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  • smradius/smradius
  • centiva-shail/smradius
  • nkukard/smradius
3 results
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with 4688 additions and 219 deletions
# dictionary.versanet Vendor specfic attributes for versanet
# VersaNet Communications, Inc.
# Http://
#Versanet add Vendor specific terminal cause in our radius group.
#You can follow this to set it in NAS box.
# >> gr radius
# >> sh
# >> set 34 23
# >> co
#This will let our unit transfer every detail terminal cause
#information to Redius server's accounting log file and
#save as "Vendor Specific=Terminate Cause".
# Version: @(#)dictionary.versanet 1.00 22-Jul-1999
VENDOR Versanet 2180
ATTRIBUTE Versanet-Termination-Cause 1 integer Versanet
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause Normal-Hangup-No-Error-Occurred 0
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause Call-Waiting-Caused-Disconnect 3
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause Physical-Carrier-Loss 4
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause No-err-correction-at-other-end 5
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause No-resp-to-feature-negotiation 6
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause 1st-modem-async-only-2nd-sync 7
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause No-framing-technique-in-common 8
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause No-protocol-in-common 9
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause Bad-resp-to-feature-negotiation 10
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause No-sync-info-from-remote-modem 11
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause Normal-Hangup-by-Remote-modem 12
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause Retransmission-limit-reached 13
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause Protocol-violation-occurred 14
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause Lost-DTR 15
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause Received-GSTN-cleardown 16
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause Inactivity-timeout 17
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause Speed-not-supported 18
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause Long-space-disconnect 19
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause Key-abort-disconnect 20
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause Clears-previous-disc-reason 21
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause No-connection-established 22
VALUE Versanet-Termination-Cause Disconnect-after-three-retrains 23
# Copyright (C) 2007-2016, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 The FreeRADIUS Server Project
# The following dictionary file is a derivative work of the dictionary file
# from the FreeRADIUS Server Project, which is licensed GPLv2. This file
# therefore is also licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License,
# verison 2
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# dictionary.wispr
# XEDIA, AP series routers
# From Yard RADIUS, and Piotr Orlewicz,
# $Id: dictionary.xedia,v 1.1 2006/11/14 17:44:59 lem Exp $
VENDOR Xedia 838
ATTRIBUTE Xedia-DNS-Server 1 ipaddr Xedia
ATTRIBUTE Xedia-NetBios-Server 2 ipaddr Xedia
ATTRIBUTE Xedia-Address-Pool 3 string Xedia
ATTRIBUTE Xedia-PPP-Echo-Interval 4 integer Xedia
ATTRIBUTE Xedia-SSH-Privileges 5 integer Xedia
ATTRIBUTE Xedia-Client-Access-Network 6 string Xedia
package Radius::Dictionary;
# Copyright 2007-2016, AllWorldIT
# Original work (c) Christopher Masto. Changes (c) 2002,2003 Luis
# E. Muñoz <>.
# This software can be used under the same terms as perl itself. It also
# carries the same warranties.
# Please send bug reports (or patches) as well as feedback and
# suggestions to
# When submitting bugs, it is very important that you include the
# relevant information for reproducing the bug. Packet dumps are most
# useful.
package smradius::Radius::Dictionary;
use strict;
use warnings;
......@@ -31,9 +50,9 @@ sub new {
sub readfile {
my ($self, $filename) = @_;
open(DICT, "< $filename") or return undef;
open(my $DICT, "<", $filename) or return;
while (defined(my $l = <DICT>)) {
while (defined(my $l = <$DICT>)) {
next if $l =~ /^\#/;
next unless my @l = split /\s+/, $l;
......@@ -166,7 +185,8 @@ sub readfile {
warn "Warning: Weird dictionary line: $l\n";
close DICT;
close $DICT;
return 1;
# Accessors for standard attributes
package Radius::Packet;
# Copyright 2007-2016, AllWorldIT
# Original work (c) Christopher Masto. Changes (c) 2002,2003 Luis
# E. Muñoz <>.
# This software can be used under the same terms as perl itself. It also
# carries the same warranties.
# Please send bug reports (or patches) as well as feedback and
# suggestions to
# When submitting bugs, it is very important that you include the
# relevant information for reproducing the bug. Packet dumps are most
# useful.
package smradius::Radius::Packet;
use strict;
require Exporter;
......@@ -13,7 +32,7 @@ $VSA = 26; # Type assigned in RFC2138 to the
# Vendor-Specific Attributes
# Be sure our dictionaries are current
use Radius::Dictionary 1.50;
use smradius::Radius::Dictionary 1.50;
use Carp;
use Socket;
use Digest::MD5;
There are notable differences between and the Net::Radius, most notable raw value support.
# Attribute handling functions
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2016, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -24,24 +24,36 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
# Exporter stuff
require Exporter;
our (@ISA,@EXPORT);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
use base qw(Exporter);
our (@EXPORT);
@EXPORT = qw(
use AWITPT::Util;
# Check Math::Expression is installed
if (!eval {require Math::Expression; 1;}) {
print STDERR "You're missing Math::Expression, try 'apt-get install libmath-expression-perl'\n";
exit 1;
use smradius::logging;
use smradius::util;
# Attributes we do not handle
my @attributeCheckIgnoreList = (
......@@ -51,13 +63,34 @@ my @attributeReplyIgnoreList = (
my @attributeVReplyIgnoreList = (
## @fn addAttribute($server,$nattributes,$vattributes,$attribute)
## @fn addAttribute($server,$user,$attribute)
# Function to add an attribute to $attributes
# @param server Server instance
......@@ -66,17 +99,26 @@ my @attributeVReplyIgnoreList = (
# @param attribute Attribute to add, eg. Those from a database
sub addAttribute
my ($server,$nattributes,$vattributes,$attribute) = @_;
my ($server,$user,$attribute) = @_;
# Check we have the name, operator AND value
if (!defined($attribute->{'Name'}) || !defined($attribute->{'Operator'}) || !defined($attribute->{'Value'})) {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[ATTRIBUTES] Problem adding attribute with name = ".prettyUndef($attribute->{'Name'}).
", operator = ".prettyUndef($attribute->{'Operator'}).", value = ".prettyUndef($attribute->{'Value'}));
# Clean them up a bit
$attribute->{'Name'} =~ s/\s*(\S+)\s*/$1/;
$attribute->{'Operator'} =~ s/\s*(\S+)\s*/$1/;
# Grab attribue name, operator and value
# Grab attribute name, operator and value
my $name = $attribute->{'Name'};
my $operator = $attribute->{'Operator'};
my $value = $attribute->{'Value'};
# Default attribute to add is normal
my $attributes = $nattributes;
my $attributes = $user->{'Attributes'};
# Check where we must add this attribute, maybe to the vendor attributes?
if ($name =~ /^\[(\d+):(\S+)\]$/) {
......@@ -86,7 +128,7 @@ sub addAttribute
# Reset attribute name
$attribute->{'Name'} = $name;
# Set the attributes to use to the vendor
$attributes = $vattributes;
$attributes = $user->{'VAttributes'};
# Check if this is an array
......@@ -109,6 +151,9 @@ sub addAttribute
} else {
$attributes->{$name}->{$operator} = $attribute;
# Process the item incase its a config attribute
return processConfigAttribute($server,$user,$attribute);
......@@ -121,7 +166,7 @@ sub addAttribute
# @param attribute Attribute to check, eg. One of the ones from the database
sub checkAuthAttribute
my ($server,$packetAttributes,$attribute) = @_;
my ($server,$user,$packetAttributes,$attribute) = @_;
# Check ignore list
......@@ -144,18 +189,21 @@ sub checkAuthAttribute
# Get packet attribute value
my $attrVal = $packetAttributes->{$attribute->{'Name'}};
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[ATTRIBUTES] Processing CHECK attribute value ".niceUndef($attrVal)." against: '".
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[ATTRIBUTES] Processing CHECK attribute value ".prettyUndef($attrVal)." against: '".
$attribute->{'Name'}."' ".$attribute->{'Operator'}." '".join("','",@attrValues)."'");
# Loop with all the test attribute values
foreach my $tattrVal (@attrValues) {
# Sanitize the operator
my ($operator) = ($attribute->{'Operator'} =~ /^(?:\|\|)?(.*)$/);
# Operator: ==
# Use: Attribute == Value
# As a check item, it matches if the named attribute is present in the request,
# AND has the given value.
if ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq '==' ) {
if ($operator eq '==' ) {
# Check for correct value
if (defined($attrVal) && $attrVal eq $tattrVal) {
$matched = 1;
......@@ -169,7 +217,7 @@ sub checkAuthAttribute
# Not allowed as a reply item.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq '>') {
} elsif ($operator eq '>') {
if (defined($attrVal) && $attrVal =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
# Check for correct value
if ($attrVal > $tattrVal) {
......@@ -187,7 +235,7 @@ sub checkAuthAttribute
# Not allowed as a reply item.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq '<') {
} elsif ($operator eq '<') {
# Check for correct value
if (defined($attrVal) && $attrVal < $tattrVal) {
$matched = 1;
......@@ -201,7 +249,7 @@ sub checkAuthAttribute
# Not allowed as a reply item.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq '<=') {
} elsif ($operator eq '<=') {
# Check for correct value
if (defined($attrVal) && $attrVal <= $tattrVal) {
$matched = 1;
......@@ -215,7 +263,7 @@ sub checkAuthAttribute
# Not allowed as a reply item.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq '>=') {
} elsif ($operator eq '>=') {
# Check for correct value
if (defined($attrVal) && $attrVal >= $tattrVal) {
$matched = 1;
......@@ -229,7 +277,7 @@ sub checkAuthAttribute
# Not allowed as a reply item.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq '=*') {
} elsif ($operator eq '=*') {
# Check for matching value
if (defined($attrVal)) {
$matched = 1;
......@@ -243,9 +291,9 @@ sub checkAuthAttribute
# Not allowed as a reply item.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq '!=') {
} elsif ($operator eq '!=') {
# Check for correct value
if (defined($attrVal) && $attrVal ne $tattrVal) {
if (!defined($attrVal) || $attrVal ne $tattrVal) {
$matched = 1;
......@@ -257,7 +305,7 @@ sub checkAuthAttribute
# Not allowed as a reply item.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq '!*') {
} elsif ($operator eq '!*') {
# Skip if value not defined
if (!defined($attrVal)) {
$matched = 1;
......@@ -271,7 +319,7 @@ sub checkAuthAttribute
# Not allowed as a reply item.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq '=~') {
} elsif ($operator eq '=~') {
# Check for correct value
if (defined($attrVal) && $attrVal =~ /$tattrVal/) {
$matched = 1;
......@@ -286,7 +334,7 @@ sub checkAuthAttribute
# Not allowed as a reply item.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq '!~') {
} elsif ($operator eq '!~') {
# Check for correct value
if (defined($attrVal) && !($attrVal =~ /$tattrVal/)) {
$matched = 1;
......@@ -298,12 +346,114 @@ sub checkAuthAttribute
# Always matches as a check item, and adds the current
# attribute with value to the list of configuration items.
# As a reply item, it has an itendtical meaning, but the
# As a reply item, it has an idendtical meaning, but the
# attribute is added to the reply items.
} elsif ($operator eq '+=') {
# Check if we're a conditional and process
if ($attribute->{'Name'} eq "SMRadius-Evaluate") {
$matched = processConditional($server,$user,$attribute,$tattrVal);
} else {
$matched = 1;
# Operator: :=
# Use: Attribute := Value
# Always matches as a check item, and replaces in the configuration items any attribute of the same name.
} elsif ($operator eq ':=') {
# FIXME - Add or replace config items
# FIXME - Add attribute to request
# Check if we're a conditional and process
if ($attribute->{'Name'} eq "SMRadius-Evaluate") {
$matched = processConditional($server,$user,$attribute,$tattrVal);
} else {
$matched = 1;
# Attributes that are not defined
} else {
# Ignore
$matched = 2;
# Some debugging info
if ($matched == 1) {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[ATTRIBUTES] - Attribute '".$attribute->{'Name'}."' matched");
} elsif ($matched == 2) {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[ATTRIBUTES] - Attribute '".$attribute->{'Name'}."' ignored");
} else {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[ATTRIBUTES] - Attribute '".$attribute->{'Name'}."' not matched");
return $matched;
## @fn checkAcctAttribute($server,$packetAttributes,$attribute)
# Function to check an attribute in the accounting stage
# @param server Server instance
# @param packetAttributes Hashref of attributes provided, eg. Those from the packet
# @param attribute Attribute to check, eg. One of the ones from the database
sub checkAcctAttribute
my ($server,$user,$packetAttributes,$attribute) = @_;
# Check ignore list
foreach my $ignoredAttr (@attributeCheckIgnoreList) {
# 2 = IGNORE, so return IGNORE for all ignored items
return 2 if ($attribute->{'Name'} eq $ignoredAttr);
# Matched & ok?
my $matched = 0;
# Figure out our attr values
my @attrValues;
if (ref($attribute->{'Value'}) eq "ARRAY") {
@attrValues = @{$attribute->{'Value'}};
} else {
@attrValues = ( $attribute->{'Value'} );
# Get packet attribute value
my $attrVal = $packetAttributes->{$attribute->{'Name'}};
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[ATTRIBUTES] Processing CHECK attribute value ".prettyUndef($attrVal)." against: '".
$attribute->{'Name'}."' ".$attribute->{'Operator'}." '".join("','",@attrValues)."'");
# Loop with all the test attribute values
foreach my $tattrVal (@attrValues) {
# Sanitize the operator
my ($operator) = ($attribute->{'Operator'} =~ /^(?:\|\|)?(.*)$/);
# Operator: +=
# Use: Attribute += Value
# Always matches as a check item, and adds the current
# attribute with value to the list of configuration items.
# As a reply item, it has an idendtical meaning, but the
# attribute is added to the reply items.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq '+=') {
# FIXME - Add to config items
$matched = 1;
if ($operator eq '+=') {
# Check if we're a conditional and process
if ($attribute->{'Name'} eq "SMRadius-Evaluate") {
$matched = processConditional($server,$user,$attribute,$tattrVal);
} else {
$matched = 1;
# Operator: :=
......@@ -311,10 +461,16 @@ sub checkAuthAttribute
# Use: Attribute := Value
# Always matches as a check item, and replaces in the configuration items any attribute of the same name.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq ':=') {
} elsif ($operator eq ':=') {
# FIXME - Add or replace config items
# FIXME - Add attribute to request
$matched = 1;
# Check if we're a conditional and process
if ($attribute->{'Name'} eq "SMRadius-Evaluate") {
$matched = processConditional($server,$user,$attribute,$tattrVal);
} else {
$matched = 1;
# Attributes that are not defined
} else {
......@@ -394,7 +550,7 @@ sub setReplyAttribute
# Always matches as a check item, and replaces in the configuration items any attribute of the same name.
# If no attribute of that name appears in the request, then this attribute is added.
# As a reply item, it has an itendtical meaning, but for the reply items, instead of the request items.
# As a reply item, it has an idendtical meaning, but for the reply items, instead of the request items.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq ':=') {
# Overwrite
......@@ -409,7 +565,7 @@ sub setReplyAttribute
# Always matches as a check item, and adds the current
# attribute with value to the list of configuration items.
# As a reply item, it has an itendtical meaning, but the
# As a reply item, it has an idendtical meaning, but the
# attribute is added to the reply items.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq '+=') {
......@@ -420,9 +576,8 @@ sub setReplyAttribute
# Attributes that are not defined
} else {
# Ignore and b0rk out
# Ignore invalid operator
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[ATTRIBUTES] - Attribute '".$attribute->{'Name'}."' ignored, invalid operator?");
......@@ -459,7 +614,7 @@ sub setReplyVAttribute
@attrValues = ( $attribute->{'Value'} );
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[VATTRIBUTES] Processing REPLY attribute: '".
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[VATTRIBUTES] Processing REPLY vattribute: '".
$attribute->{'Name'}."' ".$attribute->{'Operator'}." '".join("','",@attrValues)."'");
......@@ -489,7 +644,7 @@ sub setReplyVAttribute
# Always matches as a check item, and replaces in the configuration items any attribute of the same name.
# If no attribute of that name appears in the request, then this attribute is added.
# As a reply item, it has an itendtical meaning, but for the reply items, instead of the request items.
# As a reply item, it has an idendtical meaning, but for the reply items, instead of the request items.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq ':=') {
# Overwrite
......@@ -504,7 +659,7 @@ sub setReplyVAttribute
# Always matches as a check item, and adds the current
# attribute with value to the list of configuration items.
# As a reply item, it has an itendtical meaning, but the
# As a reply item, it has an idendtical meaning, but the
# attribute is added to the reply items.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq '+=') {
......@@ -526,7 +681,7 @@ sub setReplyVAttribute
## @fn processConfigAttribute($server,$packetAttributes,$attribute)
## @fn processConfigAttribute($server,$user,$attribute)
# Function to process a configuration attribute
# @param server Server instance
......@@ -534,11 +689,13 @@ sub setReplyVAttribute
# @param attribute Attribute to process, eg. One of the ones from the database
sub processConfigAttribute
my ($server,$configAttributes,$attribute) = @_;
my ($server,$user,$attribute) = @_;
# Make things easier?
my $configAttributes = $user->{'ConfigAttributes'};
# Matched & ok?
my $matched = 0;
# Did we get processed?
my $processed = 0;
# Figure out our attr values
my @attrValues;
......@@ -548,21 +705,18 @@ sub processConfigAttribute
@attrValues = ( $attribute->{'Value'} );
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[ATTRIBUTES] Processing CONFIG attribute: '".$attribute->{'Name'}."' ".
$attribute->{'Operator'}." '".join("','",@attrValues)."'");
# Operator: +=
# Use: Attribute += Value
# Always matches as a check item, and adds the current
# attribute with value to the list of configuration items.
# As a reply item, it has an itendtical meaning, but the
# As a reply item, it has an idendtical meaning, but the
# attribute is added to the reply items.
if ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq '+=') {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[ATTRIBUTES] Operator '+=' triggered: Adding item to configuration items.");
$processed = 1;
# Operator: :=
......@@ -570,17 +724,21 @@ sub processConfigAttribute
# Always matches as a check item, and replaces in the configuration items any attribute of the same name.
# If no attribute of that name appears in the request, then this attribute is added.
# As a reply item, it has an itendtical meaning, but for the reply items, instead of the request items.
# As a reply item, it has an idendtical meaning, but for the reply items, instead of the request items.
} elsif ($attribute->{'Operator'} eq ':=') {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[ATTRIBUTES] Operator ':=' triggered: Adding or replacing item in configuration items.");
@{$configAttributes->{$attribute->{'Name'}}} = @attrValues;
$processed = 1;
# Operators that are not defined
} else {
# Ignore
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[ATTRIBUTES] - Attribute '".$attribute->{'Name'}."' ignored");
# If we got procsessed output some debug
if ($processed) {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[ATTRIBUTES] Processed CONFIG attribute: '".$attribute->{'Name'}."' ".
$attribute->{'Operator'}." '".join("','",@attrValues)."'");
return $processed;
......@@ -606,6 +764,113 @@ sub getAttributeValue
## @fn addAttributeConditionalVariable($user,$name,$value)
# Function that adds a conditional variable
# @param user User hash
# @param name Variable name
# @param value Variable value
sub addAttributeConditionalVariable
my ($user,$name,$value) = @_;
$user->{'AttributeConditionalVariables'}->{$name} = [ $value ];
## @fn processConditional($server,$user,$attribute,$attrVal)
# This function processes a attribute conditional
# @param server Server hash
# @param user User hash
# @param attribute Attribute hash to process
# @param attrVal Current value we need to process
sub processConditional
my ($server,$user,$attribute,$attrVal) = @_;
# Split off expression
# NK: This probably needs a bit of work
my ($condition,$onTrue,$onFalse) = ($attrVal =~ /^([^\?]*)(?:\?\s*((?:\S+)?[^:]*)(?:\:\s*(.*))?)?$/);
# If there is no condition we cannot really continue?
if (!defined($condition)) {
$server->log(LOG_WARN,"[ATTRIBUTES] Conditional '$attrVal' cannot be parsed");
return 1;
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[ATTRIBUTES] Conditional parsed ".$attribute->{'Name'}." => if ($condition) then {".
( $onTrue ? $onTrue : "-undef-")."} else {".( $onFalse ? $onFalse : "-undef-")."}");
# Create the environment
my @error;
my $mathEnv = Math::Expression->new(
'PrintErrFunc' => sub { @error = @_ },
'VarHash' => $user->{'AttributeConditionalVariables'}
# Parse and create math tree
my $mathTree = $mathEnv->Parse($condition);
# Check for error
if (@error) {
my $errorStr = sprintf($error[0],$error[1]);
$server->log(LOG_WARN,"[ATTRIBUTES] Conditional '$condition' in '$attrVal' does not parse: $errorStr");
return 1;
# Evaluate tree
my $res = $mathEnv->Eval($mathTree);
if (!defined($res)) {
$server->log(LOG_WARN,"[ATTRIBUTES] Conditional '$condition' in '$attrVal' does not evaluate");
return 1;
# Check result
# If we have a onTrue or onFalse we will return "Matched = True"
# If we don't have an onTrue or onFalse we will return the result of the $condition
my $attribStr;
if ($res && defined($onTrue)) {
$attribStr = $onTrue;
$res = 1;
} elsif (!$res && defined($onFalse)) {
$attribStr = $onFalse;
$res = 1;
} elsif (defined($onTrue) || defined($onFalse)) {
$res = 1;
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[ATTRIBUTES] - Evaluated to '$res' returning '".(defined($attribStr) ? $attribStr : "-undef-")."'");
# Loop with attributes:
# We only get here if $res is set to 1 above, if its only a conditional with no onTrue & onFalse
# Then attribStr will be unef
if ($res && defined($attribStr)) {
# Sanitize the output
$attribStr =~ s/^\s*//;
$attribStr =~ s/\s*$//;
foreach my $rawAttr (split(/;/,$attribStr)) {
# Split off attribute string: name = value
my ($attrName,$attrVal) = ($rawAttr =~ /^\s*([^=]+)=\s*(.*)/);
# Build attribute
my $attribute = {
'Name' => $attrName,
'Operator' => ':=',
'Value' => $attrVal
# Add attribute
return $res;
# vim: ts=4
# Radius client
# Copyright (C) 2007-2019, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package smradius::client;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(AWITPT::Object);
use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptionsFromArray );
use IO::Select;
use IO::Socket;
use smradius::version;
use smradius::Radius::Packet;
# Check Config::IniFiles is instaslled
if (!eval {require Config::IniFiles; 1;}) {
print STDERR "You're missing Config::IniFiles, try 'apt-get install libconfig-inifiles-perl'\n";
exit 1;
# Run the client
sub run
my ($self,@methodArgs) = @_;
# Instantiate if we're not already instantiated
$self = $self->new() if (!ref($self));
# The hash we're going to return
my $ret = { };
print(STDERR "SMRadClient v".VERSION." - Copyright (c) 2007-2019, AllWorldIT\n");
print(STDERR "\n");
# Set defaults
my $cfg;
$cfg->{'config_file'} = "/etc/smradiusd.conf";
# Grab runtime arguments
my @runArgs = @methodArgs ? @methodArgs : @ARGV;
# Parse command line params
my $cmdline;
%{$cmdline} = ();
if (!GetOptionsFromArray(
)) {
print(STDERR "ERROR: Error parsing commandline arguments");
return 1;
# Check for some args
if ($cmdline->{'help'}) {
return 0;
# Make sure we only have 2 additional args
if (@runArgs < 3) {
print(STDERR "ERROR: Invalid number of arguments\n");
return 1;
if (!defined($cmdline->{'raddb'}) || $cmdline->{'raddb'} eq "") {
print(STDERR "ERROR: No raddb directory specified!\n");
return 1;
# Get variables we need
my $server = shift(@runArgs);
my $type = shift(@runArgs);
$self->{'secret'} = shift(@runArgs);
# Validate type
if (!defined($type) || ( $type ne "acct" && $type ne "auth" && $type ne "disconnect")) {
print(STDERR "ERROR: Invalid packet type specified!\n");
return 1;
print(STDERR "\n");
# Time to start loading the dictionary
print(STDERR "Loading dictionaries...");
my $raddb = smradius::Radius::Dictionary->new();
# Look for files in the dir
my $DIR;
if (!opendir($DIR, $cmdline->{'raddb'})) {
print(STDERR "ERROR: Cannot open '".$cmdline->{'raddb'}."': $!");
return 1;
my @raddb_files = readdir($DIR);
# And load the dictionary
foreach my $df (@raddb_files) {
my $df_fn = $cmdline->{'raddb'}."/$df";
# Load dictionary
if (!$raddb->readfile($df_fn)) {
print(STDERR "Failed to load dictionary '$df_fn': $!");
print(STDERR ".");
print(STDERR "\n");
# Decide what type of packet this is
my $port;
my $pkt_code;
if ($type eq "acct") {
$port = 1813;
$pkt_code = "Accounting-Request";
} elsif ($type eq "auth") {
$port = 1812;
$pkt_code = "Access-Request";
} elsif ($type eq "disconnect") {
$port = 1813;
$pkt_code = "Disconnect-Request";
print(STDERR "\nRequest:\n");
printf(STDERR " > Secret => '%s'\n",$self->{'secret'});
# Build packet
$self->{'packet'} = smradius::Radius::Packet->new($raddb);
# Generate identifier
my $ident = int(rand(32768));
print(STDERR " > Identifier: $ident\n");
# Generate authenticator number
my $authen = int(rand(32768));
print(STDERR " > Authenticator: $ident\n");
# Pull in attributes from STDIN if we're not being called as a function
if (!@runArgs) {
while (my $line = <STDIN>) {
# Pull in attributes from commandline
while (my $line = shift(@runArgs)) {
# Create UDP packet
my $udp_packet = $self->{'packet'}->pack();
# Create socket to send packet out on
my $sockTimeout = "10"; # 10 second timeout
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $server,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 'udp',
Timeout => $sockTimeout,
if (!$sock) {
print(STDERR "ERROR: Failed to create socket\n");
return 1;
my $sock2;
# Check if we must listen on another IP/port
if (defined($cmdline->{'listen'}) && $cmdline->{'listen'} ne "") {
print(STDERR "Creating second socket\n");
# Check the details we were provided
my ($localAddr,$localPort) = split(/:/,$cmdline->{'listen'});
if (!defined($localPort)) {
print(STDERR "ERROR: The format for --listen is IP:Port\n");
return 1;
$sock2 = IO::Socket::INET->new(
LocalAddr => $localAddr,
LocalPort => $localPort,
Proto => 'udp',
Timeout => $sockTimeout,
if (!$sock2) {
print(STDERR "ERROR: Failed to create second socket\n");
return 1;
# Check if we sent the packet...
if (!$sock->send($udp_packet)) {
print(STDERR "ERROR: Failed to send data on socket\n");
return 1;
# And time for the response
print(STDERR "\nResponse:\n");
# Once sent, we need to get a response back
my $rsock = IO::Select->new($sock);
if (!$rsock) {
print(STDERR "ERROR: Failed to select response data on socket\n");
return 1;
# Check if we can read a response after the select()
if (!$rsock->can_read($sockTimeout)) {
print(STDERR "ERROR: Failed to receive response data on socket\n");
return 1;
# Read packet
$sock->recv($udp_packet, 65536);
if (!$udp_packet) {
print(STDERR "ERROR: Receive response data failed on socket: $!\n");
return 1;
# Parse packet
my $pkt = smradius::Radius::Packet->new($raddb,$udp_packet);
print(STDERR " > Authenticated: ". (defined(auth_req_verify($udp_packet,$self->{'secret'},$authen)) ? "yes" : "no") ."\n");
print(STDERR $pkt->str_dump());
# Setup response
$ret->{'request'} = $self->hashedPacket($self->{'packet'});
$ret->{'response'} = $self->hashedPacket($pkt);
my $udp_packet2;
if (defined($sock2)) {
my $rsock2 = IO::Select->new($sock2);
if (!$rsock2) {
print(STDERR "ERROR: Failed to select response data on socket2\n");
return 1;
# Check if we can read a response after the select()
if (!$rsock2->can_read($sockTimeout)) {
print(STDERR "ERROR: Failed to receive response data on socket2\n");
return 1;
# Read packet
my $udp_packet2;
$sock2->recv($udp_packet2, 65536);
if (!$udp_packet2) {
print(STDERR "ERROR: Receive response data failed on socket2: $!\n");
return 1;
my $pkt2 = smradius::Radius::Packet->new($raddb,$udp_packet2);
print(STDERR $pkt2->str_dump());
# Save the packet we got
$ret->{'listen'}->{'response'} = $self->hashedPacket($pkt2);
# If we were called as a function, return hashed version of the response packet
if (@methodArgs) {
return $ret;
return 0;
# Return a hashed version of the packet
sub hashedPacket
my ($self,$pkt) = @_;
my $res = {};
$res->{'code'} = $pkt->code();
$res->{'identifier'} = $pkt->identifier();
foreach my $attrName (sort $pkt->attributes()) {
my $attrVal = $pkt->rawattr($attrName);
$res->{'attributes'}->{$attrName} = $attrVal;
foreach my $attrVendor ($pkt->vendors()) {
foreach my $attrName ($pkt->vsattributes($attrVendor)) {
$res->{'vattributes'}->{$attrVendor}->{$attrName} = $pkt->vsattr($attrVendor,$attrName);
return $res;
# Allow adding attribute from a string
sub addAttributesFromString
my ($self,$line) = @_;
# Remove EOL
# Split on , and newline
my @rawAttributes = split(/[,\n]+/,$line);
foreach my $attr (@rawAttributes) {
# Pull off attribute name & value
my ($name,$value) = ($attr =~ /\s*(\S+)\s*=\s?(.+)/);
# Add attribute to packet
sub addAttribute
my ($self,$name,$value) = @_;
# Add to packet
print(STDERR " > Adding '$name' => '$value'\n");
if ($name eq "User-Password") {
} else {
# Display help
sub displayHelp {
Usage: $0 [args] <server> <acct|auth|disconnect> <secret> [ATTR=VALUE,...]
--raddb=<DIR> Directory where the radius dictionary files are
# vim: ts=4
# SMRadius config information
# Copyright (C) 2007-2015, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
## @class smradius::config
# Configuration handling class
package smradius::config;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Exporter stuff
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
use AWITPT::Util;
use smradius::logging;
# Our vars
my $config;
## @fn Init($server)
# Initialize this module with a server object
# @param server Server object we need to setup
sub Init
my $server = shift;
# Setup configuration
$config = $server->{'inifile'};
# Setup database config
my $db;
$db->{'DSN'} = $config->{'database'}{'dsn'};
$db->{'Username'} = $config->{'database'}{'username'};
$db->{'Password'} = $config->{'database'}{'password'};
$db->{'enabled'} = 0;
# Check we have all the config we need
if (!defined($db->{'DSN'})) {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"smradius/ No 'DSN' defined in config file for 'database'");
$server->{'smradius'}{'database'} = $db;
# Setup event timezone config
if (defined($config->{'server'}{'event_timezone'})) {
$server->{'smradius'}{'event_timezone'} = $config->{'server'}{'event_timezone'};
} else {
$server->{'smradius'}{'event_timezone'} = "GMT";
# Should we use the packet timestamp?
if (defined($config->{'radius'}{'use_packet_timestamp'})) {
if (defined(my $val = isBoolean($config->{'radius'}{'use_packet_timestamp'}))) {
$server->{'smradius'}{'use_packet_timestamp'} = $val;
} else {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"smradius/ Value for 'use_packet_timestamp' is invalid");
} else {
$server->{'smradius'}{'use_packet_timestamp'} = 0;
# Should we use abuse prevention?
if (defined($config->{'radius'}{'use_abuse_prevention'})) {
if (defined(my $val = isBoolean($config->{'radius'}{'use_abuse_prevention'}))) {
$server->{'smradius'}{'use_abuse_prevention'} = $val;
} else {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"smradius/ Value for 'use_abuse_prevention' is invalid");
} else {
$server->{'smradius'}{'use_abuse_prevention'} = 0;
if (defined($config->{'radius'}{'access_request_abuse_threshold'})) {
if ($config->{'radius'}{'access_request_abuse_threshold'} =~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/i) {
$server->{'smradius'}{'access_request_abuse_threshold'} = $config->{'radius'}{'access_request_abuse_threshold'};
} else {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"smradius/ Value for 'access_request_abuse_threshold' is invalid");
} else {
$server->{'smradius'}{'access_request_abuse_threshold'} = 10;
if (defined($config->{'radius'}{'accounting_request_abuse_threshold'})) {
if ($config->{'radius'}{'accounting_request_abuse_threshold'} =~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/i) {
$server->{'smradius'}{'accounting_request_abuse_threshold'} = $config->{'radius'}{'accounting_request_abuse_threshold'};
} else {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"smradius/ Value for 'accounting_request_abuse_threshold' is invalid");
} else {
$server->{'smradius'}{'accounting_request_abuse_threshold'} = 5;
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"smradius/ Using ". ( $server->{'smradius'}{'use_packet_timestamp'} ? 'packet' : 'server' ) ." timestamp");
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"smradius/ Using timezone '".$server->{'smradius'}{'event_timezone'}."'");
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"smradius/ Abuse prevention ".( $server->{'smradius'}{'use_abuse_prevention'} ?
'active (access-threshold = '.$server->{'smradius'}{'access_request_abuse_threshold'}.
', accounting-threshold = '.$server->{'smradius'}{'accounting_request_abuse_threshold'}.')'
: 'inactive'));
## @fn getConfig
# Get the config hash
# @return Hash ref of all our config items
sub getConfig
return $config;
# vim: ts=4
# SMRadius Constants
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2015, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -20,31 +20,36 @@
## @class smradius::constants
# SMRadius constants package
package smradius::constants;
use base qw(Exporter);
use strict;
use warnings;
# Exporter stuff
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
@EXPORT_OK = ();
use constant {
RES_OK => 0,
RES_ERROR => -1,
RES_OK => 0,
RES_ERROR => -1,
# Radius daemon
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2019, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -17,37 +16,101 @@
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package smradius::daemon;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Set library directory
use lib qw(
../ ./
package radiusd;
# Check if we have Net::Server::PreFork installed
if (!eval {require Net::Server::PreFork; 1;}) {
print STDERR "You're missing Net::Server::PreFork, try 'apt-get install libnet-server-perl'\n";
exit 1;
# Check Config::IniFiles is instaslled
if (!eval {require Config::IniFiles; 1;}) {
print STDERR "You're missing Config::IniFiles, try 'apt-get install libconfig-inifiles-perl'\n";
exit 1;
# Check DateTime is installed
if (!eval {require DateTime; 1;}) {
print STDERR "You're missing DateTime, try 'apt-get install libdatetime-perl'\n";
exit 1;
# Check Crypt::DES is installed
if (!eval {require Crypt::DES; 1;}) {
print STDERR "You're missing DateTime, try 'apt-get install libcrypt-des-perl'\n";
exit 1;
# Check Crypt::RC4 is installed
if (!eval {require Crypt::RC4; 1;}) {
print STDERR "You're missing Crypt::RC4, try 'apt-get install libcrypt-rc4-perl'\n";
exit 1;
use base qw(Net::Server::PreFork);
use Config::IniFiles;
use DateTime;
use Getopt::Long;
# Check Digest::MD4 is installed
if (!eval {require Digest::MD4; 1;}) {
print STDERR "You're missing Digest::MD4, try 'apt-get install libdigest-md4-perl'\n";
exit 1;
# Check Digest::SHA is installed
if (!eval {require Digest::SHA; 1;}) {
print STDERR "You're missing Digest::SHA, try 'apt-get install libdigest-sha-perl'\n";
exit 1;
# Check Date::Parse is installed
if (!eval {require Date::Parse; 1;}) {
print STDERR "You're missing TimeDate, try 'apt-get install libtimedate-perl'\n";
exit 1;
# Check Cache::FastMmap is installed
if (!eval {require Cache::FastMmap; 1;}) {
print STDERR "You're missing DateTime, try 'apt-get install libcache-fastmmap-perl'\n";
exit 1;
} else {
eval {use AWITPT::Cache;};
# Check MIME::Lite is installed
if (!eval {require MIME::Lite; 1;}) {
print STDERR "You're missing MIME::Lite, try 'apt-get install libmime-lite-perl'\n";
exit 1;
## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
eval qq{
use base qw(Net::Server::PreFork);
## use critic
use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptionsFromArray );
use Socket;
use Sys::Syslog;
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval );
use AWITPT::DB::DBLayer;
use AWITPT::Util qw( booleanize );
use smradius::Radius::Packet;
use smradius::version;
use smradius::constants;
use smradius::daemon::request;
use smradius::logging;
use smradius::config;
use awitpt::db::dbilayer;
use awitpt::cache;
use smradius::util;
use smradius::attributes;
use Radius::Packet;
use Socket;
......@@ -68,12 +131,13 @@ sub configure {
# Set defaults
my $cfg;
$cfg->{'config_file'} = "/etc/smradiusd.conf";
$cfg->{'cache_file'} = '/var/run/smradius/cache';
$server->{'timeout'} = 120;
$server->{'background'} = "yes";
$server->{'pid_file'} = "/var/run/";
$server->{'pid_file'} = "/var/run/smradius/";
$server->{'log_level'} = 2;
$server->{'log_file'} = "/var/log/smradiusd.log";
$server->{'log_file'} = "/var/log/smradius/smradiusd.log";
$server->{'host'} = "*";
$server->{'port'} = [ 1812, 1813 ];
......@@ -85,16 +149,23 @@ sub configure {
$server->{'max_servers'} = 25;
$server->{'max_requests'} = 1000;
# Work out runtime arguments
my @runArgs = @{$server->{'_run_args'}} ? @{$server->{'_run_args'}} : @ARGV;
# Parse command line params
my $cmdline;
%{$cmdline} = ();
if (!GetOptionsFromArray(
) or die "Error parsing commandline arguments";
)) {
print(STDERR "ERROR: Error parsing commandline arguments");
return 1;
# Check for some args
if ($cmdline->{'help'}) {
......@@ -133,7 +204,7 @@ sub configure {
foreach my $param (@server_params) {
$server->{$param} = $config{'server'}{$param} if (defined($config{'server'}{$param}));
......@@ -177,9 +248,9 @@ sub configure {
if (ref($config{'system'}{'modules'}) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach my $module (@{$config{'system'}{'modules'}}) {
$module =~ s/\s+//g;
# Skip comments
next if ($module =~ /^#/);
$module = "system/$module";
# Skip comments
next if ($module =~ /^#/);
$module = "system/$module";
} else {
......@@ -198,9 +269,9 @@ sub configure {
if (ref($config{'features'}{'modules'}) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach my $module (@{$config{'features'}{'modules'}}) {
$module =~ s/\s+//g;
# Skip comments
next if ($module =~ /^#/);
$module = "features/$module";
# Skip comments
next if ($module =~ /^#/);
$module = "features/$module";
} else {
......@@ -219,9 +290,9 @@ sub configure {
if (ref($config{'authentication'}{'mechanisms'}) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach my $module (@{$config{'authentication'}{'mechanisms'}}) {
$module =~ s/\s+//g;
# Skip comments
next if ($module =~ /^#/);
$module = "authentication/$module";
# Skip comments
next if ($module =~ /^#/);
$module = "authentication/$module";
} else {
......@@ -237,9 +308,9 @@ sub configure {
if (ref($config{'authentication'}{'users'}) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach my $module (@{$config{'authentication'}{'users'}}) {
$module =~ s/\s+//g;
# Skip comments
next if ($module =~ /^#/);
$module = "userdb/$module";
# Skip comments
next if ($module =~ /^#/);
$module = "userdb/$module";
} else {
......@@ -258,9 +329,9 @@ sub configure {
if (ref($config{'accounting'}{'modules'}) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach my $module (@{$config{'accounting'}{'modules'}}) {
$module =~ s/\s+//g;
# Skip comments
next if ($module =~ /^#/);
$module = "accounting/$module";
# Skip comments
next if ($module =~ /^#/);
$module = "accounting/$module";
} else {
......@@ -280,8 +351,8 @@ sub configure {
if (ref($config{'dictionary'}->{'load'}) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach my $dict (@{$config{'dictionary'}->{'load'}}) {
$dict =~ s/\s+//g;
# Skip comments
next if ($dict =~ /^#/);
# Skip comments
next if ($dict =~ /^#/);
} else {
......@@ -293,10 +364,18 @@ sub configure {
# Check if the user specified a cache_file in the config
if (defined($config{'server'}{'cache_file'})) {
$cfg->{'cache_file'} = $config{'server'}{'cache_file'};
# Save our config and stuff
$self->{'config'} = $cfg;
$self->{'cmdline'} = $cmdline;
$self->{'inifile'} = \%config;
......@@ -307,26 +386,28 @@ sub post_configure_hook {
my $config = $self->{'config'};
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] SMRadius - v$VERSION");
# Init config
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] Initializing configuration...");
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] Initializing configuration...");
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] Configuration initialized.");
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] Configuration initialized.");
# Load dictionaries
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] Initializing dictionaries...");
my $dict = new Radius::Dictionary;
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] Initializing dictionaries...");
my $dict = smradius::Radius::Dictionary->new();
foreach my $df (@{$config->{'dictionary_list'}}) {
# Load dictionary
if (!$dict->readfile($df)) {
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] Failed to load dictionary '$df': $!");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] Loaded module '$df'.");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] Loaded dictionary '$df'.");
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] Dictionaries initialized.");
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] Dictionaries initialized.");
# Store the dictionary
$self->{'radius'}->{'dictionary'} = $dict;
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] Initializing modules...");
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] Initializing modules...");
# Load modules
foreach my $module (@{$config->{'module_list'}}) {
# Split off dir and mod name
......@@ -334,23 +415,31 @@ sub post_configure_hook {
my ($mod_dir,$mod_name) = ($1,$2);
# Load module
my $res = eval("
## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
my $res = eval qq{
use smradius::modules::${mod_dir}::${mod_name};
## use critic
if ($@ || (defined($res) && $res != 0)) {
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] Error loading module $module ($@)");
} else {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] Plugin '$module' loaded.");
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] Plugins initialized.");
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] Plugins initialized.");
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] Initializing system modules.");
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] Initializing system modules.");
# Init caching engine
# awitpt::cache::Init($self);
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] System modules initialized.");
'cache_file' => $self->{'config'}{'cache_file'},
'cache_file_user' => $self->{'server'}->{'user'},
'cache_file_group' => $self->{'server'}->{'group'}
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] System modules initialized.");
......@@ -379,6 +468,7 @@ sub plugin_register {
# Initialize child
sub child_init_hook
......@@ -388,8 +478,8 @@ sub child_init_hook
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] Starting up caching engine");
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] Starting up caching engine");
# Do we need database support?
if ($self->{'smradius'}->{'database'}->{'enabled'}) {
......@@ -398,21 +488,22 @@ sub child_init_hook
$self->{'client'}->{'dbh_status'} = time();
# Init core database support
$self->{'client'}->{'dbh'} = awitpt::db::dbilayer::Init($self,'smradius');
$self->{'client'}->{'dbh'} = AWITPT::DB::DBILayer::Init($self,'smradius');
if (defined($self->{'client'}->{'dbh'})) {
# Check if we succeeded
if (!($self->{'client'}->{'dbh'}->connect())) {
# If we succeeded, record OK
$self->{'client'}->{'dbh_status'} = 0;
} else {
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] Failed to connect to database: ".$self->{'client'}->{'dbh'}->Error().
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] Failed to connect to database: ".$self->{'client'}->{'dbh'}->error().
" ($$)");
} else {
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] Failed to Initialize: ".awitpt::db::dbilayer::internalError()." ($$)");
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] Failed to Initialize: ".AWITPT::DB::DBILayer::internalError()." ($$)");
......@@ -424,11 +515,14 @@ sub child_finish_hook {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] Shutting down caching engine ($$)");
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] Shutting down caching engine ($$)");
# Process requests we get
sub process_request {
my $self = shift;
......@@ -438,17 +532,20 @@ sub process_request {
# Grab packet
my $udp_packet = $server->{'udp_data'};
my $rawPacket = $server->{'udp_data'};
# Check min size
if (length($udp_packet) < 18)
if (length($rawPacket) < 18)
$self->log(LOG_WARN, "[SMRADIUS] Packet too short - Ignoring");
# Parse packet
my $pkt = new Radius::Packet($self->{'radius'}->{'dictionary'},$udp_packet);
# Very first timer ...
my $timer0 = [gettimeofday];
# Grab NOW()
my $now = time();
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] Packet From = > ".$server->{'peeraddr'});
......@@ -476,52 +573,104 @@ sub process_request {
$timeout = 120;
# Get time left
my $timepassed = time() - $self->{'client'}->{'dbh_status'};
my $timepassed = $now - $self->{'client'}->{'dbh_status'};
# Then check...
if ($timepassed >= $timeout) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] Client BYPASS timeout exceeded, reconnecting...");
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] Client BYPASS timeout exceeded, reconnecting...");
exit 0;
} else {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] Client still in BYPASS mode, ".( $timeout - $timepassed ).
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] Client still in BYPASS mode, ".( $timeout - $timepassed ).
"s left till next reconnect");
# Setup database handle
my $request = smradius::daemon::request->new($self);
if (!$request->setTimezone($self->{'smradius'}->{'event_timezone'})) {
$self->log(LOG_ERR,"[SMRADIUS] Setting event_timezone to '%s' failed",$self->{'smradius'}->{'event_timezone'});
# Main user hash with everything in
my $user;
$user->{'ConfigAttributes'} = {};
$user->{'ReplyAttributes'} = {};
$user->{'ReplyVAttributes'} = {};
# Check if we need to override the packet timestamp, if we are not using the packet timestamp, set it to when we go the packet
if (!booleanize($self->{'smradius'}->{'use_packet_timestamp'})) {
# Username should always be defined?
if (!$request->hasUsername()) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] Packet with no username from ".$server->{'peeraddr'});
# Private data
$user->{'_Internal'} = {
'Timestamp-Unix' => defined($pkt->rawattr('Event-Timestamp')) ? $pkt->rawattr('Event-Timestamp') : time()
my $eventTimestamp = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $user->{'_Internal'}->{'Timestamp-Unix'} );
$user->{'_Internal'}->{'Timestamp'} = $eventTimestamp->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
# Set username
$user->{'Username'} = $pkt->attr('User-Name');
my $pkt = $request->{'packet'};
my $user = $request->{'user'};
my $logReason = "UNKNOWN";
# First thing we do is to make sure the NAS behaves if we using abuse prevention
if ($self->{'smradius'}->{'use_abuse_prevention'} && defined($user->{'Username'})) {
my ($res,$val) = cacheGetKeyPair('FloodCheck',$server->{'peeraddr'}."/".$user->{'Username'}."/".$pkt->code);
if (defined($val)) {
my $timePeriod = $now - $val;
# Check if we're still within the abuse threshold
if ($pkt->code eq "Access-Request" && $timePeriod < $self->{'smradius'}->{'access_request_abuse_threshold'}) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] ABUSE: NAS trying too fast. NAS = ".$server->{'peeraddr'}.", user = ".$user->{'Username'}.
", code = ".$pkt->code.", timeout = ".($now - $val));
# Tell the NAS we got its packet
my $resp = smradius::Radius::Packet->new($self->{'radius'}->{'dictionary'});
auth_resp($resp->pack, getAttributeValue($user->{'ConfigAttributes'},"SMRadius-Config-Secret"))
} elsif ($pkt->code eq "Accounting-Request" && $timePeriod < $self->{'smradius'}->{'accounting_request_abuse_threshold'}) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] ABUSE: NAS trying too fast. NAS = ".$server->{'peeraddr'}.", user = ".$user->{'Username'}.
", code = ".$pkt->code.", timeout = ".($now - $val));
# Tell the NAS we got its packet
my $resp = smradius::Radius::Packet->new($self->{'radius'}->{'dictionary'});
auth_resp($resp->pack, getAttributeValue($user->{'ConfigAttributes'},"SMRadius-Config-Secret"))
# We give the benefit of the doubt and let a query take 60s. We update to right stamp at end of this function
cacheStoreKeyPair('FloodCheck',$server->{'peeraddr'}."/".$user->{'Username'}."/".$pkt->code,$now + 60);
my $configured = 1;
foreach my $module (@{$self->{'module_list'}}) {
# Try find config attribute
if ($module->{'Config_get'}) {
# Get result from config module
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] CONFIG: Trying plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."' for incoming connection");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] CONFIG: Trying plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."' for incoming connection");
my $res = $module->{'Config_get'}($self,$user,$pkt);
# Check result
if (!defined($res)) {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] CONFIG: Error with plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] CONFIG: Error with plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$logReason = "Config Error";
# Check if we skipping this plugin
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_SKIP) {
......@@ -529,44 +678,79 @@ sub process_request {
# Check if we got a positive result back
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_ACK) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] CONFIG: Configuration retrieved from '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] CONFIG: Configuration retrieved from '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$logReason = "Config Retrieved";
# Check if we got a negative result back
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_NACK) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] CONFIG: Configuration rejection when using '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] CONFIG: Configuration rejection when using '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$logReason = "Config Rejected";
# $configured = 0;
# last;
# FIXME - need secret
# FIXME - need acl list
# UserDB module if we using/need it
my $userdb;
# If we have a config attribute to transform username, use it
if (defined($user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Username-Transform'})) {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] Attribute 'SMRadius-Username-Transform' exists, transforming username.");
# NK: Not ready for prime time yet
# # Get clients(NAS) username transform pattern
# my $transform = shift(@{$user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Username-Transform'}});
# if ($transform =~ /^(@\S+)=(@\S+)$/i) {
# # Set old and new, prevents warnings
# my ($old,$new) = ($1,$2);
# # Use client username transform on temp username
# my $tempUsername = $user->{'Username'};
# $tempUsername =~ s/$old/$new/;
# # Override username
# $user->{'Username'} = $tempUsername;
# } else {
# $self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] No string replacement possible on pattern '".
# $transform."', using username '".$user->{'Username'}."'");
# }
# Get the user timer
my $timer1 = [gettimeofday];
# FIXME - need secret
# FIXME - need acl list
# Common stuff for multiple codes....
if ($pkt->code eq "Accounting-Request" || $pkt->code eq "Access-Request") {
# Loop with modules to try find user
foreach my $module (@{$self->{'module_list'}}) {
# Try find user
if ($module->{'User_find'}) {
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] FIND: Trying plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."' for username '".
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] FIND: Trying plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."' for username '".
my ($res,$userdb_data) = $module->{'User_find'}($self,$user,$pkt);
my ($res,$userDB_Data) = $module->{'User_find'}($self,$user,$pkt);
# Check result
if (!defined($res)) {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] FIND: Error with plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] FIND: Error with plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$logReason = "Error Finding User";
# Check if we skipping this plugin
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_SKIP) {
......@@ -574,14 +758,17 @@ sub process_request {
# Check if we got a positive result back
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_ACK) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] FIND: Username found with '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$userdb = $module;
$user->{'_UserDB_Data'} = $userdb_data;
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] FIND: Username found with '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$user->{'_UserDB'} = $module;
$user->{'_UserDB_Data'} = $userDB_Data;
# The user ID is supposed to be global unique, on the same level as the username
$user->{'ID'} = $user->{'_UserDB_Data'}->{'ID'};
# Or a negative result
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_NACK) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] FIND: Username not found with '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] FIND: Username not found with '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$logReason = "User Not Found";
......@@ -590,24 +777,41 @@ sub process_request {
# Process the packet timer
my $timer2 = [gettimeofday];
# Is this an accounting request
if ($pkt->code eq "Accounting-Request") {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] Accounting Request Packet");
# Add onto logline
$request->addLogLine(". REQUEST => ");
foreach my $attrName ($pkt->attributes) {
"%s: '%s'",
# Get user data
if (defined($userdb) && defined($userdb->{'User_get'})) {
my $res = $userdb->{'User_get'}($self,$user,$pkt);
if (defined($user->{'_UserDB'}) && defined($user->{'_UserDB'}->{'User_get'})) {
my $res = $user->{'_UserDB'}->{'User_get'}($self,$user,$pkt);
# Check result
if (defined($res) && ref($res) eq "HASH") {
# We're only after the attributes here
$user->{'Attributes'} = $res->{'Attributes'};
$user->{'VAttributes'} = $res->{'VAttributes'};
if ($res) {
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] GET: Error returned from '".$user->{'_UserDB'}->{'Name'}.
"' for username '".$user->{'Username'}."'");
......@@ -615,12 +819,13 @@ sub process_request {
foreach my $module (@{$self->{'module_list'}}) {
# Try find user
if ($module->{'Accounting_log'}) {
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] ACCT: Trying plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] ACCT: Trying plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
my $res = $module->{'Accounting_log'}($self,$user,$pkt);
# Check result
if (!defined($res)) {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] ACCT: Error with plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] ACCT: Error with plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$logReason = "Accounting Log Error";
# Check if we skipping this plugin
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_SKIP) {
......@@ -628,36 +833,32 @@ sub process_request {
# Check if we got a positive result back
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_ACK) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] ACCT: Accounting logged using '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] ACCT: Accounting logged using '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$logReason = "Accounting Logged";
# Check if we got a negative result back
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_NACK) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] ACCT: Accounting NOT LOGGED using '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] ACCT: Accounting NOT LOGGED using '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$logReason = "Accounting NOT Logged";
# Tell the NAS we got its packet
my $resp = Radius::Packet->new($self->{'radius'}->{'dictionary'});
$udp_packet = auth_resp($resp->pack, getAttributeValue($user->{'ConfigAttributes'},"SMRadius-Config-Secret"));
# Are we going to POD the user?
my $PODUser = 0;
# Loop with modules that have post-authentication hooks
# Loop with modules that have post-accounting hooks
foreach my $module (@{$self->{'module_list'}}) {
# Try authenticate
if ($module->{'Feature_Post-Accounting_hook'}) {
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Trying plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."' for '".
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Trying plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."' for '".
my $res = $module->{'Feature_Post-Accounting_hook'}($self,$user,$pkt);
# Check result
if (!defined($res)) {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Error with plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Error with plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$logReason = "Post Accounting Error";
# Check if we skipping this plugin
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_SKIP) {
......@@ -665,61 +866,182 @@ sub process_request {
# Check if we got a positive result back
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_ACK) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Passed post accounting hook by '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Passed post accounting hook by '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$logReason = "Post Accounting Success";
# Or a negative result
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_NACK) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Failed post accounting hook by '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Failed post accounting hook by '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$logReason = "Failed Post Accounting";
$PODUser = 1;
# Check if we must POD the user
if ($PODUser) {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Trying to disconnect user...");
# Tell the NAS we got its packet
my $resp = smradius::Radius::Packet->new($self->{'radius'}->{'dictionary'});
auth_resp($resp->pack, getAttributeValue($user->{'ConfigAttributes'},"SMRadius-Config-Secret"))
# CoA and POD only apply to accounting updates...
if ($pkt->rawattr('Acct-Status-Type') eq "3") {
my $resp = Radius::Packet->new($self->{'radius'}->{'dictionary'});
# Build a list of our attributes in the packet
my $acctAttributes;
foreach my $attr ($pkt->attributes) {
$acctAttributes->{$attr} = $pkt->rawattr($attr);
# Loop with attributes we got from the user
foreach my $attrName (keys %{$user->{'Attributes'}}) {
# Loop with operators
foreach my $attrOp (keys %{$user->{'Attributes'}->{$attrName}}) {
# Grab attribute
my $attr = $user->{'Attributes'}->{$attrName}->{$attrOp};
# Check attribute against accounting attributes
my $res = checkAcctAttribute($self,$user,$acctAttributes,$attr);
# We don't care if it fails
my $id = $$ & 0xff;
$resp->set_identifier( $id );
# The coaReq may be either POD or CoA
my $coaReq = smradius::Radius::Packet->new($self->{'radius'}->{'dictionary'});
# Set packet identifier
$coaReq->set_identifier( $$ & 0xff );
$udp_packet = auth_resp($resp->pack, getAttributeValue($user->{'ConfigAttributes'},"SMRadius-Config-Secret"));
# Check if we must POD the user, if so we set the code to disconnect
if ($PODUser) {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Trying to disconnect user...");
} else {
# If this is *not* a POD, we need to process reply attributes
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Sending CoA...");
# Process the reply attributes
# NAS identification
# Session identification
# Add onto logline
$request->addLogLine(". REPLY => ");
foreach my $attrName ($coaReq->attributes) {
"%s: '%s'",
# Generate coaReq packet
my $coaReq_packet = auth_resp($coaReq->pack, getAttributeValue($user->{'ConfigAttributes'},"SMRadius-Config-Secret"));
# Array CoA servers to contact
my @coaServers;
# Check for old POD server attribute
if (defined($user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Config-PODServer'})) {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] SMRadius-Config-PODServer is defined");
@coaServers = @{$user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Config-PODServer'}};
# Check for new CoA server attribute
if (defined($user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Config-CoAServer'})) {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] SMRadius-Config-CoAServer is defined");
@coaServers = @{$user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Config-CoAServer'}};
# If we didn't get provided a CoA server, use the peer address
if (!@coaServers) {
# Check address format
foreach my $coaServer (@coaServers) {
# Remove IPv6 portion for now...
$coaServer =~ s/^::ffff://;
# Check for valid IP
my ($coaServerIP,$coaServerPort) = ($coaServer =~ /^([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})(?::([0-9]+))?/);
if (!defined($coaServerIP)) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: CoAServer '$coaServer' looks incorrect");
# Create socket to send packet out on
my $podServer = "";
my $podServerPort = "1700";
my $podServerTimeout = "10"; # 10 second timeout
my $podSock = new IO::Socket::INET(
PeerAddr => $podServer,
PeerPort => $podServerPort,
# Set default CoA server port
$coaServerPort //= 1700;
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Trying CoAServer => IP: '".$coaServer."' Port: '".$coaServerPort."'");
# Create socket to send packet out on
my $coaServerTimeout = "2"; # 2 second timeout
my $coaSock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $coaServerIP,
PeerPort => $coaServerPort,
Proto => 'udp',
TimeOut => $podServerTimeout,
) or return $self->log(LOG_ERR,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Failed to create socket to send POD on: $!");
TimeOut => $coaServerTimeout,
# Check if we sent the packet...
if (!$podSock->send($udp_packet)) {
return $self->log(LOG_ERR,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Failed to send data on socket: $!");
if (!$coaSock) {
$self->log(LOG_ERR,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Failed to create socket to send CoA on: $!");
# Once sent, we need to get a response back
my $sh = new IO::Select($podSock)
or return $self->log(LOG_ERR,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Failed to select data on socket: $!");
# Check if we sent the packet...
if (!$coaSock->send($coaReq_packet)) {
$self->log(LOG_ERR,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Failed to send data on CoA socket: $!");
or return $self->log(LOG_ERR,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Failed to receive data on socket: $!");
# Once sent, we need to get a response back
my $select = IO::Select->new($coaSock);
if (!$select) {
$self->log(LOG_ERR,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Failed to select data on socket: $!");
my $data;
$podSock->recv($data, 65536)
or return $self->log(LOG_ERR,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Receive data failed: $!");
# my @stuff = unpack('C C n a16 a*', $data);
# $self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"STUFF: ".Dumper(\@stuff));
if (!$select->can_read($coaServerTimeout)) {
$self->log(LOG_ERR,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: Failed to receive data on socket: $!");
# Grab CoA response
my $coaRes_packet;
$coaSock->recv($coaRes_packet, 65536);
if (!$coaRes_packet) {
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] POST-ACCT: No data received in response to our request to '$coaServerIP:$coaServerPort': $!");
$request->addLogLine(". No response to CoA/POD");
# Parse the radius packet
my $coaRes = smradius::Radius::Packet->new($self->{'radius'}->{'dictionary'},$coaRes_packet);
# Check status
if ($coaRes->code eq "CoA-ACK") {
$request->addLogLine(". CoA Success");
} elsif ($coaRes->code eq "CoA-NACK") {
$request->addLogLine(". CoA Fail");
} elsif ($coaRes->code eq "Disconnect-ACK") {
$request->addLogLine(". POD Success");
} elsif ($coaRes->code eq "Disconnect-NACK") {
$request->addLogLine(". POD Fail");
} else {
$request->addLogLine(". Invalid CoA/POD response");
# Or maybe a access request
......@@ -736,8 +1058,8 @@ sub process_request {
# If no user is found, bork out ...
if (!defined($userdb)) {
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] FIND: No plugin found for username '".$user->{'Username'}."'");
if (!defined($user->{'_UserDB'})) {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] FIND: No plugin found for username '".$user->{'Username'}."'");
......@@ -746,20 +1068,17 @@ sub process_request {
# Get user data
if ($userdb->{'User_get'}) {
my $res = $userdb->{'User_get'}($self,$user,$pkt);
if ($user->{'_UserDB'}->{'User_get'}) {
my $res = $user->{'_UserDB'}->{'User_get'}($self,$user,$pkt);
# Check result
if (!defined($res) || ref($res) ne "HASH") {
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] GET: No data returned from '".$userdb->{'Name'}.
if ($res) {
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] GET: Error returned from '".$user->{'_UserDB'}->{'Name'}.
"' for username '".$user->{'Username'}."'");
# Setup user dataw
$user->{'Attributes'} = $res->{'Attributes'};
$user->{'VAttributes'} = $res->{'VAttributes'};
} else {
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] GET: No 'User_get' function available for module '".$userdb->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_ERR,"[SMRADIUS] GET: No 'User_get' function available for module '".$user->{'_UserDB'}->{'Name'}."'");
......@@ -772,12 +1091,12 @@ sub process_request {
foreach my $module (@{$self->{'module_list'}}) {
# Try authenticate
if ($module->{'Authentication_try'}) {
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] AUTH: Trying plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."' for '".$user->{'Username'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] AUTH: Trying plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."' for '".$user->{'Username'}."'");
my $res = $module->{'Authentication_try'}($self,$user,$pkt);
# Check result
if (!defined($res)) {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] AUTH: Error with plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_ERR,"[SMRADIUS] AUTH: Error with plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
# Check if we skipping this plugin
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_SKIP) {
......@@ -785,14 +1104,16 @@ sub process_request {
# Check if we got a positive result back
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_ACK) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] AUTH: Authenticated by '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] AUTH: Authenticated by '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$logReason = "User Authenticated";
$mechanism = $module;
$authenticated = 1;
# Or a negative result
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_NACK) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] AUTH: Failed authentication by '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] AUTH: Failed authentication by '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$logReason = "User NOT Authenticated";
$mechanism = $module;
......@@ -805,14 +1126,14 @@ sub process_request {
foreach my $module (@{$self->{'module_list'}}) {
# Try authenticate
if ($module->{'Feature_Post-Authentication_hook'}) {
$self->log(LOG_INFO,"[SMRADIUS] POST-AUTH: Trying plugin '".$module->{'Name'}.
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] POST-AUTH: Trying plugin '".$module->{'Name'}.
"' for '".$user->{'Username'}."'");
my $res = $module->{'Feature_Post-Authentication_hook'}($self,$user,$pkt);
# Check result
if (!defined($res)) {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] POST-AUTH: Error with plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_ERR,"[SMRADIUS] POST-AUTH: Error with plugin '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
# Check if we skipping this plugin
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_SKIP) {
......@@ -820,11 +1141,13 @@ sub process_request {
# Check if we got a positive result back
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_ACK) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] POST-AUTH: Passed authenticated by '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] POST-AUTH: Passed authenticated by '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$logReason = "Post Authentication Success";
# Or a negative result
} elsif ($res == MOD_RES_NACK) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] POST-AUTH: Failed authentication by '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] POST-AUTH: Failed authentication by '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
$logReason = "Post Authentication Failure";
$authenticated = 0;
# Do we want to run the other modules ??
......@@ -842,6 +1165,8 @@ sub process_request {
foreach my $attr ($pkt->attributes) {
$authAttributes->{$attr} = $pkt->rawattr($attr);
# Peer address
$authAttributes->{'SMRadius-Peer-Address'} = $server->{'peeraddr'};
# Loop with attributes we got from the user
foreach my $attrName (keys %{$user->{'Attributes'}}) {
# Loop with operators
......@@ -849,7 +1174,7 @@ sub process_request {
# Grab attribute
my $attr = $user->{'Attributes'}->{$attrName}->{$attrOp};
# Check attribute against authorization attributes
my $res = checkAuthAttribute($self,$authAttributes,$attr);
my $res = checkAuthAttribute($self,$user,$authAttributes,$attr);
if ($res == 0) {
$authorized = 0;
......@@ -862,56 +1187,19 @@ sub process_request {
# Check if we authenticated or not
if ($authenticated && $authorized) {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] Authenticated and authorized");
$logReason = "User Authorized";
my $resp = Radius::Packet->new($self->{'radius'}->{'dictionary'});
my $resp = smradius::Radius::Packet->new($self->{'radius'}->{'dictionary'});
# Loop with attributes we got from the getReplyAttributes function, its a hash of arrays which are the values
my %replyAttributes = %{ $user->{'ReplyAttributes'} };
foreach my $attrName (keys %{$user->{'Attributes'}}) {
# Loop with operators
foreach my $attrOp (keys %{$user->{'Attributes'}->{$attrName}}) {
# Grab attribute
my $attr = $user->{'Attributes'}->{$attrName}->{$attrOp};
# Add this to the reply attribute?
# Loop with reply attributes
foreach my $attrName (keys %replyAttributes) {
# Loop with values
foreach my $value (@{$replyAttributes{$attrName}}) {
# Add each value
use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($user->{'ReplyVAttributes'});
use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($user->{'VAttributes'});
# Loop with vendor reply attributes
my %replyVAttributes = %{ $user->{'ReplyVAttributes'} };
foreach my $attrName (keys %{$user->{'VAttributes'}}) {
# Loop with operators
foreach my $attrOp (keys %{$user->{'VAttributes'}->{$attrName}}) {
# Grab attribute
my $attr = $user->{'VAttributes'}->{$attrName}->{$attrOp};
# Add this to the reply attribute?
foreach my $vendor (keys %replyVAttributes) {
# Loop with operators
foreach my $attrName (keys %{$replyVAttributes{$vendor}}) {
# Add each value
foreach my $value (@{$replyVAttributes{$vendor}->{$attrName}}) {
# Process the reply attributes
$udp_packet = auth_resp($resp->pack, getAttributeValue($user->{'ConfigAttributes'},"SMRadius-Config-Secret"));
auth_resp($resp->pack, getAttributeValue($user->{'ConfigAttributes'},"SMRadius-Config-Secret"))
......@@ -919,13 +1207,15 @@ CHECK_RESULT:
# Check if found and authenticated
if (!$authenticated || !$authorized) {
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[SMRADIUS] Authentication or authorization failure");
$logReason = "User NOT Authenticated or Authorized";
my $resp = Radius::Packet->new($self->{'radius'}->{'dictionary'});
my $resp = smradius::Radius::Packet->new($self->{'radius'}->{'dictionary'});
$udp_packet = auth_resp($resp->pack, getAttributeValue($user->{'ConfigAttributes'},"SMRadius-Config-Secret"));
auth_resp($resp->pack, getAttributeValue($user->{'ConfigAttributes'},"SMRadius-Config-Secret"))
# We don't know how to handle this
......@@ -933,10 +1223,36 @@ CHECK_RESULT:
$self->log(LOG_WARN,"[SMRADIUS] We cannot handle code: '".$pkt->code."'");
my $timer9 = [gettimeofday];
my $timediff1 = tv_interval($timer0,$timer1);
my $timediff2 = tv_interval($timer1,$timer2);
my $timediff3 = tv_interval($timer2,$timer9);
my $timediff = tv_interval($timer0,$timer9);
my $logLine = join(' ',@{$request->{'logLine'}});
my @logLineArgs = @{$request->{'logLineParams'}};
# How should we output this ...
if ($server->{'log_level'} > LOG_NOTICE) {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] Result: $logReason (%.3fs + %.3fs + %.3fs = %.3fs) => $logLine",
} else {
$self->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[SMRADIUS] Result: $logReason => $logLine",@logLineArgs);
# If we using abuse prevention record the time we ending off
if ($self->{'smradius'}->{'use_abuse_prevention'} && defined($user->{'Username'})) {
# Initialize child
sub server_exit
......@@ -945,20 +1261,23 @@ sub server_exit
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"Destroying system modules.");
# Destroy cache
# cbp::cache::Destroy($self);
$self->log(LOG_DEBUG,"System modules destroyed.");
# Parent exit
# Slightly better logging
sub log
sub log ## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms)
my ($self,$level,$msg,@args) = @_;
# Check log level and set text
my $logtxt = "UNKNOWN";
if ($level == LOG_DEBUG) {
......@@ -980,14 +1299,19 @@ sub log
$msg = "[CORE] $logtxt: $msg";
$self->SUPER::log($level,"[".$self->log_time." - $$] $msg",@args);
# If we have args, this is more than likely a format string & args
if (@args > 0) {
$msg = sprintf($msg,@args);
return $self->SUPER::log($level,"[".$self->log_time." - $$] $msg");
# Display help
sub displayHelp {
print(STDERR "SMRadius v".VERSION." - Copyright (c) 2007-2009, AllWorldIT\n");
print(STDERR "SMRadius v$VERSION - Copyright (c) 2007-2016, AllWorldIT\n");
......@@ -997,13 +1321,133 @@ Usage: $0 [args]
--fg Don't go into background
# Internal functions
# Process reply attributes
sub _processReplyAttributes
my ($self,$request,$user,$pkt) = @_;
# Add attributes we got from plugins and process attributes attached to the user
my %replyAttributes = %{ $user->{'ReplyAttributes'} };
foreach my $attrName (keys %{$user->{'Attributes'}}) {
# Loop with operators
foreach my $attrOp (keys %{$user->{'Attributes'}->{$attrName}}) {
# Grab attribute
my $attr = $user->{'Attributes'}->{$attrName}->{$attrOp};
# Add this to the reply attribute?
# Add vendor attributes we got from plugins and process attributes attached to the user
my %replyVAttributes = %{ $user->{'ReplyVAttributes'} };
foreach my $attrName (keys %{$user->{'VAttributes'}}) {
# Loop with operators
foreach my $attrOp (keys %{$user->{'VAttributes'}->{$attrName}}) {
# Grab attribute
my $attr = $user->{'VAttributes'}->{$attrName}->{$attrOp};
# Add this to the reply attribute?
# Loop with reply attributes add them to our response, or output them to log if they were excluded
$request->addLogLine("RFILTER => ");
foreach my $attrName (keys %replyAttributes) {
# Loop with values
foreach my $value (@{$replyAttributes{$attrName}}) {
# Check for filter matches
my $excluded = 0;
foreach my $item (@{$user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Config-Filter-Reply-Attribute'}}) {
my @attrList = split(/[;,]/,$item);
foreach my $aItem (@attrList) {
$excluded = 1 if (lc($attrName) eq lc($aItem));
# If we must be filtered, just exclude it then
if (!$excluded) {
# Add each value
} else {
$request->addLogLine("%s ",$attrName);
# Loop with reply vendor attributes add them to our response, or output them to log if they were excluded
$request->addLogLine(". RVFILTER => ");
# Process reply vattributes already added
foreach my $vendor (keys %replyVAttributes) {
# Loop with operators
foreach my $attrName (keys %{$replyVAttributes{$vendor}}) {
# Add each value
foreach my $value (@{$replyVAttributes{$vendor}->{$attrName}}) {
# Check for filter matches
my $excluded = 0;
foreach my $item (@{$user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Config-Filter-Reply-VAttribute'}}) {
my @attrList = split(/[;,]/,$item);
foreach my $aItem (@attrList) {
$excluded = 1 if (lc($attrName) eq lc($aItem));
# If we must be filtered, just exclude it then
if (!$excluded) {
# This attribute is not excluded, so its ok
} else {
$request->addLogLine("%s ",$attrName);
# Add attributes onto logline
$request->addLogLine(". REPLY => ");
foreach my $attrName ($pkt->attributes) {
"%s: '%s",
# Add vattributes onto logline
$request->addLogLine(". VREPLY => ");
# Loop with vendors
foreach my $vendor ($pkt->vendors()) {
# Loop with attributes
foreach my $attrName ($pkt->vsattributes($vendor)) {
# Grab the value
my @attrRawVal = ( $pkt->vsattr($vendor,$attrName) );
my $attrVal = $attrRawVal[0][0];
# Sanatize it a bit
if ($attrVal =~ /[[:cntrl:]]/) {
$attrVal = "-nonprint-";
} else {
$attrVal = "'$attrVal'";
"%s/%s: %s",
return $self;
# vim: ts=4
# Radius daemon request processing
# Copyright (C) 2007-2016, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package smradius::daemon::request;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw{AWITPT::Object};
use DateTime;
use DateTime::TimeZone;
use Try::Tiny;
use smradius::Radius::Packet;
# Parse radius packet
sub parsePacket
my ($self,$dictionary,$rawPacket) = @_;
# Parse the radius packet
$self->{'packet'} = smradius::Radius::Packet->new($dictionary,$rawPacket);
# Loop with packet attribute names and add to our log line
$self->addLogLine("PACKET => ");
foreach my $attrName (sort $self->{'packet'}->attributes()) {
# Make the value a bit more pretty to print
my $attrVal;
if ($attrName eq "User-Password") {
$attrVal = "-encrypted-";
} else {
$attrVal = $self->{'packet'}->rawattr($attrName);
# Add it onto the log line...
"%s: '%s'",
# Set the username
$self->{'user'}->{'Username'} = $self->{'packet'}->attr('User-Name');
# Set the packet timestamp in unix time
if (my $timestamp = $self->{'packet'}->rawattr('Event-Timestamp')) {
} else {
return $self;
# Set internal timestamp
sub setTimestamp
my ($self,$timestamp) = @_;
# Set timestamp
$self->{'user'}->{'_Internal'}->{'Timestamp-Unix'} = $timestamp;
# Grab real event timestamp in local time uzing the time zone
my $eventTimestamp = DateTime->from_epoch(
epoch => $self->{'user'}->{'_Internal'}->{'Timestamp-Unix'},
time_zone => $self->{'timezone'},
# Set the timestamp (not in unix)
$self->{'user'}->{'_Internal'}->{'Timestamp'} = $eventTimestamp->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
return $self;
# Set internal time zone
sub setTimezone
my ($self,$timezone) = @_;
my $timezone_obj;
try {
$timezone_obj = DateTime::TimeZone->new('name' => $timezone);
# Retrun if we don't have a value, this means we failed
return if (!defined($timezone_obj));
$self->{'timezone'} = $timezone_obj;
return $self;
# Add something onto the log line in printf() style...
sub addLogLine
my ($self,$template,@params) = @_;
# Add on template and params
return $self;
# Return if the Username attribute of the user is defined
sub hasUsername
my $self = shift;
return defined($self->{'user'}->{'Username'});
# This method is called from the new-> method during instantiation
sub _init
my ($self) = @_;
# Initialize log line
$self->{'logLine'} = [ ];
$self->{'logLineParams'} = [ ];
$self->{'timezone'} = "UTC";
# Initialize user
$self->{'user'} = {
'Username' => undef,
'ConfigAttributes' => { },
'Attributes' => { },
'VAttributes' => { },
'ReplyAttributes' => { },
'ReplyVAttributes' => { },
'AttributeConditionalVariables' => { },
return $self;
# vim: ts=4
# Logging constants
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2015, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# SQL accounting database
# Copyright (C) 2007-2019, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package smradius::modules::accounting::mod_accounting_sql;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Modules we need
use smradius::constants;
use AWITPT::Cache;
use AWITPT::DB::DBLayer;
use AWITPT::Util;
use smradius::logging;
use smradius::util;
use POSIX qw(ceil);
use DateTime;
use Math::BigInt;
use Math::BigFloat;
# Exporter stuff
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
# Plugin info
our $pluginInfo = {
Name => "SQL Accounting Database",
Init => \&init,
# Cleanup run by smadmin
CleanupOrder => 30,
Cleanup => \&cleanup,
# Accounting database
Accounting_log => \&acct_log,
Accounting_getUsage => \&getUsage
# Module config
my $config;
## @internal
# Initialize module
sub init
my $server = shift;
my $scfg = $server->{'inifile'};
# Enable support for database
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Enabling database support");
if (!$server->{'smradius'}->{'database'}->{'enabled'}) {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Enabling database support.");
$server->{'smradius'}->{'database'}->{'enabled'} = 1;
# Default configs...
$config->{'accounting_start_query'} = '
$config->{'accounting_update_get_records_query'} = '
SUM(AcctInputOctets) AS AcctInputOctets,
SUM(AcctInputPackets) AS AcctInputPackets,
SUM(AcctOutputOctets) AS AcctOutputOctets,
SUM(AcctOutputPackets) AS AcctOutputPackets,
SUM(AcctInputGigawords) AS AcctInputGigawords,
SUM(AcctOutputGigawords) AS AcctOutputGigawords,
SUM(AcctSessionTime) AS AcctSessionTime,
Username = %{user.Username}
AND AcctSessionID = %{request.Acct-Session-Id}
AND NASIPAddress = %{request.NAS-IP-Address}
AND NASPort = %{request.NAS-Port}
$config->{'accounting_update_query'} = '
AcctSessionTime = %{query.Acct-Session-Time},
AcctInputOctets = %{query.Acct-Input-Octets},
AcctInputGigawords = %{query.Acct-Input-Gigawords},
AcctInputPackets = %{query.Acct-Input-Packets},
AcctOutputOctets = %{query.Acct-Output-Octets},
AcctOutputGigawords = %{query.Acct-Output-Gigawords},
AcctOutputPackets = %{query.Acct-Output-Packets},
AcctStatusType = %{request.Acct-Status-Type}
Username = %{user.Username}
AND AcctSessionID = %{request.Acct-Session-Id}
AND NASIPAddress = %{request.NAS-IP-Address}
AND NASPort = %{request.NAS-Port}
AND PeriodKey = %{query.PeriodKey}
$config->{'accounting_stop_status_query'} = '
AcctStatusType = %{request.Acct-Status-Type},
AcctTerminateCause = %{request.Acct-Terminate-Cause}
Username = %{user.Username}
AND AcctSessionID = %{request.Acct-Session-Id}
AND NASIPAddress = %{request.NAS-IP-Address}
AND NASPort = %{request.NAS-Port}
$config->{'accounting_usage_query'} = '
SUM(AcctInputOctets) AS AcctInputOctets,
SUM(AcctOutputOctets) AS AcctOutputOctets,
SUM(AcctInputGigawords) AS AcctInputGigawords,
SUM(AcctOutputGigawords) AS AcctOutputGigawords,
SUM(AcctSessionTime) AS AcctSessionTime
Username = %{user.Username}
AND PeriodKey = %{query.PeriodKey}
$config->{'accounting_usage_query_period'} = '
SUM(AcctInputOctets) AS AcctInputOctets,
SUM(AcctOutputOctets) AS AcctOutputOctets,
SUM(AcctInputGigawords) AS AcctInputGigawords,
SUM(AcctOutputGigawords) AS AcctOutputGigawords,
SUM(AcctSessionTime) AS AcctSessionTime
Username = %{user.Username}
AND EventTimestamp > %{query.PeriodKey}
$config->{'accounting_select_duplicates_query'} = '
Username = %{user.Username}
AND AcctSessionID = %{request.Acct-Session-Id}
AND NASIPAddress = %{request.NAS-IP-Address}
AND NASPort = %{request.NAS-Port}
AND PeriodKey = %{query.PeriodKey}
$config->{'accounting_delete_duplicates_query'} = '
ID = %{query.DuplicateID}
$config->{'accounting_usage_cache_time'} = 300;
# Setup SQL queries
if (defined($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'})) {
# Pull in queries
if (defined($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_start_query'}) &&
$scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_start_query'} ne "") {
if (ref($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_start_query'}) eq "ARRAY") {
$config->{'accounting_start_query'} = join(' ',
} else {
$config->{'accounting_start_query'} = $scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_start_query'};
if (defined($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_update_get_records_query'}) &&
$scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_update_get_records_query'} ne "") {
if (ref($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_update_get_records_query'}) eq "ARRAY") {
$config->{'accounting_update_get_records_query'} = join(' ',
} else {
$config->{'accounting_update_get_records_query'} = $scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_update_get_records_query'};
if (defined($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_update_query'}) &&
$scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_update_query'} ne "") {
if (ref($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_update_query'}) eq "ARRAY") {
$config->{'accounting_update_query'} = join(' ',
} else {
$config->{'accounting_update_query'} = $scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_update_query'};
if (defined($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_stop_status_query'}) &&
$scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_stop_status_query'} ne "") {
if (ref($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_stop_status_query'}) eq "ARRAY") {
$config->{'accounting_stop_status_query'} = join(' ',
} else {
$config->{'accounting_stop_status_query'} = $scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_stop_status_query'};
if (defined($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_usage_query'}) &&
$scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_usage_query'} ne "") {
if (ref($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_usage_query'}) eq "ARRAY") {
$config->{'accounting_usage_query'} = join(' ',
} else {
$config->{'accounting_usage_query'} = $scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_usage_query'};
if (defined($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_usage_query_period'}) &&
$scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_usage_query_period'} ne "") {
if (ref($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_usage_query_period'}) eq "ARRAY") {
$config->{'accounting_usage_query_period'} = join(' ',
} else {
$config->{'accounting_usage_query_period'} = $scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_usage_query_period'};
if (defined($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_select_duplicates_query'}) &&
$scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_select_duplicates_query'} ne "") {
if (ref($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_select_duplicates_query'}) eq "ARRAY") {
$config->{'accounting_select_duplicates_query'} = join(' ',
} else {
$config->{'accounting_select_duplicates_query'} = $scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_select_duplicates_query'};
if (defined($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_delete_duplicates_query'}) &&
$scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_delete_duplicates_query'} ne "") {
if (ref($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_delete_duplicates_query'}) eq "ARRAY") {
$config->{'accounting_delete_duplicates_query'} = join(' ',
} else {
$config->{'accounting_delete_duplicates_query'} = $scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_delete_duplicates_query'};
if (defined($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}->{'accounting_usage_cache_time'})) {
# Check if we're a boolean
if (defined(my $val = isBoolean($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}{'accounting_usage_cache_time'}))) {
# If val is true, we default to the default anyway
# We're disabled
if (!$val) {
$config->{'accounting_usage_cache_time'} = undef;
# We *could* have a value...
} elsif ($scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}{'accounting_usage_cache_time'} =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
$config->{'accounting_usage_cache_time'} = $scfg->{'mod_accounting_sql'}{'accounting_usage_cache_time'};
} else {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Value for 'accounting_usage_cache_time' is invalid");
# Log this for info sake
if (defined($config->{'accounting_usage_cache_time'})) {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] getUsage caching ENABLED, cache time is %ds.",
} else {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] getUsage caching DISABLED");
# Function to get radius user data usage
# The 'period' parameter is optional and is the number of days to return usage for
sub getUsage
my ($server,$user,$packet,$period) = @_;
# Build template
my $template;
foreach my $attr ($packet->attributes) {
$template->{'request'}->{$attr} = $packet->rawattr($attr)
# Add user details
$template->{'user'}->{'ID'} = $user->{'ID'};
$template->{'user'}->{'Username'} = $user->{'Username'};
# Current PeriodKey, this is used for non-$period queries
my $now = DateTime->now->set_time_zone($server->{'smradius'}->{'event_timezone'});
# Query template to use below
my $queryTemplate;
# If we're doing a query for a specific period
if (defined($period)) {
# We need to switch out the query to the period query
$queryTemplate = "accounting_usage_query_period";
# Grab a clone of now, and create the start date DateTime object
my $startDate = $now->clone->subtract( 'days' => $period );
# And we add the start date
$template->{'query'}->{'PeriodKey'} = $startDate->ymd();
# If not, we just use PeriodKey as normal...
} else {
# Set the normal PeriodKey query template to use
$queryTemplate = "accounting_usage_query";
# And set the period key to this month
$template->{'query'}->{'PeriodKey'} = $now->strftime("%Y-%m");
# If we using caching, check how old the result is
if (defined($config->{'accounting_usage_cache_time'})) {
my ($res,$val) = cacheGetComplexKeyPair('mod_accounting_sql(getUsage)',$user->{'Username'}."/".
if (defined($val) && $val->{'CachedUntil'} > $user->{'_Internal'}->{'Timestamp-Unix'}) {
return $val;
# Replace template entries
my (@dbDoParams) = templateReplace($config->{$queryTemplate},$template);
# Fetch data
my $sth = DBSelect(@dbDoParams);
if (!$sth) {
$server->log(LOG_ERR,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Database query failed: %s",AWITPT::DB::DBLayer::error());
# Our usage hash
my %usageTotals;
$usageTotals{'TotalSessionTime'} = Math::BigInt->new(0);
$usageTotals{'TotalDataInput'} = Math::BigInt->new(0);
$usageTotals{'TotalDataOutput'} = Math::BigInt->new(0);
# Pull in usage and add up
while (my $row = hashifyLCtoMC($sth->fetchrow_hashref(),
qw(AcctSessionTime AcctInputOctets AcctInputGigawords AcctOutputOctets AcctOutputGigawords)
)) {
# Look for session time
if (defined($row->{'AcctSessionTime'}) && $row->{'AcctSessionTime'} > 0) {
# Add input usage if we have any
if (defined($row->{'AcctInputOctets'}) && $row->{'AcctInputOctets'} > 0) {
if (defined($row->{'AcctInputGigawords'}) && $row->{'AcctInputGigawords'} > 0) {
my $inputGigawords = Math::BigInt->new($row->{'AcctInputGigawords'});
# Add output usage if we have any
if (defined($row->{'AcctOutputOctets'}) && $row->{'AcctOutputOctets'} > 0) {
if (defined($row->{'AcctOutputGigawords'}) && $row->{'AcctOutputGigawords'} > 0) {
my $outputGigawords = Math::BigInt->new($row->{'AcctOutputGigawords'});
# Convert to bigfloat for accuracy
my $totalData = Math::BigFloat->new(0);
my $totalTime = Math::BigFloat->new(0);
# Rounding up
my %res;
$res{'TotalDataUsage'} = $totalData->bdiv(1024)->bdiv(1024)->bceil()->bstr();
$res{'TotalSessionTime'} = $totalTime->bdiv(60)->bceil()->bstr();
# If we using caching and got here, it means that we must cache the result
if (defined($config->{'accounting_usage_cache_time'})) {
$res{'CachedUntil'} = $user->{'_Internal'}->{'Timestamp-Unix'} + $config->{'accounting_usage_cache_time'};
# Cache the result
return \%res;
## @log
# Try find a user
# @param server Server object
# @param user User object
# @param packet Radius packet
# @return Result
sub acct_log
my ($server,$user,$packet) = @_;
# Build template
my $template;
foreach my $attr ($packet->attributes) {
$template->{'request'}->{$attr} = $packet->rawattr($attr);
# Fix event timestamp
$template->{'request'}->{'Timestamp'} = $user->{'_Internal'}->{'Timestamp'};
# Add user details
$template->{'user'}->{'ID'} = $user->{'ID'};
$template->{'user'}->{'Username'} = $user->{'Username'};
# Current PeriodKey
my $now = DateTime->now->set_time_zone($server->{'smradius'}->{'event_timezone'});
my $periodKey = $now->strftime("%Y-%m");
# For our queries
$template->{'query'}->{'PeriodKey'} = $periodKey;
# Default to being a new period, only if we update on INTERIM or STOP do we set this to 0
my $newPeriod = 1;
# U P D A T E & S T O P P A C K E T
if ($packet->rawattr('Acct-Status-Type') eq "2" || $packet->rawattr('Acct-Status-Type') eq "3") {
# Replace template entries
my @dbDoParams = templateReplace($config->{'accounting_update_get_records_query'},$template);
# Fetch previous records of the same session
my $sth = DBSelect(@dbDoParams);
if (!$sth) {
$server->log(LOG_ERR,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Database query failed: %s",AWITPT::DB::DBLayer::error());
# Convert session total gigawords into bytes
my $totalInputBytes = Math::BigInt->new($template->{'request'}->{'Acct-Input-Gigawords'});
my $totalOutputBytes = Math::BigInt->new($template->{'request'}->{'Acct-Output-Gigawords'});
# Add byte counters
# Packets, no conversion
my $totalInputPackets = Math::BigInt->new($template->{'request'}->{'Acct-Input-Packets'});
my $totalOutputPackets = Math::BigInt->new($template->{'request'}->{'Acct-Output-Packets'});
# We don't need bigint here, but why not ... lets keep everything standard
my $totalSessionTime = Math::BigInt->new($template->{'request'}->{'Acct-Session-Time'});
# Loop through previous records and subtract them from our session totals
while (my $sessionPart = hashifyLCtoMC($sth->fetchrow_hashref(),
qw(AcctInputOctets AcctInputPackets AcctOutputOctets AcctOutputPackets AcctInputGigawords AcctOutputGigawords
SessionTime PeriodKey)
)) {
# Make sure we treat undef values sort of sanely
$sessionPart->{'AcctInputGigawords'} //= 0;
$sessionPart->{'AcctInputOctets'} //= 0;
$sessionPart->{'AcctOutputGigawords'} //= 0;
$sessionPart->{'AcctOutputOctets'} //= 0;
$sessionPart->{'AcctInputPackets'} //= 0;
$sessionPart->{'AcctOutputPackets'} //= 0;
$sessionPart->{'AcctSessionTime'} //= 0;
# Convert the gigawords into bytes
my $sessionInputBytes = Math::BigInt->new($sessionPart->{'AcctInputGigawords'});
my $sessionOutputBytes = Math::BigInt->new($sessionPart->{'AcctOutputGigawords'});
# Add the byte counters
# And packets
my $sessionInputPackets = Math::BigInt->new($sessionPart->{'AcctInputPackets'});
my $sessionOutputPackets = Math::BigInt->new($sessionPart->{'AcctOutputPackets'});
# Finally session time
my $sessionSessionTime = Math::BigInt->new($sessionPart->{'AcctSessionTime'});
# Check if this record is from an earlier period
if (defined($sessionPart->{'PeriodKey'}) && $sessionPart->{'PeriodKey'} ne $periodKey) {
# Subtract from our total, we can hit NEG!!! ... we check for that below
# We need to continue this session in a new entry
$newPeriod = 1;
# Sanitize
if ($totalInputBytes->is_neg()) {
if ($totalOutputBytes->is_neg()) {
if ($totalInputPackets->is_neg()) {
if ($totalOutputPackets->is_neg()) {
if ($totalSessionTime->is_neg()) {
# Re-calculate
my ($inputGigawordsStr,$inputOctetsStr) = $totalInputBytes->bdiv(GIGAWORD_VALUE);
my ($outputGigawordsStr,$outputOctetsStr) = $totalOutputBytes->bdiv(GIGAWORD_VALUE);
# Conversion to strings
$template->{'query'}->{'Acct-Input-Gigawords'} = $inputGigawordsStr->bstr();
$template->{'query'}->{'Acct-Input-Octets'} = $inputOctetsStr->bstr();
$template->{'query'}->{'Acct-Output-Gigawords'} = $outputGigawordsStr->bstr();
$template->{'query'}->{'Acct-Output-Octets'} = $outputOctetsStr->bstr();
$template->{'query'}->{'Acct-Input-Packets'} = $totalInputPackets->bstr();
$template->{'query'}->{'Acct-Output-Packets'} = $totalOutputPackets->bstr();
$template->{'query'}->{'Acct-Session-Time'} = $totalSessionTime->bstr();
# Replace template entries
@dbDoParams = templateReplace($config->{'accounting_update_query'},$template);
# Update database
$sth = DBDo(@dbDoParams);
if (!$sth) {
$server->log(LOG_ERR,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Failed to update accounting ALIVE record: ".
return MOD_RES_NACK;
# If we updated *something* ...
if ($sth ne "0E0") {
# Be very sneaky .... if we updated something, this is obviously NOT a new period
$newPeriod = 0;
# If we updated a few things ... possibly duplicates?
if ($sth > 1) {
fixDuplicates($server, $template);
# S T A R T P A C K E T
# Possible aswell if we are missing a start packet for this session or for the period
if ($packet->rawattr('Acct-Status-Type') eq "1" || $newPeriod) {
# Replace template entries
my @dbDoParams = templateReplace($config->{'accounting_start_query'},$template);
# Insert into database
my $sth = DBDo(@dbDoParams);
if (!$sth) {
$server->log(LOG_ERR,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Failed to insert accounting START record: ".
return MOD_RES_NACK;
# Update first login?
if (defined($user->{'_UserDB'}->{'Users_data_get'}) && defined($user->{'_UserDB'}->{'Users_data_set'})) {
# Try get his first login
my $firstLogin = $user->{'_UserDB'}->{'Users_data_get'}($server,$user,'global','FirstLogin');
# If we don't get it, set it
if (!defined($firstLogin)) {
# S T O P P A C K E T specifics
if ($packet->rawattr('Acct-Status-Type') eq "2") {
# Replace template entries
my @dbDoParams = templateReplace($config->{'accounting_stop_status_query'},$template);
# Update database (status)
my $sth = DBDo(@dbDoParams);
if (!$sth) {
$server->log(LOG_ERR,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Failed to update accounting STOP record: %s",AWITPT::DB::DBLayer::error());
return MOD_RES_NACK;
return MOD_RES_ACK;
# Resolve duplicate records
sub fixDuplicates
my ($server, $template) = @_;
# Replace template entries
my @dbDoParams = templateReplace($config->{'accounting_select_duplicates_query'},$template);
# Select duplicates
my $sth = DBSelect(@dbDoParams);
if (!$sth) {
$server->log(LOG_ERR,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Database query failed: %s",AWITPT::DB::DBLayer::error());
# Pull in duplicates
my @IDList;
while (my $duplicates = hashifyLCtoMC($sth->fetchrow_hashref(), qw(ID))) {
# Loop through IDs and delete
foreach my $duplicateID (@IDList) {
# Add ID list to the template
$template->{'query'}->{'DuplicateID'} = $duplicateID;
# Replace template entries
@dbDoParams = templateReplace($config->{'accounting_delete_duplicates_query'},$template);
# Delete duplicates
$sth = DBDo(@dbDoParams);
if (!$sth) {
$server->log(LOG_ERR,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Database query failed: %s",AWITPT::DB::DBLayer::error());
# Commit changes to the database
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Duplicate accounting records deleted");
# Add up totals function
sub cleanup
my ($server,$runForDate) = @_;
# The datetime now
my $now = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $runForDate)->set_time_zone($server->{'smradius'}->{'event_timezone'});
# Use truncate to set all values after 'month' to their default values
my $thisMonth = $now->clone()->truncate( to => "month" );
# Last month..
my $lastMonth = $thisMonth->clone()->subtract( months => 1 );
my $prevPeriodKey = $lastMonth->strftime("%Y-%m");
# Begin transaction
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Cleanup => Removing previous accounting summaries (if any)");
# Delete duplicate records
my $sth = DBDo('
STR_TO_DATE(PeriodKey,"%Y-%m") >= ?',
if (!$sth) {
$server->log(LOG_ERR,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Cleanup => Failed to delete accounting summary record: ".
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Cleanup => Generating accounting summaries");
# Select totals for last month
$sth = DBSelect('
PeriodKey = ?
if (!$sth) {
$server->log(LOG_ERR,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Cleanup => Failed to select accounting record: ".
# Load items into array
my %usageTotals;
while (my $row = hashifyLCtoMC($sth->fetchrow_hashref(),
qw(Username AcctSessionTime AcctInputOctets AcctInputGigawords AcctOutputOctets AcctOutputGigawords)
)) {
# check if we've seen this user, if so just add up
if (defined($usageTotals{$row->{'Username'}})) {
# Look for session time
if (defined($row->{'AcctSessionTime'}) && $row->{'AcctSessionTime'} > 0) {
# Add input usage if we have any
if (defined($row->{'AcctInputOctets'}) && $row->{'AcctInputOctets'} > 0) {
if (defined($row->{'AcctInputGigawords'}) && $row->{'AcctInputGigawords'} > 0) {
my $inputGigawords = Math::BigInt->new($row->{'AcctInputGigawords'});
# Add output usage if we have any
if (defined($row->{'AcctOutputOctets'}) && $row->{'AcctOutputOctets'} > 0) {
if (defined($row->{'AcctOutputGigawords'}) && $row->{'AcctOutputGigawords'} > 0) {
my $outputGigawords = Math::BigInt->new($row->{'AcctOutputGigawords'});
# This is a new record...
} else {
# Make BigInts for this user
$usageTotals{$row->{'Username'}}{'TotalSessionTime'} = Math::BigInt->new(0);
$usageTotals{$row->{'Username'}}{'TotalDataInput'} = Math::BigInt->new(0);
$usageTotals{$row->{'Username'}}{'TotalDataOutput'} = Math::BigInt->new(0);
# Look for session time
if (defined($row->{'AcctSessionTime'}) && $row->{'AcctSessionTime'} > 0) {
# Add input usage if we have any
if (defined($row->{'AcctInputOctets'}) && $row->{'AcctInputOctets'} > 0) {
if (defined($row->{'AcctInputGigawords'}) && $row->{'AcctInputGigawords'} > 0) {
my $inputGigawords = Math::BigInt->new($row->{'AcctInputGigawords'});
# Add output usage if we have any
if (defined($row->{'AcctOutputOctets'}) && $row->{'AcctOutputOctets'} > 0) {
if (defined($row->{'AcctOutputGigawords'}) && $row->{'AcctOutputGigawords'} > 0) {
my $outputGigawords = Math::BigInt->new($row->{'AcctOutputGigawords'});
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Cleanup => Creating new accounting summaries");
# Loop through users and insert totals
foreach my $username (keys %usageTotals) {
# Convert to bigfloat for accuracy
my $totalDataOutput = Math::BigFloat->new($usageTotals{$username}{'TotalDataOutput'});
my $totalDataInput = Math::BigFloat->new($usageTotals{$username}{'TotalDataInput'});
my $totalTime = Math::BigFloat->new($usageTotals{$username}{'TotalSessionTime'});
# Rounding up
my $res;
$res->{'TotalDataInput'} = $totalDataInput->bdiv(1024)->bdiv(1024)->bceil()->bstr();
$res->{'TotalDataOutput'} = $totalDataOutput->bdiv(1024)->bdiv(1024)->bceil()->bstr();
$res->{'TotalSessionTime'} = $totalTime->bdiv(60)->bceil()->bstr();
# Do query
$sth = DBDo('
if (!$sth) {
$server->log(LOG_ERR,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Cleanup => Failed to create accounting summary record: ".
# Lets log
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Cleanup => INSERT: Username = '%s', PeriodKey = '%s', ".
"TotalSessionTime = '%s', TotalInput = '%s', TotalOutput = '%s'", $username, $prevPeriodKey,
$res->{'TotalSessionTime'}, $res->{'TotalDataInput'}, $res->{'TotalDataOutput'});
# Commit if succeeded
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_ACCOUNTING_SQL] Cleanup => Accounting summaries created");
# vim: ts=4
# Test accounting database
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2016, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
......@@ -99,15 +99,18 @@ Acct-Delay-Time: %{accounting.Acct-Delay-Time}
foreach my $attr ($packet->attributes) {
$template->{'accounting'}->{$attr} = $packet->attr($attr)
$template->{'user'} = $user;
if ($packet->attr('Acct-Status-Type') eq "Start") {
# Add user details
$template->{'user'}->{'ID'} = $user->{'ID'};
$template->{'user'}->{'Username'} = $user->{'Username'};
if ($packet->rawattr('Acct-Status-Type') eq "1") {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"Start Packet: ".$packet->dump());
} elsif ($packet->attr('Acct-Status-Type') eq "Alive") {
} elsif ($packet->rawattr('Acct-Status-Type') eq "3") {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"Alive Packet: ".$packet->dump());
} elsif ($packet->attr('Acct-Status-Type') eq "Stop") {
} elsif ($packet->rawattr('Acct-Status-Type') eq "2") {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"Stop Packet: ".$packet->dump());
# CHAP authentication
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2015, AllWorldIT
# References:
# RFC1944 - PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)
# SMRadius config information
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009, AllWorldIT
# MAC Authentication
# Copyright (C) 2007-2015, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
## @class smradius::config
# Configuration handling class
package smradius::config;
package smradius::modules::authentication::mod_auth_macauth;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Modules we need
use smradius::attributes;
use smradius::constants;
use smradius::logging;
# Exporter stuff
require Exporter;
our (@ISA,@EXPORT);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
use smradius::logging;
# Plugin info
our $pluginInfo = {
Name => "MAC Authentication",
Init => \&init,
# Authentication
Authentication_try => \&authenticate,
# Our vars
my $config;
## @fn Init($server)
# Initialize this module with a server object
# @param server Server object we need to setup
sub Init
## @internal
# Initialize module
sub init
my $server = shift;
# Setup configuration
$config = $server->{'inifile'};
my $db;
$db->{'DSN'} = $config->{'database'}{'dsn'};
$db->{'Username'} = $config->{'database'}{'username'};
$db->{'Password'} = $config->{'database'}{'password'};
$db->{'enabled'} = 0;
## @authenticate
# Try authenticate user
# @param server Server object
# @param user User hash
# @param packet Radius packet
# @return Result
sub authenticate
my ($server,$user,$packet) = @_;
# Check we have all the config we need
if (!defined($db->{'DSN'})) {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"smradius/ No 'DSN' defined in config file for 'database'");
$server->{'smradius'}{'database'} = $db;
# This is not a MAC authentication request
if ($user->{'_UserDB'}->{'Name'} ne "SQL User Database (MAC authentication)") {
return MOD_RES_SKIP;
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[MOD_AUTH_MACAUTH] This is a MAC authentication request");
## @fn getConfig
# Get the config hash
# @return Hash ref of all our config items
sub getConfig
return $config;
return MOD_RES_ACK;
# vim: ts=4
# Microsoft CHAP version 1 and 2 support
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2015, AllWorldIT
# References:
# RFC1994 - PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)
# RFC2443 - Microsoft PPP CHAP Extensions
# RFC2759 - Microsoft PPP CHAP Extensions, Version 2
# RFC2548 - Microsoft Vendor-specific RADIUS Attributes
# RFC3079 - Deriving Keys for use with Microsoft Point-to-Point
# Encryption (MPPE)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -36,8 +38,9 @@ use smradius::constants;
use smradius::logging;
use Crypt::DES;
use Crypt::RC4;
use Digest::SHA1;
use Digest::SHA;
use Digest::MD4 qw( md4 );
use Digest::MD5 qw( );
# Don't use unicode
use bytes;
......@@ -48,6 +51,8 @@ require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
......@@ -57,8 +62,6 @@ our (@ISA,@EXPORT,@EXPORT_OK);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
use constant {
......@@ -142,22 +145,29 @@ sub authenticate
my $challenge = @{$rawChallenge}[0];
my $response = substr(@{$rawResponse}[0],2);
# print(STDERR "RECEIVED\n");
# print(STDERR "Challenge: len = ".length($challenge).", hex = ".unpack("H*",$challenge)."\n");
# print(STDERR "Reponse : len = ".length($response).", hex = ".unpack("H*",$response)."\n");
# print(STDERR "\n\n");
# print(STDERR "CHOPPED OFFF!!\n");
# Chop off NtResponse
my $NtResponse = substr($response,24,24);
# print(STDERR "NTRespons: len = ".length($NtResponse).", hex = ".unpack("H*",$NtResponse)."\n");
# print(STDERR "\n\n");
# print(STDERR "TEST\n");
# Generate our response
my $ourResponse = NtChallengeResponse($challenge,$unicodePassword);
# print(STDERR "Calculate: len = ".length($ourResponse).", hex = ".unpack("H*",$ourResponse)."\n");
# print(STDERR "\n\n");
# MPPE Code
my $NtPasswordHash = NtPasswordHash($unicodePassword);
my $HashNtPasswordHash = HashNtPasswordHash($NtPasswordHash);
my $sendkey = pack("x8a16",$HashNtPasswordHash);
my $recvkey;
setReplyVAttribute($server,$user->{'ReplyVAttributes'}, {
'Vendor' => 311,
'Name' => 'MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys',
'Operator' => ":=",
'Value' => $sendkey
# Check responses match
if ($NtResponse eq $ourResponse) {
......@@ -174,29 +184,13 @@ sub authenticate
my $ident = unpack("C", substr(@{$rawResponse2}[0],0,1));
my $response = substr(@{$rawResponse2}[0],2);
# print(STDERR "RECEIVED\n");
# print(STDERR "Challenge: len = ".length($challenge).", hex = ".unpack("H*",$challenge)."\n");
# print(STDERR "Ident : $ident\n");
# print(STDERR "Response : len = ".length($response).", hex = ".unpack("H*",$response)."\n");
# print(STDERR "\n\n");
# print(STDERR "CHOPPED OFFF!!\n");
# Grab peer challenge and response
my $peerChallenge = substr($response,0,16);
my $NtResponse = substr($response,24,24);
# print(STDERR "PeerChallenge: len = ".length($peerChallenge).", hex = ".unpack("H*",$peerChallenge)."\n");
# print(STDERR "NTResponse: len = ".length($NtResponse).", hex = ".unpack("H*",$NtResponse)."\n");
# print(STDERR "\n\n");
# print(STDERR "TEST\n");
# Generate our challenge and our response
my $ourChallenge = ChallengeHash($peerChallenge,$challenge,$username);
my $ourResponse = NtChallengeResponse($ourChallenge,$unicodePassword);
# print(STDERR "OurChallenge: len = ".length($ourChallenge).", hex = ".unpack("H*",$ourChallenge)."\n");
# print(STDERR "OurResponse: len = ".length($ourResponse).", hex = ".unpack("H*",$ourResponse)."\n");
# print(STDERR "\n\n");
# Check response match
if ($NtResponse eq $ourResponse) {
......@@ -204,8 +198,57 @@ sub authenticate
my $authenticatorResponse = pack("C",$ident) . GenerateAuthenticatorResponse($unicodePassword,$ourResponse,
# print(STDERR "Authenticator Response: len = ".length($authenticatorResponse).
# ", hex = ".unpack("H*",$authenticatorResponse)."\n");
# MPPE Code
my $NtPasswordHash = NtPasswordHash($unicodePassword);
my $HashNtPasswordHash = HashNtPasswordHash($NtPasswordHash);
# Create master key
my $MasterKey = GetMasterKey($HashNtPasswordHash,$NtResponse);
# Create MPPE keys
my $mppe_sendKey = GetAsymmetricStartKey($MasterKey,16,1,1);
my $mppe_recvKey = GetAsymmetricStartKey($MasterKey,16,1,0);
# Generate salts ... this should be in its own module and salt_offset should be global
my $salt_offset = 0;
my $salt1 = pack("C2",(0x80 | ( (($salt_offset++) & 0x0f) << 3) |
(rand(255) & 0x07)),rand(255));
my $salt2 = pack("C2",(0x80 | ( (($salt_offset++) & 0x0f) << 3) |
(rand(255) & 0x07)),rand(255));
# Encode keys
my $mppe_sendKey_e = mppe_encode_key(
my $mppe_recvKey_e = mppe_encode_key(
# Finally setup arguments
setReplyVAttribute($server,$user->{'ReplyVAttributes'}, {
'Vendor' => 311,
'Name' => 'MS-MPPE-Recv-Key',
'Operator' => ":=",
'Value' => $mppe_recvKey_e
setReplyVAttribute($server,$user->{'ReplyVAttributes'}, {
'Vendor' => 311,
'Name' => 'MS-MPPE-Send-Key',
'Operator' => ":=",
'Value' => $mppe_sendKey_e
setReplyVAttribute($server,$user->{'ReplyVAttributes'}, {
'Vendor' => 311,
......@@ -285,7 +328,7 @@ sub ChallengeHash
# SHA encryption
my $sha = Digest::SHA1->new();
my $sha = Digest::SHA->new();
......@@ -522,7 +565,7 @@ sub GenerateAuthenticatorResponse
my $PasswordHashHash = HashNtPasswordHash($PasswordHash);
# SHA encryption
my $sha = Digest::SHA1->new();
my $sha = Digest::SHA->new();
foreach my $item (@Magic1) {
......@@ -532,7 +575,7 @@ sub GenerateAuthenticatorResponse
my $Challenge = ChallengeHash($PeerChallenge, $AuthenticatorChallenge, $UserName);
$sha = Digest::SHA1->new();
$sha = Digest::SHA->new();
foreach my $item (@Magic2) {
......@@ -769,5 +812,220 @@ sub NtChallengeResponse {
# RFC 3079
# IN 16-octet PasswordHashHash,
# IN 24-octet NTResponse,
# OUT 16-octet MasterKey )
# 20-octet Digest
# ZeroMemory(Digest, sizeof(Digest));
# /*
# * SHSInit(), SHSUpdate() and SHSFinal()
# * are an implementation of the Secure Hash Standard [7].
# */
# SHSInit(Context);
# SHSUpdate(Context, PasswordHashHash, 16);
# SHSUpdate(Context, NTResponse, 24);
# SHSUpdate(Context, Magic1, 27);
# SHSFinal(Context, Digest);
# MoveMemory(MasterKey, Digest, 16);
sub GetMasterKey
my ($PasswordHashHash,$NTResponse) = @_;
# "Magic" constants used in key derivations - in hex
my @Magic1 =
("54", "68", "69", "73", "20", "69", "73", "20", "74",
"68", "65", "20", "4d", "50", "50", "45", "20", "4d",
"61", "73", "74", "65", "72", "20", "4b", "65", "79");
my $sha = Digest::SHA->new();
foreach my $item (@Magic1) {
my $Digest = $sha->digest();
# Cut off MasterKey
my $MasterKey = substr($Digest,0,16);
return $MasterKey;
# IN 16-octet MasterKey,
# OUT 8-to-16 octet SessionKey,
# IN INTEGER SessionKeyLength,
# IN BOOLEAN IsServer )
# 20-octet Digest;
# ZeroMemory(Digest, 20);
# if (IsSend) {
# if (IsServer) {
# s = Magic3
# } else {
# s = Magic2
# }
# } else {
# if (IsServer) {
# s = Magic2
# } else {
# s = Magic3
# }
# }
# /*
# * SHSInit(), SHSUpdate() and SHSFinal()
# * are an implementation of the Secure Hash Standard [7].
# */
# SHSInit(Context);
# SHSUpdate(Context, MasterKey, 16);
# SHSUpdate(Context, SHSpad1, 40);
# SHSUpdate(Context, s, 84);
# SHSUpdate(Context, SHSpad2, 40);
# SHSFinal(Context, Digest);
# MoveMemory(SessionKey, Digest, SessionKeyLength);
sub GetAsymmetricStartKey
my ($MasterKey,$SessionKeyLength,$IsSend,$IsServer) = @_;
# "Magic" constants used in key derivations - in hex
my @Magic2 =
("4f", "6e", "20", "74", "68", "65", "20", "63", "6c", "69",
"65", "6e", "74", "20", "73", "69", "64", "65", "2c", "20",
"74", "68", "69", "73", "20", "69", "73", "20", "74", "68",
"65", "20", "73", "65", "6e", "64", "20", "6b", "65", "79",
"3b", "20", "6f", "6e", "20", "74", "68", "65", "20", "73",
"65", "72", "76", "65", "72", "20", "73", "69", "64", "65",
"2c", "20", "69", "74", "20", "69", "73", "20", "74", "68",
"65", "20", "72", "65", "63", "65", "69", "76", "65", "20",
"6b", "65", "79", "2e");
my @Magic3 =
("4f", "6e", "20", "74", "68", "65", "20", "63", "6c", "69",
"65", "6e", "74", "20", "73", "69", "64", "65", "2c", "20",
"74", "68", "69", "73", "20", "69", "73", "20", "74", "68",
"65", "20", "72", "65", "63", "65", "69", "76", "65", "20",
"6b", "65", "79", "3b", "20", "6f", "6e", "20", "74", "68",
"65", "20", "73", "65", "72", "76", "65", "72", "20", "73",
"69", "64", "65", "2c", "20", "69", "74", "20", "69", "73",
"20", "74", "68", "65", "20", "73", "65", "6e", "64", "20",
"6b", "65", "79", "2e");
# Pads used in key derivation - in hex
my @SHSpad1 =
("00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00",
"00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00",
"00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00",
"00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00");
my @SHSpad2 =
("f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2",
"f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2",
"f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2",
"f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2", "f2");
my @s;
if ($IsSend) {
if ($IsServer) {
@s = @Magic3;
} else {
@s = @Magic2;
} else {
if ($IsServer) {
@s = @Magic2;
} else {
@s = @Magic3;
my $sha = Digest::SHA->new();
foreach my $item (@SHSpad1) {
foreach my $item (@s) {
foreach my $item (@SHSpad2) {
my $digest = $sha->digest();
# Cut off SessionKey
my $SessionKey = substr($digest,0,$SessionKeyLength);
return $SessionKey;
# Function to encode a key
sub mppe_encode_key
my ($secret,$vector,$salt,$enckey) = @_;
# Ok, to do this we need the length of the key first
my @plain = (
16, # Length
# Create our first digest
my $sha = Digest::MD5->new();
# Unpack digest for calculation
my @buf = unpack("C*",$sha->digest());
# Calculate
for(my $i=0; $i < 16; $i++) {
$plain[$i] ^= $buf[$i];
# Second round
$sha = Digest::MD5->new();
# Add the values we calculated above
for (my $i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
# Unpack digest for calculation
@buf = unpack("C*",$sha->digest());
# Calculate
for (my $i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
$plain[$i+16] ^= $buf[$i];
# Pack salt, and result
my $key = pack("a2C32",$salt,@plain);
return $key;
# vim: ts=4
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009, AllWorldIT
# Copyright (C) 2007-2015, AllWorldIT
# References:
# RFC1334 - PPP Authentication Protocols
......@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ sub authenticate
# Check if this is PAP authentication
return MOD_RES_SKIP if (!defined($encPassword));
# Skip MAC authentication
return MOD_RES_SKIP if ($user->{'_UserDB'}->{'Name'} eq "SQL User Database (MAC authentication)");
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[MOD_AUTH_PAP] This is a PAP authentication request");
# Capping support
# Copyright (C) 2007-2019, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package smradius::modules::features::mod_feature_capping;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Modules we need
use smradius::attributes;
use smradius::constants;
use smradius::logging;
use smradius::util;
use AWITPT::Util;
use List::Util qw( min );
use MIME::Lite;
use POSIX qw( floor );
# Set our version
our $VERSION = "0.0.1";
# Load exporter
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
# Plugin info
our $pluginInfo = {
Name => "User Capping Feature",
Init => \&init,
# Authentication hook
'Feature_Post-Authentication_hook' => \&post_auth_hook,
# Accounting hook
'Feature_Post-Accounting_hook' => \&post_acct_hook,
# Some constants
my $TRAFFIC_LIMIT_ATTRIBUTE = 'SMRadius-Capping-Traffic-Limit';
my $UPTIME_LIMIT_ATTRIBUTE = 'SMRadius-Capping-Uptime-Limit';
my $TRAFFIC_TOPUP_ATTRIBUTE = 'SMRadius-Capping-Traffic-Topup';
my $TIME_TOPUP_ATTRIBUTE = 'SMRadius-Capping-Uptime-Topup';
my $config;
## @internal
# Initialize module
sub init
my $server = shift;
my $scfg = $server->{'inifile'};
# Defaults
$config->{'enable_mikrotik'} = 0;
$config->{'caveat_captrafzero'} = 0;
# Setup SQL queries
if (defined($scfg->{'mod_feature_capping'})) {
# Check if option exists
if (defined($scfg->{'mod_feature_capping'}{'enable_mikrotik'})) {
# Pull in config
if (defined(my $val = isBoolean($scfg->{'mod_feature_capping'}{'enable_mikrotik'}))) {
if ($val) {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Mikrotik-specific vendor return attributes ENABLED");
$config->{'enable_mikrotik'} = $val;
} else {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Value for 'enable_mikrotik' is invalid");
# Check if we have the caveat setting
if (defined(my $val = isBoolean($scfg->{'mod_feature_capping'}{'caveat_captrafzero'}))) {
if ($val) {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Caveat to swap '0' and -undef- for ".
"SMRadius-Capping-Traffic-Limit ENABLED");
$config->{'caveat_captrafzero'} = $val;
} else {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Value for 'caveat_captrafzero' is invalid");
## @post_auth_hook($server,$user,$packet)
# Post authentication hook
# @param server Server object
# @param user User data
# @param packet Radius packet
# @return Result
sub post_auth_hook
my ($server,$user,$packet) = @_;
# Skip MAC authentication
return MOD_RES_SKIP if ($user->{'_UserDB'}->{'Name'} eq "SQL User Database (MAC authentication)");
# Get limits from attributes
my $uptimeLimit = _getAttributeKeyLimit($server,$user,$UPTIME_LIMIT_ATTRIBUTE);
my $trafficLimit = _getAttributeKeyLimit($server,$user,$TRAFFIC_LIMIT_ATTRIBUTE);
# Swap around 0 and undef if we need to apply the captrafzero caveat
if ($config->{'caveat_captrafzero'}) {
if (!defined($uptimeLimit)) {
$uptimeLimit = 0;
} elsif ($uptimeLimit == 0) {
$uptimeLimit = undef;
if (!defined($trafficLimit)) {
$trafficLimit = 0;
} elsif ($trafficLimit == 0) {
$trafficLimit = undef;
# Get current traffic and uptime usage
my $accountingUsage = _getAccountingUsage($server,$user,$packet);
if (!defined($accountingUsage)) {
return MOD_RES_SKIP;
# Get valid traffic and uptime topups
# Check if there was any data returned at all
my $uptimeTopupAmount = _getConfigAttributeNumeric($server,$user,$TIME_TOPUP_ATTRIBUTE) // 0;
my $trafficTopupAmount = _getConfigAttributeNumeric($server,$user,$TRAFFIC_TOPUP_ATTRIBUTE) // 0;
# Set the new uptime and traffic limits (limit, if any.. + topups)
# Uptime..
# // is a defined operator, $a ? defined($a) : $b
my $uptimeLimitWithTopups = ($uptimeLimit // 0) + $uptimeTopupAmount;
# Traffic..
# // is a defined operator, $a ? defined($a) : $b
my $trafficLimitWithTopups = ($trafficLimit // 0) + $trafficTopupAmount;
# Do auto-topups for both traffic and uptime
my $autoTopupTrafficAdded = _doAutoTopup($server,$user,$accountingUsage->{'TotalDataUsage'},"traffic",
if (defined($autoTopupTrafficAdded)) {
$trafficLimitWithTopups += $autoTopupTrafficAdded;
my $autoTopupUptimeAdded = _doAutoTopup($server,$user,$accountingUsage->{'TotalSessionTime'},"uptime",
if (defined($autoTopupUptimeAdded)) {
$uptimeLimitWithTopups += $autoTopupUptimeAdded;
# Display our usages
# Add conditional variables
# Allow for capping overrides by attribute
if (defined($user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Config-Capping-Uptime-Multiplier'})) {
my $multiplier = pop(@{$user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Config-Capping-Uptime-Multiplier'}});
my $newLimit = $uptimeLimitWithTopups * $multiplier;
my $newSessionTime = $accountingUsage->{'TotalSessionTime'} * $multiplier;
$uptimeLimitWithTopups = $newLimit;
$accountingUsage->{'TotalSessionTime'} = $newSessionTime;
$server->log(LOG_INFO,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] User uptime multiplier '$multiplier' changes ".
"uptime limit ('$uptimeLimitWithTopups' => '$newLimit'), ".
"uptime usage ('".$accountingUsage->{'TotalSessionTime'}."' => '$newSessionTime')"
if (defined($user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Config-Capping-Traffic-Multiplier'})) {
my $multiplier = pop(@{$user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Config-Capping-Traffic-Multiplier'}});
my $newLimit = $trafficLimitWithTopups * $multiplier;
my $newDataUsage = $accountingUsage->{'TotalDataUsage'} * $multiplier;
$trafficLimitWithTopups = $newLimit;
$accountingUsage->{'TotalDataUsage'} = $newDataUsage;
$server->log(LOG_INFO,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] User traffic multiplier '$multiplier' changes ".
"traffic limit ('$trafficLimitWithTopups' => '$newLimit'), ".
"traffic usage ('".$accountingUsage->{'TotalDataUsage'}."' => '$newDataUsage')"
# Check if we've exceeded our limits
# Uptime...
if (defined($uptimeLimit)) {
# Check session time has not exceeded what we're allowed
if ($accountingUsage->{'TotalSessionTime'} >= $uptimeLimitWithTopups) {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Usage of ".$accountingUsage->{'TotalSessionTime'}.
"min exceeds allowed limit of ".$uptimeLimitWithTopups."min");
return MOD_RES_NACK;
# Setup limits
} else {
# Check if we returning Mikrotik vattributes
# FIXME: NK - this is not mikrotik specific
if ($config->{'enable_mikrotik'}) {
# FIXME: NK - We should cap the maximum total session time to that which is already set, if something is set
# Setup reply attributes for Mikrotik HotSpots
my %attribute = (
'Name' => 'Session-Timeout',
'Operator' => '=',
'Value' => $uptimeLimitWithTopups - $accountingUsage->{'TotalSessionTime'}
# Traffic
if (defined($trafficLimit)) {
# Capped
if ($accountingUsage->{'TotalDataUsage'} >= $trafficLimitWithTopups) {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Usage of ".$accountingUsage->{'TotalDataUsage'}.
"Mbyte exceeds allowed limit of ".$trafficLimitWithTopups."Mbyte");
return MOD_RES_NACK;
# Setup limits
} else {
# Check if we returning Mikrotik vattributes
if ($config->{'enable_mikrotik'}) {
# Get remaining traffic
my $remainingTraffic = $trafficLimitWithTopups - $accountingUsage->{'TotalDataUsage'};
my $remainingTrafficLimit = ( $remainingTraffic % 4096 ) * 1024 * 1024;
my $remainingTrafficGigawords = floor($remainingTraffic / 4096);
# Setup reply attributes for Mikrotik HotSpots
foreach my $attrName ('Recv','Xmit','Total') {
my %attribute = (
'Vendor' => 14988,
'Name' => "Mikrotik-$attrName-Limit",
'Operator' => '=',
# Gigawords leftovers
'Value' => $remainingTrafficLimit
%attribute = (
'Vendor' => 14988,
'Name' => "Mikrotik-$attrName-Limit-Gigawords",
'Operator' => '=',
# Gigawords
'Value' => $remainingTrafficGigawords
return MOD_RES_ACK;
## @post_acct_hook($server,$user,$packet)
# Post authentication hook
# @param server Server object
# @param user User data
# @param packet Radius packet
# @return Result
sub post_acct_hook
my ($server,$user,$packet) = @_;
# We cannot cap a user if we don't have a UserDB module can we? no userdb, no cap?
return MOD_RES_SKIP if (!defined($user->{'_UserDB'}->{'Name'}));
# Skip MAC authentication
return MOD_RES_SKIP if ($user->{'_UserDB'}->{'Name'} eq "SQL User Database (MAC authentication)");
# User is either connecting 'START' or disconnecting 'STOP'
return MOD_RES_SKIP if ($packet->rawattr('Acct-Status-Type') ne "1" && $packet->rawattr('Acct-Status-Type') ne "3");
# Get limits from attributes
my $uptimeLimit = _getAttributeKeyLimit($server,$user,$UPTIME_LIMIT_ATTRIBUTE);
my $trafficLimit = _getAttributeKeyLimit($server,$user,$TRAFFIC_LIMIT_ATTRIBUTE);
# Swap around 0 and undef if we need to apply the captrafzero caveat
if ($config->{'caveat_captrafzero'}) {
if (!defined($uptimeLimit)) {
$uptimeLimit = 0;
} elsif ($uptimeLimit == 0) {
$uptimeLimit = undef;
if (!defined($trafficLimit)) {
$trafficLimit = 0;
} elsif ($trafficLimit == 0) {
$trafficLimit = undef;
# Get current traffic and uptime usage
my $accountingUsage = _getAccountingUsage($server,$user,$packet);
if (!defined($accountingUsage)) {
return MOD_RES_SKIP;
# Get valid traffic and uptime topups
# Check if there was any data returned at all
my $uptimeTopupAmount = _getConfigAttributeNumeric($server,$user,$TIME_TOPUP_ATTRIBUTE) // 0;
my $trafficTopupAmount = _getConfigAttributeNumeric($server,$user,$TRAFFIC_TOPUP_ATTRIBUTE) // 0;
# Set the new uptime and traffic limits (limit, if any.. + topups)
# Uptime..
# // is a defined operator, $a ? defined($a) : $b
my $uptimeLimitWithTopups = ($uptimeLimit // 0) + $uptimeTopupAmount;
# Traffic..
# // is a defined operator, $a ? defined($a) : $b
my $trafficLimitWithTopups = ($trafficLimit // 0) + $trafficTopupAmount;
# Do auto-topups for both traffic and uptime
my $autoTopupTrafficAdded = _doAutoTopup($server,$user,$accountingUsage->{'TotalDataUsage'},"traffic",
if (defined($autoTopupTrafficAdded)) {
$trafficLimitWithTopups += $autoTopupTrafficAdded;
my $autoTopupUptimeAdded = _doAutoTopup($server,$user,$accountingUsage->{'TotalSessionTime'},"uptime",
if (defined($autoTopupUptimeAdded)) {
$uptimeLimitWithTopups += $autoTopupUptimeAdded;
# Display our usages
# Add conditional variables
# Add attribute conditionals BEFORE override
# Allow for capping overrides by user attribute
if (defined($user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Config-Capping-Uptime-Multiplier'})) {
my $multiplier = pop(@{$user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Config-Capping-Uptime-Multiplier'}});
my $newLimit = $uptimeLimitWithTopups * $multiplier;
$server->log(LOG_INFO,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] User cap uptime multiplier '$multiplier' changes limit ".
"from '$uptimeLimitWithTopups' to '$newLimit'");
$uptimeLimitWithTopups = $newLimit;
if (defined($user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Config-Capping-Traffic-Multiplier'})) {
my $multiplier = pop(@{$user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{'SMRadius-Config-Capping-Traffic-Multiplier'}});
my $newLimit = $trafficLimitWithTopups * $multiplier;
$server->log(LOG_INFO,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] User cap traffic multiplier '$multiplier' changes limit ".
"from '$trafficLimitWithTopups' to '$newLimit'");
$trafficLimitWithTopups = $newLimit;
# Check if we've exceeded our limits
# Uptime..
if (defined($uptimeLimit)) {
# Capped
if ($accountingUsage->{'TotalSessionTime'} >= $uptimeLimitWithTopups) {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Usage of ".$accountingUsage->{'TotalSessionTime'}.
"min exceeds allowed limit of ".$uptimeLimitWithTopups."min");
return MOD_RES_NACK;
# Traffic
if (defined($trafficLimit)) {
# Capped
if ($accountingUsage->{'TotalDataUsage'} >= $trafficLimitWithTopups) {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Usage of ".$accountingUsage->{'TotalDataUsage'}.
"Mbyte exceeds allowed limit of ".$trafficLimitWithTopups."Mbyte");
return MOD_RES_NACK;
return MOD_RES_ACK;
## @internal
# Code snippet to grab the current attribute key limit by processing the user attributes
sub _getAttributeKeyLimit
my ($server,$user,$attributeKey) = @_;
# Short circuit return if we don't have the uptime key set
return if (!defined($user->{'Attributes'}->{$attributeKey}));
# Short circuit if we do not have a valid attribute operator: ':='
if (!defined($user->{'Attributes'}->{$attributeKey}->{':='})) {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] No valid operators for attribute '".
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Attribute '".$attributeKey."' is defined");
# Check for valid attribute value
if (!defined($user->{'Attributes'}->{$attributeKey}->{':='}->{'Value'}) ||
$user->{'Attributes'}->{$attributeKey}->{':='}->{'Value'} !~ /^\d+$/) {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Attribute '".$user->{'Attributes'}->{$attributeKey}->{':='}->{'Value'}.
"' is NOT a numeric value");
return $user->{'Attributes'}->{$attributeKey}->{':='}->{'Value'};
## @internal
# Code snippet to grab the current accounting usage of a user
sub _getAccountingUsage
my ($server,$user,$packet) = @_;
foreach my $module (@{$server->{'module_list'}}) {
# Do we have the correct plugin?
if (defined($module->{'Accounting_getUsage'})) {
$server->log(LOG_INFO,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Found plugin: '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
# Fetch users session uptime & bandwidth used
if (my $res = $module->{'Accounting_getUsage'}($server,$user,$packet)) {
return $res;
$server->log(LOG_ERR,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] No usage data found for user '".$user->{'Username'}."'");
## @internal
# Code snippet to log our uptime usage
sub _logUsage
my ($server,$accountingUsage,$limit,$topupAmount,$type) = @_;
my $typeKey = ucfirst($type);
# Check if our limit is defined
if (defined($limit) && $limit == 0) {
$limit = '-topup-';
} else {
$limit = '-none-';
$server->log(LOG_INFO,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Capping information [type: %s, total: %s, limit: %s, topups: %s]",
## @internal
# Function snippet to return a user attribute
sub _getConfigAttributeNumeric
my ($server,$user,$attributeName) = @_;
# Short circuit if the attribute does not exist
return 0 if (!defined($user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{$attributeName}));
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Config attribute '".$attributeName."' is defined");
# Check for value
if (!defined($user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{$attributeName}->[0])) {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Config attribute '".$attributeName."' has no value");
return 0;
# Is it a number?
if ($user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{$attributeName}->[0] !~ /^\d+$/) {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Config attribute '".$user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{$attributeName}->[0].
"' is NOT a numeric value");
return 0;
return $user->{'ConfigAttributes'}->{$attributeName}->[0];
## @internal
# Function snippet to return a attribute
sub _getAttribute
my ($server,$user,$attributeName) = @_;
# Check the attribute exists
return if (!defined($user->{'Attributes'}->{$attributeName}));
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] User attribute '".$attributeName."' is defined");
# Check the required operator is present in this case :=
if (!defined($user->{'Attributes'}->{$attributeName}->{':='})) {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] User attribute '".$attributeName."' has no ':=' operator");
# Check the operator value is defined...
if (!defined($user->{'Attributes'}->{$attributeName}->{':='}->{'Value'})) {
$server->log(LOG_NOTICE,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] User attribute '".$attributeName."' has no value");
return $user->{'Attributes'}->{$attributeName}->{':='}->{'Value'};
## @internal
# Function which impelments our auto-topup functionality
sub _doAutoTopup
my ($server,$user,$accountingUsage,$type,$usageLimit,$topupType) = @_;
my $scfg = $server->{'inifile'};
# Get the key, which has the first letter uppercased
my $typeKey = ucfirst($type);
# Booleanize the attribute and check if its enabled
if (my $enabled = booleanize(_getAttribute($server,$user,"SMRadius-AutoTopup-$typeKey-Enabled"))) {
$server->log(LOG_INFO,'[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] AutoTopups for %s is enabled',$type);
} else {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,'[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] AutoTopups for %s is not enabled',$type);
# Do sanity checks on the auto-topup amount
my $autoTopupAmount = _getAttribute($server,$user,"SMRadius-AutoTopup-$typeKey-Amount");
if (!defined($autoTopupAmount)) {
$server->log(LOG_WARN,'[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] SMRadius-AutoTopup-%s-Amount must have a value',$typeKey);
if (!isNumber($autoTopupAmount)){
$server->log(LOG_WARN,'[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] SMRadius-AutoTopup-%s-Amount must be a number and be > 0, instead it was '.
'\'%s\', IGNORING SMRadius-AutoTopup-%s-Enabled',$typeKey,$autoTopupAmount,$typeKey);
# Do sanity checks on the auto-topup threshold
my $autoTopupThreshold = _getAttribute($server,$user,"SMRadius-AutoTopup-$typeKey-Threshold");
if (defined($autoTopupThreshold) && !isNumber($autoTopupThreshold)){
$server->log(LOG_WARN,'[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] SMRadius-AutoTopup-%s-Threshold must be a number and be > 0, instead it was '.
'\'%s\', IGNORING SMRadius-AutoTopup-%s-Threshold',$typeKey,$autoTopupAmount,$typeKey);
$autoTopupThreshold = undef;
# Check that if the auto-topup limit is defined, that it is > 0
my $autoTopupLimit = _getAttribute($server,$user,"SMRadius-AutoTopup-$typeKey-Limit");
if (defined($autoTopupLimit) && !isNumber($autoTopupLimit)) {
$server->log(LOG_WARN,'[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] SMRadius-AutoTopup-%s-Limit must be a number and be > 0, instead it was '.
'\'%s\', IGNORING SMRadius-AutoTopup-%s-Enabled',$typeKey,$autoTopupAmount,$typeKey);
# Pull in ahow many auto-topups were already added
my $autoTopupsAdded = _getConfigAttributeNumeric($server,$user,"SMRadius-Capping-$typeKey-AutoTopup") // 0;
# Default to an auto-topup threshold of the topup amount divided by two if none has been provided
$autoTopupThreshold //= floor($autoTopupAmount / 2);
# Check if we're still within our usage limit and return
if (($usageLimit + $autoTopupsAdded - $accountingUsage) > $autoTopupThreshold) {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,'[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] SMRadius-AutoTopup-%s: CHECK => usageLimit(%s) + autoTopupsAdded(%s) - '.
'accountingUsage(%s) < autoTopupThreshold(%s) = not eligble for auto-topup yet',$typeKey,
} else {
$server->log(LOG_DEBUG,'[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] SMRadius-AutoTopup-%s: CHECK => usageLimit(%s) + autoTopupsAdded(%s) - '.
'accountingUsage(%s) < autoTopupThreshold(%s) = eligble, processing',$typeKey,
# Check the difference between our accounting usage and our usage limit
my $usageDelta = $accountingUsage - $usageLimit;
# Make sure our delta is at least 0
$usageDelta = 0 if ($usageDelta < 0);
# Calculate how many topups are needed
my $autoTopupsRequired = floor($usageDelta / $autoTopupAmount) + 1;
# Default the topups to add to the number required
my $autoTopupsToAdd = $autoTopupsRequired;
# If we have an auto-topup limit, recalculate how many we must add... maybe it exceeds
if (defined($autoTopupLimit)) {
my $autoTopupsAllowed = floor(($autoTopupLimit - $autoTopupsAdded) / $autoTopupAmount);
$autoTopupsToAdd = min($autoTopupsRequired,$autoTopupsAllowed);
# We cannot add a negative amount of auto-topups, if we have a negative amount, we have hit our limit
$autoTopupsToAdd = 0 if ($autoTopupsToAdd < 0);
# Total topup amount
my $autoTopupsToAddAmount = $autoTopupsToAdd * $autoTopupAmount;
# The datetime now
my $now = DateTime->now->set_time_zone($server->{'smradius'}->{'event_timezone'});
# Use truncate to set all values after 'month' to their default values
my $thisMonth = $now->clone()->truncate( to => "month" );
# This month, in string form
my $thisMonth_str = $thisMonth->strftime("%Y-%m-%d");
# Next month..
my $nextMonth = $thisMonth->clone()->add( months => 1 );
my $nextMonth_str = $nextMonth->strftime("%Y-%m-%d");
# Lets see if a module accepts to add a topup
my $res;
foreach my $module (@{$server->{'module_list'}}) {
# Do we have the correct plugin?
if (defined($module->{'Feature_Config_Topop_add'})) {
$server->log(LOG_INFO,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Found plugin: '".$module->{'Name'}."'");
# Try add topup
$res = $module->{'Feature_Config_Topop_add'}($server,$user,$thisMonth_str,$nextMonth_str,
($topupType | 4),$autoTopupAmount);
# Skip to end if we added a topup
if ($res == MOD_RES_ACK) {
my $topupsRemaining = $autoTopupsToAdd - 1;
while ($topupsRemaining > 0) {
# Try add another topup
$res = $module->{'Feature_Config_Topop_add'}($server,$user,$thisMonth_str,$nextMonth_str,
($topupType | 4),$autoTopupAmount);
# If not, return undef
if (!defined($res) || $res != MOD_RES_ACK) {
$server->log(LOG_WARN,'[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Auto-Topup(s) cannot be added, no module replied with ACK');
$server->log(LOG_INFO,'[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Auto-Topups added [type: %s, threshold: %s, amount: %s, required: %s, limit: %s, added: %s]',
# Grab notify destinations
my $notify;
if (!defined($notify = _getAttribute($server,$user,"SMRadius-AutoTopup-$typeKey-Notify"))) {
$server->log(LOG_INFO,'[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] AutoTopups notify destination is not specified, NOT notifying');
goto END;
$server->log(LOG_INFO,'[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] AutoTopups notify destination is \'%s\'',$notify);
# Grab notify template
my $notifyTemplate;
if (!defined($notifyTemplate = _getAttribute($server,$user,"SMRadius-AutoTopup-$typeKey-NotifyTemplate"))) {
$server->log(LOG_INFO,'[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] AutoTopups notify template is not specified, NOT notifying');
goto END;
# NOTE: $autoTopupToAdd and autoTopupsToAddAmount will be 0 if no auto-topups were added
# Create variable hash to pass to TT
my $variables = {
'user' => {
'ID' => $user->{'ID'},
'username' => $user->{'Username'},
'usage' => {
'total' => $accountingUsage,
'limit' => $usageLimit,
'autotopup' => {
'amount' => $autoTopupAmount,
'limit' => $autoTopupLimit,
'added' => $autoTopupsAdded,
'toAdd' => $autoTopupsToAdd,
'toAddAmount' => $autoTopupsToAddAmount,
# Split off notification targets
my @notificationTargets = split(/[,;\s]+/,$notify);
foreach my $notifyTarget (@notificationTargets) {
# Parse template
my ($notifyMsg,$error) = quickTemplateToolkit($notifyTemplate,{
'notify' => { 'target' => $notifyTarget }
# Check if we have a result, if not, report the error
if (!defined($notifyMsg)) {
my $errorMsg = $error->info();
$errorMsg =~ s/\r?\n/\\n/g;
$server->log(LOG_WARN,'[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] AutoTopups notify template parsing failed: %s',$errorMsg);
my %messageHeaders = ();
# Split message into lines
my @lines = split(/\r?\n/,$notifyMsg);
while (defined($lines[0]) && (my $line = $lines[0]) =~ /(\S+): (.*)/) {
my ($header,$value) = ($1,$2);
$messageHeaders{$header} = $value;
# Remove line
# Last if our next line is undefined
last if (!defined($lines[0]));
# If the next line is blank, remove it, and continue below
if ($lines[0] =~ /^\s*$/) {
# Remove blank line
# Create message
my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
'Type' => 'multipart/mixed',
'Date' => $now->strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z'),
# Attach body
'Type' => 'TEXT',
'Encoding' => '8bit',
'Data' => join("\n",@lines),
# Send email
my $smtpServer = $scfg->{'server'}{'smtp_server'} // 'localhost';
eval { $msg->send("smtp",$smtpServer); };
if (my $error = $@) {
$server->log(LOG_WARN,"[MOD_FEATURE_CAPPING] Email sending failed: '%s'",$error);
return $autoTopupsToAddAmount;
# vim: ts=4