# Installing cd ~ git clone ssh://git@gitlab.devlabs.linuxassist.net:608/allworldit/awit-zsh-superawesome.git .zsh ln -s .zsh/zshrc .zshrc apt-get install -y fonts-powerline mkdir ~/.fonts cp fonts/*.ttf ~/.fonts/ fc-cache -fv ~/.fonts cp AWIT-ZSH-SuperAwesome.profile ~/.local/share/konsole/ cp AWIT-ZSH-SuperAwesome.colorscheme ~/.local/share/konsole/ Select the "AWIT-ZSH-SuperAwesome" profile as default in Konsole's profile manager. # Customizing Customizing can be done by editing the .zsh/zshrc.local file. If you have something awesome to contribute, please consider adding it to zshrc.d/. # Oh My Zsh This is updated by running cd oh-my-zsh git pull cd .. cd powerlevel9k git pull cd .. The fonts/ is a download of the complete fonts in https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/tree/master/patched-fonts/Hack