}->{'.attributes'}->{$attr});
# This is the real function
sub _process_limit_change
# Create a limit, which is the combination of a pool and a pool member
sub createLimit
my $limit = shift;
my $limitData = shift;
# Check if we have all the attributes we need
my $isInvalid;
foreach my $attr (LIMIT_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES) {
if (!defined($limit->{$attr})) {
if (!defined($limitData->{$attr})) {
$isInvalid = $attr;
if ($isInvalid) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process limit change as not attributes is missing: '$isInvalid'");
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process limit add as there is an attribute missing: '%s'",$isInvalid);
# We start off blank so we only pull in whats supported
my $limitChange;
if (!defined($limitChange->{'Username'} = $limit->{'Username'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process limit change as username is invalid.");
# Check if IP address is defined
if (!defined(isIPv46CIDR($limitData->{'IPAddress'} = $limitData->{'IPAddress'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process limit add as the IPAddress is invalid");
$limitChange->{'Username'} = $limit->{'Username'};
$limitChange->{'IP'} = $limit->{'IP'};
# Check group is OK
if (!defined($limitChange->{'GroupID'} = checkGroupID($limit->{'GroupID'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process limit change for '".$limit->{'Username'}."' as the GroupID is invalid.");
if (defined($limitData->{'IPNATAddress'}) && $limitData->{'IPNATAddress'} ne "") {
if (!defined(isIPv46($limitData->{'IPNATAddress'} = $limitData->{'IPNATAddress'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process limit add as the IPNATAddress is invalid");
if (defined($limitData->{'IPNATInbound'}) && $limitData->{'IPNATInbound'} eq "yes") {
$limitData->{'IPNATInbound'} = "yes";
my $poolName = $limitData->{'Username'};
my $poolData = {
'FriendlyName' => $limitData->{'FriendlyName'} || $limitData->{'IPAddress'},
'Name' => $poolName,
'InterfaceGroupID' => $limitData->{'InterfaceGroupID'},
'TrafficClassID' => $limitData->{'TrafficClassID'},
'TxCIR' => $limitData->{'TxCIR'},
'TxLimit' => $limitData->{'TxLimit'},
'RxCIR' => $limitData->{'RxCIR'},
'RxLimit' => $limitData->{'RxLimit'},
'Expires' => $limitData->{'Expires'},
'Notes' => $limitData->{'Notes'},
'Source' => $limitData->{'Source'}
# If we didn't succeed just exit
my $poolID;
if (!defined($poolID = createPool($poolData))) {
# Check class is OK
if (!defined($limitChange->{'ClassID'} = checkClassID($limit->{'ClassID'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process limit change for '".$limit->{'Username'}."' as the ClassID is invalid.");
my $poolMemberData = {
'FriendlyName' => $limitData->{'FriendlyName'},
'Username' => $limitData->{'Username'},
'IPAddress' => $limitData->{'IPAddress'},
'InterfaceGroupID' => $limitData->{'InterfaceGroupID'},
'MatchPriorityID' => $limitData->{'MatchPriorityID'},
'PoolID' => $poolID,
'GroupID' => $limitData->{'GroupID'},
'Expires' => $limitData->{'Expires'},
'Notes' => $limitData->{'Notes'},
'Source' => $limitData->{'Source'}
my $poolMemberID;
if (!defined($poolMemberID = createPoolMember($poolMemberData))) {
$limitChange->{'TrafficLimitTx'} = $limit->{'TrafficLimitTx'};
$limitChange->{'TrafficLimitRx'} = $limit->{'TrafficLimitRx'};
# Take base limits if we don't have any burst values set
$limitChange->{'TrafficLimitTxBurst'} = $limit->{'TrafficLimitTxBurst'};
$limitChange->{'TrafficLimitRxBurst'} = $limit->{'TrafficLimitRxBurst'};
# If we don't have burst limits, set them to the traffic limit, and reset the limit to 25%
if (!defined($limitChange->{'TrafficLimitTxBurst'})) {
$limitChange->{'TrafficLimitTxBurst'} = $limitChange->{'TrafficLimitTx'};
$limitChange->{'TrafficLimitTx'} = int($limitChange->{'TrafficLimitTxBurst'}/4);
return ($poolMemberID,$poolID);
# Function to create a pool override
sub createPoolOverride
my $poolOverrideData = shift;
# Check that we have at least one match attribute
my $isValid = 0;
# Bump up $isValid if we have a match attribute
if (defined($poolOverrideData->{$item})) {
if (!defined($limitChange->{'TrafficLimitRxBurst'})) {
$limitChange->{'TrafficLimitRxBurst'} = $limitChange->{'TrafficLimitRx'};
$limitChange->{'TrafficLimitRx'} = int($limitChange->{'TrafficLimitRxBurst'}/4);
if (!$isValid) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool override as there is no selection attribute");
my $poolOverride;
# Optional priority, we default to 5
$limitChange->{'TrafficPriority'} = defined($limit->{'TrafficPriority'}) ? $limit->{'TrafficPriority'} : 5;
my $now = time();
# Set when this entry expires
$limitChange->{'Expires'} = defined($limit->{'Expires'}) ? $limit->{'Expires'} : 0;
# Pull in attributes
foreach my $item (POOL_OVERRIDE_ATTRIBUTES) {
$poolOverride->{$item} = $poolOverrideData->{$item};
# Set friendly name and notes
$limitChange->{'FriendlyName'} = $limit->{'FriendlyName'};
$limitChange->{'Notes'} = $limit->{'Notes'};
# Check group is OK
if (defined($poolOverride->{'GroupID'}) && !isGroupIDValid($poolOverride->{'GroupID'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool override for user '%s', IP '%s', GroupID '%s' as the ".
"GroupID is invalid",
# Set when this entry was created
$limitChange->{'Created'} = defined($limit->{'Created'}) ? $limit->{'Created'} : time();
# Check class is OK
if (defined($poolOverride->{'TrafficClassID'}) && !isTrafficClassIDValid($poolOverride->{'TrafficClassID'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool override for user '%s', IP '%s', GroupID '%s' as the ".
"TrafficClassID is invalid",
# Set source
$poolOverride->{'Source'} = $poolOverrideData->{'Source'};
# Set when this entry was created
$poolOverride->{'Created'} = defined($poolOverrideData->{'Created'}) ? $poolOverrideData->{'Created'} : $now;
$poolOverride->{'LastUpdate'} = $now;
# Set when this entry expires
$poolOverride->{'Expires'} = defined($poolOverrideData->{'Expires'}) ? int($poolOverrideData->{'Expires'}) : 0;
# Check status is OK
if (!($limitChange->{'Status'} = checkStatus($limit->{'Status'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process user change for '".$limit->{'Username'}."' as the Status is invalid.");
$poolOverride->{'Status'} = CFGM_NEW;
# Set friendly name and notes
$poolOverride->{'FriendlyName'} = $poolOverrideData->{'FriendlyName'};
# Set notes
$poolOverride->{'Notes'} = $poolOverrideData->{'Notes'};
# Create pool member ID
$poolOverride->{'ID'} = $globals->{'PoolOverrideIDCounter'}++;
# Add pool override
$globals->{'PoolOverrides'}->{$poolOverride->{'ID'}} = $poolOverride;
# Resolve pool overrides
# Bump up changes
return $poolOverride->{'ID'};
# Function to remove a pool override
sub removePoolOverride
my $poid = shift;
# Check pool override exists first
if (!isPoolOverrideIDValid($poid)) {
$limitChange->{'Source'} = $limit->{'Source'};
my $poolOverride = $globals->{'PoolOverrides'}->{$poid};
# Create a unique limit identifier
my $limitUniq = $limit->{'Username'} . "/" . $limit->{'IP'};
# If we've not seen it
my $lid;
if (!defined($lid = $limitIDMap->{$limitUniq})) {
# Give it the next limitID in the list
$limitIDMap->{$limitUniq} = $lid = ++$limitIDCounter;
# Remove pool override from pools that have it and trigger a change
if (defined($poolOverride->{'.applied_pools'})) {
foreach my $pid (keys %{$poolOverride->{'.applied_pools'}}) {
my $pool = $globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid};
# Remove pool overrides from the pool
# If the pool is online and live, trigger a change
if ($pool->{'Status'} == CFGM_ONLINE && getPoolShaperState($pid) & SHAPER_LIVE) {
$globals->{'PoolChangeQueue'}->{$pool->{'ID'}} = $pool;
$pool->{'Status'} = CFGM_CHANGED;
# Set the user ID before we post to the change queue
$limitChange->{'ID'} = $lid;
$limitChange->{'LastUpdate'} = time();
# Push change to change queue
$changeQueue->{$lid} = $limitChange;
# Remove pool override
# Bump up changes
# This is the real process_override_change function
sub _process_override_change
# Function to change a pool override
sub changePoolOverride
my $override = shift;
my $poolOverrideData = shift;
# Pull in mandatory items and check if the result is valid
my $overrideChange;
my $isValid = 0;
$overrideChange->{$item} = $override->{$item};
# Make sure we have at least 1
if (!$isValid) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process override as there is no selection attribute");
# Check pool override exists first
if (!isPoolOverrideIDValid($poolOverrideData->{'ID'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process pool override change as there is no 'ID' attribute");
# Pull in attributes that can be changed
$overrideChange->{$item} = $override->{$item};
my $poolOverride = $globals->{'PoolOverrides'}->{$poolOverrideData->{'ID'}};
my $now = time();
my $changes = getHashChanges($poolOverride,$poolOverrideData,[POOL_OVERRIDE_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES]);
# Make changes...
foreach my $item (keys %{$changes}) {
$poolOverride->{$item} = $changes->{$item};
# Check group is OK
if (defined($overrideChange->{'GroupID'}) && !checkGroupID($overrideChange->{'GroupID'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,'[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process override for "User: %s, IP: %s, GroupID: %s" as the GroupID is invalid.',
# Set status to updated
$poolOverride->{'Status'} = CFGM_CHANGED;
# Set timestamp
$poolOverride->{'LastUpdate'} = $now;
# Resolve pool overrides to see if any attributes changed, we only do this if it already matches
# We do NOT support changing match attributes
if (defined($poolOverride->{'.applied_pools'}) && (my @pids = keys %{$poolOverride->{'.applied_pools'}}) > 0) {
# Check class is OK
if (defined($overrideChange->{'ClassID'}) && !checkClassID($overrideChange->{'ClassID'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,'[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process override for "User: %s, IP: %s, GroupID: %s" as the ClassID is invalid.',
# Bump up changes
# Return what was changed
return dclone($changes);
# Function to check the pool override ID exists
sub isPoolOverrideIDValid
my $poid = shift;
if (!defined($poid) || !defined($globals->{'PoolOverrides'}->{$poid})) {
# Set when this entry expires
$overrideChange->{'Expires'} = defined($override->{'Expires'}) ? $override->{'Expires'} : 0;
return $poid;
# Set friendly name and notes
$overrideChange->{'FriendlyName'} = $override->{'FriendlyName'};
$overrideChange->{'Notes'} = $override->{'Notes'};
# Set when this entry was created
$overrideChange->{'Created'} = defined($override->{'Created'}) ? $override->{'Created'} : time();
$overrideChange->{'LastUpdate'} = time();
# Internal functions
# This is our key for this entry
my $oid = sprintf('%s%%%s%%%s',
defined($overrideChange->{'Username'}) ? $overrideChange->{'Username'} : "",
defined($overrideChange->{'IP'}) ? $overrideChange->{'IP'} : "",
defined($overrideChange->{'GroupID'}) ? $overrideChange->{'GroupID'} : ""
# Set the user ID before we post to the change queue
$overrideChange->{'Key'} = $oid;
# Resolve all pool overrides or those linked to a pid or oid
# We take 2 optional argument, which is a single pool override and a single pool to process
sub _resolve_pool_override
my ($pids,$poids) = @_;
# Hack to intercept and create a single element hash if we get ID's above
my $poolHash;
if (defined($pids)) {
foreach my $pid (@{$pids}) {
$poolHash->{$pid} = $globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid};
} else {
$poolHash = $globals->{'Pools'};
my $poolOverrideHash;
if (defined($poids)) {
foreach my $poid (@{$poids}) {
$poolOverrideHash->{$poid} = $globals->{'PoolOverrides'}->{$poid};
} else {
$poolOverrideHash = $globals->{'PoolOverrides'};
# Loop with all pools, keep a list of pid's updated
my $matchList;
while ((my $pid, my $pool) = each(%{$poolHash})) {
# Build a candidate from the pool
my $candidate = {
'PoolName' => $pool->{'Name'},
# If we only have 1 member in the pool, add its username, IP and group
if ((my ($pmid) = getPoolMembers($pid)) == 1) {
my $poolMember = getPoolMember($pmid);
$candidate->{'Username'} = $poolMember->{'Username'};
$candidate->{'IPAddress'} = $poolMember->{'IPAddress'};
$candidate->{'GroupID'} = $poolMember->{'GroupID'};
# Loop with all pool overrides and generate a match list
while ((my $poid, my $poolOverride) = each(%{$poolOverrideHash})) {
my $numMatches = 0;
my $numMismatches = 0;
# Loop with the attributes and check for a full match
# If this attribute in the pool override is set, then lets check it
if (defined($poolOverride->{$attr}) && $poolOverride->{$attr} ne "") {
# Check for match or mismatch, only if candidate attribute is defined
if (defined($candidate->{$attr})) {
if ($candidate->{$attr} eq $poolOverride->{$attr}) {
} else {
# Setup the match list with what was matched
if ($numMatches && !$numMismatches) {
$matchList->{$pid}->{$poid} = $numMatches;
} else {
$matchList->{$pid}->{$poid} = undef;
# Loop with the match list
foreach my $pid (keys %{$matchList}) {
my $pool = $globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid};
# Original Effective pool
my $oePool = getEffectivePool($pid);
# Loop with pool overrides for this pool
foreach my $poid (keys %{$matchList->{$pid}}) {
my $poolOverride = $globals->{'PoolOverrides'}->{$poid};
$overrides->{$oid} = $overrideChange;
# If we have a match, record it in pools & pool overrides
if (defined($matchList->{$pid}->{$poid})) {
# Setup trakcing of what is applied to what
$globals->{'PoolOverrides'}->{$poid}->{'.applied_pools'}->{$pid} = $matchList->{$pid}->{$poid};
$globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'.applied_overrides'}->{$poid} = $matchList->{$pid}->{$poid};
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool override '%s' [%s] applied to pool '%s' [%s]",
# We didn't match, but we may of matched before?
} else {
# There was a pool override before, so something changed now that there is none
if (defined($globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid}->{'.applied_overrides'}->{$poid})) {
# Remove pool overrides
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Pool override '%s' no longer applies to pool '%s' [%s]",
# New Effective pool
my $nePool = getEffectivePool($pid);
# Get changes between effective pool states
my $poolChanges = getHashChanges($oePool,$nePool,[POOL_OVERRIDE_CHANGESET_ATTRIBUTES]);
# If there were pool changes, trigger a pool update
if (keys %{$poolChanges} > 0) {
# If the pool is currently online and live, trigger a change
if ($pool->{'Status'} == CFGM_ONLINE && getPoolShaperState($pid) & SHAPER_LIVE) {
$pool->{'Status'} = CFGM_CHANGED;
$globals->{'PoolChangeQueue'}->{$pool->{'ID'}} = $pool;
# Load our statefile
sub _load_statefile
# Remove pool override information
sub _remove_pool_override
my $kernel = shift;
my $pid = shift;
if (!isPoolIDValid($pid)) {
my $pool = $globals->{'Pools'}->{$pid};
# Remove pool from pool overrides if there are any
if (defined($pool->{'.applied_overrides'})) {
foreach my $poid (keys %{$pool->{'.applied_overrides'}}) {
# Load our statefile
sub _load_statefile
# Check if the state file exists first of all
if (! -e $config->{'statefile'}) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Statefile '".$config->{'statefile'}."' doesn't exist");
if (! -f $config->{'statefile'}) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Statefile '%s' doesn't exist",$config->{'statefile'});
if (! -s $config->{'statefile'}) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Statefile '%s' has zero size ignoring",$config->{'statefile'});
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Loading statefile '%s'",$config->{'statefile'});
# Pull in a hash for our statefile
my %stateHash;
if (! tie %stateHash, 'Config::IniFiles', ( -file => $config->{'statefile'} )) {
my $reason = $1 || "Config file blank?";
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to open statefile '".$config->{'statefile'}."': $reason");
# NK: Breaks load on blank file
# Check if we got errors, if we did use them for our reason
my @errors = @Config::IniFiles::errors;
my $reason = $1 || join('; ',@errors);
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to open statefile '%s': %s",$config->{'statefile'},$reason);
# Set it to undef so we don't overwrite it...
#$config->{'statefile'} = undef;
if (@errors) {
$config->{'statefile'} = undef;
# Grab the object handle
my $state = tied( %stateHash );
# Loop with user overrides
foreach my $section ($state->GroupMembers('override')) {
my $override = $stateHash{$section};
# Our user override
my $ouser;
if (defined($override->{$attr})) {
$ouser->{$attr} = $override->{$attr};
# Loop with interface traffic class overrides
foreach my $section ($state->GroupMembers('interface_traffic_class.override')) {
my $classOverride = $stateHash{$section};
# Loop with the persistent attributes and create our hash
my $cClassOverride;
if (defined($classOverride->{$attr})) {
# If its an array, join all the items
if (ref($classOverride->{$attr}) eq "ARRAY") {
$classOverride->{$attr} = join("\n",@{$classOverride->{$attr}});
$cClassOverride->{$attr} = $classOverride->{$attr};
# Check username, IP or gorup ID is defined
if (!defined($ouser->{'Key'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to load override with no Key '$section'");
# XXX - Hack, Proces this class override
# Loop with user pool overrides
foreach my $section ($state->GroupMembers('pool.override')) {
my $poolOverride = $stateHash{$section};
# Loop with the persistent attributes and create our hash
my $cPoolOverride;
if (defined($poolOverride->{$attr})) {
# If its an array, join all the items
if (ref($poolOverride->{$attr}) eq "ARRAY") {
$poolOverride->{$attr} = join("\n",@{$poolOverride->{$attr}});
$cPoolOverride->{$attr} = $poolOverride->{$attr};
$overrides->{$ouser->{'Key'}} = $ouser;
# Proces this pool override
# Loop with persistent users
foreach my $section ($state->GroupMembers('persist')) {
my $user = $stateHash{$section};
# We need a pool ID translation, when we recreate pools we get different ID's, we cannot restore members with orignal ID's
my %pidMap;
# User to push through to process change
my $cuser;
if (defined($user->{$attr})) {
$cuser->{$attr} = $user->{$attr};
# Loop with pools
foreach my $section ($state->GroupMembers('pool')) {
my $pool = $stateHash{$section};
# Loop with the attributes to create the hash
my $cpool;
if (defined($pool->{$attr})) {
# If its an array, join all the items
if (ref($pool->{$attr}) eq "ARRAY") {
$pool->{$attr} = join("\n",@{$pool->{$attr}});
$cpool->{$attr} = $pool->{$attr};
# This is a new entry
$cuser->{'Status'} = 'new';
# Check username & IP are defined
if (!defined($cuser->{'Username'}) || !defined($cuser->{'IP'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to load persistent user with no username or IP '$section'");
# Process this pool
if (defined(my $pid = createPool($cpool))) {
# Save the new ID
$pidMap{$pool->{'ID'}} = $pid;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to load pool '%s' [%s], members will be ignored",
# Loop with pool members
foreach my $section ($state->GroupMembers('pool_member')) {
my $poolMember = $stateHash{$section};
# Loop with the attributes to create the hash
my $cpoolMember;
if (defined($poolMember->{$attr})) {
# If its an array, join all the items
if (ref($poolMember->{$attr}) eq "ARRAY") {
$poolMember->{$attr} = join("\n",@{$poolMember->{$attr}});
$cpoolMember->{$attr} = $poolMember->{$attr};
# Process this user
# Translate pool ID
if (my $pid = $pidMap{$cpoolMember->{'PoolID'}}) {
$cpoolMember->{'PoolID'} = $pid;
# Process this pool member
if (!defined(my $pmid = createPoolMember($cpoolMember))) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to load pool member '%s'",$pmid);
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to load pool member '%s', no pool ID map for '%s'",
# Write out statefile
sub _write_statefile
my $fullWrite = shift;
# We reset this early so we don't get triggred continuously if we encounter errors
$globals->{'StateChanged'} = 0;
$globals->{'LastStateSync'} = time();
# Check if the state file exists first of all
if (!defined($config->{'statefile'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] No statefile defined. Possible initial load error?");
# Only write out if we actually have users, else we may of crashed?
if (keys %{$limits} < 1) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Not writing state file as there are no active users");
# Only write out if we actually have limits & pool overrides, else we may of crashed?
if (!(keys %{$globals->{'Pools'}}) && !(keys %{$globals->{'PoolOverrides'}})) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Not writing state file as there are no active pools or pool overrides");
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Saving statefile '%s'",$config->{'statefile'});
my $timer1 = [gettimeofday];
# Create new state file object
my $state = new Config::IniFiles();
# Loop with persistent users, these are users with expires = 0
foreach my $lid (keys %{$limits}) {
# Skip over expiring entries, we only want persistent ones
# XXX: Should we not just save all of them? load?
next if ($limits->{$lid}->{'Expires'});
# Pull in the section name
my $section = "persist " . $limits->{$lid}->{'Username'};
# XXX - Hack, loop with class overrides
while ((my $itcid, my $interfaceTrafficClass) = each(%{$globals->{'InterfaceTrafficClasses'}})) {
# Skip over non-overridden classes
if (!defined($interfaceTrafficClass->{'.applied_overrides'})) {
# Add a new section for this user
# Create a section name
my $section = "interface_traffic_class.override " . $itcid;
# Add a section for this class override
# Items we want for persistent entries
# XXX - Hack, Attributes we want to save for this traffic class override
# Set items up
if (defined(my $value = $interfaceTrafficClass->{$attr})) {
# XXX - Hack, loop with the override
# Set items up
if (defined(my $value = $limits->{$lid}->{$pItem})) {
if (defined(my $value = $interfaceTrafficClass->{'.applied_overrides'}->{'change'}->{$attr})) {
# Loop with overrides
foreach my $username (keys %{$overrides}) {
# Pull in the section name
my $section = "override " . $username;
# Loop with pool overrides
while ((my $poid, my $poolOverride) = each(%{$globals->{'PoolOverrides'}})) {
# Create a section name
my $section = "pool.override " . $poid;
# Add a new section for this user
# Add a section for this pool override
# Items we want for override entries
# Attributes we want to save for this pool override
# Set items up
if (defined(my $value = $overrides->{$username}->{$pItem})) {
if (defined(my $value = $globals->{'PoolOverrides'}->{$poid}->{$attr})) {
# Check for an error
if (!defined($state->WriteConfig($config->{'statefile'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to write statefile '".$config->{'statefile'}."': $!");
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Configuration saved");
# Do the actual queue processing
sub _process_limit_change_queue
my $kernel = shift;
# Now
my $now = time();
foreach my $lid (keys %{$changeQueue}) {
# Changes for limit
# Minimum required info is:
# - Username
# - IP
# - Status
# - LastUpdate
my $climit = $changeQueue->{$lid};
if (defined(my $glimit = $limits->{$lid})) {
# This is a new limit notification
if ($climit->{'Status'} eq "new") {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Limit '$climit->{'Username'}' [$lid], limit already live but new state provided?");
# Get the changes we made and push them to the shaper
if (my $changes = _getLimitChangeset($glimit,$climit)) {
# Post to shaper
$kernel->post("shaper" => "change" => $lid => $changes);
# Remove from change queue
# Online or "ping" status notification
} elsif ($climit->{'Status'} eq "online") {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Limit '$climit->{'Username'}' [$lid], limit still online");
# Get the changes we made and push them to the shaper
if (my $changes = _getLimitChangeset($glimit,$climit)) {
# Post to shaper
$kernel->post("shaper" => "change" => $lid => $changes);
# Remove from change queue
# Offline notification, this we going to treat specially
} elsif ($climit->{'Status'} eq "offline") {
# We first check if this update was received some time ago, and if it exceeds our expire time
# We don't want to immediately remove a limit, only for him to come back on a few seconds later, the cost in exec()'s
# would be pretty high
if ($now - $climit->{'LastUpdate'} > TIMEOUT_EXPIRE_OFFLINE) {
# Remove entry if no longer live
if ($glimit->{'_shaper.state'} == SHAPER_NOTLIVE) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Limit '$climit->{'Username'}' [$lid] offline and removed from shaper");
# Remove from system
# Remove from change queue
# Set this UID as no longer using this IP
# NK: If we try remove it before the limit is actually removed we could get a reconnection causing this value
# to be totally gone, which means we not tracking this limit using this IP anymore, not easily solved!!
# Check if we can delete the IP too
if (keys %{$limitIPMap->{$glimit->{'IP'}}} == 0) {
# Next record, we don't want to do any updates below
# Push to shaper
} elsif ($glimit->{'_shaper.state'} == SHAPER_LIVE) {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Limit '$climit->{'Username'}' [$lid] offline, queue remove from shaper");
# Loop with pools
while ((my $pid, my $pool) = each(%{$globals->{'Pools'}})) {
# Skip over dynamic entries, we only want persistent ones unless we doing a full write
next if (!$fullWrite && $pool->{'Source'} eq "plugin.radius");
# Post removal to shaper
$kernel->post("shaper" => "remove" => $lid);
# Create a section name
my $section = "pool " . $pid;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Limit '$climit->{'Username'}' [$lid], limit in list, but offline now and".
" expired, still live, waiting for shaper");
# Add a section for this pool
# Persistent attributes we want
# Set items up
if (defined(my $value = $pool->{$attr})) {
# Update the limit data
$glimit->{'Status'} = $climit->{'Status'};
$glimit->{'LastUpdate'} = $climit->{'LastUpdate'};
$glimit->{'Expires'} = $climit->{'Expires'};
# Set these if they exist
if (defined($climit->{'FriendlyName'})) {
$glimit->{'FriendlyName'} = $climit->{'FriendlyName'};
if (defined($climit->{'Notes'})) {
$glimit->{'Notes'} = $climit->{'Notes'};
# Save pool members too
foreach my $pmid (keys %{$globals->{'PoolMemberMap'}->{$pid}}) {
# Create a section name for the pool member
$section = "pool_member " . $pmid;
} else {
# We take new and online notifications the same way here if the limit is not in our global limit list already
if (($climit->{'Status'} eq "new" || $climit->{'Status'} eq "online")) {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Processing new limit '$climit->{'Username'}' [$lid]");
# We first going to look for IP conflicts...
my @ipLimits = keys %{$limitIPMap->{$climit->{'IP'}}};
if (
# If there is already an entry and its not us ...
( @ipLimits == 1 && !defined($limitIPMap->{$climit->{'IP'}}->{$lid}) )
# Or if there is more than 1 entry...
|| @ipLimits > 1
) {
# We not going to post this to the shaper, but we are going to override the status
$climit->{'Status'} = 'conflict';
$climit->{'_shaper.state'} = SHAPER_NOTLIVE;
# Give a bit of info
my @conflictUsernames;
foreach my $lid (@ipLimits) {
# Output log line
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Cannot process limit '".$climit->{'Username'}."' IP '$climit->{'IP'}' conflicts with users '".
# We cannot trust shaping when there is more than 1 limit on the IP, so we going to remove all limits with this
# IP from the shaper below...
foreach my $lid2 (@ipLimits) {
# Check if the limit has been setup already (all but the limit we busy with, as its setup below)
if (defined($limitIPMap->{$climit->{'IP'}}->{$lid2})) {
my $glimit2 = $limits->{$lid2};
# If the limit is active or pending on the shaper, remove it
if ($glimit2->{'_shaper.state'} == SHAPER_LIVE || $glimit2->{'_shaper.state'} == SHAPER_PENDING) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Removing conflicted limit '".$glimit2->{'Username'}."' [$lid2] from shaper'");
# Post removal to shaper
$kernel->post("shaper" => "remove" => $lid2);
# Update that we're offline directly to global limit table
$glimit2->{'Status'} = 'conflict';
# Add a new section for this pool member
# All looks good, no conflicts, we're set to add this limit!
} else {
# Post to the limit to the shaper
$climit->{'_shaper.state'} = SHAPER_PENDING;
$kernel->post("shaper" => "add" => $lid);
my $poolMember = $globals->{'PoolMembers'}->{$pmid};
# Items we want for persistent entries
# Set items up
if (defined(my $value = $poolMember->{$attr})) {
# Set this UID as using this IP
$limitIPMap->{$climit->{'IP'}}->{$lid} = 1;
# This is now live
$limits->{$lid} = $climit;
# Limit is not in our list and this is an unknown state we're trasitioning to
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Ignoring limit '$climit->{'Username'}' [$lid] state '$climit->{'Status'}', not in our".
" global list");
# Remove from change queue
# Check for an error
my $newFilename = $config->{'statefile'}.".new";
if (!defined($state->WriteConfig($newFilename))) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to write temporary statefile '%s': %s",$newFilename,$!);
foreach my $lid (keys %{$limits}) {
# Global limit
my $glimit = $limits->{$lid};
# Check for expired limits
if ($glimit->{'Expires'} && $glimit->{'Expires'} < $now) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Limit '$glimit->{'Username'}' has expired, marking offline");
# Looks like this limit has expired?
my $climit = {
'Username' => $glimit->{'Username'},
'IP' => $glimit->{'IP'},
'Status' => 'offline',
'LastUpdate' => $glimit->{'LastUpdate'},
# Add to change queue
$changeQueue->{$lid} = $climit;
# If we have a state file, we going to rename it
my $bakFilename = $config->{'statefile'}.".bak";
if (-f $config->{'statefile'}) {
# Check if we could rename/move
if (!rename($config->{'statefile'},$bakFilename)) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to rename '%s' to '%s': %s",$config->{'statefile'},$bakFilename,$!);
# Move the new filename in place
if (!rename($newFilename,$config->{'statefile'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[CONFIGMANAGER] Failed to rename '%s' to '%s': %s",$newFilename,$config->{'statefile'},$!);
my $timer2 = [gettimeofday];
my $timediff2 = tv_interval($timer1,$timer2);
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[CONFIGMANAGER] State file '%s' saved in %s",$config->{'statefile'},sprintf('%.3fs',$timediff2));
# vim: ts=4
# OpenTrafficShaper radius module
# Copyright (C) 2007-2013, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2023, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
......@@ -29,7 +29,26 @@ use POE;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use opentrafficshaper::logger;
use opentrafficshaper::utils;
use awitpt::util;
use opentrafficshaper::plugins::configmanager qw(
# Exporter stuff
......@@ -42,9 +61,15 @@ our (@ISA,@EXPORT,@EXPORT_OK);
use constant {
VERSION => '0.0.1',
VERSION => '1.0.0',
# Expirty period for removal of entries
# IANA public enterprise number
# This is used as the radius vendor code
IANA_PEN => 42109,
......@@ -55,44 +80,56 @@ use constant {
our $pluginInfo = {
Name => "Radius",
Version => VERSION,
Init => \&plugin_init,
Start => \&plugin_start,
# Copy of system globals
# Our globals
my $globals;
# Copy of system logger
my $logger;
# Our own data storage
my $config = {
'expiry_period' => DEFAULT_EXPIRY_PERIOD
'expiry_period' => DEFAULT_EXPIRY_PERIOD,
'username_to_pool_transform' => undef,
'interface_group' => 'eth1,eth0',
'match_priority' => 2,
'traffic_class' => 2,
'group' => 1,
my $dictionary;
# Initialize plugin
sub plugin_init
$globals = shift;
my $system = shift;
# Setup our environment
$logger = $globals->{'logger'};
$logger = $system->{'logger'};
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[RADIUS] OpenTrafficShaper Radius Module v%s - Copyright (c) 2013-2014, AllWorldIT",VERSION);
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[RADIUS] OpenTrafficShaper Radius Module v".VERSION." - Copyright (c) 2013, AllWorldIT");
# Inititalize
$globals->{'Dictionary'} = undef;
# Split off dictionaries to load
my @dicts = ref($globals->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'dictionary'}) eq "ARRAY" ?
@{$globals->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'dictionary'}} : ( $globals->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'dictionary'} );
my @dicts = ref($system->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'dictionary'}) eq "ARRAY" ?
@{$system->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'dictionary'}} :
( $system->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'dictionary'} );
foreach my $dict (@dicts) {
$dict =~ s/\s+//g;
# Skip comments
next if ($dict =~ /^#/);
# Skip comments
next if ($dict =~ /^#/);
# Check if we have a path, if we do use it
if (defined($globals->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'dictionary_path'})) {
$dict = $globals->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'dictionary_path'} . "/$dict";
if (defined($system->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'dictionary_path'})) {
$dict = $system->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'dictionary_path'} . "/$dict";
......@@ -103,28 +140,75 @@ sub plugin_init
foreach my $df (@{$config->{'config.dictionaries'}}) {
# Load dictionary
if ($dict->readfile($df)) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Loaded dictionary '$df'.");
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Loaded dictionary '%s'",$df);
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[RADIUS] Failed to load dictionary '$df': $!");
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[RADIUS] Failed to load dictionary '%s': %s",$df,$!);
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[RADIUS] Loading dictionaries completed.");
# Store the dictionary
$dictionary = $dict;
$globals->{'Dictionary'} = $dict;
# Check if we must override the expiry time
if (defined(my $expiry = $globals->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'expiry_period'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Set expiry_period to '$expiry'");
if (defined(my $expiry = $system->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'expiry_period'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Set expiry_period to '%s'",$expiry);
$config->{'expiry_period'} = $expiry;
# Check if we got a username to pool transform
if (defined(my $userPoolTransform = $system->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'username_to_pool_transform'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Set username_to_pool_transform to '%s'",$userPoolTransform);
$config->{'username_to_pool_transform'} = $userPoolTransform;
# Default interface group to use
if (defined(my $interfaceGroup = $system->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'default_interface_group'})) {
if (isInterfaceGroupIDValid($interfaceGroup)) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Set interface_group to '%s'",$interfaceGroup);
$config->{'interface_group'} = $interfaceGroup;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[RADIUS] Cannot set 'interface_group' as value '%s' is invalid",$interfaceGroup);
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Using default interface_group '%s'",$config->{'interface_group'});
# Default match priority to use
if (defined(my $matchPriority = $system->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'default_match_priority'})) {
if (isMatchPriorityIDValid($matchPriority)) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Set match_priority to '%s'",$matchPriority);
$config->{'match_priority'} = $matchPriority;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[RADIUS] Cannot set 'match_priority' as value '%s' is invalid",$matchPriority);
# Default traffic class to use
if (defined(my $trafficClassID = $system->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'default_traffic_class'})) {
if (isTrafficClassIDValid($trafficClassID)) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Set traffic_class to '%s'",$trafficClassID);
$config->{'traffic_class'} = $trafficClassID;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[RADIUS] Cannot set 'traffic_class' as value '%s' is invalid",$trafficClassID);
# Default group to use
if (defined(my $group = $system->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'default_group'})) {
if (isGroupIDValid($group)) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Set group to '%s'",$group);
$config->{'group'} = $group;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[RADIUS] Cannot set 'group' as value '%s' is invalid",$group);
# Radius listener
inline_states => {
_start => \&session_start,
_stop => \&session_stop,
get_datagram => \&session_read,
_start => \&_session_start,
_stop => \&_session_stop,
_socket_read => \&_session_socket_read,
......@@ -132,6 +216,7 @@ sub plugin_init
# Start the plugin
sub plugin_start
......@@ -141,34 +226,39 @@ sub plugin_start
# Initialize server
sub session_start
sub _session_start
my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
# Create socket for radius
if (!defined($heap->{'socket'} = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => 'udp',
Proto => 'udp',
# TODO - Add to config file
# LocalAddr => '',
LocalPort => '1813',
))) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"Failed to create Radius listening socket: $!");
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"Failed to create Radius listening socket: %s",$!);
# Set our alias
# Setup our reader
$kernel->select_read($heap->{'socket'}, "get_datagram");
# Setup our socket reader event
$kernel->select_read($heap->{'socket'}, "_socket_read");
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[RADIUS] Initialized");
# Shut down server
sub session_stop
sub _session_stop
my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
# Tear down the socket select
if (defined($heap->{'socket'})) {
......@@ -176,7 +266,6 @@ sub session_stop
# Blow everything away
$globals = undef;
$dictionary = undef;
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[RADIUS] Shutdown");
......@@ -184,25 +273,30 @@ sub session_stop
# Read event for server
sub session_read
sub _session_socket_read
my ($kernel, $socket) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
# Read in packet from the socket
my $peer = recv($socket, my $udp_packet = "", DATAGRAM_MAXLEN, 0);
# If we don't have a peer, just return
return unless defined $peer;
if (!defined($peer)) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[RADIUS] Peer appears to be undefined");
# Get peer port and addy from remote host
my ($peer_port, $peer_addr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($peer);
my $peer_addr_h = inet_ntoa($peer_addr);
# Parse packet
my $pkt = new opentrafficshaper::plugins::radius::Radius::Packet($dictionary,$udp_packet);
my $pkt = opentrafficshaper::plugins::radius::Radius::Packet->new($globals->{'Dictionary'},$udp_packet);
# Build log line
my $logLine = sprintf("Remote: $peer_addr_h, Code: %s, Identifier: %s => ",$pkt->code,$pkt->identifier);
my $logLine = sprintf("Remote: %s:%s, Code: %s, Identifier: %s => ",$peer_addr_h,$peer_port,$pkt->code,$pkt->identifier);
foreach my $attr ($pkt->attributes) {
$logLine .= sprintf(" %s: '%s',", $attr, $pkt->rawattr($attr));
......@@ -225,7 +319,7 @@ sub session_read
$logLine .= sprintf(" %s/%s: %s,",$vendor,$attr,$attrVal);
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[RADIUS] $logLine");
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[RADIUS] %s",$logLine);
# TODO - verify packet
......@@ -235,74 +329,307 @@ sub session_read
# Pull in a variables from packet
my $username = $pkt->rawattr("User-Name");
my $trafficGroup;
my $group = $config->{'group'};
if (my $attrRawVal = $pkt->vsattr(IANA_PEN,'OpenTrafficShaper-Traffic-Group')) {
$trafficGroup = @{ $attrRawVal }[0];
my $var = @{ $attrRawVal }[0];
# Next check if its valid
if (isGroupIDValid($var)) {
$group = $var;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[RADIUS] Cannot set 'group' for user '%s' as value '%s' is invalid, using default '%s'",
my $trafficClass;
my $trafficClassID = $config->{'traffic_class'};
if (my $attrRawVal = $pkt->vsattr(IANA_PEN,'OpenTrafficShaper-Traffic-Class')) {
$trafficClass = @{ $attrRawVal }[0];
my $var = @{ $attrRawVal }[0];
# Check if its valid
if (isTrafficClassIDValid($var)) {
$trafficClassID = $var;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[RADIUS] Cannot set 'traffic_class' for user '%s' as value '%s' is invalid, using default '%s'",
my $trafficLimit;
if (my $attrRawVal = $pkt->vsattr(IANA_PEN,'OpenTrafficShaper-Traffic-Limit')) {
$trafficLimit = @{ $attrRawVal }[0];
# Grab rate limits from the string we got
my $trafficLimitRx; my $trafficLimitTx;
my $trafficLimitRxBurst; my $trafficLimitTxBurst;
if (defined($trafficLimit)) {
my ($trafficLimitRxQuantifier,$trafficLimitTxQuantifier);
my ($trafficLimitRxBurstQuantifier,$trafficLimitTxBurstQuantifier);
# Match rx-rate[/tx-rate] rx-burst-rate[/tx-burst-rate]
if ($trafficLimit =~ /^(\d+)([km])(?:\/(\d+)([km]))?(?: (\d+)([km])(?:\/(\d+)([km]))?)?/) {
$trafficLimitRx = getKbit($1,$2);
$trafficLimitTx = getKbit($3,$4);
$trafficLimitRxBurst = getKbit($5,$6);
$trafficLimitTxBurst = getKbit($7,$8);
# We assume below that we will have limits
if (!defined($trafficLimit)) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[RADIUS] No traffic limit set for user '%s', ignoring",$username);
# Grab rate limits below from the string we got
my $rxCIR; my $txCIR;
my $rxLimit; my $txLimit;
# Match rx-rate[/tx-rate] rx-burst-rate[/tx-burst-rate]
if ($trafficLimit =~ /^(\d+)([km])(?:\/(\d+)([km]))?(?: (\d+)([km])(?:\/(\d+)([km]))?)?/) {
$rxCIR = getKbit($1,$2);
$txCIR = getKbit($3,$4);
$rxLimit = getKbit($5,$6);
$txLimit = getKbit($7,$8);
# Set our limits if they not defined
if (!defined($rxLimit)) {
$rxLimit = $rxCIR;
$rxCIR = $rxCIR / 4;
if (!defined($txLimit)) {
$txLimit = $txCIR;
$txCIR = $txCIR / 4;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[RADIUS] The 'OpenTrafficShaper-Traffic-Limit' attribute appears to be invalid for user '%s'".
": '%s'",
# Set default if they undefined
if (!defined($trafficGroup)) {
$trafficGroup = 1;
# Check if we have a pool transform
my $poolName;
if (defined($config->{'username_to_pool_transform'})) {
# Check if transform matches, if it does set pool name
if ($username =~ $config->{'username_to_pool_transform'}) {
$poolName = $1;
if (!defined($trafficClass)) {
$trafficClass = 1;
# Check if the pool name is being overridden
if (my $attrRawVal = $pkt->vsattr(IANA_PEN,'OpenTrafficShaper-Traffic-Pool')) {
$poolName = @{ $attrRawVal }[0];
# If we don't have rate limits, short circuit
if (!defined($trafficLimitTx)) {
# If we got a pool name, check if it exists
if (defined($poolName)) {
if (!defined(getPoolByName($config->{'interface_group'},$poolName))) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[RADIUS] Pool '%s' not found, using username '%s' instead",
$poolName = $username;
# If we didn't get the pool name, just use the username
} else {
$poolName = $username;
if (!defined($trafficLimitRx)) {
# Try grab the pool
my $pool = getPoolByName($config->{'interface_group'},$poolName);
my $pid = defined($pool) ? $pool->{'ID'} : undef;
my $ipAddress = $pkt->attr('Framed-IP-Address');
my $statusType = getStatus($pkt->rawattr('Acct-Status-Type'));
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Status: %s, User: %s, IP: %s, InterfaceGroup: %s, MatchPriorityID: %s, Group: %s, Class: %s, ".
"CIR: %s/%s, Limit: %s/%s",
# Check if user is new or online
if ($statusType eq "new" || $statusType eq "online") {
# Check if pool is defined
if (defined($pool)) {
my @poolMembers = getPoolMembers($pid);
# Check if we created the pool
if ($pool->{'Source'} eq "plugin.radius") {
# Make sure the pool is 0 or 1
if (@poolMembers < 2) {
# Change the details
my $changes = changePool({
'ID' => $pid,
'FriendlyName' => $ipAddress,
'TrafficClassID' => $trafficClassID,
'TxCIR' => $txCIR,
'RxCIR' => $rxCIR,
# These MUST be defined
'TxLimit' => $txLimit,
'RxLimit' => $rxLimit,
'Expires' => $now + DEFAULT_EXPIRY_PERIOD
my @txtChanges;
foreach my $item (keys %{$changes}) {
# Make expires look nice
my $value = $changes->{$item};
if ($item eq "Expires") {
$value = sprintf("%s [%s]",$value,scalar(localtime($value)));
push(@txtChanges,sprintf("%s = %s",$item,$value));
if (@txtChanges) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Pool '%s' updated: %s",$poolName,join(", ",@txtChanges));
# If we do have more than 1 member, make a note of it
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[RADIUS] Pool '%s' has more than 1 member, not updating",$poolName);
# No pool, time to create one
} else {
# If we don't have rate limits, short circuit
if (!defined($txCIR)) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[RADIUS] Pool '%s' has no 'TxCIR', aborting",$poolName);
if (!defined($rxCIR)) {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[RADIUS] Pool '%s' has no 'RxCIR', aborting",$poolName);
# Create pool
$pid = createPool({
'FriendlyName' => $ipAddress,
'Name' => $poolName,
'InterfaceGroupID' => $config->{'interface_group'},
'TrafficClassID' => $trafficClassID,
'TxCIR' => $txCIR,
'RxCIR' => $rxCIR,
'TxLimit' => $txLimit,
'RxLimit' => $rxLimit,
'Expires' => $now + $config->{'expiry_period'},
'Source' => "plugin.radius",
if (!defined($pid)) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[RADIUS] Pool '%s' failed to create, aborting",$poolName);
# If we have a pool member
if (defined(my $pmid = getPoolMemberByUsernameIP($pid,$username,$ipAddress))) {
my $poolMember = getPoolMember($pmid);
# Check if we created the pool member
if ($poolMember->{'Source'} eq "plugin.radius") {
my $changes = changePoolMember({
'ID' => $poolMember->{'ID'},
'Expires' => $now + DEFAULT_EXPIRY_PERIOD
my @txtChanges;
foreach my $item (keys %{$changes}) {
# Make expires look nice
my $value = $changes->{$item};
if ($item eq "Expires") {
$value = sprintf("%s [%s]",$value,scalar(localtime($value)));
push(@txtChanges,sprintf("%s = %s",$item,$value));
if (@txtChanges) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Pool '%s' member '%s' updated: %s",
join(", ",@txtChanges)
# TODO: Add output of updated items here too?
'ID' => $pid,
'FriendlyName' => $ipAddress
# If not display message
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[RADIUS] Pool '%s' member '%s' update ignored as it was not added by 'plugin.radius'",
# We have a pool but no member...
} else {
'FriendlyName' => $username,
'Username' => $username,
'IPAddress' => $ipAddress,
'InterfaceGroupID' => $config->{'interface_group'},
'MatchPriorityID' => $config->{'match_priority'},
'PoolID' => $pid,
'GroupID' => $group,
'Expires' => $now + $config->{'expiry_period'},
'Source' => "plugin.radius",
# TODO: Add output of updated items here too?
'ID' => $pid,
'FriendlyName' => $ipAddress
# Radius user going offline
} elsif ($statusType eq "offline") {
# Check if we have a pool
if (defined($pool)) {
# Grab pool members
my @poolMembers = getPoolMembers($pool->{'ID'});
# If this is ours we can set the expires to "queue" removal
if ($pool->{'Source'} eq "plugin.radius") {
# If there is only 1 pool member, then lets expire the pool in the removal expiry period
if (@poolMembers == 1) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Expiring pool '$poolName'");
'ID' => $pool->{'ID'},
'Expires' => $now + REMOVE_EXPIRY_PERIOD
# Check if we have a pool member with this username and IP
if (my $pmid = getPoolMemberByUsernameIP($pool->{'ID'},$username,$ipAddress)) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Expiring pool '$poolName' member '$username'");
'ID' => $pmid,
'Expires' => $now + REMOVE_EXPIRY_PERIOD
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Pool '$poolName' member '$username' set to expire as they're offline");
# No pool
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[RADIUS] Pool '$poolName' member '$username' doesn't exist went offline");
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[RADIUS] Unknown radius code '%s' for pool '%s' member '%s'",$pkt->code,$poolName,$username);
# Build user
my $user = {
'Username' => $username,
'IP' => $pkt->attr('Framed-IP-Address'),
'GroupID' => $trafficGroup,
'ClassID' => $trafficClass,
'TrafficLimitTx' => $trafficLimitTx,
'TrafficLimitRx' => $trafficLimitRx,
'TrafficLimitTxBurst' => $trafficLimitTxBurst,
'TrafficLimitRxBurst' => $trafficLimitRxBurst,
'Expires' => $now + (defined($globals->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'expire_entries'}) ?
$globals->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.radius'}->{'expire_entries'} : $config->{'expiry_period'}),
'Status' => getStatus($pkt->rawattr('Acct-Status-Type')),
'Source' => "plugin.radius",
# Throw the change at the config manager
$kernel->post("configmanager" => "process_change" => $user);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[RADIUS] Code: $user->{'Status'}, User: $user->{'Username'}, IP: $user->{'IP'}, Group: $user->{'GroupID'}, Class: $user->{'ClassID'}, ".
"Limits: ".prettyUndef($trafficLimitTx)."/".prettyUndef($trafficLimitRx).", Burst: ".prettyUndef($trafficLimitTxBurst)."/".prettyUndef($trafficLimitRxBurst));
# Convert status into something easy to useful
sub getStatus
......@@ -321,17 +648,16 @@ sub getStatus
# Simple function to reduce everything to kbit
sub getKbit
my ($counter,$quantifier) = @_;
# If there is no counter
return undef if (!defined($counter));
return if (!defined($counter));
# We need a quantifier
return undef if (!defined($quantifier));
return if (!defined($quantifier));
# Initialize counter
my $newCounter = $counter;
......@@ -341,12 +667,13 @@ sub getKbit
} elsif ($quantifier =~ /^k$/i) {
$newCounter = $counter * 1;
} else {
return undef;
return $newCounter;
# vim: ts=4
# OpenTrafficShaper Traffic shaping statistics
# Copyright (C) 2007-2013, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2015, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
......@@ -21,41 +21,155 @@ package opentrafficshaper::plugins::statistics;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use POE;
use Storable qw( dclone );
use awitpt::db::dblayer;
use opentrafficshaper::constants;
use opentrafficshaper::logger;
use opentrafficshaper::utils;
use opentrafficshaper::plugins::configmanager qw( getLimits );
use opentrafficshaper::plugins::configmanager qw(
# NK: TODO: Maybe we want to remove timing at some stage? maybe not?
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval );
# Exporter stuff
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
use constant {
VERSION => '0.0.1',
VERSION => '0.2.2',
# How often our config check ticks
# SQL Statements
SQL_ADD_IDENTIFIER => 'INSERT INTO identifiers (`Identifier`) VALUES (?)',
SQL_GET_IDENTIFIER => 'SELECT ID FROM identifiers WHERE `Identifier` = ?',
`IdentifierID`, `Timestamp` - (`Timestamp` % ?) AS Timestamp,
MAX(`CIR`) AS `CIR`, MAX(`Limit`) AS `Limit`, MAX(`Rate`) AS `Rate`, MAX(`PPS`) AS `PPS`,
MAX(`QueueLen`) AS `QueueLen`, MAX(`TotalBytes`) AS `TotalBytes`, MAX(`TotalPackets`) AS `TotalPackets`,
MAX(`TotalOverLimits`) AS `TotalOverLimits`, MAX(`TotalDropped`) AS `TotalDropped`
`Key` = ?
AND `Timestamp` > ?
AND `Timestamp` < ?
`IdentifierID`, `Timestamp`, `Direction`
`IdentifierID`, `Timestamp` - (`Timestamp` % ?) AS Timestamp,
MAX(`Counter`) AS `Counter`
`Key` = ?
AND `Timestamp` > ?
AND `Timestamp` < ?
`IdentifierID`, `Timestamp`
`Timestamp`, `Direction`, `Rate`, `PPS`, `CIR`, `Limit`
`IdentifierID` = ?
AND `Key` = ?
AND `Timestamp` > ?
AND `Timestamp` < ?
`Timestamp`, `Counter`
`IdentifierID` = ?
AND `Key` = ?
AND `Timestamp` > ?
AND `Timestamp` < ?
SQL_CLEANUP_STATS => 'DELETE FROM stats WHERE `Key` = ? AND `Timestamp` < ?',
SQL_CLEANUP_STATS_BASIC => 'DELETE FROM stats_basic WHERE `Key` = ? AND `Timestamp` < ?'
1 => {
'precision' => 300, # 5min
'retention' => 4, # 4 days
2 => {
'precision' => 900, # 15min
'retention' => 14, # 14 days
3 => {
'precision' => 3600, # 1hr
'retention' => 28 * 2, # 2 months
4 => {
'precision' => 21600, # 6hr
'retention' => 28 * 6, # 6 months
5 => {
'precision' => 86400, # 24hr
'retention' => 28 * 12 * 2, # 2 years
# Plugin info
our $pluginInfo = {
Name => "Statistics Interface",
Version => VERSION,
Init => \&plugin_init,
Start => \&plugin_start,
# Signals
signal_SIGHUP => \&handle_SIGHUP,
......@@ -64,18 +178,29 @@ my $globals;
my $logger;
# Our configuration
my $config = {
'dsn_name' => "dbi:SQLite:dbname=/tmp/statsfile.sqlite",
'dsn_user' => "",
'dsn_pass' => "",
# Handle of DBI
# $globals->{'Database'}->{'Handle'}
# $globals->{'Database'}->{'DSN'}
# $globals->{'Database'}->{'Username'}
# $globals->{'Database'}->{'Password'}
# DB identifier map
# $globals->{'IdentifierMap'}
# Stats queue
# $globals->{'StatsQueue'}
# $globals->{'LastCleanup'}
# $globals->{'LastConfigManagerStats'}
# Stats subscribers & counter
# $globals->{'SIDSubscribers'}
# $globals->{'SSIDMap'}
# $globals->{'SSIDCounter'}
# $globals->{'SSIDCounterFreeList'}
# Stats cache
my $statsCache = {};
# Stats subscribers
my $subscribers;
# $subscribers => $user => [ { 'session' => 'event' }, { 'session' , 'event' } ]
# Initialize plugin
......@@ -87,173 +212,1152 @@ sub plugin_init
# Setup our environment
$logger = $globals->{'logger'};
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[STATISTICS] OpenTrafficShaper Statistics v".VERSION." - Copyright (c) 2013, AllWorldIT");
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[STATISTICS] OpenTrafficShaper Statistics v%s - Copyright (c) 2007-2014, AllWorldIT",VERSION);
# Initialize
$globals->{'Database'} = undef;
$globals->{'IdentifierMap'} = { };
$globals->{'StatsQueue'} = [ ];
$globals->{'LastCleanup'} = { };
$globals->{'LastConfigManagerStats'} = { };
$globals->{'SIDSubscribers'} = { };
$globals->{'SSIDMap'} = { };
$globals->{'SSIDCounter'} = 0;
$globals->{'SSIDCounterFreeList'} = [ ];
# Check our interfaces
if (defined(my $dsnn = $globals->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.STATISTICS'}->{'dsn_name'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Set dsn_name to '$dsnn'");
$config->{'dsn_name'} = $dsnn;
if (defined(my $dsnu = $globals->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.STATISTICS'}->{'dsn_user'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Set dsn_user to '$dsnu'");
$config->{'dsn_user'} = $dsnu;
if (defined(my $dsnp = $globals->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.STATISTICS'}->{'dsn_pass'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Set dsn_pass to '$dsnp'");
$config->{'dsn_pass'} = $dsnp;
if (defined(my $dbdsn = $globals->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.statistics'}->{'db_dsn'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Set database DSN to '%s'",$dbdsn);
$globals->{'Database'}->{'DSN'} = $dbdsn;
if (defined(my $dbuser = $globals->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.statistics'}->{'db_username'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Set database username to '%s'",$dbuser);
$globals->{'Database'}->{'Username'} = $dbuser;
if (defined(my $dbpass = $globals->{'file.config'}->{'plugin.statistics'}->{'db_password'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Set database password to '%s'",$dbpass);
$globals->{'Database'}->{'Password'} = $dbpass;
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[STATISTICS] No database DSN to specified in configuration file. Stats storage disabled!");
# This session is our main session, its alias is "shaper"
# This is our main stats session
inline_states => {
_start => \&session_init,
_start => \&_session_start,
_stop => \&_session_stop,
_tick => \&_session_tick,
# Stats update event
update => \&do_update,
# Subscription events
subscribe => \&do_subscribe,
unsubscribe => \&do_unsubscribe,
update => \&_session_update,
# Create DBI agent
if (defined($globals->{'Database'})) {
$globals->{'Database'}->{'Handle'} = DBInit($globals->{'Database'});
# Check if handle is defined
if (defined($globals->{'Database'}->{'Handle'})) {
# Try connect (0 is success)
if (!DBConnect()) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Connected to database");
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[STATISTICS] Failed to connect to database: %s (DATABASE DISABLED)",
# Don't try again
# If the handle is not defined, the database won't work
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[STATISTICS] Failed to initailize database: %s (DATABASE DISABLED)",
# Set last cleanup to now
my $now = time();
foreach my $key (keys %{STATS_CONFIG()}) {
# Get aligned time so we cleanup sooner
$globals->{'LastCleanup'}->{$key} = _getAlignedTime($now,STATS_CONFIG()->{$key}->{'precision'});
$globals->{'LastConfigManagerStats'} = $now;
return 1;
# Start the plugin
sub plugin_start
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Started");
# Initialize this plugins main POE session
sub session_init {
my $kernel = $_[KERNEL];
sub _session_start
my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
# Set our alias
# Set delay on config updates
$kernel->delay('_tick' => TICK_PERIOD);
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[STATISTICS] Initialized");
# Update limit Statistics
# $uid has some special use cases:
# main:$iface:all - Interface total stats
# main:$iface:classes - Interface classified traffic
# main:$iface:besteffort - Interface best effort traffic
sub do_update {
my ($kernel, $item, $stats) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0, ARG1];
# Buffer size
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Statistics update for '%s', buffered '%s' items",$item,scalar keys %{$statsCache->{$item}});
# Stop session
sub _session_stop
my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
if ($item =~ /^main/) {
} else {
# Pull in global
my $limits = getLimits();
my $limit = $limits->{$item};
my $username = $limit->{'Username'};
# Save entry
$statsCache->{$username}->{$stats->{'timestamp'}}->{$stats->{'direction'}} = $stats;
use Data::Dumper; print STDERR "Limit: ".Dumper($limit);
use Data::Dumper; print STDERR "Stats: ".Dumper($stats);
# Check if we have an event handler subscriber for this item
if (defined($subscribers->{$item}) && %{$subscribers->{$item}}) {
print STDERR "Pass1\n";
# If we do, loop with them
foreach my $handler (keys %{$subscribers->{$item}}) {
print STDERR "Pass2: $handler\n";
# If no events are linked to this handler, continue
if (!(keys %{$subscribers->{$item}->{$handler}})) {
print STDERR "Pass3: $handler\n";
# Remove our alias
# Tear down data
$globals = undef;
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[STATISTICS] Shutdown");
$logger = undef;
# Time ticker for processing changes
sub _session_tick
my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
# If we don't have a database, just skip...
if (!$globals->{'Database'}) {
my $now = time();
my $timer1 = [gettimeofday];
# Even out flushing over 10s to absorb spikes
my $totalFlush = @{$globals->{'StatsQueue'}};
my $maxFlush = int($totalFlush / 10) + 100;
my $numFlush = 0;
# Make sure we don't write more than 10k entries per pass
# Loop and build the data to create our multi-insert
my (@insertHolders,@insertBasicHolders);
my (@insertData,@insertBasicData);
while (defined(my $stat = shift(@{$globals->{'StatsQueue'}})) && $numFlush < $maxFlush) {
# This is a basic counter
if (defined($stat->{'Counter'})) {
$stat->{'IdentifierID'}, $stat->{'Key'}, $stat->{'Timestamp'},
# Full stats counter
} else {
$stat->{'IdentifierID'}, $stat->{'Key'}, $stat->{'Timestamp'},
$stat->{'CIR'}, $stat->{'Limit'}, $stat->{'Rate'}, $stat->{'PPS'}, $stat->{'QueueLen'},
$stat->{'TotalBytes'}, $stat->{'TotalPackets'}, $stat->{'TotalOverLimits'}, $stat->{'TotalDropped'}
# If we got things to insert, do it
if (@insertBasicHolders > 0) {
my $res = DBDo('
INSERT INTO stats_basic
`IdentifierID`, `Key`, `Timestamp`,
# Check for error
if (!defined($res)) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[STATISTICS] Failed to execute stats_basic insert: %s",awitpt::db::dblayer::Error());
# And normal stats...
if (@insertHolders > 0) {
my $res = DBDo('
`IdentifierID`, `Key`, `Timestamp`,
`CIR`, `Limit`, `Rate`, `PPS`, `QueueLen`,
`TotalBytes`, `TotalPackets`, `TotalOverLimits`, `TotalDropped`
# Check for error
if (!defined($res)) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[STATISTICS] Failed to execute stats insert: %s",awitpt::db::dblayer::Error());
my $timer2 = [gettimeofday];
# We only need stats if we did something, right?
if ($numFlush) {
my $timediff2 = tv_interval($timer1,$timer2);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Total stats flush time %s/%s records: %s",
my $res;
# Loop with our stats consolidation configuration
foreach my $key (sort keys %{STATS_CONFIG()}) {
my $timerA = [gettimeofday];
my $precision = STATS_CONFIG()->{$key}->{'precision'};
my $thisPeriod = _getAlignedTime($now,$precision);
my $lastPeriod = $thisPeriod - $precision;
my $prevKey = $key - 1;
# If we havn't exited the last period, then skip
if ($globals->{'LastCleanup'}->{$key} > $lastPeriod) {
# Stats
my $numStatsBasicConsolidated = 0;
my $numStatsConsolidated = 0;
my $consolidateFrom = $lastPeriod - $precision * 2;
my $consolidateUpTo = $lastPeriod - $precision;
# Execute and pull in consolidated stats
$res = DBSelect(SQL_CONSOLIDATE_STATS_BASIC,$precision,$prevKey,$consolidateFrom,$consolidateUpTo);
if ($res) {
# Loop with items returned
while (my $item = hashifyLCtoMC($res->fetchrow_hashref(),'IdentifierID','Timestamp','Counter')) {
$item->{'Key'} = $key;
# Queue for insert
# If there was an error, make sure we report it
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[STATISTICS] Failed to execute stats_basic consolidation statement: %s",
# And the normal stats...
$res = DBSelect(SQL_CONSOLIDATE_STATS,$precision,$prevKey,$consolidateFrom,$consolidateUpTo);
if ($res) {
# Loop with items returned
while (my $item = hashifyLCtoMC(
)) {
$item->{'Key'} = $key;
# Queue for insert
# If there was an error, make sure we report it
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[STATISTICS] Failed to execute stats consolidation statement: %s",
# Or ... If we have events, process them
foreach my $event (keys %{$subscribers->{$item}->{$handler}}) {
print STDERR "Pass4: $event\n";
# Set last cleanup to now
$globals->{'LastCleanup'}->{$key} = $now;
my $timerB = [gettimeofday];
my $timediffB = tv_interval($timerA,$timerB);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Stats consolidation: key %s in %s (%s basic, %s normal), period %s - %s [%s - %s]",
$kernel->post($handler => $event => $item => $stats);
# Setup another timer
my $timer3 = [gettimeofday];
# We only need to run as often as the first precision
# - If cleanup has not yet run?
# - or if the 0 cleanup plus precision of the first key is in the past (data is now stale?)
if (!defined($globals->{'LastCleanup'}->{'0'}) || $globals->{'LastCleanup'}->{'0'} + STATS_CONFIG()->{1}->{'precision'} < $now) {
# We're going to clean up for the first stats precision * 3, which should be enough
my $cleanUpTo = $now - (STATS_CONFIG()->{1}->{'precision'} * 3);
# Streamed stats is removed 3 time periods past the first precision
my $timerA = [gettimeofday];
if ($res = DBDo(SQL_CLEANUP_STATS_BASIC,0,$cleanUpTo)) {
my $timerB = [gettimeofday];
my $timerdiffA = tv_interval($timerA,$timerB);
# We get 0E0 for 0 when none were removed
if ($res ne "0E0") {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Cleanup streamed stats_basic, %s items in %s, up to %s [%s]",
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[STATISTICS] Failed to execute stats_basic cleanup statement: %s",
# And the normal stats...
$timerA = [gettimeofday];
if ($res = DBDo(SQL_CLEANUP_STATS,0,$cleanUpTo)) {
my $timerB = [gettimeofday];
my $timerdiffA = tv_interval($timerA,$timerB);
# We get 0E0 for 0 when none were removed
if ($res ne "0E0") {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Cleanup streamed stats, %s items in %s, up to %s [%s]",
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[STATISTICS] Failed to execute stats cleanup statement: %s",
# Loop and remove retained stats
foreach my $key (keys %{STATS_CONFIG()}) {
# Work out timestamp to clean up to by multiplying the retention period by days
$cleanUpTo = $now - (STATS_CONFIG()->{$key}->{'retention'} * 86400);
# Retention period is in # days
my $timerA = [gettimeofday];
if ($res = DBDo(SQL_CLEANUP_STATS_BASIC,$key,$cleanUpTo)) {
# We get 0E0 for 0 when none were removed
if ($res ne "0E0") {
my $timerB = [gettimeofday];
my $timerdiffA = tv_interval($timerA,$timerB);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Cleanup stats_basic key %s in %s, %s items up to %s [%s]",
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[STATISTICS] Failed to execute stats_basic cleanup statement for key %s: %s",
# And normal stats...
$timerA = [gettimeofday];
if ($res = DBDo(SQL_CLEANUP_STATS,$key,$cleanUpTo)) {
# We get 0E0 for 0 when none were removed
if ($res ne "0E0") {
my $timerB = [gettimeofday];
my $timerdiffA = tv_interval($timerA,$timerB);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Cleanup stats key %s in %s, %s items up to %s [%s]",
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[STATISTICS] Failed to execute stats cleanup statement for key %s: %s",
# Set last main cleanup to now
$globals->{'LastCleanup'}->{'0'} = $now;
my $timer4 = [gettimeofday];
my $timediff4 = tv_interval($timer3,$timer4);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Total stats cleanup time: %s",
# Check if we need to pull config manager stats
if ($now - $globals->{'LastConfigManagerStats'} > STATISTICS_PERIOD) {
my $configManagerStats = _getConfigManagerStats();
$globals->{'LastConfigManagerStats'} = $now;
# Set delay on config updates
$kernel->delay('_tick' => TICK_PERIOD);
# Update limit Statistics
# $item has some special use cases:
# main:$iface:all - Interface total stats
# main:$iface:classes - Interface classified traffic
# main:$iface:besteffort - Interface best effort traffic
sub _session_update
my ($kernel, $statsData) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
# Handle subscriptions to updates
sub do_subscribe
sub subscribe
my ($kernel, $handler, $handlerEvent, $item) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
my ($sid,$conversions,$handler,$event) = @_;
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Got subscription request for '%s': handler='%s', event='%s'",
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Got subscription request from '$handler' for '$item' via event '$handlerEvent'");
# Grab next SSID
my $ssid = shift(@{$globals->{'SSIDCounterFreeList'}});
if (!defined($ssid)) {
$ssid = $globals->{'SSIDCounter'}++;
$subscribers->{$item}->{$handler}->{$handlerEvent} = $item;
# Setup data and conversions
$globals->{'SSIDMap'}->{$ssid} = $globals->{'SIDSubscribers'}->{$sid}->{$ssid} = {
'SID' => $sid,
'SSID' => $ssid,
'Conversions' => $conversions,
'Handler' => $handler,
'Event' => $event
# Return the SID we subscribed
return $ssid;
# Handle unsubscribes
sub do_unsubscribe
sub unsubscribe
my ($kernel, $handler, $handlerEvent, $item) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
my $ssid = shift;
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Got unsubscription request for '$handler' regarding '$item'");
# Grab item, and check if it doesnt exist
my $item = $globals->{'SSIDMap'}->{$ssid};
if (!defined($item)) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[STATISTICS] Got unsubscription request for SSID '%s' that doesn't exist",
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[STATISTICS] Got unsubscription request for SSID '%s'",
# Remove subscriber
# If SID is now empty, remove it too
if (! keys %{$globals->{'SIDSubscribers'}->{$item->{'SID'}}}) {
# Remove mapping
# Push onto list of free ID's
# Return user last stats
sub getLastStats
my $username = shift;
my $lid = shift;
my $statistics;
# Do we have stats for this user in the cache?
if (defined($statsCache->{$username})) {
# Grab last entry
my $lastTimestamp = (sort keys %{$statsCache->{$username}})[-1];
# We should ALWAYS have one, unless the server just booted
if (defined($lastTimestamp)) {
# Loop with both directions
foreach my $direction ('tx','rx') {
# Get a easier to use handle on the stats
if (my $stats = $statsCache->{$username}->{$lastTimestamp}->{$direction}) {
# Setup the statistics hash
$statistics->{$direction} = {
'current_rate' => $stats->{'current_rate'},
'current_pps' => $stats->{'current_pps'},
# # Do we have stats for this user in the cache?
# if (defined($statsCache->{$lid})) {
# # Grab last entry
# my $lastTimestamp = (sort keys %{$statsCache->{$lid}})[-1];
# # We should ALWAYS have one, unless the server just booted
# if (defined($lastTimestamp)) {
# # Loop with both directions
# foreach my $direction ('tx','rx') {
# # Get a easier to use handle on the stats
# if (my $stats = $statsCache->{$lid}->{$lastTimestamp}->{$direction}) {
# # Setup the statistics hash
# $statistics->{$direction} = {
# 'current_rate' => $stats->{'current_rate'},
# 'current_pps' => $stats->{'current_pps'},
# };
# }
# }
# }
# }
return $statistics;
# Return stats by SID
sub getStatsBySID
my ($sid,$conversions,$startTimestamp,$endTimestamp) = @_;
my $statistics = _getStatsBySID($sid,$startTimestamp,$endTimestamp);
if (!defined($statistics)) {
# Loop and convert
foreach my $timestamp (keys %{$statistics}) {
my $stat = $statistics->{$timestamp};
# Use new item
$statistics->{$timestamp} = _fixStatDirection($stat,$conversions);
return $statistics;
# Return basic stats by SID
sub getStatsBasicBySID
my ($sid,$conversions) = @_;
my $statistics = _getStatsBasicBySID($sid);
if (!defined($statistics)) {
# Loop and convert
foreach my $timestamp (keys %{$statistics}) {
my $stat = $statistics->{$timestamp};
# Use new item
$statistics->{$timestamp} = _fixCounterName($stat,$conversions);
return $statistics;
# Get the stats ID from Class ID
sub getSIDFromCID
my ($iface,$cid) = @_;
# Grab identifier based on class ID
my $identifier = _getIdentifierFromCID($iface,$cid);
if (!defined($identifier)) {
# Return the SID fo the identifier
return _getSIDFromIdentifier($identifier);
# Set the stats ID from Class ID
sub setSIDFromCID
my ($iface,$cid) = @_;
# See if we can get a SID from the CID
my $sid = getSIDFromCID($iface,$cid);
if (!defined($sid)) {
# If not, grab the identifier
my $identifier = _getIdentifierFromCID($iface,$cid);
if (!defined($identifier)) {
# And setup a new SID
$sid = _setSIDFromIdentifier($identifier);
return $sid;
# Get the stats ID from a PID
sub getSIDFromPID
my $pid = shift;
# Grab identifier from a PID
my $identifier = _getIdentifierFromPID($pid);
if (!defined($identifier)) {
# Return the SID for the PID
return _getSIDFromIdentifier($identifier);
# Set the stats ID from a PID
sub setSIDFromPID
my $pid = shift;
# Try grab the SID for the PID
my $sid = getSIDFromPID($pid);
if (!defined($sid)) {
# If we can't, grab the identifier instead
my $identifier = _getIdentifierFromPID($pid);
if (!defined($identifier)) {
# And setup the SID
$sid = _setSIDFromIdentifier($identifier);
return $sid;
# Get the stats ID from a counter
sub getSIDFromCounter
my $counter = shift;
# Grab identifier from a counter
my $identifier = _getIdentifierFromCounter($counter);
if (!defined($identifier)) {
# Return the SID for the counter
return _getSIDFromIdentifier($identifier);
# Set the stats ID from a counter
sub setSIDFromCounter
my $counter = shift;
# Try grab the SID for the counter
my $sid = getSIDFromCounter($counter);
if (!defined($sid)) {
# If we can't, grab the identifier instead
my $identifier = _getIdentifierFromCounter($counter);
if (!defined($identifier)) {
# And setup the SID
$sid = _setSIDFromIdentifier($identifier);
return $sid;
# Return traffic direction
sub getTrafficDirection
my ($pid,$interface) = @_;
# Grab the interfaces for this limit
my $txInterface = getPoolTxInterface($pid);
my $rxInterface = getPoolRxInterface($pid);
# Check what it matches...
if ($interface eq $txInterface) {
} elsif ($interface eq $rxInterface) {
# Generate ConfigManager counters
sub getConfigManagerCounters
my @poolList = getPools();
my @classes = getAllTrafficClasses();
# Grab user count
my %counters;
$counters{"configmanager.totalpools"} = @poolList;
# Zero this counter
$counters{"configmanager.totalpoolmembers"} = 0;
# Zero the number of pools in each class to start off with
foreach my $cid (@classes) {
$counters{"configmanager.classpools.$cid"} = 0;
$counters{"configmanager.classpoolmembers.$cid"} = 0;
# Pull in each pool and bump up the class counter
foreach my $pid (@poolList) {
my $pool = getPool($pid);
my $cid = getPoolTrafficClassID($pid);
my @poolMembers = getPoolMembers($pid);
# Bump the class counters
$counters{"configmanager.classpoolmembers.$cid"} += @poolMembers;
# Bump the pool member counter
$counters{"configmanager.totalpoolmembers"} += @poolMembers;
# Set pool member count
$counters{"configmanager.poolmembers.$pool->{'InterfaceGroupID'}/$pool->{'Name'}"} = @poolMembers;
return \%counters;
# Internal Functions
# Function to process a bunch of statistics
sub _processStatistics
my ($kernel,$statsData) = @_;
my $queuedEvents;
# Loop through stats data we got
while ((my $sid, my $stat) = each(%{$statsData})) {
$stat->{'IdentifierID'} = $sid;
$stat->{'Key'} = 0;
# Add to main queue
# Check if we have an event handler subscriber for this item
if (defined(my $subscribers = $globals->{'SIDSubscribers'}->{$sid})) {
# Build the stat that our conversions understands
my $eventStat;
# This is a basic counter
if (defined($stat->{'Counter'})) {
$eventStat = {
'counter' => $stat->{'Counter'}
} else {
$eventStat->{$stat->{'Direction'}} = {
'rate' => $stat->{'Rate'},
'pps' => $stat->{'PPS'},
'cir' => $stat->{'CIR'},
'limit' => $stat->{'Limit'}
# If we do, loop with them
foreach my $ssid (keys %{$subscribers}) {
my $subscriber = $subscribers->{$ssid};
my $handler = $subscriber->{'Handler'};
my $event = $subscriber->{'Event'};
my $conversions = $subscriber->{'Conversions'};
# Get temp stat, this still refs the original one
my $tempStat;
# This is a basic counter
if (defined($eventStat->{'counter'})) {
$tempStat = _fixCounterName($eventStat,$conversions);
} else {
$tempStat = _fixStatDirection($eventStat,$conversions);
# Send a copy! so we don't send refs to data used elsewhere
$queuedEvents->{$handler}->{$event}->{$ssid}->{$stat->{'Timestamp'}} = dclone($tempStat);
# Loop with events we need to dispatch
foreach my $handler (keys %{$queuedEvents}) {
my $events = $queuedEvents->{$handler};
foreach my $event (keys %{$events}) {
$kernel->post($handler => $event => $queuedEvents->{$handler}->{$event});
# Generate ConfigManager stats
sub _getConfigManagerStats
my $counters = getConfigManagerCounters();
my $now = time();
my $statsData = { };
# Loop through counters and create stats items
foreach my $item (keys %{$counters}) {
my $identifierID = setSIDFromCounter($item);
my $stat = {
'IdentifierID' => $identifierID,
'Timestamp' => $now,
'Counter' => $counters->{$item}
$statsData->{$identifierID} = $stat;
return $statsData;
# Function to get a SID identifier from a class ID
sub _getIdentifierFromCID
my ($iface,$cid) = @_;
return sprintf("Class:%s:%s",$iface,$cid);
# Function to get a SID identifier from a pool ID
sub _getIdentifierFromPID
my $pid = shift;
my $pool = getPool($pid);
if (!defined($pool)) {
return sprintf("Pool:%s/%s",$pool->{'InterfaceGroupID'},$pool->{'Name'});
# Function to get a SID identifier from a counter
sub _getIdentifierFromCounter
my $counter = shift;
return sprintf("Counter:%s",$counter);
# Return a cached SID if its cached
sub _getCachedSIDFromIdentifier
my $identifier = shift;
return $globals->{'IdentifierMap'}->{$identifier};
# Grab or add the identifier to the DB
sub _getSIDFromIdentifier
my $identifier = shift;
# Check if we have it cached
if (my $sid = _getCachedSIDFromIdentifier($identifier)) {
return $sid;
# We need the DB to be alive to do this...
if (!defined($globals->{'Database'})) {
# Try grab it from DB
if (my $res = DBSelect(SQL_GET_IDENTIFIER,$identifier)) {
# Grab first row and return
if (my $row = $res->fetchrow_hashref()) {
return $globals->{'IdentifierMap'}->{$identifier} = $row->{'id'};
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[STATISTICS] Failed to get SID from identifier '%s': %s",$identifier,awitpt::db::dblayer::Error());
# Set SID from identifier in DB
sub _setSIDFromIdentifier
my $identifier = shift;
# We need the DB to be alive to do this...
if (!defined($globals->{'Database'})) {
# Try add it to the DB
if (my $res = DBDo(SQL_ADD_IDENTIFIER,$identifier)) {
return $globals->{'IdentifierMap'}->{$identifier} = DBLastInsertID("","");
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[STATISTICS] Failed to set SID from identifier '%s': %s",$identifier,awitpt::db::dblayer::Error());
# Get aligned time on a Precision
sub _getAlignedTime
my ($time,$precision) = @_;
return $time - ($time % $precision);
# Internal function to get stats by SID
sub _getStatsBySID
my ($sid,$startTimestamp,$endTimestamp) = @_;
my $now = time();
# Setup our timestamps if we need to
if (!defined($startTimestamp)) {
$startTimestamp = $now - 3600;
if (!defined($endTimestamp)) {
$endTimestamp = $now;
# Work out the timestamp
my $timespan = $endTimestamp - $startTimestamp;
# Find the best key to use...
my $statsKey = 0;
foreach my $key (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %{STATS_CONFIG()}) {
# Grab first key that will hve 50+ entries
if ($timespan / STATS_CONFIG()->{$key}->{'precision'} > 50) {
$statsKey = $key;
my $statistics = { };
# We need the DB below this point
if (!defined($globals->{'Database'})) {
return $statistics;
# Grab last 60 mins of data
my $res = DBSelect(SQL_GET_STATS,$sid,$statsKey,$startTimestamp,$endTimestamp);
if (!defined($res)) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[STATISTICS] Failed to get stats for SID '%s': %s",$sid,awitpt::db::dblayer::Error());
return $statistics;
while (my $item = $res->fetchrow_hashref()) {
$statistics->{$item->{'timestamp'}}->{$item->{'direction'}} = {
'rate' => $item->{'rate'},
'pps' => $item->{'pps'},
'cir' => $item->{'cir'},
'limit' => $item->{'limit'},
return $statistics;
# Internal function to get basic stats by SID
sub _getStatsBasicBySID
my ($sid,$startTimestamp,$endTimestamp) = @_;
my $now = time();
# Setup our timestamps if we need to
if (!defined($startTimestamp)) {
$startTimestamp = $now - 3600;
if (!defined($endTimestamp)) {
$endTimestamp = $now;
# Work out the timestamp
my $timespan = $endTimestamp - $startTimestamp;
# Find the best key to use...
my $statsKey = 0;
foreach my $key (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %{STATS_CONFIG()}) {
# Grab first key that will hve 50+ entries
if ($timespan / STATS_CONFIG()->{$key}->{'precision'} > 50) {
$statsKey = $key;
my $statistics = { };
# We need the DB below this point
if (!defined($globals->{'Database'})) {
return $statistics;
# Prepare query
my $res = DBSelect(SQL_GET_STATS_BASIC,$sid,$statsKey,$startTimestamp,$endTimestamp);
while (my $item = $res->fetchrow_hashref()) {
$statistics->{$item->{'timestamp'}} = {
'counter' => $item->{'counter'},
return $statistics;
sub handle_SIGHUP
# Function to transform stats before sending them
sub _fixStatDirection
my ($stat,$conversions) = @_;
my $res;
# Loop with directions, maybe we have more than one with this stat
while ((my $direction, my $oldStat) = each(%{$stat})) {
# Depending which direction, grab the key to use below
my $oldKey;
if ($direction == STATISTICS_DIR_TX) {
$oldKey = 'tx';
} elsif ($direction == STATISTICS_DIR_RX) {
$oldKey = 'rx';
# Loop and remove the direction, instead, adding it to the item
foreach my $item (keys %{$oldStat}) {
# If we have conversions defined...
my $newKey;
if (defined($conversions) && defined($conversions->{'Direction'})) {
$newKey = sprintf("%s.%s",$conversions->{'Direction'},$item);
} else {
$newKey = sprintf("%s.%s",$oldKey,$item);
$res->{$newKey} = $oldStat->{$item};
return $res;
# Function to transform stats before sending them
sub _fixCounterName
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[STATISTICS] Got SIGHUP, ignoring for now");
my ($stat,$conversions) = @_;
# Loop and set the identifier
my $newStat;
# If we have conversions defined...
my $newKey = 'counter';
if (defined($conversions) && defined($conversions->{'Name'})) {
$newKey = sprintf('%s',$conversions->{'Name'});
$newStat->{$newKey} = $stat->{'counter'};
return $newStat;
# vim: ts=4
# OpenTrafficShaper Linux tc traffic shaping
# Copyright (C) 2007-2013, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2023, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -21,16 +21,52 @@ package opentrafficshaper::plugins::tc;
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use List::Util qw(min max);
use POE qw(
Wheel::Run Filter::Line
use POE qw( Wheel::Run Filter::Line );
use awitpt::util qw(
use opentrafficshaper::constants;
use opentrafficshaper::logger;
use opentrafficshaper::utils;
use opentrafficshaper::plugins::configmanager qw(
getLimit getLimitAttribute setLimitAttribute
getShaperState setShaperState
......@@ -41,23 +77,22 @@ our (@ISA,@EXPORT,@EXPORT_OK);
@EXPORT = qw(
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
use constant {
VERSION => '0.0.1',
VERSION => '1.0.1',
# 5% of a link can be used for very high priority traffic
PROTO_RATE_BURST_MIN => 16, # With a minimum burst of 8KiB
PROTO_RATE_BURST_MAXM => 1.5, # Multiplier for burst min to get to burst max
PROTO_RATE_BURST_MIN => 16, # With a minimum burst of 8KiB
PROTO_RATE_BURST_MAXM => 1.5, # Multiplier for burst min to get to burst max
# High priority traffic gets the first 20% of the bandidth to itself
PRIO_RATE_BURST_MIN => 32, # With a minimum burst of 40KiB
PRIO_RATE_BURST_MAXM => 1.5, # Multiplier for burst min to get to burst max
PRIO_RATE_BURST_MIN => 32, # With a minimum burst of 40KiB
PRIO_RATE_BURST_MAXM => 1.5, # Multiplier for burst min to get to burst max
......@@ -71,71 +106,54 @@ our $pluginInfo = {
# Copy of system globals
# Our globals
my $globals;
# Copy of system logger
my $logger;
# Our configuration
my $config = {
'txiface' => "eth1",
'txiface_rate' => 100,
'rxiface' => "eth0",
'rxiface_rate' => 100,
'ip_protocol' => "ip",
'iphdr_offset' => 0,
# Queue of tasks to run
my @taskQueue = ();
# TC classes & filters
my $tcFilterMappings;
my $tcClasses = {
'free' => [ ],
'track' => { },
my $tcFilters = {
'free' => [ ],
'track' => { },
# $globals->{'TaskQueue'}
# $globals->{'TcClasses'}
# $globals->{'TcFilterMappings'}
# $globals->{'TcFilters'}
# Initialize plugin
sub plugin_init
$globals = shift;
my $system = shift;
# Setup our environment
$logger = $globals->{'logger'};
$logger = $system->{'logger'};
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[TC] OpenTrafficShaper tc Integration v".VERSION." - Copyright (c) 2013, AllWorldIT");
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[TC] OpenTrafficShaper tc Integration v%s - Copyright (c) 2007-2023, AllWorldIT",VERSION);
# Initialize
$globals->{'TaskQueue'} = [ ];
$globals->{'TcClasses'} = { };
$globals->{'TcFilterMappings'} = { };
$globals->{'TcFilters'} = { };
# Check our interfaces
if (defined(my $txi = $globals->{'file.config'}->{''}->{'txiface'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Set txiface to '$txi'");
$config->{'txiface'} = $txi;
if (defined(my $txir = $globals->{'file.config'}->{''}->{'txiface_rate'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Set txiface_rate to '$txir'");
$config->{'txiface_rate'} = $txir;
if (defined(my $rxi = $globals->{'file.config'}->{''}->{'rxiface'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Set rxiface to '$rxi'");
$config->{'rxiface'} = $rxi;
if (defined(my $rxir = $globals->{'file.config'}->{''}->{'rxiface_rate'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Set rxiface_rate to '$rxir'");
$config->{'rxiface_rate'} = $rxir;
if (defined(my $proto = $globals->{'file.config'}->{''}->{'protocol'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Set protocol to '$proto'");
# Grab some of our config we need
if (defined(my $proto = $system->{'file.config'}->{''}->{'protocol'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Set protocol to '%s'",$proto);
$config->{'ip_protocol'} = $proto;
if (defined(my $offset = $globals->{'file.config'}->{''}->{'iphdr_offset'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Set IP header offset to '$offset'");
if (defined(my $offset = $system->{'file.config'}->{''}->{'iphdr_offset'})) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Set IP header offset to '%s'",$offset);
$config->{'iphdr_offset'} = $offset;
......@@ -143,51 +161,300 @@ sub plugin_init
# We going to queue the initialization in plugin initialization so nothing at all can come before us
my $changeSet = TC::ChangeSet->new();
# Initialize TX interface
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Queuing tasks to initialize '$config->{'txiface'}'");
_tc_class_optimize($changeSet,$config->{'txiface'},3,$config->{'txiface_rate'}*1024); # Rate is in mbit
# Loop with protocols
for my $ipv ("", "6") {
# Initialize RX interface
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Queuing tasks to initialize '$config->{'rxiface'}'");
_tc_class_optimize($changeSet,$config->{'rxiface'},3,$config->{'rxiface_rate'}*1024); # Rate is in mbit
# Traffic Shaping
# First the Cleanup
foreach my $interfaceID (getInterfaces()) {
my $interface = getInterface($interfaceID);
# Flush inteface chain
# Delete jump
# Delete interface chain
# Flush ots-tcfor
# Delete jump to ots-tcfor
# Delete ots-tcfor
# Then the setup
# Create ots-tcfor
# Add jump to ots-tcfor
# Add interface chains
foreach my $interfaceID (getInterfaces()) {
my $interface = getInterface($interfaceID);
# Create ots-tcfor
# Add jump to ots-tcfor
# First the Cleanup
foreach my $interfaceGroupName (getInterfaceGroups()) {
my $interfaceGroup = getInterfaceGroup($interfaceGroupName);
my $txInterfaceID = $interfaceGroup->{'TxInterface'};
my $rxInterfaceID = $interfaceGroup->{'RxInterface'};
my $txInterface = getInterface($txInterfaceID);
my $rxInterface = getInterface($rxInterfaceID);
# Flush inteface chains
# Delete interface chains
# Flush ots-snat and ots-dnat
# Delete jump to ots-snat and ots-dnat
# Delete ots-tcfor
# Then the setup
# Create ots-snat and ots-dnat
# Add jump to ots-snat and ots-dnat
foreach my $interfaceGroupName (getInterfaceGroups()) {
my $interfaceGroup = getInterfaceGroup($interfaceGroupName);
my $txInterfaceID = $interfaceGroup->{'TxInterface'};
my $rxInterfaceID = $interfaceGroup->{'RxInterface'};
my $txInterface = getInterface($txInterfaceID);
my $rxInterface = getInterface($rxInterfaceID);
# Flush inteface chain
# Add interface chains
# Loop with the configured interfaces and initialize them
foreach my $interfaceID (getInterfaces()) {
my $interface = getInterface($interfaceID);
# Initialize interface
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Queuing tasks to initialize '%s'",$interface->{'Device'});
# This session is our main session, its alias is "shaper"
inline_states => {
_start => \&session_start,
_stop => \&session_stop,
_start => \&_session_start,
_stop => \&_session_stop,
add => \&do_add,
change => \&do_change,
remove => \&do_remove,
class_change => \&_session_class_change,
pool_add => \&_session_pool_add,
pool_remove => \&_session_pool_remove,
pool_change => \&_session_pool_change,
poolmember_add => \&_session_poolmember_add,
poolmember_remove => \&_session_poolmember_remove,
# This is our session for communicating directly with tc, its alias is _tc
inline_states => {
_start => \&task_session_start,
_start => \&_task_session_start,
_stop => sub { },
# Signals
_SIGCHLD => \&_task_SIGCHLD,
_SIGINT => \&_task_SIGINT,
# Public'ish
queue => \&task_add,
queue => \&_task_queue,
# Internal
task_child_stdout => \&task_child_stdout,
task_child_stderr => \&task_child_stderr,
task_child_stdin => \&task_child_stdin,
task_child_error => \&task_child_error,
task_child_close => \&task_child_close,
task_run_next => \&task_run_next,
# Signals
handle_SIGCHLD => \&task_handle_SIGCHLD,
handle_SIGINT => \&task_handle_SIGINT,
_task_child_stdout => \&_task_child_stdout,
_task_child_stderr => \&_task_child_stderr,
_task_child_stdin => \&_task_child_stdin,
_task_child_close => \&_task_child_close,
_task_child_error => \&_task_child_error,
_task_run_next => \&_task_run_next,
......@@ -195,6 +462,7 @@ sub plugin_init
# Start the plugin
sub plugin_start
......@@ -202,8 +470,9 @@ sub plugin_start
# Initialize this plugins main POE session
sub session_start
sub _session_start
my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
......@@ -215,8 +484,9 @@ sub session_start
# Initialize this plugins main POE session
sub session_stop
sub _session_stop
my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
......@@ -226,9 +496,6 @@ sub session_stop
# Blow away data
$globals = undef;
@taskQueue = ();
$tcFilterMappings = undef;
# XXX: Destroy the rest too like config
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TC] Shutdown");
......@@ -236,1027 +503,1110 @@ sub session_stop
# Add event for tc
sub do_add
# Event handler for changing a class
sub _session_class_change
my ($kernel,$heap,$lid) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];
my ($kernel, $interfaceTrafficClassID) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0, ARG1];
# Grab our effective class
my $effectiveInterfaceTrafficClass = getEffectiveInterfaceTrafficClass2($interfaceTrafficClassID);
# Grab interface ID
my $interfaceID = $effectiveInterfaceTrafficClass->{'InterfaceID'};
# Grab interface from config manager
my $interface = getInterface($interfaceID);
# Grab traffic class ID
my $trafficClassID = $effectiveInterfaceTrafficClass->{'TrafficClassID'};
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Processing interface class changes for '%s' traffic class ID '%s'",
# Grab tc interface
my $tcInterface = $globals->{'Interfaces'}->{$interfaceID};
# Grab interface traffic class
my $interfaceTrafficClass = $tcInterface->{'TrafficClasses'}->{$trafficClassID};
# Grab the traffic class
my $majorTcClass = $tcInterface->{'TcClass'};
my $minorTcClass = $interfaceTrafficClass->{"TcClass"};
# Generate changeset
my $changeSet = TC::ChangeSet->new();
# If we're a normal class we are treated differently than if we're a main/root class below (interface main speed)
if ($minorTcClass > 1) {
# XXX: This will be the actual interface, we set limit and burst to the same
} else {
# Post changeset
$kernel->post("_tc" => "queue" => $changeSet);
# Mark as live
# Pull in limit
my $limit;
if (!defined($limit = getLimit($lid))) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[TC] Shaper 'add' event with non existing limit '$lid'");
# Event handler for adding a pool
sub _session_pool_add
my ($kernel,$heap,$pid) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];
# Grab pool
my $pool;
if (!defined($pool = getPool($pid))) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[TC] Shaper 'add' event with non existing pool '%s'",$pid);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Add '$limit->{'Username'}' [$lid]");
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Add pool '%s' [%s] to interface group '%s'",
# Grab our effective pool
my $effectivePool = getEffectivePool($pool->{'ID'});
my @components = split(/\./,$limit->{'IP'});
my $changeSet = TC::ChangeSet->new();
# Filter level 2-4
my $ip1 = $components[0];
my $ip2 = $components[1];
my $ip3 = $components[2];
my $ip4 = $components[3];
# Grab some things we need from the main pool
my $txInterfaceID = getPoolTxInterface($pool->{'ID'});
my $rxInterfaceID = getPoolRxInterface($pool->{'ID'});
# Grab effective config
my $trafficClassID = $effectivePool->{'TrafficClassID'};
my $txCIR = $effectivePool->{'TxCIR'};
my $txLimit = $effectivePool->{'TxLimit'};
my $rxCIR = $effectivePool->{'RxCIR'};
my $rxLimit = $effectivePool->{'RxLimit'};
my $trafficPriority = getTrafficClassPriority($effectivePool->{'TrafficClassID'});
# Get the Tx traffic classes TC class
my $tcClass_TxTrafficClass = _getTcClassFromTrafficClassID($txInterfaceID,$trafficClassID);
# Generate our pools Tx TC class
my $tcClass_TxPool = _reserveMinorTcClassByPoolID($txInterfaceID,$pool->{'ID'});
# Add the main Tx TC class for this pool
# Add Tx TC optimizations
# Set Tx TC class
# Get the Rx traffic classes TC class
my $tcClass_RxTrafficClass = _getTcClassFromTrafficClassID($rxInterfaceID,$trafficClassID);
# Generate our pools Rx TC class
my $tcClass_RxPool = _reserveMinorTcClassByPoolID($rxInterfaceID,$pool->{'ID'});
# Add the main Rx TC class for this pool
# Add Rx TC optimizations
# Set Rx TC
# Check if we have a entry for the /8, if not we must create our 2nd level hash table and link it
if (!defined($tcFilterMappings->{$ip1})) {
# Setup IP1's hash table
my $filterID = getTcFilter($lid);
$tcFilterMappings->{$ip1}->{'id'} = $filterID;
# Post changeset
$kernel->post("_tc" => "queue" => $changeSet);
# Set current live values
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TC] Linking 2nd level hash table to '$filterID' to $ip1.0.0/8");
# Mark as live
# Create second level hash table for $ip1
# Link hash table
# Root hash table
# Link to our hash table
# Root hash table
# Link to our hash table
# Event handler for removing a pool
sub _session_pool_remove
my ($kernel, $pid) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
my $changeSet = TC::ChangeSet->new();
# Pull in pool
my $pool;
if (!defined($pool = getPool($pid))) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[TC] Shaper 'remove' event with non existing pool '%s'",$pid);
# Check if we have our /16 hash entry, if not we must create the 3rd level hash table
if (!defined($tcFilterMappings->{$ip1}->{$ip2})) {
my $filterID = getTcFilter($lid);
# Set 2nd level hash table ID
$tcFilterMappings->{$ip1}->{$ip2}->{'id'} = $filterID;
# Grab some hash table ID's we need
my $ip1HtHex = $tcFilterMappings->{$ip1}->{'id'};
my $ip2Hex = toHex($ip2);
# Make sure its not NOTLIVE
if (getPoolShaperState($pid) & SHAPER_NOTLIVE) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[TC] Ignoring remove for pool '%s' [%s]",
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Removing pool '%s' [%s]",
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TC] Linking 3rd level hash table to '$filterID' to $ip1.$ip2.0.0/16");
# Create second level hash table for $fl1
# Link hash table
# This is the 2nd level hash table
# That we're linking to our hash table
# This is the 2nd level hash table
# That we're linking to our hash table
# Grab our interfaces
my $txInterfaceID = getPoolTxInterface($pool->{'ID'});
my $rxInterfaceID = getPoolRxInterface($pool->{'ID'});
# Grab the traffic class from the pool
my $txPoolTcClass = getPoolAttribute($pool->{'ID'},'tc.txclass');
my $rxPoolTcClass = getPoolAttribute($pool->{'ID'},'tc.rxclass');
# Grab current class ID
my $trafficClassID = getPoolAttribute($pool->{'ID'},'');
# Grab our minor classes
my $txTrafficClassTcClass = _getTcClassFromTrafficClassID($txInterfaceID,$trafficClassID);
my $rxTrafficClassTcClass = _getTcClassFromTrafficClassID($rxInterfaceID,$trafficClassID);
my $txInterface = getInterface($txInterfaceID);
my $rxInterface = getInterface($rxInterfaceID);
# Clear up the class
# And recycle the classs
# Post changeset
$kernel->post("_tc" => "queue" => $changeSet);
# Cleanup attributes
# Mark as not live
## Event handler for changing a pool
sub _session_pool_change
my ($kernel, $pid) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
# Grab pool
my $pool = getPool($pid);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Processing changes for '%s' [%s]",$pool->{'Name'},$pool->{'ID'});
# Grab our effective pool
my $effectivePool = getEffectivePool($pool->{'ID'});
# Grab our interfaces
my $txInterfaceID = getPoolTxInterface($pool->{'ID'});
my $rxInterfaceID = getPoolRxInterface($pool->{'ID'});
# Grab the traffic class from the pool
my $txPoolTcClass = getPoolAttribute($pool->{'ID'},'tc.txclass');
my $rxPoolTcClass = getPoolAttribute($pool->{'ID'},'tc.rxclass');
# Grab effective config
my $trafficClassID = $effectivePool->{'TrafficClassID'};
my $txCIR = $effectivePool->{'TxCIR'};
my $txLimit = $effectivePool->{'TxLimit'};
my $rxCIR = $effectivePool->{'RxCIR'};
my $rxLimit = $effectivePool->{'RxLimit'};
my $trafficPriority = getTrafficClassPriority($trafficClassID);
# Grab our minor classes
my $txTrafficClassTcClass = _getTcClassFromTrafficClassID($txInterfaceID,$trafficClassID);
my $rxTrafficClassTcClass = _getTcClassFromTrafficClassID($rxInterfaceID,$trafficClassID);
# Generate changeset
my $changeSet = TC::ChangeSet->new();
# Post changeset
$kernel->post("_tc" => "queue" => $changeSet);
# Mark as live
# Event handler for adding a pool member
sub _session_poolmember_add
my ($kernel,$heap,$pmid) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];
# Grab pool
my $poolMember;
if (!defined($poolMember = getPoolMember($pmid))) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[TC] Shaper 'add' event with non existing pool member '%s'",$pmid);
# Check if we have our /24 hash entry, if not we must create the 4th level hash table
if (!defined($tcFilterMappings->{$ip1}->{$ip2}->{$ip3})) {
my $filterID = getTcFilter($lid);
# Set 3rd level hash table ID
$tcFilterMappings->{$ip1}->{$ip2}->{$ip3}->{'id'} = $filterID;
# Grab some hash table ID's we need
my $ip2HtHex = $tcFilterMappings->{$ip1}->{$ip2}->{'id'};
my $ip3Hex = toHex($ip3);
# Grab the pool members associated pool
my $pool;
if (!defined($pool = getPool($poolMember->{'PoolID'}))) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[TC] Shaper 'poolmember_add' event with invalid PoolID");
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Add pool member '%s' [%s] with IP '%s', NAT '%s' (inbound: %s) to pool '%s' [%s]",
$poolMember->{'IPNATAddress'} // "",
$poolMember->{'IPNATInbound'} // "",
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TC] Linking 4th level hash table to '$filterID' to $ip1.$ip2.$ip3.0/24");
# Create second level hash table for $fl1
# Link hash table
# This is the 3rd level hash table
# That we're linking to our hash table
my $changeSet = TC::ChangeSet->new();
my $txInterfaceID = getPoolTxInterface($pool->{'ID'});
my $rxInterfaceID = getPoolRxInterface($pool->{'ID'});
my $rxPoolTcClass = getPoolAttribute($pool->{'ID'},'tc.rxclass');
my $txPoolTcClass = getPoolAttribute($pool->{'ID'},'tc.txclass');
# Check what IP version we're dealing with
my $ipv = "";
if ($poolMember->{'IPAddress'} =~ /:/) {
$ipv = "6";
# Add traffic classification
'--comment', "pool: ".$pool->{'Name'}.", member: ".$poolMember->{'Username'},
'--comment', "pool: ".$pool->{'Name'}.", member: ".$poolMember->{'Username'},
# Add NAT if we have any
if (defined($poolMember->{'IPNATAddress'}) && defined($poolMember->{'IPNATAddress'}) ne "") {
# This is the 3rd level hash table
# That we're linking to our hash table
'--comment', "pool: ".$pool->{'Name'}.", member: ".$poolMember->{'Username'},
'--to-source', $poolMember->{'IPNATAddress'},
# If we're dealing with IPv4, clear the connection tracking
if ($ipv eq "") {
if (defined($poolMember->{'IPNATInbound'}) && $poolMember->{'IPNATInbound'} eq "yes") {
my @ipComponents = split(/\//,$poolMember->{'IPAddress'});
my $dnatTo = $ipComponents[0];
if (@ipComponents < 2 || $ipComponents[1] eq "32" || $ipComponents[1] eq "128") {
'--comment', "pool: ".$pool->{'Name'}.", member: ".$poolMember->{'Username'},
'--to-destination', $dnatTo,
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[TC] Cannot add inbound NAT for pool member '%s' [%s] with IP '%s', NAT '%s' (inbound: %s) to pool '%s' [%s]",
$poolMember->{'IPNATAddress'} // "",
$poolMember->{'IPNATInbound'} // "",
# Post changeset
$kernel->post("_tc" => "queue" => $changeSet);
# Mark pool member as live
# Event handler for removing a pool member
sub _session_poolmember_remove
my ($kernel, $pmid) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
# Pull in pool member
my $poolMember;
if (!defined($poolMember = getPoolMember($pmid))) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[TC] Shaper 'remove' event with non existing pool member '%s'",$pmid);
# Only if we have limits setup process them
if (defined($limit->{'TrafficLimitTx'}) && defined($limit->{'TrafficLimitRx'})) {
# Build limit tc class ID
my $classID = getTcClass($lid);
# Grab some hash table ID's we need
my $ip3HtHex = $tcFilterMappings->{$ip1}->{$ip2}->{$ip3}->{'id'};
my $ip4Hex = toHex($ip4);
# Generate our filter handle
my $filterHandle = "${ip3HtHex}:${ip4Hex}:1";
# Grab the pool members associated pool
my $pool = getPool($poolMember->{'PoolID'});
# Make sure its not NOTLIVE
if (getPoolMemberShaperState($pmid) & SHAPER_NOTLIVE) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[TC] Ignoring remove for pool member '%s' with IP '%s', NAT '%s' (inbound: %s) [%s] from pool '%s'",
$poolMember->{'IPNATAddress'} // "",
$poolMember->{'IPNATInbound'} // "",
# Save limit tc class ID
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Remove pool member '%s' [%s] with IP '%s', NAT '%s' (inbound: %s) from pool '%s' [%s]",
$poolMember->{'IPNATAddress'} // "",
$poolMember->{'IPNATInbound'} // "",
# Create main rate limiting classes
'rate', $limit->{'TrafficLimitTx'} . "kbit",
'ceil', $limit->{'TrafficLimitTxBurst'} . "kbit",
'prio', $limit->{'TrafficPriority'},
'rate', $limit->{'TrafficLimitRx'} . "kbit",
'ceil', $limit->{'TrafficLimitRxBurst'} . "kbit",
'prio', $limit->{'TrafficPriority'},
my $changeSet = TC::ChangeSet->new();
my $txInterfaceID = getPoolTxInterface($pool->{'ID'});
my $rxInterfaceID = getPoolRxInterface($pool->{'ID'});
# Default traffic classification to main class
my $txInterface = getInterface($txInterfaceID);
my $rxInterface = getInterface($rxInterfaceID);
my $rxPoolTcClass = getPoolAttribute($pool->{'ID'},'tc.rxclass');
my $txPoolTcClass = getPoolAttribute($pool->{'ID'},'tc.txclass');
# Check what IP version we're dealing with
my $ipv = "";
if ( $poolMember->{'IPAddress'} =~ /:/ ) {
$ipv = 6;
# Remove traffic classification
'--comment', "pool: ".$pool->{'Name'}.", member: ".$poolMember->{'Username'},
'--comment', "pool: ".$pool->{'Name'}.", member: ".$poolMember->{'Username'},
# Remove NAT if we have any
if (defined($poolMember->{'IPNATAddress'}) && defined($poolMember->{'IPNATAddress'}) ne "") {
'--comment', "pool: ".$pool->{'Name'}.", member: ".$poolMember->{'Username'},
'--to-source', $poolMember->{'IPNATAddress'},
if (defined($poolMember->{'IPNATInbound'}) && $poolMember->{'IPNATInbound'} eq "yes") {
my @ipComponents = split(/\//,$poolMember->{'IPAddress'});
my $dnatTo = $ipComponents[0];
if (@ipComponents < 2 || $ipComponents[1] eq "32" || $ipComponents[1] eq "128") {
'--comment', "pool: ".$pool->{'Name'}.", member: ".$poolMember->{'Username'},
'--to-destination', $dnatTo,
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[TC] Cannot remove inbound NAT for pool member '%s' [%s] with IP '%s', NAT '%s' (inbound: %s) to pool '%s' [%s]",
$poolMember->{'IPNATAddress'} // "",
$poolMember->{'IPNATInbound'} // "",
# Post changeset
$kernel->post("_tc" => "queue" => $changeSet);
# Mark as live
# Mark as not live
# Change event for tc
sub do_change
# Grab pool ID from TC class
sub getPIDFromTcClass
my ($kernel, $lid, $changes) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
my ($interfaceID,$majorTcClass,$minorTcClass) = @_;
my $changeSet = TC::ChangeSet->new();
# Return the pool ID if found
my $ref = __getRefByMinorTcClass($interfaceID,$majorTcClass,$minorTcClass);
if (!defined($ref) || substr($ref,0,13) ne "_pool_class_:") {
return substr($ref,13);
# Pull in limit
my $limit;
if (!defined($limit = getLimit($lid))) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[TC] Shaper 'change' event with non existing limit '$lid'");
# Function to return if this is linked to a pool's class
sub isPoolTcClass
my ($interfaceID,$majorTcClass,$minorTcClass) = @_;
my $pid = getPIDFromTcClass($interfaceID,$majorTcClass,$minorTcClass);
if (!defined($pid)) {
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"Processing changes for '$limit->{'Username'}' [$lid]");
return $minorTcClass;
# Return the ClassID from a TC class
# This is similar to isTcTrafficClassValid() but returns the ref, not the minor class
sub getCIDFromTcClass
my ($interfaceID,$majorTcClass,$minorTcClass) = @_;
# Grab ref
my $ref = __getRefByMinorTcClass($interfaceID,$majorTcClass,$minorTcClass);
# We going to pull in the defaults
my $trafficLimitTx = $limit->{'TrafficLimitTx'};
my $trafficLimitRx = $limit->{'TrafficLimitRx'};
my $trafficLimitTxBurst = $limit->{'TrafficLimitTxBurst'};
my $trafficLimitRxBurst = $limit->{'TrafficLimitRxBurst'};
# Lets see if we can override them...
if (defined($changes->{'TrafficLimitTx'})) {
$trafficLimitTx = $changes->{'TrafficLimitTx'};
# If we're undefined return
if (!defined($ref)) {
if (defined($changes->{'TrafficLimitRx'})) {
$trafficLimitRx = $changes->{'TrafficLimitRx'};
# If we're not a traffic class, just return
if (substr($ref,0,16) ne "_traffic_class_:") {
if (defined($changes->{'TrafficLimitTxBurst'})) {
$trafficLimitTxBurst = $changes->{'TrafficLimitTxBurst'};
# Else return the part after the above tag
return substr($ref,16);
# Internal functions
# Function to initialize an interface
sub _tc_iface_init
my ($changeSet,$interfaceID) = @_;
# Grab our interface rate
my $interface = getInterface($interfaceID);
### --- Interface Setup
# Clear the qdisc from the interface
# Initialize the major TC class
my $interfaceTcClass = _reserveMajorTcClass($interfaceID,"root");
# Set interface RootClass
$globals->{'Interfaces'}->{$interfaceID} = {
'TcClass' => $interfaceTcClass
### --- Interface Traffic Class Setup
# Reserve our parent TC classes
my @trafficClasses = getAllTrafficClasses();
foreach my $trafficClassID (sort {$a <=> $b} @trafficClasses) {
# Record the class we get for this interface traffic class ID
my $interfaceTrafficClassTcClass = _reserveMinorTcClassByTrafficClassID($interfaceID,$trafficClassID);
if (defined($changes->{'TrafficLimitRxBurst'})) {
$trafficLimitRxBurst = $changes->{'TrafficLimitRxBurst'};
### --- Interface Setup Part 2
# Add root qdisc
# Attach our main limit on the qdisc
my $burst = int( ($interface->{'Limit'} / 8) * 1024 * 10); # Allow the entire interface to be emptied with a burst
# Class 0 is our interface, it points to 1 (the major TcClass)) : 1 (class below)
$globals->{'Interfaces'}->{$interfaceID}->{'TrafficClasses'}->{'0'} = {
'TcClass' => '1',
'CIR' => $interface->{'Limit'},
'Limit' => $interface->{'Limit'}
### --- Setup each class
# Setup the classes
foreach my $trafficClassID (@trafficClasses) {
my $interfaceTrafficClassID = isInterfaceTrafficClassValid($interfaceID,$trafficClassID);
my $interfaceTrafficClass = getEffectiveInterfaceTrafficClass2($interfaceTrafficClassID);
my $tcClass = _getTcClassFromTrafficClassID($interfaceID,$trafficClassID);
my $trafficPriority = getTrafficClassPriority($trafficClassID);
# Add class
# Setup interface traffic class details
$globals->{'Interfaces'}->{$interfaceID}->{'TrafficClasses'}->{$trafficClassID} = {
'TcClass' => $tcClass,
'CIR' => $interfaceTrafficClass->{'CIR'},
'Limit' => $interfaceTrafficClass->{'Limit'}
# Process our default pool traffic optimizations
my $defaultPool = getInterfaceDefaultPool($interfaceID);
if (defined($defaultPool)) {
my $interfaceTrafficClassID = isInterfaceTrafficClassValid($interfaceID,$defaultPool);
my $interfaceTrafficClass = getEffectiveInterfaceTrafficClass2($interfaceTrafficClassID);
my $defaultPoolTcClass = _getTcClassFromTrafficClassID($interfaceID, $defaultPool);
# Loop with IP versions
for my $ipv ("", "6") {
'--comment', "Default",
# If we have a rate for this iface, then use it
# Function to apply traffic optimizations to a classes
# XXX: This probably needs working on
sub _tc_class_optimize
my ($changeSet,$interfaceID,$poolTcClass,$rate) = @_;
my $interface = getInterface($interfaceID);
my $prioTcClass = _reserveMajorTcClassByPrioClass($interfaceID,$poolTcClass);
# Mbyte/s rate divided by average packet size to get packet limit, with a minimum of 127
my $sfqQueueLength = max(int((($rate / 8) * 1024) / 1000), 127);
# Flows is Mbit/s divided by 20, with minimum of 127
my $sfqFlows = max(int($rate / 1000 / 20) * 127, 127);
my $sfqRedFlowLimit = ($sfqQueueLength / 4) * 1500; # Take 25% of the queue length and packet size of 1500
# We then prioritize traffic into 3 bands based on TOS
'limit', $sfqQueueLength, # first work out byte rate, then divide by average packet size of 1000
'flows', $sfqFlows,
'perturb', 10,
'redflowlimit', $sfqRedFlowLimit,
'perturb', 10,
# Function to add a TC class
sub _tc_class_add
my ($changeSet,$interfaceID,$majorTcClass,$trafficClassTcClass,$poolTcClass,$rate,$ceil,$trafficPriority) = @_;
my $interface = getInterface($interfaceID);
# # Set burst to a sane value, in this case the CIR (or $rate) size
# my $burst = int($rate / 8);
# my $cburst = int(($ceil - $rate) / 8 / 10);
# # NK: cburst should not exceed burst, if it does, just use the burst value
# # this ensures we do not get negative burst
# if ($cburst > $burst) {
# $cburst = $burst;
# }
my $burst = int( ($ceil / 8) * 1024 * 10);
my $cburst = int($rate / 8 / 5) + 2; # +2kb to cover 1600
my $quantum = int($cburst / 2) * 1024; # Burst in bytes
# Create main rate limiting classes
'rate', "${rate}kbit",
'ceil', "${ceil}kbit",
# 'prio', $trafficPriority,
# 'burst', "${burst}kb",
# 'cburst', "${cburst}kb",
# Function to change a TC class
sub _tc_class_change
my ($changeSet,$interfaceID,$majorTcClass,$trafficClassTcClass,$poolTcClass,$rate,$ceil,$trafficPriority) = @_;
my $classID = getLimitAttribute($lid,'tc.class');
my $interface = getInterface($interfaceID);
my @args = ();
# If ceil is not available, set it to the CIR (or $rate in this case)
if (!defined($ceil)) {
$ceil = $rate;
# # Set the burst rate to the CIR (or $rate in this case)
# my $burst = int($rate / 8);
# my $cburst = int(($ceil - $rate) / 8 / 10);
# # NK: cburst should not exceed burst, if it does, just use the burst value
# # this ensures we do not get negative burst
# if ($cburst > $burst) {
# $cburst = $burst;
# }
my $burst = int( ($ceil / 8) * 1024 * 10);
my $cburst = int($rate / 8 / 5) + 2; # +2kb to cover 1600
my $quantum = int($cburst / 2) * 1024; # Burst in bytes
# # Check if we have a priority
# if (defined($trafficPriority)) {
# push(@args,'prio',$trafficPriority);
# }
# Create main rate limiting classes
'rate', $trafficLimitTx . "kbit",
'ceil', $trafficLimitTxBurst . "kbit",
'prio', $limit->{'TrafficPriority'},
'rate', $trafficLimitRx . "kbit",
'ceil', $trafficLimitRxBurst . "kbit",
'prio', $limit->{'TrafficPriority'},
'rate', "${rate}kbit",
'ceil', "${ceil}kbit",
# 'burst', "${burst}kb",
# 'cburst', "${cburst}kb",
# Post changeset
$kernel->post("_tc" => "queue" => $changeSet);
# Get a pool TC class from pool ID
sub _reserveMinorTcClassByPoolID
my ($interfaceID,$pid) = @_;
return __reserveMinorTcClass($interfaceID,TC_ROOT_CLASS,"_pool_class_:$pid");
# Remove event for tc
sub do_remove
# Get a traffic class TC class
sub _reserveMinorTcClassByTrafficClassID
my ($kernel, $lid) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
my ($interfaceID,$trafficClassID) = @_;
my $changeSet = TC::ChangeSet->new();
return __reserveMinorTcClass($interfaceID,TC_ROOT_CLASS,"_traffic_class_:$trafficClassID");
# Pull in limit
my $limit;
if (!defined($limit = getLimit($lid))) {
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[TC] Shaper 'change' event with non existing limit '$lid'");
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] Remove '$limit->{'Username'}' [$lid]");
# Get a prio class TC class
# This is a MAJOR class!
sub _reserveMajorTcClassByPrioClass
my ($interfaceID,$trafficClassID) = @_;
# Grab ClassID
my $classID = getLimitAttribute($lid,'tc.class');
my $filterHandle = getLimitAttribute($lid,'tc.filter');
# Clear up the filter
# Clear up the class
return _reserveMajorTcClass($interfaceID,"_priority_class_:$trafficClassID");
# And recycle the class
# Post changeset
$kernel->post("_tc" => "queue" => $changeSet);
# Mark as not live
# Return TC class from a traffic class ID
sub _getTcClassFromTrafficClassID
my ($interfaceID,$trafficClassID) = @_;
return __getMinorTcClassByRef($interfaceID,TC_ROOT_CLASS,"_traffic_class_:$trafficClassID");
# Function to get next available TC filter
sub getTcFilter
# Return prio TC class using class
# This returns a MAJOR class from a tc class
sub _getPrioTcClass
my $lid = shift;
my ($interfaceID,$tcClass) = @_;
return __getMajorTcClassByRef($interfaceID,"_priority_class_:$tcClass");
my $id = pop(@{$tcFilters->{'free'}});
# Generate new number
if (!$id) {
$id = keys %{$tcFilters->{'track'}};
# Bump ID up by 10
$id += 100;
# We cannot use ID 800, its internal
$id = 801 if ($id == 800);
# Hex it
$id = toHex($id);
$tcFilters->{'track'}->{$id} = $lid;
# Function to dispose of a TC class
sub _disposePoolTcClass
my ($interfaceID,$tcClass) = @_;
return $id;
return __disposeMinorTcClass($interfaceID,TC_ROOT_CLASS,$tcClass);
# Function to dispose of a TC Filter
sub disposeTcFilter
# Function to dispose of a major TC class
# Uses a TC class to get a MAJOR class, then disposes it
sub _disposePrioTcClass
my $id = shift;
my ($interfaceID,$tcClass) = @_;
# Push onto free list
# Blank the value
$tcFilters->{'track'}->{$id} = undef;
# If we can grab the major class dipose of it
my $majorTcClass = _getPrioTcClass($interfaceID,$tcClass);
if (!defined($majorTcClass)) {
return __disposeMajorTcClass($interfaceID,$majorTcClass);
# Function to get next available TC class
sub getTcClass
sub __reserveMinorTcClass
my $lid = shift;
my ($interfaceID,$majorTcClass,$ref) = @_;
# Setup defaults if we don't have anything defined
if (!defined($globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}) || !defined($globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{$majorTcClass})) {
$globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{$majorTcClass} = {
# Skip 0 and 1
'Counter' => 2,
'Free' => [ ],
'Track' => { },
'Reverse' => { },
my $id = pop(@{$tcClasses->{'free'}});
# Maybe we have one free?
my $minorTcClass = shift(@{$globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{$majorTcClass}->{'Free'}});
# Generate new number
if (!$id) {
$id = keys %{$tcClasses->{'track'}};
$id += 100;
if (!$minorTcClass) {
$minorTcClass = $globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{$majorTcClass}->{'Counter'}++;
# Hex it
$id = toHex($id);
$minorTcClass = toHex($minorTcClass);
$tcClasses->{'track'}->{$id} = $lid;
$globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{$majorTcClass}->{'Track'}->{$minorTcClass} = $ref;
$globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{$majorTcClass}->{'Reverse'}->{$ref} = $minorTcClass;
return $id;
return $minorTcClass;
# Function to dispose of a TC class
sub disposeTcClass
# Function to get next available major TC class
sub _reserveMajorTcClass
my $id = shift;
my ($interfaceID,$ref) = @_;
# Setup defaults if we don't have anything defined
if (!defined($globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID})) {
$globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID} = {
# Skip 0
'Counter' => 1,
'Free' => [ ],
'Track' => { },
'Reverse' => { },
# Push onto free list
# Blank the value
$tcClasses->{'track'}->{$id} = undef;
# Maybe we have one free?
my $majorTcClass = shift(@{$globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{'Free'}});
# Generate new number
if (!$majorTcClass) {
$majorTcClass = $globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{'Counter'}++;
# Hex it
$majorTcClass = toHex($majorTcClass);
# Grab limit ID from TC class
sub getLIDFromTcClass
my $class = shift;
$globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{'Track'}->{$majorTcClass} = $ref;
$globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{'Reverse'}->{$ref} = $majorTcClass;
return $tcClasses->{'track'}->{$class};
return $majorTcClass;
# Get interfaces we manage
sub getInterfaces
# Get a minor class by its rerf
sub __getMinorTcClassByRef
return ($config->{'txiface'},$config->{'rxiface'});
my ($interfaceID,$majorTcClass,$ref) = @_;
# Get TX iface
sub getConfigTxIface
return $config->{'txiface'};
if (!defined($globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}) || !defined($globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{$majorTcClass})) {
return $globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{$majorTcClass}->{'Reverse'}->{$ref};
# Get RX iface
sub getConfigRxIface
# Get a major class by its rerf
sub __getMajorTcClassByRef
return $config->{'rxiface'};
my ($interfaceID,$ref) = @_;
if (!defined($globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID})) {
return $globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{'Reverse'}->{$ref};
# Function to initialize an interface
sub _tc_iface_init
# Get ref using the minor tc class
sub __getRefByMinorTcClass
my ($changeSet,$iface,$rate) = @_;
my ($interfaceID,$majorTcClass,$minorTcClass) = @_;
# Work out rates
my $BERate = int($rate/10); # We use 10% of the rate for Best effort
my $CIRate = $rate - $BERate; # Rest is for our clients
if (!defined($globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}) || !defined($globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{$majorTcClass})) {
'default','3' # Push any unclassified traffic to 1:3
# Highest priority
# Lowest priority
return $globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{$majorTcClass}->{'Track'}->{$minorTcClass};
# Function to apply SFQ to the interface priority classes
sub _tc_iface_optimize
# Function to dispose of a TC class
sub __disposeMinorTcClass
my ($changeSet,$iface,$prioClass,$prioCount,$rate) = @_;
my ($interfaceID,$majorTcClass,$tcMinorClass) = @_;
# Make the queue size big enough
my $queueSize = ($rate * 1024 * 1024) / 8;
my $ref = $globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{$majorTcClass}->{'Track'}->{$tcMinorClass};
# Push onto free list
# Blank the value
$globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{$majorTcClass}->{'Track'}->{$tcMinorClass} = undef;
# RED metrics (sort of as per manpage)
my $redAvPkt = 1000;
my $redMax = int($queueSize / 4);
my $redMin = int($redMax / 3);
my $redBurst = int( ($redMin+$redMin+$redMax) / (4*$redAvPkt));
my $redLimit = $queueSize;
# Use $i as an increasing number to be added to the base class
my $i = 1;
# FIXME: NK - try enable the below
# 'estimator','1sec','4sec', # Quick monitoring, every 1s with 4s constraint
# XXX: Very new kernels only ... use redflowlimit in future
# 'sfq',
# 'divisor','16384',
# 'headdrop',
# 'redflowlimit',$queueSize,
# 'ecn',
# Function to dispose of a major TC class
sub __disposeMajorTcClass
my ($interfaceID,$tcMajorClass) = @_;
my $ref = $globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{'Track'}->{$tcMajorClass};
# Push onto free list
# Blank the value
$globals->{'TcClasses'}->{$interfaceID}->{'Track'}->{$tcMajorClass} = undef;
# Function to apply traffic optimizations to a classes
sub _tc_class_optimize
# Function to get next available TC filter
sub _reserveTcFilter
my ($changeSet,$iface,$classID,$rate) = @_;
my ($interfaceID,$ref) = @_;
# Rate for things like ICMP , ACK, SYN ... etc
my $rateBand1 = int($rate * (PROTO_RATE_LIMIT / 100));
$rateBand1 = PROTO_RATE_BURST_MIN if ($rateBand1 < PROTO_RATE_BURST_MIN);
my $rateBand1Burst = ($rateBand1 / 8) * PROTO_RATE_BURST_MAXM;
# Rate for things like VoIP/SSH/Telnet
my $rateBand2 = int($rate * (PRIO_RATE_LIMIT / 100));
$rateBand2 = PRIO_RATE_BURST_MIN if ($rateBand2 < PRIO_RATE_BURST_MIN);
my $rateBand2Burst = ($rateBand2 / 8) * PRIO_RATE_BURST_MAXM;
# Setup defaults if we don't have anything defined
if (!defined($globals->{'TcFilters'}->{$interfaceID})) {
$globals->{'TcFilters'}->{$interfaceID} = {
# Skip 0 and 1
'Counter' => 2,
'Free' => [ ],
'Track' => { },
# Maybe we have one free?
my $filterID = shift(@{$globals->{'TcFilters'}->{$interfaceID}->{'Free'}});
# We then prioritize traffic into 3 bands based on TOS
# Generate new number
if (!$filterID) {
$filterID = $globals->{'TcFilters'}->{$interfaceID}->{'Counter'}++;
# We cannot use ID 800, its internal
$filterID = $globals->{'TcFilters'}->{$interfaceID}->{'Counter'}++ if ($filterID == 800);
# Hex it
$filterID = toHex($filterID);
$globals->{'TcFilters'}->{$interfaceID}->{'Track'}->{$filterID} = $ref;
return $filterID;
# Prioritize ICMP up to a certain limit
'match','u8','0x1','0xff', # ICMP
# Prioritize ACK up to a certain limit
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u8','0x10','0xff', # ACK
# Prioritize SYN-ACK up to a certain limit
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u8','0x12','0xff', # SYN-ACK
# Prioritize FIN up to a certain limit
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u8','0x1','0xff', # FIN
# Prioritize RST up to a certain limit
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u8','0x4','0xff', # RST
'match','u16','0x0035','0xffff', # SPORT 53
'match','u16','0x0035','0xffff', # DPORT 53
'match','u16','0x13c4','0xffff', # SPORT 5060
'match','u16','0x13c4','0xffff', # DPORT 5060
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u16','0xa1','0xffff', # SPORT 161
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u16','0xa1','0xffff', # DPORT 161
# FIXME: Make this customizable not hard coded
# Mikrotik Management Port
'match','u16','0x2063','0xffff', # SPORT 8291
'match','u16','0x2063','0xffff', # DPORT 8291
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u16','0x19','0xffff', # SPORT 25
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u16','0x19','0xffff', # DPORT 25
# POP3
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u16','0x6e','0xffff', # SPORT 110
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u16','0x6e','0xffff', # DPORT 110
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u16','0x8f','0xffff', # SPORT 143
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u16','0x8f','0xffff', # DPORT 143
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u16','0x50','0xffff', # SPORT 80
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u16','0x50','0xffff', # DPORT 80
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u16','0x1bb','0xffff', # SPORT 443
'match','u8','0x6','0xff', # TCP
'match','u16','0x1bb','0xffff', # DPORT 443
# Function to dispose of a TC Filter
sub _disposeTcFilter
my ($interfaceID,$filterID) = @_;
# Push onto free list
# Blank the value
$globals->{'TcFilters'}->{$interfaceID}->{'Track'}->{$filterID} = undef;
......@@ -1265,8 +1615,10 @@ sub _tc_class_optimize
# Task/child communication & handling stuff
# Initialize our tc session
sub task_session_start
sub _task_session_start
my $kernel = $_[KERNEL];
......@@ -1274,13 +1626,14 @@ sub task_session_start
# Setup handing of console INT
$kernel->sig('INT', 'handle_SIGINT');
$kernel->sig("INT", "_SIGINT");
# Fire things up, we trigger this to process the task queue generated during init
# Add task to queue
sub _task_add_to_queue
......@@ -1290,43 +1643,17 @@ sub _task_add_to_queue
# Extract the changeset into commands
my $numChanges = 0;
foreach my $cmd ($changeSet->extract()) {
# Rip off path to tc command
# Build commandline string
my $cmdStr = join(' ',@{$cmd});
# Shove task on list
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TC] TASK: Queued $numChanges changes");
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TC] TASK: Queued %s changes",$numChanges);
# Send the next command in the task direction
sub _task_put_next
my ($heap,$task) = @_;
# Task was busy, this signifies its done, so lets take the next command
if (my $cmdStr = shift(@taskQueue)) {
# Remove off idle task list if its there
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TC] TASK/".$task->ID.": Starting '$cmdStr' as ".$task->ID." with PID ".$task->PID);
# If there is no commands in the queue, set it to idle
} else {
# Set task to idle
$heap->{'idle_tasks'}->{$task->ID} = $task;
# Run a task
sub task_add
# Queue a task
sub _task_queue
my ($kernel,$heap,$changeSet) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0];
......@@ -1334,160 +1661,150 @@ sub task_add
# Internal function to add command to queue
# Trigger a run if list is empty
#if (@taskQueue < 2) {
if (@taskQueue) {
# Trigger a run if list is not empty
if (@{$globals->{'TaskQueue'}}) {
# Run next task
sub task_run_next
sub _task_run_next
my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
# If we already have children processing tasks, don't create another
if (keys %{$heap->{'task_by_wid'}}) {
# Loop with idle tasks ... return if we found one
foreach my $task_id (keys %{$heap->{'idle_tasks'}}) {
# XXX: Limit concurrency to 1
# XXX: Limit concurrency to 1
# NK: Limit concurrency to 1
# Check if we have a task coming off the top of the task queue
if (@taskQueue) {
if (my $cmd = shift(@{$globals->{'TaskQueue'}})) {
my $cmdStr = encode_json($cmd);
# Create task
my $task = POE::Wheel::Run->new(
Program => [ '/sbin/tc', '-batch' ],
StdioFilter => POE::Filter::Line->new(),
StderrFilter => POE::Filter::Line->new(),
StdoutEvent => 'task_child_stdout',
StderrEvent => 'task_child_stderr',
CloseEvent => 'task_child_close',
StdinEvent => 'task_child_stdin',
ErrorEvent => 'task_child_error',
) or $logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[TC] TASK: Unable to start task");
Program => $cmd,
StdoutFilter => POE::Filter::Line->new( Literal => "\n" ),
StderrFilter => POE::Filter::Line->new( Literal => "\n" ),
StdoutEvent => '_task_child_stdout',
StderrEvent => '_task_child_stderr',
CloseEvent => '_task_child_close',
# ErrorEvent => '_task_child_error',
) or $logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[TC] TASK: Unable to start task: $cmdStr");
# Set task ID
my $task_id = $task->ID;
# Intercept SIGCHLD
$kernel->sig_child($task->PID, "handle_SIGCHLD");
$kernel->sig_child($task->PID, "_SIGCHLD");
# Wheel events include the wheel's ID.
$heap->{'task_by_wid'}->{$task_id} = $task;
# Signal events include the process ID.
$heap->{'task_by_pid'}->{$task_id} = $task;
$heap->{'task_by_pid'}->{$task->PID} = $task;
# Build commandline string
$logger->log( LOG_DEBUG, "[TC] TASK/%s: Starting '%s' as %s with PID %s", $task->ID, $cmdStr, $task->ID, $task->PID );
# Child writes to STDOUT
sub task_child_stdout
sub _task_child_stdout
my ($kernel,$heap,$stdout,$task_id) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0,ARG1];
my $task = $heap->{'task_by_wid'}->{$task_id};
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] TASK/$task_id: STDOUT => ".$stdout);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TC] TASK/%s: STDOUT => %s",$task_id,$stdout);
# Child writes to STDERR
sub task_child_stderr
sub _task_child_stderr
my ($kernel,$heap,$stdout,$task_id) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0,ARG1];
my $task = $heap->{'task_by_wid'}->{$task_id};
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[TC] TASK/$task_id: STDERR => ".$stdout);
# Child flushed to STDIN
sub task_child_stdin
my ($kernel,$heap,$task_id) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0];
my $task = $heap->{'task_by_wid'}->{$task_id};
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TC] TASK/$task_id is READY");
# And shove another queued command its direction
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[TC] TASK/%s: STDERR => %s",$task_id,$stdout);
# Child closed its handles, it won't communicate with us, so remove it
sub task_child_close
sub _task_child_close
my ($kernel,$heap,$task_id) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0];
my $task = $heap->{'task_by_wid'}->{$task_id};
# May have been reaped by task_sigchld()
if (!defined($task)) {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TC] TASK/$task_id: Closed dead child");
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TC] TASK/%s: Closed dead child",$task_id);
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TC] TASK/$task_id: Closed PID ".$task->PID);
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TC] TASK/%s: Closed PID %s",$task_id,$task->PID);
# Remove other references
# Start next one, if there is a next one
if (@taskQueue) {
if (@{$globals->{'TaskQueue'}}) {
# Child got an error event, lets remove it too
sub task_child_error
sub _task_child_error
my ($kernel,$heap,$operation,$errnum,$errstr,$task_id) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0..ARG3];
my $task = $heap->{'task_by_wid'}->{$task_id};
if ($operation eq "read" && !$errnum) {
$errstr = "Remote end closed"
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[TC] Task $task_id generated $operation error $errnum: '$errstr'");
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[TC] Task %s generated %s error %s: '%s'",$task_id,$operation,$errnum,$errstr);
# If there is no task, return
if (!defined($task)) {
return if (!defined($task));
# Remove other references
# Start next one, if there is a next one
if (@taskQueue) {
if (@{$globals->{'TaskQueue'}}) {
# Reap the dead child
sub task_handle_SIGCHLD
sub _task_SIGCHLD
my ($kernel,$heap,$pid,$status) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG1,ARG2];
my $task = $heap->{'task_by_pid'}->{$pid};
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TC] TASK: Task with PID $pid exited with status $status");
my $task = $heap->{'task_by_pid'}->{$pid};
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TC] TASK: Task with PID %s exited with status %s",$pid,$status);
# May have been reaped by task_child_close()
return if (!defined($task));
......@@ -1495,15 +1812,16 @@ sub task_handle_SIGCHLD
# Remove other references
# Handle SIGINT
sub task_handle_SIGINT
sub _task_SIGINT
my ($kernel,$heap,$signal_name) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0];
# Shutdown stdin on all children, this will terminate /sbin/tc
foreach my $task_id (keys %{$heap->{'task_by_wid'}}) {
my $task = $heap->{'task_by_wid'}{$task_id};
......@@ -1517,9 +1835,6 @@ sub task_handle_SIGINT
# TC changeset item
package TC::ChangeSet;
......@@ -1540,6 +1855,7 @@ sub new
# Add a change to the list
sub add
......@@ -1549,6 +1865,7 @@ sub add
# Return the list
sub extract
......@@ -1559,5 +1876,20 @@ sub extract
# Return the list
sub debug
my $self = shift;
my @debug = ();
foreach my $item ($self->extract) {
push(@debug,join(' ',@{$item}));
return @debug;
# vim: ts=4
# OpenTrafficShaper Linux tcstats traffic shaping statistics
# Copyright (C) 2007-2013, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2023, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
......@@ -24,10 +24,15 @@ use warnings;
use POE qw( Wheel::Run Filter::Line );
use opentrafficshaper::POE::Filter::TCStatistics;
use opentrafficshaper::constants;
use opentrafficshaper::logger;
use opentrafficshaper::utils;
use opentrafficshaper::plugins::configmanager qw(
# Exporter stuff
......@@ -40,9 +45,9 @@ our (@ISA,@EXPORT,@EXPORT_OK);
use constant {
VERSION => '0.0.1',
VERSION => '1.0.0',
# How often our config check ticks
# How often we tick
......@@ -51,48 +56,55 @@ use constant {
our $pluginInfo = {
Name => "Linux tc Statistics Interface",
Version => VERSION,
Init => \&plugin_init,
Start => \&plugin_start,
Requires => ["tc","statistics"],
# Signals
signal_SIGHUP => \&handle_SIGHUP,
# Copy of system globals
# Our globals
my $globals;
# Copy of system logger
my $logger;
# Our configuration
my $config = {
# Last stats pulls
# $globals->{'LastStats'}
# Initialize plugin
sub plugin_init
$globals = shift;
my $system = shift;
# Setup our environment
$logger = $globals->{'logger'};
$logger = $system->{'logger'};
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[TCSTATS] OpenTrafficShaper tc Statistics Integration v".VERSION." - Copyright (c) 2013, AllWorldIT");
$logger->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[TCSTATS] OpenTrafficShaper tc Statistics Integration v%s - Copyright (c) 2013-2014, AllWorldIT",
# Initialize
$globals->{'LastStats'} = { };
# This session is our main session, its alias is "shaper"
inline_states => {
_start => \&session_init,
tick => \&session_tick,
# Internal
task_child_stdout => \&task_child_stdout,
task_child_stderr => \&task_child_stderr,
task_child_close => \&task_child_close,
_start => \&_session_start,
_stop => \&_session_stop,
_tick => \&_session_tick,
_task_child_stdout => \&_task_child_stdout,
_task_child_stderr => \&_task_child_stderr,
_task_child_close => \&_task_child_close,
_SIGCHLD => \&_task_handle_SIGCHLD,
_SIGINT => \&_task_handle_SIGINT,
......@@ -100,259 +112,285 @@ sub plugin_init
# Start the plugin
sub plugin_start
my @interfaces = getInterfaces();
my $now = time();
# Initialize last stats
foreach my $interfaceID (@interfaces) {
$globals->{'LastStats'}->{$interfaceID} = $now;
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TCSTATS] Started");
# Initialize this plugins main POE session
sub session_init {
my $kernel = $_[KERNEL];
sub _session_start
my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
# Set our alias
# Set delay on config updates
$kernel->delay(tick => TICK_PERIOD);
$kernel->delay('_tick' => TICK_PERIOD);
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TCSTATS] Initialized");
# Time ticker for processing changes
sub session_tick {
my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
# Suck in global
my $users = $globals->{'users'};
my $tcConfig = $opentrafficshaper::plugins::tc::config;
# Shut down session
sub _session_stop
my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
# Now
my $now = time();
my $iface = "eth1";
# Blow everything away
$globals = undef;
# Work out traffic direction
my $direction;
if ($iface eq opentrafficshaper::plugins::tc::getConfigTxIface()) {
$direction = 'tx';
} elsif ($iface eq opentrafficshaper::plugins::tc::getConfigRxIface()) {
$direction = 'rx';
} else {
# Reset tick
$kernel->delay(tick => TICK_PERIOD);
$logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[TCSTATS] Unknown interface '$iface'");
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TCSTATS] Shutdown");
# TC commands to run
my $cmd = [ '/sbin/tc', '-s', 'class', 'show', 'dev', $iface ];
# Create task
my $task = POE::Wheel::Run->new(
Program => $cmd,
# We get full lines back
StdioFilter => POE::Filter::Line->new(),
StderrFilter => POE::Filter::Line->new(),
StdoutEvent => 'task_child_stdout',
StderrEvent => 'task_child_stderr',
CloseEvent => 'task_child_close',
) or $logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[TCSTATS] TC: Unable to start task");
# Intercept SIGCHLD
$kernel->sig_child($task->PID, "sig_child");
# Wheel events include the wheel's ID.
$heap->{task_by_wid}->{$task->ID} = $task;
# Signal events include the process ID.
$heap->{task_by_pid}->{$task->PID} = $task;
# Signal events include the process ID.
$heap->{task_data}->{$task->ID} = {
'timestamp' => $now,
'iface' => $iface,
'direction' => $direction,
'stats' => { }
# Build commandline string
my $cmdStr = join(' ',@{$cmd});
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TCSTATS] TASK/".$task->ID.": Starting '$cmdStr' as ".$task->ID." with PID ".$task->PID);
$logger = undef;
# Child writes to STDOUT
sub task_child_stdout
my ($kernel,$heap,$stdout,$task_id) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0,ARG1];
my $child = $heap->{task_by_wid}->{$task_id};
my $stats = $heap->{task_data}->{$task_id}->{'stats'};
my $iface = $heap->{task_data}->{$task_id}->{'iface'};
my $direction = $heap->{task_data}->{$task_id}->{'direction'};
my $timestamp = $heap->{task_data}->{$task_id}->{'timestamp'};
# Time ticker for processing changes
sub _session_tick
my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
# $logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TCSTATS] TASK/$task_id: STDOUT => ".$stdout);
# Now
my $now = time();
# If we have a class, blank our stats
if ($stdout =~ /^class /) {
%{$stats} = ( );
# Get sorted list of interfaces
my @interfaces = sort { $globals->{'LastStats'}->{$a} <=> $globals->{'LastStats'}->{$b} } getInterfaces();
# Grab the first interface in the list to process
my $interfaceID = shift(@interfaces);
# Check if its old enough to process stats for
if ($now - $globals->{'LastStats'}->{$interfaceID} > opentrafficshaper::plugins::statistics::STATISTICS_PERIOD) {
my $interface = getInterface($interfaceID);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[TCSTATS] Generating stats for '%s'",$interfaceID);
# TC commands to run
my $cmd = [ '/sbin/tc', '-j', '-s', 'class', 'show', 'dev', $interface->{'Device'}, 'parent', '1:' ];
# Create task
my $task = POE::Wheel::Run->new(
Program => $cmd,
StdinFilter => POE::Filter::Line->new(),
StdoutFilter => opentrafficshaper::POE::Filter::TCStatistics->new(),
StderrFilter => POE::Filter::Line->new(),
StdoutEvent => '_task_child_stdout',
StderrEvent => '_task_child_stderr',
CloseEvent => '_task_child_close',
) or $logger->log(LOG_ERR,"[TCSTATS] TC: Unable to start task");
# Intercept SIGCHLD
$kernel->sig_child($task->ID, "_SIGCHLD");
# Wheel events include the wheel's ID.
$heap->{task_by_wid}->{$task->ID} = $task;
# Signal events include the process ID.
$heap->{task_by_pid}->{$task->PID} = $task;
# Signal events include the process ID.
$heap->{task_data}->{$task->ID} = {
'Timestamp' => $now,
'Interface' => $interfaceID,
'CurrentStat' => { }
# Build commandline string
my $cmdStr = join(' ',@{$cmd});
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TCSTATS] TASK/%s: Starting '%s' as %s with PID %s",$task->ID,$cmdStr,$task->ID,$task->PID);
# Set last time we were run to now
$globals->{'LastStats'}->{$interfaceID} = $now;
# Grab next one for below calcs...
$interfaceID = shift(@interfaces);
# class htb 1:1 root rate 100000Kbit ceil 100000Kbit burst 51800b cburst 51800b
# class htb 1:3 parent 1:1 leaf 3: prio 7 rate 10000Kbit ceil 100000Kbit burst 6620b cburst 51800b
if ($stdout =~ /^class htb ([0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+) (?:parent )?([0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+|root) (?:leaf ([0-9a-f]+): )?(?:prio ([0-9]+) )?rate ([0-9]+[MKG]?)bit ceil ([0-9]+[MKG]?)bit /) {
my ($chandle,$phandle,$leaf,$prio,$rate,$ceil) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
($stats->{'_class_parent'},$stats->{'_class_child'}) = split(/:/,$chandle);
# ($stats->{'_chandle_main'},$stats->{'_chandle_sub'}) = split(/:/,$chandle);
# $stats->{'_phandle'} = $phandle;
# $stats->{'_leaf'} = $leaf;
$stats->{'priority'} = $prio;
$stats->{'rate'} = $rate;
$stats->{'rate_burst'} = $ceil;
# $logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TCSTATS] FOUND: chandle = $chandle, phandle = $phandle, leaf = $leaf, prio = $prio, rate = $rate, ceil = $ceil");
# Set default tick period
my $tickPeriod = opentrafficshaper::plugins::statistics::STATISTICS_PERIOD;
# Calculate optimal wait time
if (defined($interfaceID)) {
$tickPeriod = opentrafficshaper::plugins::statistics::STATISTICS_PERIOD - ($now - $globals->{'LastStats'}->{$interfaceID});
# Make sure wait time is not too long
if ($tickPeriod > opentrafficshaper::plugins::statistics::STATISTICS_PERIOD) {
$tickPeriod = opentrafficshaper::plugins::statistics::STATISTICS_PERIOD;
# Make sure wait time is not too short
if ($tickPeriod < opentrafficshaper::plugins::statistics::STATISTICS_PERIOD) {
$tickPeriod = opentrafficshaper::plugins::statistics::STATISTICS_PERIOD;
# Sent 0 bytes 0 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0)
} elsif ($stdout =~ / Sent ([0-9]+) bytes ([0-9]+) pkt \(dropped ([0-9]+), overlimits ([0-9]+) requeues ([0-9]+)\)/) {
my ($sent_bytes,$sent_packets,$dropped,$overlimits,$requeues) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);
$kernel->delay('_tick' => $tickPeriod);
$stats->{'total_bytes'} = $sent_bytes;
$stats->{'total_packets'} = $sent_packets;
$stats->{'total_dropped'} = $dropped;
$stats->{'total_overlimits'} = $overlimits;
# $logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TCSTATS] FOUND: sent_bytes = $sent_bytes, sent_packets = $sent_packets, dropped = $dropped, overlimits = $overlimits, requeues = $requeues");
# rate 0bit 0pps backlog 0b 0p requeues 0
} elsif ($stdout =~ / rate ([0-9]+[MKG]?)bit ([0-9]+)pps backlog ([0-9]+[MKG]?)b ([0-9]+)p requeues ([0-9]+)/) {
my ($rate_bits,$rate_packets,$backlog_bytes,$backlog_packets,$requeues) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);
# Child writes to STDOUT
sub _task_child_stdout
my ($kernel,$heap,$stat,$task_id) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0,ARG1];
$stats->{'current_rate'} = $rate_bits;
$stats->{'current_pps'} = $rate_packets;
$stats->{'current_queue_size'} = $backlog_bytes;
$stats->{'current_queue_len'} = $backlog_packets;
# $logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TCSTATS] FOUND: rate_bits = $rate_bits, rate_packets = $rate_packets, backlog_bytes = $backlog_bytes, backlog_packets = $backlog_packets, requeues = $requeues");
my $task = $heap->{task_by_wid}->{$task_id};
# lended: 0 borrowed: 0 giants: 0
} elsif ($stdout =~ / lended: ([0-9]+) borrowed: ([0-9]+) giants: ([0-9]+)/) {
my ($lended,$borrowed,$giants) = ($1,$2,$3);
# Grab task data
my $taskData = $heap->{'task_data'}->{$task_id};
$stats->{'lended'} = $lended;
$stats->{'borrowed'} = $borrowed;
# $logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TCSTATS] FOUND: lended = $lended, borrowed = $borrowed, giants = $giants");
my $interface = $taskData->{'Interface'};
my $timestamp = $taskData->{'Timestamp'};
# tokens: 64968 ctokens: 64750
} elsif ($stdout =~ / tokens/) {
# Stats ID to update
my $sid;
# Default to transmit statistics
my $direction = opentrafficshaper::plugins::statistics::STATISTICS_DIR_TX;
} elsif ($stdout eq "") {
# Is this a system class?
my $classChildDec = hex($stat->{'TCClassChild'});
# Check if this is a limit class...
if (opentrafficshaper::plugins::tc::isPoolTcClass($interface,$stat->{'TCClassParent'},$stat->{'TCClassChild'})) {
# If we don't have stats just return
if (!%{$stats}) {
if (defined(my $pid = opentrafficshaper::plugins::tc::getPIDFromTcClass($interface,$stat->{'TCClassParent'},
) {
$sid = opentrafficshaper::plugins::statistics::setSIDFromPID($pid);
$direction = opentrafficshaper::plugins::statistics::getTrafficDirection($pid,$interface);
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[TCSTATS] Pool traffic class '%s:%s' NOT FOUND",$stat->{'TCClassParent'},
# Item to update
my $item;
# Is this a system class?
if ($stats->{'_class_parent'} == 1 && (my $classChildDec = hex($stats->{'_class_child'})) < 100) {
# Split off the different types of updates
if ($classChildDec == 1) {
$item = "main:${iface}:all";
} elsif ($classChildDec == 2) {
$item = "main:${iface}:classes";
} elsif ($classChildDec == 3) {
$item = "main:${iface}:besteffort";
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[TCSTATS] System traffic class '%s:%s' NOT FOUND",$stats->{'_class_parent'},$stats->{'_class_client'});
} else {
# Class = 1 is the root
# XXX: Should this be hard coded or used like TC_ROOT_CLASS is
if ($classChildDec == 1) {
# This is a special case case
$sid = opentrafficshaper::plugins::statistics::setSIDFromCID($interface,0);
} else {
$item = opentrafficshaper::plugins::tc::getUIDFromTcClass($stats->{'_class_child'});
if (!$item) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[TCSTATS] User for traffic class '%s:%s' NOT FOUND",$stats->{'_class_parent'},$stats->{'_class_client'});
# Save the class with the decimal number
if (my $classID = opentrafficshaper::plugins::tc::getCIDFromTcClass($interface,
) {
$sid = opentrafficshaper::plugins::statistics::setSIDFromCID($interface,$classID);
} else {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[TCSTATS] System traffic class '%s:%s' NOT FOUND",$stat->{'TCClassParent'},
# Make sure we have the uid now
if (defined($item)) {
# Build our submission, this is basically copying the hash
my %submission = %{$stats};
$submission{'timestamp'} = $timestamp;
$submission{'direction'} = $direction;
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TCSTATS] Submitting stats for [%s]",$item);
$kernel->post("statistics" => "update" => $item => \%submission);
# Make sure we have the lid now
if (defined($sid)) {
# Build our submission
$stat->{'Timestamp'} = $timestamp;
$stat->{'Direction'} = $direction;
# Blank stats and start over
$stats = { };
$taskData->{'Stats'}->{$sid} = $stat;
# Child writes to STDERR
sub task_child_stderr
sub _task_child_stderr
my ($kernel,$heap,$stdout,$task_id) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0,ARG1];
my $child = $heap->{task_by_wid}->{$task_id};
my ($kernel,$heap,$stdout,$task_id) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0,ARG1];
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[TCSTATS] TASK/$task_id: STDERR => ".$stdout);
my $task = $heap->{task_by_wid}->{$task_id};
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[TCSTATS] TASK/%s: STDERR => %s",$task_id,$stdout);
# Child closed its handles, it won't communicate with us, so remove it
sub task_child_close
sub _task_child_close
my ($kernel,$heap,$task_id) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0];
my $child = delete($heap->{task_by_wid}->{$task_id});
my ($kernel,$heap,$task_id) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0];
my $task = $heap->{task_by_wid}->{$task_id};
my $taskData = $heap->{'task_data'}->{$task_id};
# May have been reaped by task_sigchld()
if (!defined($child)) {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TCSTATS] TASK/$task_id: Closed dead child");
# May have been reaped by task_sigchld()
if (!defined($task)) {
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TCSTATS] TASK/%s: Closed dead child",$task_id);
# Push consolidated update through
$kernel->post("statistics" => "update" => $taskData->{'Stats'});
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TCSTATS] TASK/$task_id: Closed PID ".$child->PID);
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TCSTATS] TASK/%s: Closed PID %s",$task_id,$task->PID);
# Fire up next tick
$kernel->delay(tick => TICK_PERIOD);
# Cleanup
# Reap the dead child
sub task_sigchld
sub _task_handle_SIGCHLD
my ($kernel,$heap,$pid,$status) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG1,ARG2];
my $child = delete($heap->{task_by_pid}->{$pid});
my $task = $heap->{task_by_pid}->{$pid};
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TCSTATS] TASK: Task with PID $pid exited with status $status");
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[TCSTATS] TASK: Task with PID %s exited with status %s",$pid,$status);
# May have been reaped by task_child_close()
return if (!defined($child));
# May have been reaped by task_child_close()
return if (!defined($task));
# Cleanup
sub handle_SIGHUP
# Handle SIGINT
sub _task_handle_SIGINT
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[TCSTATS] Got SIGHUP, ignoring for now");
my ($kernel,$heap,$signal_name) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0];
# Shutdown stdin on all children, this will terminate /sbin/tc
foreach my $task_id (keys %{$heap->{'task_by_wid'}}) {
my $task = $heap->{'task_by_wid'}{$task_id};
# $kernel->sig_child($task->PID, "asig_child");
# $task->kill("INT"); #NK: doesn't work
$kernel->post($task,"shutdown_stdin"); #NK: doesn't work
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[TCSTATS] Killed children processes");
# vim: ts=4
cp flot/*.min.js static/flot/
# OpenTrafficShaper webserver module: configmanager page
# Copyright (C) 2007-2013, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2023, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
......@@ -32,26 +32,51 @@ our (@ISA,@EXPORT,@EXPORT_OK);
use DateTime;
use HTML::Entities;
use HTTP::Status qw( :constants );
use HTTP::Status qw(
use URI::Escape;
use awitpt::util qw(
use opentrafficshaper::logger;
use opentrafficshaper::plugins;
use opentrafficshaper::utils qw( parseFormContent isUsername isIP isNumber prettyUndef );
use opentrafficshaper::plugins::configmanager qw(
use opentrafficshaper::plugins::configmanager qw( getOverrides getOverride getTrafficClasses getTrafficClassName isTrafficClassValid );
# Sidebar menu options for this module
my $menu = {
'View Overrides' => {
'All Overrides' => '',
'Admin' => {
'Add Override' => 'add',
my $menu = [
'name' => 'Admin',
'items' => [
'name' => 'Configuration',
'link' => 'admin-config'
......@@ -61,431 +86,296 @@ sub default
my ($kernel,$globals,$client_session_id,$request) = @_;
my @overrides = getOverrides();
# Build content
my $content = "";
# Header
$content .=<<EOF;
<table class="table">
<legend>Override List</legend>
<th>Friendly Name</th>
<th>CIR (Kbps)</th>
<th>Limit (Kbps)</th>
# Body
foreach my $oid (@overrides) {
my $override;
# If we can't get the limit just move onto the next
if (!defined($override = getOverride($oid))) {
my $keyEscaped = uri_escape($override->{'Key'});
my $friendlyNameEncoded = prettyUndef(encode_entities($override->{'FriendlyName'}));
my $usernameEncoded = prettyUndef(encode_entities($override->{'Username'}));
my $ipAddress = prettyUndef($override->{'IP'});
my $expiresStr = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $override->{'Expires'} )->iso8601();
my $classStr = prettyUndef(getTrafficClassName($override->{'ClassID'}));
my $cirStr = sprintf('%s/%s',prettyUndef($override->{'TrafficLimitTx'}),prettyUndef($override->{'TrafficLimitRx'}));
my $limitStr = sprintf('%s/%s',prettyUndef($override->{'TrafficLimitTxBurst'}),prettyUndef($override->{'TrafficLimitRxBurst'}));
$content .= <<EOF;
<td><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right" /></td>
<a href="/configmanager/override-edit?key=$keyEscaped"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-wrench" /></a>
<a href="/configmanager/override-remove?key=$keyEscaped"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" /></a>
# No results
if (!@overrides) {
$content .=<<EOF;
<tr class="info">
<td colspan="8"><p class="text-center">No Results</p></td>
# Footer
$content .=<<EOF;
return (HTTP_OK,$content,{ 'menu' => $menu });
# Add action
sub add
# Admin configuration
sub admin_config
my ($kernel,$globals,$client_session_id,$request) = @_;
# Setup our environment
my $logger = $globals->{'logger'};
# Grab stuff we need
my @interfaces = getInterfaces();
# Errors to display
# Errors to display above the form
my @errors;
# Form items
my $params = {
'inputFriendlyName' => undef,
'inputUsername' => undef,
'inputIP' => undef,
'inputTrafficClass' => undef,
'inputTrafficClassEnabled' => undef,
'inputLimitTx' => undef,
'inputLimitTxEnabled' => undef,
'inputLimitTxBurst' => undef,
'inputLimitTxBurstEnabled' => undef,
'inputLimitRx' => undef,
'inputLimitRxEnabled' => undef,
'inputLimitRxBurst' => undef,
'inputLimitRxBurstEnabled' => undef,
'inputExpires' => undef,
'inputExpiresModifier' => undef,
'inputNotes' => undef,
# Build content
my $content = "";
# Form header
$content .=<<EOF;
<legend>Interface Rate Setup</legend>
# Form data
my $formData;
# If this is a form try parse it
if ($request->method eq "POST") {
# Parse form data
$params = parseFormContent($request->content);
my $form = parseFormContent($request->content);
# If user pressed cancel, redirect
if (defined($params->{'cancel'})) {
# Redirects to default page
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'limits');
# Loop with rate changes
my $rateChanges = { };
foreach my $elementName (keys %{$form}) {
my $rateChange = $form->{$elementName};
# Check POST data
my $friendlyName = $params->{'inputFriendlyName'};
# Make sure we have at least the username or IP
my $username = isUsername($params->{'inputUsername'});
my $ipAddress = isIP($params->{'inputIP'});
if (!defined($username) && !defined($ipAddress)) {
push(@errors,"IP Address and/or Username must be specified");
# If the traffic class is ticked, process it
my $trafficClass;
if (defined($params->{'inputTrafficClassEnabled'})) {
if (!defined($trafficClass = isTrafficClassValid($params->{'inputTrafficClass'}))) {
push(@errors,"Traffic class is not valid");
# Skip over blanks
if ($rateChange->{'value'} =~ /^\s*$/) {
# Check TrafficLimitTx
my $trafficLimitTx;
if (defined($params->{'inputTrafficLimitTxEnabled'})) {
if (!defined($trafficLimitTx = isNumber($params->{'inputLimitTx'}))) {
push(@errors,"Download CIR is not valid");
# Split off the various components of the element name
my ($item,$interfaceID,$trafficClassID) = ($elementName =~ /^((?:CIR|Limit))\[([a-z0-9:.]+)\]\[([0-9]+)\]$/);
# Make sure everything is defined
if (!defined($item) || !defined($interfaceID) || !defined($trafficClassID)) {
push(@errors,"Invalid data received");
my $trafficLimitTxBurst;
if (defined($params->{'inputTrafficLimitTxBurstEnabled'})) {
if (!defined($trafficLimitTxBurst = isNumber($params->{'inputLimitTxBurst'}))) {
push(@errors,"Download limit is not valid");
# Check interface exists
if (!defined($interfaceID = isInterfaceIDValid($interfaceID))) {
push(@errors,"Invalid data received, interface ID is invalid");
# Check TrafficLimitRx
my $trafficLimitRx;
if (defined($params->{'inputTrafficLimitRxEnabled'})) {
if (!defined($trafficLimitRx = isNumber($params->{'inputLimitRx'}))) {
push(@errors,"Upload CIR is not valid");
# Check class is valid
if (
!defined($trafficClassID = isNumber($trafficClassID,ISNUMBER_ALLOW_ZERO)) ||
($trafficClassID && !isTrafficClassIDValid($trafficClassID))
) {
push(@errors,"Invalid class ID received for interface [$interfaceID]");
my $trafficLimitRxBurst;
if (defined($params->{'inputTrafficLimitRxBurstEnabled'})) {
if (!defined($trafficLimitRxBurst = isNumber($params->{'inputLimitRxBurst'}))) {
push(@errors,"Upload limit is not valid");
# Check value is valid
if (!defined($rateChange->{'value'} = isNumber($rateChange->{'value'}))) {
push(@errors,"Invalid value received for interface [$interfaceID], class [$trafficClassID]");
# Check that we actually have something to override
if (
!defined($trafficClass) &&
!defined($trafficLimitTx) && !defined($trafficLimitTxBurst) &&
!defined($trafficLimitRx) && !defined($trafficLimitRxBurst)
) {
push(@errors,"Something must be specified to override");
my $expires = 0;
if (defined($params->{'inputExpires'}) && $params->{'inputExpires'} ne "") {
if (!defined($expires = isNumber($params->{'inputExpires'}))) {
push(@errors,"Expires value is not valid");
# Check the modifier
} else {
# Check if its defined
if (defined($params->{'inputExpiresModifier'}) && $params->{'inputExpiresModifier'} ne "") {
# Minutes
if ($params->{'inputExpiresModifier'} eq "m") {
$expires *= 60;
# Hours
} elsif ($params->{'inputExpiresModifier'} eq "h") {
$expires *= 3600;
# Days
} elsif ($params->{'inputExpiresModifier'} eq "d") {
$expires *= 86400;
} else {
push(@errors,"Expires modifier is not valid");
$rateChanges->{$interfaceID}->{$trafficClassID}->{$item} = $rateChange->{'value'};
# FIXME - check speed does not exceed inteface speed
# Check if there are no errors
if (!@errors) {
# Loop with interfaces
foreach my $interfaceID (keys %{$rateChanges}) {
my $trafficClasses = $rateChanges->{$interfaceID};
# Loop with traffic classes
foreach my $trafficClassID (keys %{$trafficClasses}) {
my $trafficClass = $trafficClasses->{$trafficClassID};
# Set some additional items we need
$trafficClass->{'InterfaceID'} = $interfaceID;
$trafficClass->{'TrafficClassID'} = $trafficClassID;
# Push changes
# Set right time for expiry
$expires += time();
# Grab notes
my $notes = $params->{'inputNotes'};
# If there are no errors we need to push this override
if (!@errors) {
# Build override
my $override = {
'FriendlyName' => $friendlyName,
'Username' => $username,
'IP' => $ipAddress,
'GroupID' => 1,
'ClassID' => $trafficClass,
'TrafficLimitTx' => $trafficLimitTx,
'TrafficLimitTxBurst' => $trafficLimitTxBurst,
'TrafficLimitRx' => $trafficLimitRx,
'TrafficLimitRxBurst' => $trafficLimitRxBurst,
'Expires' => $expires,
'Notes' => $notes,
'Source' => "plugin.webserver.overrides",
# Throw the change at the config manager
$kernel->post("configmanager" => "process_override_change" => $override);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,'[WEBSERVER/OVERRIDE/ADD] User: %s, IP: %s, Group: %s, Class: %s, Limits: %s/%s, Burst: %s/%s',
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'configmanager');
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,"/configmanager");
# Handle checkboxes first and a little differently
foreach my $item (
"inputLimitRxEnabled", "inputLimitRxBurstEnabled"
) {
$params->{$item} = defined($params->{$item}) ? "checked" : "";
# Sanitize params if we need to
foreach my $item (keys %{$params}) {
$params->{$item} = defined($params->{$item}) ? encode_entities($params->{$item}) : "";
# Build content
my $content = "";
# Form header
# Header
$content .=<<EOF;
<form role="form" method="post">
<legend>Add Override</legend>
<!-- Config Tabs -->
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="configTabs">
<li class="active"><a href="#interfaces" data-toggle="tab">Interfaces</a></li>
<!-- Tab panes -->
<div class="tab-content">
<div class="tab-pane active" id="interfaces">
# Spit out errors if we have any
if (@errors > 0) {
foreach my $error (@errors) {
$content .= '<div class="alert alert-danger">'.$error.'</div>';
$content .= '<div class="alert alert-danger">'.encode_entities($error).'</div>';
# Generate traffic class list
my $trafficClasses = getTrafficClasses();
my $trafficClassStr = "";
foreach my $classID (keys %{$trafficClasses}) {
# Process selections nicely
my $selected = "";
if ($params->{'inputTrafficClass'} ne "" && $params->{'inputTrafficClass'} eq $classID) {
$selected = "selected";
# And build the options
$trafficClassStr .= '<option value="'.$classID.'" '.$selected.'>'.$trafficClasses->{$classID}.'</option>';
# Interfaces tab setup
$content .=<<EOF;
<br />
<!-- Interface Tabs -->
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="configInterfaceTabs">
my $firstPaneActive = " active";
foreach my $interfaceID (@interfaces) {
my $interface = getInterface($interfaceID);
my $encodedInterfaceID = encode_entities($interfaceID);
my $encodedInterfaceName = encode_entities($interface->{'Name'});
# Header
$content .=<<EOF;
<li class="$firstPaneActive">
<a href="#interface$encodedInterfaceID" data-toggle="tab">
Interface: $encodedInterfaceName
# No longer the first pane
$firstPaneActive = "";
$content .=<<EOF;
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputFriendlyName" class="col-lg-2 control-label">FriendlyName</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-4">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="inputFriendlyName" type="text" placeholder="Friendly Name" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputFriendlyName'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">*</span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputUsername" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Username</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-4">
<input name="inputUsername" type="text" placeholder="Username To Override" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputUsername'}" />
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputIP" class="col-lg-2 control-label">IP Address</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-4">
<input name="inputIP" type="text" placeholder="And/Or IP Address To Override" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputIP'}" />
<!-- Tab panes -->
<div class="tab-content">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputTafficClass" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Traffic Class</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-2">
<input name="inputTrafficClassEnabled" type="checkbox" $params->{'inputTrafficClassEnabled'}/> Override
<div class="col-lg-2">
<select name="inputTrafficClass" placeholder="Traffic Class" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputTrafficClass'}">
# Suck in list of interfaces
$firstPaneActive = " active";
foreach my $interfaceID (@interfaces) {
my $interface = getInterface($interfaceID);
my $encodedInterfaceID = encode_entities($interfaceID);
my $encodedInterfaceName = encode_entities($interface->{'Name'});
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputLimitTx" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Download CIR</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-2">
<input name="inputLimitTxEnabled" type="checkbox" $params->{'inputLimitTxEnabled'}/> Override
# Root class
my $interfaceTrafficClass = getInterfaceTrafficClass($interfaceID,0);
my $effectiveInterfaceTrafficClass = getEffectiveInterfaceTrafficClass2($interfaceTrafficClass->{'ID'});
<div class="col-lg-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="inputLimitTx" type="text" placeholder="Download CIR" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputLimitTx'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps<span>
my $encodedInterfaceLimit = encode_entities($effectiveInterfaceTrafficClass->{'Limit'});
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputLimitTxBurst" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Download Limit</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-2">
<input name="inputLimitTxBurstEnabled" type="checkbox" $params->{'inputLimitTxBurstEnabled'}/> Override
<div class="col-lg-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="inputLimitTxBurst" type="text" placeholder="Download Limit" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputLimitTxBurst'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputLimitRx" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Upload CIR</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-2">
<input name="inputLimitRxEnabled" type="checkbox" $params->{'inputLimitRxEnabled'}/> Override
<div class="col-lg-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="inputLimitRx" type="text" placeholder="Upload CIR" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputLimitRx'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputLimitRxBurst" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Upload Limit</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-2">
<input name="inputLimitRxBurstEnabled" type="checkbox" $params->{'inputLimitRxBurstEnabled'}/> Override
<div class="col-lg-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="inputLimitRxBurst" type="text" placeholder="Upload Limit" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputLimitRxBurst'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps<span>
# Interface tab
$content .=<<EOF;
<div class="tab-pane$firstPaneActive" id="interface$encodedInterfaceID">
# No longer the first pane
$firstPaneActive = "";
# Sanitize params if we need to
if (defined($formData->{"Limit[$encodedInterfaceID][0]"})) {
$formData->{"Limit[$encodedInterfaceID][0]"} =
} else {
$formData->{"Limit[$encodedInterfaceID][0]"} = "";
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputExpires" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Expires</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-2">
<input name="inputExpires" type="text" placeholder="Expires" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputExpires'}" />
<div class="col-lg-2">
<select name="inputExpiresModifier" placeholder="Expires Modifier" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputExpiresModifier'}">
<option value="m">Mins</option>
<option value="h">Hours</option>
<option value="d">Days</option>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputNotes" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Notes</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-4">
<textarea name="inputNotes" placeholder="Notes" rows="3" class="form-control"></textarea>
# Form header
$content .=<<EOF;
<form role="form" method="post">
# Page content
$content .=<<EOF;
<br />
<legend>Main: $encodedInterfaceName</legend>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Limit" class="col-md-1 control-label">Speed</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="Limit[$encodedInterfaceID][0]" type="text"
placeholder="$encodedInterfaceLimit" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{"Limit[$encodedInterfaceID][0]"}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps *<span>
# Grab classes and loop
my @trafficClasses = getAllTrafficClasses();
foreach my $trafficClassID (sort { $a <=> $b } @trafficClasses) {
my $trafficClass = getTrafficClass($trafficClassID);
my $encodedTrafficClassID = encode_entities($trafficClassID);
my $encodedTrafficClassName = encode_entities($trafficClass->{'Name'});
$interfaceTrafficClass = getInterfaceTrafficClass($interfaceID,$trafficClassID);
$effectiveInterfaceTrafficClass = getEffectiveInterfaceTrafficClass2($interfaceTrafficClass->{'ID'});
my $encodedInterfaceTrafficClassCIR = encode_entities($effectiveInterfaceTrafficClass->{'CIR'});
my $encodedInterfaceTrafficClassLimit = encode_entities($effectiveInterfaceTrafficClass->{'Limit'});
# Sanitize params if we need to
if (defined($formData->{"CIR[$encodedInterfaceID][$encodedTrafficClassID]"})) {
$formData->{"CIR[$encodedInterfaceID][$encodedTrafficClassID]"} =
} else {
$formData->{"CIR[$encodedInterfaceID][$encodedTrafficClassID]"} = "";
if (defined($formData->{"Limit[$encodedInterfaceID][$encodedTrafficClassID]"})) {
$formData->{"Limit[$encodedInterfaceID][$encodedTrafficClassID]"} =
} else {
$formData->{"Limit[$encodedInterfaceID][$encodedTrafficClassID]"} = "";
# Page content
$content .=<<EOF;
<legend>Class: $encodedInterfaceName - $encodedTrafficClassName</legend>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="TxCIR" class="col-md-1 control-label">CIR</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="CIR[$encodedInterfaceID][$encodedTrafficClassID]" type="text"
placeholder="$encodedInterfaceTrafficClassCIR" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{"CIR[$encodedInterfaceID][$encodedTrafficClassID]"}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps *<span>
<label for="TxLimit" class="col-md-1 control-label">Limit</label>
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="Limit[$encodedInterfaceID][$encodedTrafficClassID]" type="text"
placeholder="$encodedInterfaceTrafficClassLimit" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{"Limit[$encodedInterfaceID][$encodedTrafficClassID]"}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps<span>
$content .=<<EOF;
<div class="form-group">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Update</button>
<button name="cancel" type="submit" class="btn">Cancel</button>
# Footer
$content .=<<EOF;
$content .=<<EOF;
$content .=<<EOF;
<div class="form-group">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Add</button>
<button name="cancel" type="submit" class="btn">Cancel</button>
return (HTTP_OK,$content,{ 'menu' => $menu });
# vim: ts=4
# OpenTrafficShaper webserver module: index page
# Copyright (C) 2007-2013, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2023, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
......@@ -29,21 +29,29 @@ our (@ISA,@EXPORT,@EXPORT_OK);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
use HTTP::Status qw( :constants );
use opentrafficshaper::plugins;
# Dashboard
sub _catchall
my ($kernel,$globals,$client_session_id,$request) = @_;
# Build content
my $content = "";
my ($res,$content,$opts);
$content .= "Hi there: ".$request->uri->as_string();
if (!isPluginLoaded('statistics')) {
$content .= "No Statistics Plugin";
$res = HTTP_OK;
goto END;
return (200,$content);
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,"statistics/dashboard");
# vim: ts=4
# OpenTrafficShaper webserver module: limits page
# Copyright (C) 2007-2013, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2023, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
......@@ -32,38 +32,113 @@ our (@ISA,@EXPORT,@EXPORT_OK);
use DateTime;
use HTML::Entities;
use HTTP::Status qw( :constants );
use URI::Escape;
use HTTP::Status qw(
use NetAddr::IP;
use URI::Escape qw(
use URI::QueryParam;
use Storable qw(
use awitpt::util qw(
use opentrafficshaper::constants;
use opentrafficshaper::logger;
use opentrafficshaper::plugins;
use opentrafficshaper::utils qw( parseURIQuery parseFormContent isUsername isIP isNumber prettyUndef );
use opentrafficshaper::plugins::configmanager qw(
use opentrafficshaper::plugins::configmanager qw( getLimits getLimit getTrafficClasses getTrafficClassName isTrafficClassValid );
use opentrafficshaper::util qw(
isIPv46 isIPv46CIDR
# Sidebar menu options for this module
my $menu = {
'View Limits' => {
'All Limits' => '',
'Manual Limits' => './?source=plugin.webserver.limits',
my $menu = [
'name' => 'Pools',
'items' => [
'name' => 'List Pools',
'link' => 'pool-list'
'name' => 'List Manual Pools',
'link' => 'pool-list?source=plugin.webserver.limits'
'name' => 'Add Pool',
'link' => 'pool-add'
'Admin' => {
'Add Limit' => 'add',
'name' => 'Pool Overrides',
'items' => [
'name' => 'List Overrides',
'link' => 'pool-override-list'
'name' => 'Add Override',
'link' => 'pool-override-add'
'name' => 'Admin',
'items' => [
'name' => 'Add Limit',
'link' => 'limit-add'
# Default page/action
sub default
# Pool list page/action
sub pool_list
my ($kernel,$globals,$client_session_id,$request) = @_;
my @limits = getLimits();
my @pools = getPools();
# Pull in URL params
my $queryParams = parseURIQuery($request);
......@@ -73,181 +148,131 @@ sub default
# Header
$content .=<<EOF;
<table class="table">
<legend>Limit List</legend>
<th>CIR (Kbps)</th>
<th>Limits (Kbps)</th>
<legend>Pool List</legend>
<table class="table">
<th>Friendly Name</th>
<th>CIR (Kbps)</th>
<th>Limit (Kbps)</th>
# Body
foreach my $lid (@limits) {
my $limit;
# If we can't get the limit just move onto the next
if (!defined($limit = getLimit($lid))) {
foreach my $pid (@pools) {
my $pool;
# If we can't get the pool just move onto the next
if (!defined($pool = getPool($pid))) {
# Conditionals
if (defined($queryParams->{'source'})) {
if ($limit->{'Source'} ne $queryParams->{'source'}) {
if ($pool->{'Source'} ne $queryParams->{'source'}->{'value'}) {
# Make style a bit pretty
my $style = "";
my $icon = "";
if ($limit->{'Status'} eq "offline") {
$icon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span>';
$style = "warning";
} elsif ($limit->{'Status'} eq "new") {
# $icon = '<i class="glyphicon-plus"></i>';
$style = "info";
} elsif ($limit->{'Status'} eq "conflict") {
$icon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-random"></span>';
$style = "error";
# Get a nice last update string
my $lastUpdate = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $limit->{'LastUpdate'} )->iso8601();
my $lastUpdate = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $pool->{'LastUpdate'} )->iso8601();
my $cirStr = sprintf('%s/%s',prettyUndef($limit->{'TrafficLimitTx'}),prettyUndef($limit->{'TrafficLimitRx'}));
my $limitStr = sprintf('%s/%s',prettyUndef($limit->{'TrafficLimitTxBurst'}),prettyUndef($limit->{'TrafficLimitRxBurst'}));
my $poolCIRStr = encode_entities(sprintf('%s/%s',prettyUndef($pool->{'TxCIR'}),prettyUndef($pool->{'RxCIR'})));
my $poolLimitStr = encode_entities(sprintf('%s/%s',prettyUndef($pool->{'TxLimit'}),prettyUndef($pool->{'RxLimit'})));
my $poolFriendlyName = (defined($pool->{'FriendlyName'}) && $pool->{'FriendlyName'} ne "") ? $pool->{'FriendlyName'} :
my $poolFriendlyNameEncoded = encode_entities($poolFriendlyName);
my $poolNameEncoded = encode_entities($pool->{'Name'});
# If the statistics plugin is loaded pull in some stats
my $statsPPSTx = my $statsRateTx = my $statsPrioTx = "-";
my $statsPPSRx = my $statsRateRx = my $statsPrioRx = "-";
if (plugin_is_loaded('statistics')) {
my $stats = opentrafficshaper::plugins::statistics::getLastStats($limit->{'Username'});
# Pull off tx stats
if (my $statsTx = $stats->{'tx'}) {
$statsPPSTx = $statsTx->{'current_pps'};
$statsRateTx = $statsTx->{'current_rate'};
$statsPrioTx = $statsTx->{'priority'};
# Pull off rx stats
if (my $statsRx = $stats->{'rx'}) {
$statsPPSRx = $statsRx->{'current_pps'};
$statsRateRx = $statsRx->{'current_rate'};
$statsPrioRx = $statsRx->{'priority'};
my $poolExpiresStr = encode_entities(
($pool->{'Expires'} > 0) ? DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $pool->{'Expires'} )->iso8601() : '-never-'
my $poolMemberCount = getPoolMembers($pool->{'ID'});
my $usernameEncoded = encode_entities($limit->{'Username'});
my $usernameEscaped = uri_escape($limit->{'Username'});
my $classStr = getTrafficClassName($limit->{'ClassID'});
my $trafficClass = getTrafficClass($pool->{'TrafficClassID'});
my $trafficClassNameEncoded = encode_entities($trafficClass->{'Name'});
# Display relevant icons depending on pool status
my $icons = "";
if (getPoolShaperState($pool->{'ID'}) & SHAPER_NOTLIVE || $pool->{'Status'} == CFGM_CHANGED) {
$icons .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time" />';
if ($pool->{'Status'} == CFGM_NEW) {
$icons .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-import" />';
if ($pool->{'Status'} == CFGM_OFFLINE) {
$icons .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash" />';
# if ($pool->{'Status'} eq 'conflict') {
# $icons .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-random" />';
# }
if (isPoolOverridden($pool->{'ID'})) {
$icons .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit" />';
my $urlStatsPool = sprintf('/statistics/by-pool?pool=%s',uri_escape("$pool->{'InterfaceGroupID'}:$pool->{'Name'}"));
my $urlPoolEdit = sprintf('/limits/pool-edit?pid=%s',uri_escape($pool->{'ID'}));
my $urlPoolMemberList = sprintf('/limits/poolmember-list?pid=%s',uri_escape($pool->{'ID'}));
my $urlPoolRemove = sprintf('/limits/pool-remove?pid=%s',uri_escape($pool->{'ID'}));
$content .= <<EOF;
<tr class="$style">
<td class="limit">
<span class="limit-data" style="display:none">
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td>Last Update</td>
<td>Tx Priority</td>
<td>Tx Priority</td>
<td>Tx PPS</td>
<td>Rx PPS</td>
<td>Tx Rate</td>
<td>Rx Rate</td>
<a href="/statistics/by-username?username=$usernameEscaped"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stats"></span></a>
<a href="/limits/limit-edit?username=$usernameEscaped"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-wrench"></span></a>
<a href="/limits/limit-remove?username=$usernameEscaped"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span></a>
<td class="align-right">$poolMemberCount</td>
<td><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right" /></td>
<td class="align-center">$trafficClassNameEncoded</td>
<td class="align-center">$poolCIRStr</td>
<td class="align-center">$poolLimitStr</td>
<a href="$urlStatsPool"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stats"></span></a>
<a href="$urlPoolEdit"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-wrench"></span></a>
<a href="$urlPoolMemberList"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-link"></span></a>
<a href="$urlPoolRemove"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span></a>
# No results
if (!@limits) {
if (!@pools) {
$content .=<<EOF;
<tr class="info">
<td colspan="8"><p class="text-center">No Results</p></td>
<tr class="info">
<td colspan="10"><p class="text-center">No Results</p></td>
# Footer
$content .=<<EOF;
my $style = <<EOF;
.popover {
.popover td:nth-child(4), .popover td:first-child {
my $javascript = <<EOF;
html: true,
content: \$(this).find('.limit-data').html(),
placement: 'bottom',
trigger: 'hover',
container: \$(this),
title: 'Statistics',
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time" /> - Processing <br/>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit" /> - Override <br/>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-import" /> - Being Added <br/>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash" /> - Being Removed <br/>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-random" /> - Conflicts
return (HTTP_OK,$content,{ 'style' => $style, 'menu' => $menu, 'javascript' => $javascript });
return (HTTP_OK,$content,{ 'menu' => $menu });
# Add action
sub add
# Pool add/edit action
sub pool_addedit
my ($kernel,$globals,$client_session_id,$request) = @_;
......@@ -255,128 +280,214 @@ sub add
# Setup our environment
my $logger = $globals->{'logger'};
# Errors to display
# Errors to display above the form
my @errors;
# Form items
my $params = {
'inputFriendlyName' => undef,
'inputUsername' => undef,
'inputIP' => undef,
'inputTrafficClass' => undef,
'inputLimitTx' => undef,
'inputLimitTxBurst' => undef,
'inputLimitRx' => undef,
'inputLimitRxBurst' => undef,
'inputExpires' => undef,
'inputExpiresModifier' => undef,
'inputNotes' => undef,
# Items for our form...
my @formElements = qw(
TxCIR TxLimit
RxCIR RxLimit
Expires inputExpires.modifier
# Expires modifier options
my $expiresModifiers = {
'm' => "Minutes",
'h' => "Hours",
'd' => "Days",
'n' => "Never",
# Title of the form, by default its an add form
my $formType = "Add";
my $formNoEdit = "";
# Form data
my $formData;
# If we have a pool, this is where its kept
my $pool;
# Get query params
my $queryParams = parseURIQuery($request);
# If we have a pool ID, pull in the pool
if (defined($queryParams->{'pid'})) {
# Check if we can grab the pool
if (!defined($pool = getPool($queryParams->{'pid'}->{'value'}))) {
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,"/limits");
# If this is a form try parse it
if ($request->method eq "POST") {
# Parse form data
$params = parseFormContent($request->content);
my $form = parseFormContent($request->content);
# If user pressed cancel, redirect
if (defined($params->{'cancel'})) {
if (defined($form->{'cancel'})) {
# Redirects to default page
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'limits');
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'/limits');
# Transform form into form data
foreach my $key (keys %{$form}) {
$formData->{$key} = $form->{$key}->{'value'};
# Set form type if its edit
if (defined($form->{'submit'}) && $form->{'submit'}->{'value'} eq "Edit") {
# Check pool exists
if (!defined($pool)) {
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'/limits');
$formData->{'ID'} = $pool->{'ID'};
$formType = "Edit";
$formNoEdit = "readonly";
# Maybe we were given a pool key as a parameter? this would be an edit form
} elsif ($request->method eq "GET") {
if (defined($pool)) {
# Setup form data from pool
foreach my $key (@formElements) {
$formData->{$key} = $pool->{$key};
$formType = "Edit";
$formNoEdit = "readonly";
# Woops ... no query string?
} elsif (keys %{$queryParams} > 0) {
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'/limits');
# We only do this if we have hash elements
if (ref($formData) eq "HASH") {
# Grab friendly name
my $friendlyName = $params->{'inputFriendlyName'};
my $friendlyName = $formData->{'FriendlyName'};
# Check POST data
my $username;
if (!defined($username = isUsername($params->{'inputUsername'}))) {
push(@errors,"Username is not valid");
my $name;
if (!defined($name = isUsername($formData->{'Name'},ISUSERNAME_ALLOW_ATSIGN))) {
push(@errors,"Name is not valid");
my $ipAddress;
if (!defined($ipAddress = isIP($params->{'inputIP'}))) {
push(@errors,"IP address is not valid");
my $interfaceGroupID;
if (!defined($interfaceGroupID = isInterfaceGroupIDValid($formData->{'InterfaceGroupID'}))) {
push(@errors,"Interface group is not valid");
my $trafficClass;
if (!defined($trafficClass = isTrafficClassValid($params->{'inputTrafficClass'}))) {
if ($formType ne "Edit" && getPoolByName($interfaceGroupID,$name)) {
push(@errors,"A pool with the same name already exists");
my $trafficClassID;
if (!defined($trafficClassID = isTrafficClassIDValid($formData->{'TrafficClassID'}))) {
push(@errors,"Traffic class is not valid");
my $trafficLimitTx = isNumber($params->{'inputLimitTx'});
my $trafficLimitTxBurst = isNumber($params->{'inputLimitTxBurst'});
if (!defined($trafficLimitTx) && !defined($trafficLimitTxBurst)) {
my $txCIR = isNumber($formData->{'TxCIR'});
my $txLimit = isNumber($formData->{'TxLimit'});
if (!defined($txCIR) && !defined($txLimit)) {
push(@errors,"A valid download CIR and/or limit is required");
my $trafficLimitRx = isNumber($params->{'inputLimitRx'});
my $trafficLimitRxBurst = isNumber($params->{'inputLimitRxBurst'});
if (!defined($trafficLimitRx) && !defined($trafficLimitRxBurst)) {
my $rxCIR = isNumber($formData->{'RxCIR'});
my $rxLimit = isNumber($formData->{'RxLimit'});
if (!defined($rxCIR) && !defined($rxLimit)) {
push(@errors,"A valid upload CIR and/or limit is required");
# Make sure pool is not transitioning states
if ($formType eq "Edit") {
if (!isPoolReady($pool->{'ID'})) {
push(@errors,"Pool is not currently in a READY state, please try again");
my $expires = 0;
if (defined($params->{'inputExpires'}) && $params->{'inputExpires'} ne "") {
if (!defined($expires = isNumber($params->{'inputExpires'}))) {
if (defined($formData->{'Expires'}) && $formData->{'Expires'} ne "") {
if (!defined($expires = isNumber($formData->{'Expires'},ISNUMBER_ALLOW_ZERO))) {
push(@errors,"Expires value is not valid");
# Check the modifier
} else {
# Check if its defined
if (defined($params->{'inputExpiresModifier'}) && $params->{'inputExpiresModifier'} ne "") {
# Minutes
if ($params->{'inputExpiresModifier'} eq "m") {
if (defined($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'}) && $formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} ne "") {
# Never
if ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "n") {
$expires = 0;
} elsif ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "m") {
$expires *= 60;
# Hours
} elsif ($params->{'inputExpiresModifier'} eq "h") {
} elsif ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "h") {
$expires *= 3600;
# Days
} elsif ($params->{'inputExpiresModifier'} eq "d") {
} elsif ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "d") {
$expires *= 86400;
} else {
push(@errors,"Expires modifier is not valid");
# Set right time for expiry
$expires += time();
# Base the expiry off now, plus the expiry time
if ($expires > 0) {
$expires += time();
# Grab notes
my $notes = $params->{'inputNotes'};
my $notes = $formData->{'Notes'};
# If there are no errors we need to push this update
if (!@errors) {
# Build limit
my $limit = {
if (!@errors && $request->method eq "POST") {
# Build pool details
my $poolData = {
'FriendlyName' => $friendlyName,
'Username' => $username,
'IP' => $ipAddress,
'GroupID' => 1,
'ClassID' => $trafficClass,
'TrafficLimitTx' => $trafficLimitTx,
'TrafficLimitTxBurst' => $trafficLimitTxBurst,
'TrafficLimitRx' => $trafficLimitRx,
'TrafficLimitRxBurst' => $trafficLimitRxBurst,
'Name' => $name,
'InterfaceGroupID' => $interfaceGroupID,
'TrafficClassID' => $trafficClassID,
'TxCIR' => $txCIR,
'TxLimit' => $txLimit,
'RxCIR' => $rxCIR,
'RxLimit' => $rxLimit,
'Expires' => $expires,
'Notes' => $notes,
'Source' => "plugin.webserver.limits",
# Throw the change at the config manager
$kernel->post("configmanager" => "process_limit_change" => $limit);
my $cEvent;
if ($formType eq "Add") {
$poolData->{'Status'} = CFGM_ONLINE;
$poolData->{'Source'} = 'plugin.webserver.limits';
$cEvent = "pool_add";
} else {
$poolData->{'ID'} = $formData->{'ID'};
$cEvent = "pool_change";
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,'[WEBSERVER/LIMITS/ADD] User: %s, IP: %s, Group: %s, Class: %s, Limits: %s/%s, Burst: %s/%s',
$kernel->post("configmanager" => $cEvent => $poolData);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[WEBSERVER/LIMITS] Pool: %s, Name: %s, InterfaceGroup: %s, Class: %s, Limits: %s/%s, ".
"Burst: %s/%s",
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'limits');
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'/limits');
# Sanitize params if we need to
foreach my $item (keys %{$params}) {
$params->{$item} = defined($params->{$item}) ? encode_entities($params->{$item}) : "";
foreach my $item (@formElements) {
$formData->{$item} = defined($formData->{$item}) ? encode_entities($formData->{$item}) : "";
# Build content
......@@ -384,134 +495,2062 @@ sub add
# Form header
$content .=<<EOF;
<form role="form" method="post">
<legend>Add Manual Limit</legend>
<legend>$formType Pool</legend>
<form role="form" method="post">
# Spit out errors if we have any
if (@errors > 0) {
foreach my $error (@errors) {
$content .= '<div class="alert alert-danger">'.$error.'</div>';
$content .= '<div class="alert alert-danger">'.encode_entities($error).'</div>';
# Generate interface group list
my @interfaceGroups = sort(getInterfaceGroups());
my $interfaceGroupStr = "";
foreach my $interfaceGroupID (@interfaceGroups) {
my $interfaceGroup = getInterfaceGroup($interfaceGroupID);
my $interfaceGroupIDEncoded = encode_entities($interfaceGroupID);
my $interfaceGroupNameEncoded = encode_entities($interfaceGroup->{'Name'});
# Check if this item is selected
my $selected = "";
if ($formData->{'InterfaceGroupID'} ne "" && $formData->{'InterfaceGroupID'} eq $interfaceGroupID) {
$selected = "selected";
# And build the options
$interfaceGroupStr .= '<option value="'.$interfaceGroupIDEncoded.'" '.$selected.'>'.
# Generate traffic class list
my $trafficClasses = getTrafficClasses();
my @trafficClasses = sort(getTrafficClasses());
my $trafficClassStr = "";
foreach my $classID (sort keys %{$trafficClasses}) {
$trafficClassStr .= '<option value="'.$classID.'">'.$trafficClasses->{$classID}.'</option>';
foreach my $trafficClassID (@trafficClasses) {
my $trafficClass = getTrafficClass($trafficClassID);
my $trafficClassIDEncoded = encode_entities($trafficClassID);
my $trafficClassNameEncoded = encode_entities($trafficClass->{'Name'});
# Process selections nicely
my $selected = "";
if ($formData->{'TrafficClassID'} ne "" && $formData->{'TrafficClassID'} eq $trafficClassID) {
$selected = "selected";
# And build the options
$trafficClassStr .= '<option value="'.$trafficClassIDEncoded.'" '.$selected.'>'.$trafficClassNameEncoded.'</option>';
# Header
# Generate expires modifiers list
my $expiresModifierStr = "";
foreach my $expireModifier (sort keys %{$expiresModifiers}) {
# Process selections nicely
my $selected = "";
if ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} ne "" && $formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq $expireModifier) {
$selected = "selected";
# Default to n if nothing is specified
if ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "" && $expireModifier eq "n") {
$selected = "selected";
# And build the options
$expiresModifierStr .= '<option value="'.$expireModifier.'" '.$selected.'>'.
# Blank expires if its 0
if (defined($formData->{'Expires'}) && $formData->{'Expires'} eq "0") {
$formData->{'Expires'} = "";
# Page content
$content .=<<EOF;
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputFriendlyName" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Friendly Name</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-4 input-group">
<input name="inputFriendlyName" type="text" placeholder="Opt. Friendly Name" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputFriendlyName'}" />
<div class="form-group">
<label for="FriendlyName" class="col-md-2 control-label">Friendly Name</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4 input-group">
<input name="FriendlyName" type="text" placeholder="Opt. Friendly Name" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'FriendlyName'}" />
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputUsername" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Username</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-4 input-group">
<input name="inputUsername" type="text" placeholder="Username" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputUsername'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">*</span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Name" class="col-md-2 control-label">Name</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4 input-group">
<input name="Name" type="text" placeholder="Name" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'Name'}" $formNoEdit />
<span class="input-group-addon">*</span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputIP" class="col-lg-2 control-label">IP Address</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-4 input-group">
<input name="inputIP" type="text" placeholder="IP Address" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputIP'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">*</span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="InterfaceGroupID" class="col-md-2 control-label">Interface Group</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<select name="InterfaceGroupID" class="form-control" $formNoEdit>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputTafficClass" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Traffic Class</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-2">
<select name="inputTrafficClass" placeholder="Traffic Class" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputTrafficClass'}">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="TrafficClassID" class="col-md-2 control-label">Traffic Class</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<select name="TrafficClassID" class="form-control">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputExpires" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Expires</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-2">
<input name="inputExpires" type="text" placeholder="Opt. Expires" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputExpires'}" />
<div class="col-lg-2">
<select name="inputExpiresModifier" placeholder="Expires Modifier" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputExpiresModifier'}">
<option value="m">Mins</option>
<option value="h">Hours</option>
<option value="d">Days</option>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="TxCIR" class="col-md-2 control-label">Download CIR</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="TxCIR" type="text" placeholder="Download CIR" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'TxCIR'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps *<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputLimitTx" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Download CIR</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="inputLimitTx" type="text" placeholder="Download CIR" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputLimitTx'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps *<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="TxLimit" class="col-md-2 control-label">Download Limit</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="TxLimit" type="text" placeholder="Download Limit" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'TxLimit'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps<span>
<label for="inputLimitTxBurst" class="col-lg-1 control-label">Limit</label>
<div class="col-lg-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="inputLimitTxBurst" type="text" placeholder="Download Limit" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputLimitTxBurst'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="RxCIR" class="col-md-2 control-label">Upload CIR</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="RxCIR" type="text" placeholder="Upload CIR" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'RxCIR'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps *<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputLimitRx" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Upload CIR</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="inputLimitRx" type="text" placeholder="Upload CIR" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputLimitRx'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps *<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="RxLimit" class="col-md-2 control-label">Upload Limit</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="RxLimit" type="text" placeholder="Upload Limit" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'RxLimit'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps<span>
<label for="inputLimitRxBurst" class="col-lg-1 control-label">Limit</label>
<div class="col-lg-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="inputLimitRxBurst" type="text" placeholder="Upload Limit" class="form-control" value="$params->{'inputLimitRxBurst'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Expires" class="col-md-2 control-label">Expires</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<input name="Expires" type="text" placeholder="Optional" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'Expires'}" />
<div class="col-md-2">
<select name="inputExpires.modifier" class="form-control" value="$formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'}">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputNotes" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Notes</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-4">
<textarea name="inputNotes" placeholder="Opt. Notes" rows="3" class="form-control"></textarea>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Notes" class="col-md-2 control-label">Notes</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<textarea name="Notes" placeholder="Opt. Notes" rows="3"
<div class="form-group">
<button name="submit" type="submit" value="$formType" class="btn btn-primary">$formType</button>
<button name="cancel" type="submit" class="btn">Cancel</button>
return (HTTP_OK,$content,{ 'menu' => $menu });
# Pool remove action
sub pool_remove
my ($kernel,$globals,$client_session_id,$request) = @_;
# Content to return
my $content = "";
# Pull in query data
my $queryParams = parseURIQuery($request);
# We need a key first of all...
if (!defined($queryParams->{'pid'})) {
$content = <<EOF;
<div class="alert alert-danger text-center">
No pool ID in query string!
goto END;
# Grab the pool
my $pool = getPool($queryParams->{'pid'}->{'value'});
# Make sure the pool ID is valid... we would have a pool now if it was
if (!defined($pool)) {
$content = <<EOF;
<div class="alert alert-danger text-center">
Invalid pool ID!
goto END;
# Make sure its a manual pool we're removing
if ($pool->{'Source'} ne "plugin.webserver.limits") {
$content = <<EOF;
<div class="alert alert-danger text-center">
Only manual pools can be removed!
<div class="form-group">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Add</button>
<button name="cancel" type="submit" class="btn">Cancel</button>
goto END;
# Pull in POST
my $form = parseFormContent($request->content);
# If this is a post, then its probably a confirmation
if (defined($form->{'confirm'})) {
# Check if its a success
if ($form->{'confirm'}->{'value'} eq "Yes") {
# Post the removal
$kernel->post("configmanager" => "pool_remove" => $pool->{'ID'});
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'/limits');
# Make the friendly name HTML safe
my $encodedPoolName = encode_entities($pool->{'Name'});
# Build our confirmation dialog
$content .= <<EOF;
<div class="alert alert-danger">
Are you very sure you wish to remove pool for "$encodedPoolName"?
<form role="form" method="post">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="confirm" value="Yes" />
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="confirm" value="No" />
# And here is where we return
return (HTTP_OK,$content,{ 'menu' => $menu });
# Pool member list page/action
sub poolmember_list
my ($kernel,$globals,$client_session_id,$request) = @_;
# Build content
my $content = "";
# Build custom menu
my $customMenu = $menu;
# Pull in query params
my $queryParams = parseURIQuery($request);
# We need a key first of all...
if (!defined($queryParams->{'pid'})) {
$content = <<EOF;
<div class="alert alert-danger text-center">
No pool ID in query string!
goto END;
# Grab the pool
my $pool = getPool($queryParams->{'pid'}->{'value'});
# If pool is not defined, it means we got an invalid pool ID
if (!defined($pool)) {
$content = <<EOF;
<div class="alert alert-danger text-center">
Invalid pool ID!
goto END;
# Grab pools members
my @poolMembers = getPoolMembers($pool->{'ID'});
my $poolFriendlyName = (defined($pool->{'FriendlyName'}) && $pool->{'FriendlyName'} ne "") ? $pool->{'FriendlyName'} :
my $poolFriendlyNameEncoded = encode_entities($poolFriendlyName);
my $poolNameEncoded = encode_entities($pool->{'Name'});
my $urlPoolMemberAdd = sprintf('poolmember-add?pid=%s',uri_escape($pool->{'ID'}));
# Menu
$customMenu = [
'name' => 'Pool Members',
'items' => [
'name' => 'Add Pool Member',
'link' => $urlPoolMemberAdd
# Header
$content .=<<EOF;
<a href="pool-list"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-left"></span></a>
Pool Member List: '$poolFriendlyNameEncoded' [$poolNameEncoded]
<table class="table">
<th>Friendly Name</th>
# Body
foreach my $pmid (@poolMembers) {
my $poolMember;
# If we can't get the pool member just move onto the next
if (!defined($poolMember = getPoolMember($pmid))) {
# Get a nice last update string
my $poolMemberFriendlyName = (defined($poolMember->{'FriendlyName'}) && $poolMember->{'FriendlyName'} ne "") ?
$poolMember->{'FriendlyName'} : $poolMember->{'Username'};
my $poolMemberFriendlyNameEncoded = encode_entities($poolMemberFriendlyName);
my $poolMemberUsernameEncoded = encode_entities($poolMember->{'Username'});
my $poolMemberIPEncoded = encode_entities($poolMember->{'IPAddress'});
my $poolMemberIPNATEncoded = encode_entities(
(defined($poolMember->{'IPNATAddress'}) && $poolMember->{'IPNATAddress'} ne "") ? $poolMember->{'IPNATAddress'} : '-none-'
my $natIcons = (defined($poolMember->{'IPNATInbound'}) && $poolMember->{'IPNATInbound'}) ? '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-resize-vertical" />' : '';
my $poolMemberCreatedStr = encode_entities(($poolMember->{'Created'} > 0) ?
DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $poolMember->{'Created'} )->iso8601() : '-never-');
my $poolMemberUpdatedStr = encode_entities(($poolMember->{'LastUpdate'} > 0) ?
DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $poolMember->{'LastUpdate'} )->iso8601() : '-never-');
my $poolMemberExpiresStr = encode_entities(($poolMember->{'Expires'} > 0) ?
DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $poolMember->{'Expires'} )->iso8601() : '-never-');
my $poolMemberShaperState = getPoolMemberShaperState($poolMember->{'ID'});
# Display relevant icons depending on pool status
my $icons = "";
if (!($poolMemberShaperState & SHAPER_LIVE)) {
$icons .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time" />';
if ($poolMember->{'Status'} == CFGM_NEW) {
$icons .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-import" />';
if ($poolMember->{'Status'} == CFGM_OFFLINE) {
$icons .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash" />';
if ($poolMemberShaperState & SHAPER_CONFLICT) {
$icons .= '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-random" />';
my $urlPoolMemberEdit = sprintf('/limits/poolmember-edit?pmid=%s',uri_escape($poolMember->{'ID'}));
my $urlPoolMemberRemove = sprintf('/limits/poolmember-remove?pmid=%s',uri_escape($poolMember->{'ID'}));
$content .= <<EOF;
<a href="$urlPoolMemberEdit"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-wrench"></span></a>
<a href="$urlPoolMemberRemove"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span></a>
# No results
if (!@poolMembers) {
$content .=<<EOF;
<tr class="info">
<td colspan="8"><p class="text-center">No Results</p></td>
# Footer
$content .=<<EOF;
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time" /> - Processing <br/>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit" /> - Override <br/>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-import" /> - Being Added <br/>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash" /> - Being Removed <br/>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-random" /> - Conflicts
return (HTTP_OK,$content,{ 'menu' => $customMenu });
# Pool member add/edit action
sub poolmember_addedit
my ($kernel,$globals,$client_session_id,$request) = @_;
# Setup our environment
my $logger = $globals->{'logger'};
# Errors to display above the form
my @errors;
# Items for our form...
my @formElements = qw(
Username IPAddress IPNATAddress IPNATInbound
Expires inputExpires.modifier
# Expires modifier options
my $expiresModifiers = {
'm' => "Minutes",
'h' => "Hours",
'd' => "Days",
'n' => "Never",
# Title of the form, by default its an add form
my $formType = "Add";
my $formNoEdit = "";
my $checkboxNoEdit = "";
# Form data
my $formData;
# Pool
my $pool;
my $poolMember;
# Parse query params
my $queryParams = parseURIQuery($request);
# If we have a pool member ID, pull in the pool member
if (defined($queryParams->{'pmid'})) {
# Check if we can grab the pool member
if (!defined($poolMember = getPoolMember($queryParams->{'pmid'}->{'value'}))) {
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,"/limits");
$pool = getPool($poolMember->{'PoolID'});
# If we have a pool ID, pull in the pool
} elsif (defined($queryParams->{'pid'})) {
# Check if we can grab the pool
if (!defined($pool = getPool($queryParams->{'pid'}->{'value'}))) {
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,"/limits");
# If this is a form try parse it
if ($request->method eq "POST") {
# Parse form data
my $form = parseFormContent($request->content);
# If user pressed cancel, redirect
if (defined($form->{'cancel'})) {
# If the pool member is defined, rededirect to pool member list
if (defined($poolMember)) {
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,sprintf('/limits/poolmember-list?pid=%s',$pool->{'ID'}));
# Do same for pool
} elsif (defined($pool)) {
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,sprintf('/limits/poolmember-list?pid=%s',$pool->{'ID'}));
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'/limits');
# Transform form into form data
foreach my $key (keys %{$form}) {
$formData->{$key} = $form->{$key}->{'value'};
# Set form type if its edit
if (defined($form->{'submit'}) && $form->{'submit'}->{'value'} eq "Edit") {
# If there is no pool member on submit, redirect<F7>
if (!defined($poolMember)) {
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'/limits');
$formData->{'ID'} = $poolMember->{'ID'};
$formType = "Edit";
$formNoEdit = "readonly";
$checkboxNoEdit = "disabled";
# Maybe we were given a pool override key as a parameter? this would be an edit form
} elsif ($request->method eq "GET") {
# If we got a pool member, this is an edit
if (defined($poolMember)) {
# Setup form data from pool member
foreach my $key (@formElements) {
$formData->{$key} = $poolMember->{$key};
# Lastly if we were given a key, this is actually an edit
$formType = "Edit";
$formNoEdit = "readonly";
$checkboxNoEdit = "disabled";
# Woops ... no query string?
} elsif (!defined($pool)) {
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'/limits');
if (ref($formData) eq "HASH") {
# Grab friendly name
my $friendlyName = $formData->{'FriendlyName'};
# Check POST data
my $username;
if (!defined($username = isUsername($formData->{'Username'},ISUSERNAME_ALLOW_ATSIGN))) {
push(@errors,"Username is not valid");
my $ipAddress;
if (!defined($ipAddress = isIPv46CIDR($formData->{'IPAddress'}))) {
push(@errors,"IP address is not valid");
my $ipNATAddress;
if (defined($formData->{'IPNATAddress'}) && $formData->{'IPNATAddress'} ne "") {
if (!defined($ipNATAddress = isIPv46($formData->{'IPNATAddress'}))) {
push(@errors,"IP NAT address is not valid");
my $ipNATInbound;
if (defined($formData->{'IPNATInbound'}) && $formData->{'IPNATInbound'} ne "") {
if (defined($ipNATAddress)) {
$ipNATInbound = "yes";
} else {
push(@errors,"Cannot NAT inbound traffic if no NAT address is set");
my $matchPriorityID;
if (!defined($matchPriorityID = isMatchPriorityIDValid($formData->{'MatchPriorityID'}))) {
push(@errors,"Match priority is not valid");
if ($formType eq "Add") {
if (getAllPoolMembersByInterfaceGroupIP($pool->{'InterfaceGroupID'},$ipAddress)) {
push(@errors,"A pool member with the same IP address already exists");
} elsif ($formType eq "Edit") {
if (!isPoolMemberReady($poolMember->{'ID'})) {
push(@errors,"Pool member is not currently in a READY state, please try again");
my $expires = 0;
if (defined($formData->{'Expires'}) && $formData->{'Expires'} ne "") {
if (!defined($expires = isNumber($formData->{'Expires'},ISNUMBER_ALLOW_ZERO))) {
push(@errors,"Expires value is not valid");
# Check the modifier
} else {
# Check if its defined
if (defined($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'}) && $formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} ne "") {
# Never
if ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "n") {
$expires = 0;
} elsif ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "m") {
$expires *= 60;
# Hours
} elsif ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "h") {
$expires *= 3600;
# Days
} elsif ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "d") {
$expires *= 86400;
} else {
push(@errors,"Expires modifier is not valid");
# Base the expiry off now, plus the expiry time
if ($expires > 0) {
$expires += time();
# Grab notes
my $notes = $formData->{'Notes'};
# If there are no errors we need to push this update
if (!@errors && $request->method eq "POST") {
# Build limit
my $poolMemberData = {
'FriendlyName' => $friendlyName,
'Username' => $username,
'IPAddress' => $ipAddress,
'IPNATAddress' => $ipNATAddress,
'IPNATInbound' => $ipNATInbound,
'GroupID' => 1,
'MatchPriorityID' => $matchPriorityID,
'Expires' => $expires,
'Notes' => $notes,
my $cEvent;
if ($formType eq "Add") {
$poolMemberData->{'PoolID'} = $pool->{'ID'};
$poolMemberData->{'Source'} = 'plugin.webserver.limits';
$cEvent = "poolmember_add";
} else {
$poolMemberData->{'ID'} = $poolMember->{'ID'};
$cEvent = "poolmember_change";
$kernel->post("configmanager" => $cEvent => $poolMemberData);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,'[WEBSERVER/POOLMEMBER] Account: %s, User: %s, IP: %s, NAT: %s (inbound: %s), Group: %s, MatchPriority: %s, Pool: %s',
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,sprintf('/limits/poolmember-list?pid=%s',$pool->{'ID'}));
# Sanitize params if we need to
foreach my $item (@formElements) {
$formData->{$item} = defined($formData->{$item}) ? encode_entities($formData->{$item}) : "";
my $pidEscaped = uri_escape($pool->{'ID'});
# Build content
my $content = "";
# Menu
my $customMenu = [
'name' => 'Pool Members',
'items' => [
'name' => 'Add Pool Member',
'link' => "poolmember-add?pid=$pidEscaped",
# Form header
$content .=<<EOF;
<legend>$formType Pool Member</legend>
<form role="form" method="post">
# Spit out errors if we have any
if (@errors > 0) {
foreach my $error (@errors) {
$content .= '<div class="alert alert-danger">'.encode_entities($error).'</div>';
# Generate match priority list
my $matchPriorities = getMatchPriorities();
my $matchPriorityStr = "";
foreach my $matchPriorityID (sort keys %{$matchPriorities}) {
# Process selections nicely
my $selected = "";
if ($formData->{'MatchPriorityID'} ne "" && $formData->{'MatchPriorityID'} eq $matchPriorityID) {
$selected = "selected";
# Default to 2 if nothing specified
if ($formData->{'MatchPriorityID'} eq "" && $matchPriorityID eq "2") {
$selected = "selected";
# And build the options
$matchPriorityStr .= '<option value="'.$matchPriorityID.'" '.$selected.'>'.$matchPriorities->{$matchPriorityID}.
# Generate expires modifiers list
my $expiresModifierStr = "";
foreach my $expireModifier (sort keys %{$expiresModifiers}) {
# Process selections nicely
my $selected = "";
if ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} ne "" && $formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq $expireModifier) {
$selected = "selected";
# Default to n if nothing is specified
if ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "" && $expireModifier eq "n") {
$selected = "selected";
# And build the options
$expiresModifierStr .= '<option value="'.$expireModifier.'" '.$selected.'>'.
# If we have IPNATInbound set, we need to set it to checked
if (defined($formData->{'IPNATInbound'}) && $formData->{'IPNATInbound'} ne "") {
$formData->{'IPNATInbound'} = "checked";
# Blank expires if its 0
if (defined($formData->{'Expires'}) && $formData->{'Expires'} eq "0") {
$formData->{'Expires'} = "";
# Page content
$content .=<<EOF;
<div class="form-group">
<label for="FriendlyName" class="col-md-2 control-label">Friendly Name</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4 input-group">
<input name="FriendlyName" type="text" placeholder="Opt. Friendly Name" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'FriendlyName'}" />
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Username" class="col-md-2 control-label">Username</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4 input-group">
<input name="Username" type="text" placeholder="Username" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'Username'}" $formNoEdit />
<span class="input-group-addon">*</span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="IPAddress" class="col-md-2 control-label">IP Address</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4 input-group">
<input name="IPAddress" type="text" placeholder="IP Address" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'IPAddress'}" $formNoEdit />
<span class="input-group-addon">*</span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="IPNATAddress" class="col-md-2 control-label">NAT Address</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4 input-group">
<input name="IPNATAddress" type="text" placeholder="NAT Address" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'IPNATAddress'}" $formNoEdit />
<input name="IPNATInbound" type="checkbox" $formData->{'IPNATInbound'} $checkboxNoEdit /> NAT Inbound
<div class="form-group">
<label for="MatchPriorityID" class="col-md-2 control-label">Match Priority</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<select name="MatchPriorityID" class="form-control" $formNoEdit>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Expires" class="col-md-2 control-label">Expires</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<input name="Expires" type="text" placeholder="Optional" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'Expires'}" />
<div class="col-md-2">
<select name="inputExpires.modifier" class="form-control" value="$formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'}">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Notes" class="col-md-2 control-label">Notes</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<textarea name="Notes" placeholder="Opt. Notes" rows="3"
<div class="form-group">
<button name="submit" type="submit" value="$formType" class="btn btn-primary">$formType</button>
<button name="cancel" type="submit" class="btn">Cancel</button>
return (HTTP_OK,$content,{ 'menu' => $customMenu });
# Pool member remove action
sub poolmember_remove
my ($kernel,$globals,$client_session_id,$request) = @_;
# Content to return
my $content = "";
# Build custom menu
my $customMenu = $menu;
# Pull in query params
my $queryParams = parseURIQuery($request);
# We need a key first of all...
if (!defined($queryParams->{'pmid'})) {
$content = <<EOF;
<div class="alert alert-danger text-center">
No pool member ID in query string!
goto END;
# Grab the pool
my $poolMember = getPoolMember($queryParams->{'pmid'}->{'value'});
# If we don't have a pool member it means the ID we got is invalid
if (!defined($poolMember)) {
$content = <<EOF;
<div class="alert alert-danger text-center">
Invalid pool member ID!
goto END;
# Make the pool ID safe for HTML
my $urlPoolMemberAdd = sprintf('/limits/poolmember-add?pid=%s',encode_entities($poolMember->{'PoolID'}));
# Menu
$customMenu = [
'name' => 'Pool Members',
'items' => [
'name' => 'Add Pool Member',
'link' => $urlPoolMemberAdd
# Pull in POST
my $form = parseFormContent($request->content);
# If this is a post, then its probably a confirmation
if (defined($form->{'confirm'})) {
# Check if its a success
if ($form->{'confirm'}->{'value'} eq "Yes") {
# Post the removal
$kernel->post("configmanager" => "poolmember_remove" => $poolMember->{'ID'});
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,sprintf('/limits/poolmember-list?pid=%s',$poolMember->{'PoolID'}));
# Make the friendly name HTML safe
my $poolMemberFriendlyName = (defined($poolMember->{'FriendlyName'}) && $poolMember->{'FriendlyName'} ne "") ?
$poolMember->{'FriendlyName'} : $poolMember->{'Username'};
my $poolMemberFriendlyNameEncoded = encode_entities($poolMemberFriendlyName);
my $poolMemberUsernameEncoded = encode_entities($poolMember->{'Username'});
# Build our confirmation dialog
$content .= <<EOF;
<div class="alert alert-danger">
Are you very sure you wish to remove pool member "$poolMemberFriendlyNameEncoded" [$poolMemberUsernameEncoded]?
<form role="form" method="post">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="confirm" value="Yes" />
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="confirm" value="No" />
# And here is where we return
return (HTTP_OK,$content,{ 'menu' => $customMenu });
# Add action
sub limit_add
my ($kernel,$globals,$client_session_id,$request) = @_;
# Setup our environment
my $logger = $globals->{'logger'};
# Errors to display above the form
my @errors;
# Items for our form...
my @formElements = qw(
Username IPAddress IPNATAddress IPNATInbound
TxCIR TxLimit
RxCIR RxLimit
Expires inputExpires.modifier
# Expires modifier options
my $expiresModifiers = {
'm' => "Minutes",
'h' => "Hours",
'd' => "Days",
'n' => "Never",
# Form data
my $formData;
# If this is a form try parse it
if ($request->method eq "POST") {
# Parse form data
my $form = parseFormContent($request->content);
# If user pressed cancel, redirect
if (defined($form->{'cancel'})) {
# Redirects to default page
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'/limits');
# Transform form into form data
foreach my $key (keys %{$form}) {
$formData->{$key} = $form->{$key}->{'value'};
# We only do this if we have hash elements
if (ref($formData) eq "HASH") {
# Grab friendly name
my $friendlyName = $formData->{'FriendlyName'};
# Check POST data
my $username;
if (!defined($username = isUsername($formData->{'Username'},ISUSERNAME_ALLOW_ATSIGN))) {
push(@errors,"Username is not valid");
my $ipAddress;
if (!defined($ipAddress = isIPv46CIDR($formData->{'IPAddress'}))) {
push(@errors,"IP address is not valid");
my $ipNATAddress;
if (defined($formData->{'IPNATAddress'}) && $formData->{'IPNATAddress'} ne "") {
if (!defined($ipNATAddress = isIPv46($formData->{'IPNATAddress'}))) {
push(@errors,"NAT address is not valid");
my $ipNATInbound;
if (defined($formData->{'IPNATInbound'}) && $formData->{'IPNATInbound'} ne "") {
if (defined($ipNATAddress)) {
$ipNATInbound = "yes";
} else {
push(@errors,"Cannot NAT inbound traffic if no NAT address is set");
my $interfaceGroupID;
if (!defined($interfaceGroupID = isInterfaceGroupIDValid($formData->{'InterfaceGroupID'}))) {
push(@errors,"Interface group is not valid");
my $matchPriorityID;
if (!defined($matchPriorityID = isMatchPriorityIDValid($formData->{'MatchPriorityID'}))) {
push(@errors,"Match priority is not valid");
my $trafficClassID;
if (!defined($trafficClassID = isTrafficClassIDValid($formData->{'TrafficClassID'}))) {
push(@errors,"Traffic class is not valid");
my $txCIR = isNumber($formData->{'TxCIR'});
my $txLimit = isNumber($formData->{'TxLimit'});
if (!defined($txCIR) && !defined($txLimit)) {
push(@errors,"A valid download CIR and/or limit is required");
my $rxCIR = isNumber($formData->{'RxCIR'});
my $rxLimit = isNumber($formData->{'RxLimit'});
if (!defined($rxCIR) && !defined($rxLimit)) {
push(@errors,"A valid upload CIR and/or limit is required");
my $expires = 0;
if (defined($formData->{'Expires'}) && $formData->{'Expires'} ne "") {
if (!defined($expires = isNumber($formData->{'Expires'},ISNUMBER_ALLOW_ZERO))) {
push(@errors,"Expires value is not valid");
# Check the modifier
} else {
# Check if its defined
if (defined($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'}) && $formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} ne "") {
# Never
if ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "n") {
$expires = 0;
} elsif ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "m") {
$expires *= 60;
# Hours
} elsif ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "h") {
$expires *= 3600;
# Days
} elsif ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "d") {
$expires *= 86400;
} else {
push(@errors,"Expires modifier is not valid");
# Base the expiry off now, plus the expiry time
if ($expires > 0) {
$expires += time();
# Grab notes
my $notes = $formData->{'Notes'};
# If there are no errors we need to push this update
if (!@errors && $request->method eq "POST") {
# Build limit
my $limit = {
'FriendlyName' => $friendlyName,
'Username' => $username,
'IPAddress' => $ipAddress,
'IPNATAddress' => $ipNATAddress,
'IPNATInbound' => $ipNATInbound,
'GroupID' => 1,
'InterfaceGroupID' => $interfaceGroupID,
'MatchPriorityID' => $matchPriorityID,
'TrafficClassID' => $trafficClassID,
'TxCIR' => $txCIR,
'TxLimit' => $txLimit,
'RxCIR' => $rxCIR,
'RxLimit' => $rxLimit,
'Expires' => $expires,
'Notes' => $notes,
# Throw the change at the config manager after we add extra data we need
$limit->{'Status'} = CFGM_ONLINE;
$limit->{'Source'} = 'plugin.webserver.limits';
$kernel->post("configmanager" => "limit_add" => $limit);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[WEBSERVER/LIMITS] New User: %s, IP: %s, NAT: %s (inbound: %s), Group: %s, InterfaceGroup: %s, MatchPriority: %s, ".
"Class: %s, Limits: %s/%s, Burst: %s/%s",
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'/limits');
# Sanitize params if we need to
foreach my $item (@formElements) {
$formData->{$item} = defined($formData->{$item}) ? encode_entities($formData->{$item}) : "";
# Build content
my $content = "";
# Form header
$content .=<<EOF;
<legend>Add Limit</legend>
<form role="form" method="post">
# Spit out errors if we have any
if (@errors > 0) {
foreach my $error (@errors) {
$content .= '<div class="alert alert-danger">'.encode_entities($error).'</div>';
# Generate interface group list
my @interfaceGroups = sort(getInterfaceGroups());
my $interfaceGroupStr = "";
foreach my $interfaceGroupID (@interfaceGroups) {
my $interfaceGroup = getInterfaceGroup($interfaceGroupID);
# Process selections nicely
my $selected = "";
if ($formData->{'InterfaceGroupID'} ne "" && $formData->{'InterfaceGroupID'} eq $interfaceGroupID) {
$selected = "selected";
# And build the options
$interfaceGroupStr .= '<option value="'.encode_entities($interfaceGroupID).'" '.$selected.'>'.
# Generate match priority list
my $matchPriorities = getMatchPriorities();
my $matchPriorityStr = "";
foreach my $matchPriorityID (sort keys %{$matchPriorities}) {
# Process selections nicely
my $selected = "";
if ($formData->{'MatchPriorityID'} ne "" && $formData->{'MatchPriorityID'} eq $matchPriorityID) {
$selected = "selected";
# Default to 2 if nothing specified
if ($formData->{'MatchPriorityID'} eq "" && $matchPriorityID eq "2") {
$selected = "selected";
# And build the options
$matchPriorityStr .= '<option value="'.encode_entities($matchPriorityID).'" '.$selected.'>'.
# Generate traffic class list
my @trafficClasses = sort(getTrafficClasses());
my $trafficClassStr = "";
foreach my $trafficClassID (@trafficClasses) {
my $trafficClass = getTrafficClass($trafficClassID);
# Process selections nicely
my $selected = "";
if ($formData->{'TrafficClassID'} ne "" && $formData->{'TrafficClassID'} eq $trafficClassID) {
$selected = "selected";
# And build the options
$trafficClassStr .= '<option value="'.encode_entities($trafficClassID).'" '.$selected.'>'.
# Generate expires modifiers list
my $expiresModifierStr = "";
foreach my $expireModifier (sort keys %{$expiresModifiers}) {
# Process selections nicely
my $selected = "";
if ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} ne "" && $formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq $expireModifier) {
$selected = "selected";
# Default to n if nothing is specified
if ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "" && $expireModifier eq "n") {
$selected = "selected";
# And build the options
$expiresModifierStr .= '<option value="'.$expireModifier.'" '.$selected.'>'.
# If we have IPNATInbound set, we need to set it to checked
if (defined($formData->{'IPNATInbound'}) && $formData->{'IPNATInbound'} ne "") {
$formData->{'IPNATInbound'} = "checked";
# Blank expires if its 0
if (defined($formData->{'Expires'}) && $formData->{'Expires'} eq "0") {
$formData->{'Expires'} = "";
# Page content
$content .=<<EOF;
<div class="form-group">
<label for="FriendlyName" class="col-md-2 control-label">Friendly Name</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4 input-group">
<input name="FriendlyName" type="text" placeholder="Opt. Friendly Name" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'FriendlyName'}" />
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Username" class="col-md-2 control-label">Username</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4 input-group">
<input name="Username" type="text" placeholder="Username" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'Username'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">*</span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="IPAddress" class="col-md-2 control-label">IP Address</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4 input-group">
<input name="IPAddress" type="text" placeholder="IP Address" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'IPAddress'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">*</span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="IPNATAddress" class="col-md-2 control-label">NAT Address</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4 input-group">
<input name="IPNATAddress" type="text" placeholder="NAT Address" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'IPNATAddress'}" />
<input name="IPNATInbound" type="checkbox" $formData->{'IPNATInbound'} /> NAT Inbound
<div class="form-group">
<label for="InterfaceGroupID" class="col-md-2 control-label">Interface Group</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<select name="InterfaceGroupID" class="form-control">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="MatchPriorityID" class="col-md-2 control-label">Match Priority</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<select name="MatchPriorityID" class="form-control">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="TrafficClassID" class="col-md-2 control-label">Traffic Class</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<select name="TrafficClassID" class="form-control">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Expires" class="col-md-2 control-label">Expires</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<input name="Expires" type="text" placeholder="Optional" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'Expires'}" />
<div class="col-md-2">
<select name="inputExpires.modifier" class="form-control" value="$formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'}">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="TxCIR" class="col-md-2 control-label">Download CIR</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="TxCIR" type="text" placeholder="Download CIR" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'TxCIR'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps *<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="TxLimit" class="col-md-2 control-label">Download Limit</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="TxLimit" type="text" placeholder="Download Limit" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'TxLimit'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="RxCIR" class="col-md-2 control-label">Upload CIR</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="RxCIR" type="text" placeholder="Upload CIR" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'RxCIR'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps *<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="RxLimit" class="col-md-2 control-label">Upload Limit</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="RxLimit" type="text" placeholder="Upload Limit" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'RxLimit'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Notes" class="col-md-2 control-label">Notes</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<textarea name="Notes" placeholder="Opt. Notes" rows="3"
<div class="form-group">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Add</button>
<button name="cancel" type="submit" class="btn">Cancel</button>
return (HTTP_OK,$content,{ 'menu' => $menu });
# Pool override list
sub pool_override_list
my ($kernel,$globals,$client_session_id,$request) = @_;
my @poolOverrides = getPoolOverrides();
# Build content
my $content = "";
# Header
$content .=<<EOF;
<legend>Pool Override List</legend>
<table class="table">
<th>Friendly Name</th>
<th>CIR (Kbps)</th>
<th>Limit (Kbps)</th>
# Body
foreach my $poid (@poolOverrides) {
my $poolOverride;
# If we can't get the pool override, just skip it
if (!defined($poolOverride = getPoolOverride($poid))) {
my $poolOverrideFriendlyNameEncoded = encode_entities(prettyUndef($poolOverride->{'FriendlyName'}));
my $poolOverridePoolNameEncoded = encode_entities(prettyUndef($poolOverride->{'PoolName'}));
my $poolOverrideUsernameEncoded = encode_entities(prettyUndef($poolOverride->{'Username'}));
my $poolOverrideIPAddressEncoded = encode_entities(prettyUndef($poolOverride->{'IPAddress'}));
my $poolOverrideIPNATAddressEncoded = encode_entities(prettyUndef($poolOverride->{'IPNATAddress'}));
my $poolOverrideExpiresStr = encode_entities(
($poolOverride->{'Expires'} > 0) ?
DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $poolOverride->{'Expires'} )->iso8601() : '-never-'
my $poolOverrideTrafficClassStr = "-undef-";
if (defined($poolOverride->{'TrafficClassID'})) {
my $trafficClass = getTrafficClass($poolOverride->{'TrafficClassID'});
$poolOverrideTrafficClassStr = encode_entities($trafficClass->{'Name'});
my $poolOverrideCIRStr = encode_entities(
my $poolOverrideLimitStr = encode_entities(
my $urlPoolOverrideEdit = sprintf('/limits/pool-override-edit?poid=%s',encode_entities($poolOverride->{'ID'}));
my $urlPoolOverrideRemove = sprintf('/limits/pool-override-remove?poid=%s',encode_entities($poolOverride->{'ID'}));
$content .= <<EOF;
<td><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right" /></td>
<td class="align-center">$poolOverrideTrafficClassStr</td>
<td class="align-center">$poolOverrideCIRStr</td>
<td class="align-center">$poolOverrideLimitStr</td>
<a href="$urlPoolOverrideEdit"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-wrench" /></a>
<a href="$urlPoolOverrideRemove"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" /></a>
# No results
if (!@poolOverrides) {
$content .=<<EOF;
<tr class="info">
<td colspan="11"><p class="text-center">No Results</p></td>
# Footer
$content .=<<EOF;
return (HTTP_OK,$content,{ 'menu' => $menu });
# Add/edit action
sub pool_override_addedit
my ($kernel,$globals,$client_session_id,$request) = @_;
# Setup our environment
my $logger = $globals->{'logger'};
# Errors to display above the form
my @errors;
# Items for our form...
my @formElements = qw(
PoolName Username IPAddress IPNATAddress IPNATInbound
TxCIR TxLimit
RxCIR RxLimit
Expires inputExpires.modifier
my @formElementCheckboxes = qw(
TxCIR TxLimit
RxCIR RxLimit
# Expires modifier options
my $expiresModifiers = {
'm' => "Minutes",
'h' => "Hours",
'd' => "Days",
'n' => "Never",
# Title of the form, by default its an add form
my $formType = "Add";
my $formNoEdit = "";
my $checkboxNoEdit = "";
# Form data
my $formData;
# If we have a pool override, this is where its kept
my $poolOverride;
# Grab query params
my $queryParams = parseURIQuery($request);
# If we have a pool override ID, pull in the pool override
if (defined($queryParams->{'poid'})) {
# Check if we can grab the pool override
if (!defined($poolOverride = getPoolOverride($queryParams->{'poid'}->{'value'}))) {
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,"limits/pool-override-list");
# If this is a form try parse it
if ($request->method eq "POST") {
# Parse form data
my $form = parseFormContent($request->content);
# If user pressed cancel, redirect
if (defined($form->{'cancel'})) {
# Redirects to default page
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'/limits/pool-override-list');
# Transform form into form data
foreach my $key (keys %{$form}) {
$formData->{$key} = $form->{$key}->{'value'};
# Set form type if its edit
if (defined($form->{'submit'}) && $form->{'submit'}->{'value'} eq "Edit") {
# Check pool override exists
if (!defined($poolOverride)) {
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'/limits/pool-override-list');
$formData->{'ID'} = $poolOverride->{'ID'};
$formType = "Edit";
$formNoEdit = "readonly";
$checkboxNoEdit = "disabled";
# A GET would indicate that a pool override ID was passed normally
} elsif ($request->method eq "GET") {
# We need a pool override
if (defined($poolOverride)) {
# Setup form data from pool override
foreach my $key (@formElements) {
$formData->{$key} = $poolOverride->{$key};
# Setup our checkboxes
foreach my $checkbox (@formElementCheckboxes) {
if (defined($formData->{$checkbox})) {
$formData->{"input$checkbox.enabled"} = "on";
$formType = "Edit";
$formNoEdit = "readonly";
$checkboxNoEdit = "disabled";
# Woops ... no query string?
} elsif (keys %{$queryParams} > 0) {
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'/limits/pool-override-list');
# We only do this if we have hash elements
if (ref($formData) eq "HASH") {
my $friendlyName = $formData->{'FriendlyName'};
if (!defined($friendlyName)) {
push(@errors,"Friendly name must be specified");
# Check the pool name is valid if it was specified
my $poolName;
if (defined($formData->{'PoolName'}) && $formData->{'PoolName'} ne "") {
if (!defined($poolName = isUsername($formData->{'PoolName'},ISUSERNAME_ALLOW_ATSIGN))) {
push(@errors,"Pool name is not valid");
# Next check the username
my $username;
if (defined($formData->{'Username'}) && $formData->{'Username'} ne "") {
if (!defined($username = isUsername($formData->{'Username'},ISUSERNAME_ALLOW_ATSIGN))) {
push(@errors,"Username is not valid");
# Then the IP
my $ipAddress;
if (defined($formData->{'IPAddress'}) && $formData->{'IPAddress'} ne "") {
if (!defined($ipAddress = isIPv46CIDR($formData->{'IPAddress'}))) {
push(@errors,"IP address is not valid");
# And NAT
my $ipNATAddress;
if (defined($formData->{'IPNATAddress'}) && $formData->{'IPNATAddress'} ne "") {
if (!defined($ipNATAddress = isIPv46($formData->{'IPNATAddress'}))) {
push(@errors,"NAT address is not valid");
my $ipNATInbound;
if (defined($formData->{'IPNATInbound'}) && $formData->{'IPNATInbound'} ne "") {
if (defined($ipNATAddress)) {
$ipNATInbound = "yes";
} else {
push(@errors,"Cannot NAT inbound traffic if no NAT address is set");
# Then confirm we have at least one of the above
if (!defined($poolName) && !defined($username) && !defined($ipAddress)) {
push(@errors,"At least a valid pool name, username or IP address must be specified to match");
# If the traffic class is ticked, process it
my $trafficClassID;
if (defined($formData->{'inputTrafficClassID.enabled'})) {
if (!defined($trafficClassID = isTrafficClassIDValid($formData->{'TrafficClassID'}))) {
push(@errors,"Traffic class is not valid");
# Check traffic limits
my $txCIR;
if (defined($formData->{'inputTxCIR.enabled'})) {
if (!defined($txCIR = isNumber($formData->{'TxCIR'}))) {
push(@errors,"Download CIR is not valid");
my $txLimit;
if (defined($formData->{'inputTxLimit.enabled'})) {
if (!defined($txLimit = isNumber($formData->{'TxLimit'}))) {
push(@errors,"Download limit is not valid");
# Check RxCIR
my $rxCIR;
if (defined($formData->{'inputRxCIR.enabled'})) {
if (!defined($rxCIR = isNumber($formData->{'RxCIR'}))) {
push(@errors,"Upload CIR is not valid");
my $rxLimit;
if (defined($formData->{'inputRxLimit.enabled'})) {
if (!defined($rxLimit = isNumber($formData->{'RxLimit'}))) {
push(@errors,"Upload limit is not valid");
# Check that we actually have something to pool override
if (
!defined($trafficClassID) &&
!defined($txCIR) && !defined($txLimit) &&
!defined($rxCIR) && !defined($rxLimit)
) {
push(@errors,"Something must be specified to override");
my $expires = 0;
if (defined($formData->{'Expires'}) && $formData->{'Expires'} ne "") {
if (!defined($expires = isNumber($formData->{'Expires'},ISNUMBER_ALLOW_ZERO))) {
push(@errors,"Expires value is not valid");
# Check the modifier
} else {
# Check if its defined
if (defined($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'}) && $formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} ne "") {
# Never
if ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "n") {
$expires = 0;
# Minutes
} elsif ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "m") {
$expires *= 60;
# Hours
} elsif ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "h") {
$expires *= 3600;
# Days
} elsif ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "d") {
$expires *= 86400;
} else {
push(@errors,"Expires modifier is not valid");
# Base the expiry off now, plus the expiry time
if ($expires > 0) {
$expires += time();
# Grab notes
my $notes = $formData->{'Notes'};
# If there are no errors we need to push this pool override
if (!@errors && $request->method eq "POST") {
# Build pool override
my $poolOverrideData = {
'FriendlyName' => $friendlyName,
'PoolName' => $poolName,
'Username' => $username,
'IPAddress' => $ipAddress,
# 'IPNATAddress' => $ipNATAddress,
# 'GroupID' => 1,
'TrafficClassID' => $trafficClassID,
'TxCIR' => $txCIR,
'TxLimit' => $txLimit,
'RxCIR' => $rxCIR,
'RxLimit' => $rxLimit,
'Expires' => $expires,
'Notes' => $notes,
# Check if this is an add or edit
my $cEvent;
if ($formType eq "Add") {
$cEvent = "pool_override_add";
} else {
$poolOverrideData->{'ID'} = $formData->{'ID'};
$cEvent = "pool_override_change";
$kernel->post("configmanager" => $cEvent => $poolOverrideData);
$logger->log(LOG_INFO,"[WEBSERVER/POOL-OVERRIDE/ADD] Pool: %s, User: %s, IP: %s, NAT: %s (inbound: %s), Group: %s, Class: %s, Limits: %s/%s, ".
"Burst: %s/%s",
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'/limits/pool-override-list');
# Handle checkboxes first and a little differently
foreach my $item (@formElementCheckboxes) {
$formData->{"input$item.enabled"} = defined($formData->{"input$item.enabled"}) ? "checked" : "";
# Sanitize params if we need to
foreach my $item (@formElements) {
$formData->{$item} = defined($formData->{$item}) ? encode_entities($formData->{$item}) : "";
# Build content
my $content = "";
# Form header
$content .=<<EOF;
<legend>$formType Pool Override</legend>
<form role="form" method="post">
# Spit out errors if we have any
if (@errors > 0) {
foreach my $error (@errors) {
$content .= '<div class="alert alert-danger">'.encode_entities($error).'</div>';
# Generate traffic class list
my @trafficClasses = sort(getTrafficClasses());
my $trafficClassStr = "";
foreach my $trafficClassID (@trafficClasses) {
my $trafficClass = getTrafficClass($trafficClassID);
# Process selections nicely
my $selected = "";
if ($formData->{'TrafficClassID'} ne "" && $formData->{'TrafficClassID'} eq $trafficClassID) {
$selected = "selected";
# And build the options
$trafficClassStr .= '<option value="'.$trafficClassID.'" '.$selected.'>'.encode_entities($trafficClass->{'Name'}).
# Generate expires modifiers list
my $expiresModifierStr = "";
foreach my $expireModifier (sort keys %{$expiresModifiers}) {
# Process selections nicely
my $selected = "";
if ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} ne "" && $formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq $expireModifier) {
$selected = "selected";
# Default to n if nothing is specified
if ($formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'} eq "" && $expireModifier eq "n") {
$selected = "selected";
# And build the options
$expiresModifierStr .= '<option value="'.$expireModifier.'" '.$selected.'>'.
# Blank expires if its 0
if (defined($formData->{'Expires'}) && $formData->{'Expires'} eq "0") {
$formData->{'Expires'} = "";
# Page content
$content .=<<EOF;
<div class="form-group">
<label for="FriendlyName" class="col-md-2 control-label">FriendlyName</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="FriendlyName" type="text" placeholder="Friendly Name" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'FriendlyName'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">*</span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="PoolName" class="col-md-2 control-label">Pool Name</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<input name="PoolName" type="text" placeholder="Pool Name To Override" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'PoolName'}" $formNoEdit/>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Username" class="col-md-2 control-label">Username</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<input name="Username" type="text" placeholder="Username To Override" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'Username'}" $formNoEdit/>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="IPAddress" class="col-md-2 control-label">IP Address</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<input name="IPAddress" type="text" placeholder="And/Or IP Address To Override" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'IPAddress'}" $formNoEdit/>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="IPNATAddress" class="col-md-2 control-label">NAT Address</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<input name="IPNATAddress" type="text" placeholder="- - - override not implemented - - -" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'IPNATAddress'}" $formNoEdit />
<input name="IPNATInbound" type="checkbox" $formData->{'IPNATInbound'} $checkboxNoEdit /> NAT Inbound
<div class="form-group">
<label for="TrafficClassID" class="col-md-2 control-label">Traffic Class</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<input name="inputTrafficClassID.enabled" type="checkbox" $formData->{'inputTrafficClassID.enabled'}/>
<select name="TrafficClassID" class="form-control">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="TxCIR" class="col-md-2 control-label">Download CIR</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<input name="inputTxCIR.enabled" type="checkbox" $formData->{'inputTxCIR.enabled'} />
<div class="input-group">
<input name="TxCIR" type="text" placeholder="Download CIR" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'TxCIR'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="TxLimit" class="col-md-2 control-label">Download Limit</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<input name="inputTxLimit.enabled" type="checkbox"
$formData->{'inputTxLimit.enabled'}/> Override
<div class="input-group">
<input name="TxLimit" type="text" placeholder="Download Limit" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'TxLimit'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputRxCIR" class="col-md-2 control-label">Upload CIR</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<input name="inputRxCIR.enabled" type="checkbox"
$formData->{'inputRxCIR.enabled'}/> Override
<div class="input-group">
<input name="RxCIR" type="text" placeholder="Upload CIR" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'RxCIR'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="RxLimit" class="col-md-2 control-label">Upload Limit</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<input name="inputRxLimit.enabled" type="checkbox"
$formData->{'inputRxLimit.enabled'}/> Override
<div class="input-group">
<input name="RxLimit" type="text" placeholder="Upload Limit" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'RxLimit'}" />
<span class="input-group-addon">Kbps<span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Expires" class="col-md-2 control-label">Expires</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<input name="Expires" type="text" placeholder="Expires" class="form-control"
value="$formData->{'Expires'}" />
<div class="col-md-2">
<select name="inputExpires.modifier" class="form-control" value="$formData->{'inputExpires.modifier'}">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Notes" class="col-md-2 control-label">Notes</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<textarea name="Notes" placeholder="Notes" rows="3" class="form-control">$formData->{'Notes'}</textarea>
<div class="form-group">
<button name="submit" type="submit" value="$formType" class="btn btn-primary">$formType</button>
<button name="cancel" type="submit" class="btn">Cancel</button>
return (HTTP_OK,$content,{ 'menu' => $menu });
# Remove action
sub pool_override_remove
my ($kernel,$globals,$client_session_id,$request) = @_;
# Content to return
my $content = "";
# Pull in GET
my $queryParams = parseURIQuery($request);
# We need a key first of all...
if (!defined($queryParams->{'poid'})) {
$content = <<EOF;
<div class="alert alert-danger text-center">
No pool override oid in query string!
goto END;
# Grab the pool override
my $poolOverride = getPoolOverride($queryParams->{'poid'}->{'value'});
# Make the oid safe for HTML
my $encodedPoolOverrideID = encode_entities($queryParams->{'poid'}->{'value'});
# Make sure the oid was valid... we would have an pool override now if it was
if (!defined($poolOverride)) {
$content = <<EOF;
<div class="alert alert-danger text-center">
Invalid pool override oid "$encodedPoolOverrideID"!
goto END;
# Pull in POST
my $form = parseFormContent($request->content);
# If this is a post, then its probably a confirmation
if (defined($form->{'confirm'})) {
# Check if its a success
if ($form->{'confirm'}->{'value'} eq "Yes") {
# Post the removal
$kernel->post("configmanager" => "pool_override_remove" => $poolOverride->{'ID'});
return (HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,'/limits/pool-override-list');
# Make the friendly name HTML safe
my $encodedPoolOverrideFriendlyName = encode_entities($poolOverride->{'FriendlyName'});
# Build our confirmation dialog
$content .= <<EOF;
<div class="alert alert-danger">
Are you very sure you wish to remove pool override "$encodedPoolOverrideFriendlyName"?
<form role="form" method="post">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="confirm" value="Yes" />
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="confirm" value="No" />
# And here is where we return
return (HTTP_OK,$content,{ 'menu' => $menu });
# vim: ts=4
# OpenTrafficShaper webserver module: index page
# Copyright (C) 2007-2013, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2023, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
......@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ our (@ISA,@EXPORT,@EXPORT_OK);
sub _catchall
my ($kernel,$globals,$client_session_id,$request) = @_;
......@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ sub _catchall
# Else get our resource name
(my $resource = $request->uri) =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9\-\/\.]//g;
(my $resource = $request->uri) =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9\-\/\.]//g;
# Just abort if the request contains a transversal
return if ($resource =~ /\.\./);
# Again if its odd, abort
......@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ sub _catchall
# Join it back up
$resource = join('/',@pathComponents);
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[WEBSEVER/STATIC] Access request for resource '$resource'");
$logger->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[WEBSEVER/STATIC] Access request for resource '%s'",$resource);
# Check if this is a supported method
return if ($request->method ne "GET");
......@@ -71,20 +72,20 @@ sub _catchall
# Check it exists...
if (! -f $filename) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[WEBSERVER/STATIC] Resource '$resource' does not exist or is not a normal file");
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[WEBSERVER/STATIC] Resource '%s' does not exist or is not a normal file",$resource);
# Stat file first of all
my $stat = stat($filename);
my $stat = stat($filename);
if (!$stat) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[WEBSERVER/STATIC] Unable to stat '$resource': $!");
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[WEBSERVER/STATIC] Unable to stat '%s': %s",$resource,$!);
# Check this is a file
if (!S_ISREG($stat->mode)) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[WEBSERVER/STATIC] Not a file '$resource'");
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[WEBSERVER/STATIC] Not a file '%s'",$resource);
......@@ -107,8 +108,8 @@ sub _catchall
$response->header('Last-Modified', HTTP::Date::time2str($stat->mtime));
# Open file handle
if (!open(FH, "< $filename")) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[WEBSERVER/STATIC] Unable to open '$resource': $!");
if (!open(FH, "< $filename")) {
$logger->log(LOG_WARN,"[WEBSERVER/STATIC] Unable to open '%s': %s",$resource,$!);
# Set to binary mode
......@@ -124,8 +125,10 @@ sub _catchall
# Set content
return $response;
return $response;
# vim: ts=4
Project Leader
Nigel Kukard <>
Charl Mert <>