use strict;
use warnings;

use AWITPT::Util;
use Data::Dumper;
use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);
use Test::Most;
use Test::Most::Exception 'throw_failure';

# Check that database tests are enabled

# We need DBTESTS enabled to run this
if (!$ENV{'DBTESTS'}) {
	plan skip_all => 'DBTESTS not set in ENV';
	exit 0;

# Load database handling libraries


use AWITPT::DB::DBLayer;

# Load our server and client


# Daemon help


# Try connect to database

my $dbh = AWITPT::DB::DBILayer->new({
	'Username' => 'root',
	'DSN' => 'DBI:mysql:database=smradiustest;host=localhost',

# If we cannot connect, just bail out
if ($dbh->connect()) {
	BAIL_OUT("ERROR: Failed to connect to database for testing purposes: ".$dbh->error());


# Make sure DB is clean

my $sth;

$sth = DBDo("DELETE FROM accounting");
is(AWITPT::DB::DBLayer::error(),"","Clean table 'accounting");

$sth = DBDo("DELETE FROM user_attributes");
is(AWITPT::DB::DBLayer::error(),"","Clean table 'user_attributes");

$sth = DBDo("DELETE FROM client_attributes");
is(AWITPT::DB::DBLayer::error(),"","Clean table 'client_attributes");

$sth = DBDo("DELETE FROM users");
is(AWITPT::DB::DBLayer::error(),"","Clean table 'users'");

$sth = DBDo("DELETE FROM clients_to_realms");
is(AWITPT::DB::DBLayer::error(),"","Clean table 'clients_to_realms'");

$sth = DBDo("DELETE FROM clients");
is(AWITPT::DB::DBLayer::error(),"","Clean table 'clients'");

$sth = DBDo("DELETE FROM realms");
is(AWITPT::DB::DBLayer::error(),"","Clean table 'realms'");

# Run server and client

our $child;
if ($child = fork()) {

	# CHLD handler
	local $SIG{CHLD} = sub {

	# Install signal handlers to cleanup if we get a TERM or INT
	local $SIG{TERM} = local $SIG{INT} = \&cleanup;

	# Wait before starting

	# Setup failure handler
	set_failure_handler( sub { my @params = @_; cleanup(); throw_failure } );

	my $res;

	# Make sure basic test without any config does not authenticate users

	$res = smradius::client->run(
	is(ref($res),"","smradclient ref should return ''");
	is($res,1,"smradclient result should be 1");

	# Create test case data

	my $client1_ID = testDBInsert("Create client 'localhost'",
		"INSERT INTO clients (Name,AccessList,Disabled) VALUES ('localhost','',0)"

	my $client1attr1_ID = testDBInsert("Create client 'localhost' secret",
		"INSERT INTO client_attributes (ClientID,Name,Operator,Value,Disabled) VALUES (?,?,?,?,0)",

	my $realm1_ID = testDBInsert("Create realm ''",
		"INSERT INTO realms (Name,Disabled) VALUES ('',0)"

	my $clientTOrealm1_ID = testDBInsert("Link client 'localhost' to realm ''",
		"INSERT INTO clients_to_realms (ClientID,RealmID,Disabled) VALUES (?,?,0)",$client1_ID,$realm1_ID

	# Check we get an Access-Reject for an unconfigured user

	my $user1_ID = testDBInsert("Create user 'testuser1'",
		"INSERT INTO users (UserName,Disabled) VALUES ('testuser1',0)"

	my $user1attr1_ID = testDBInsert("Create user 'testuser1' attribute 'User-Password'",
		"INSERT INTO user_attributes (UserID,Name,Operator,Value,Disabled) VALUES (?,?,?,?,0)",

	$res = smradius::client->run(
	is(ref($res),"HASH","smradclient should return a HASH");
	is($res->{'response'}->{'code'},"Access-Reject","Check our return is 'Access-Reject' for unconfigured user");

	# Check we get a Access-Accept for an uncapped usage user

	my $user2_ID = testDBInsert("Create user 'testuser2'",
		"INSERT INTO users (UserName,Disabled) VALUES ('testuser2',0)"

	my $user2attr1_ID = testDBInsert("Create user 'testuser2' attribute 'User-Password'",
		"INSERT INTO user_attributes (UserID,Name,Operator,Value,Disabled) VALUES (?,?,?,?,0)",

	my $user2attr2_ID = testDBInsert("Create user 'testuser2' attribute 'SMRadius-Capping-Traffic-Limit'",
		"INSERT INTO user_attributes (UserID,Name,Operator,Value,Disabled) VALUES (?,?,?,?,0)",

	my $user2attr3_ID = testDBInsert("Create user 'testuser2' attribute 'SMRadius-Capping-Uptime-Limit'",
		"INSERT INTO user_attributes (UserID,Name,Operator,Value,Disabled) VALUES (?,?,?,?,0)",

	$res = smradius::client->run(
	is(ref($res),"HASH","smradclient should return a HASH");
	is($res->{'response'}->{'code'},"Access-Accept","Check our return is 'Access-Accept' for a basically configured user");

	# Test accounting START packet

	my $session1_ID = "09d15244";
	my $session1_Timestamp = time();
	my $session1_Timestamp_str = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $session1_Timestamp,time_zone => 'UTC')
			->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');

	$res = smradius::client->run(
		'NAS-Port-Id=test iface name1',
	is(ref($res),"HASH","smradclient should return a HASH");

	testDBResults("Check accounting record is created correctly",'accounting',{'AcctSessionID' => $session1_ID},
			'NASIPAddress' => '',
			'AcctDelayTime' => '11',
			'NASIdentifier' => 'Test-NAS1',
			'AcctStatusType' => 1,
			'EventTimestamp' => $session1_Timestamp_str,
			'FramedIPAddress' => '',
			'AcctSessionId' => $session1_ID,
			'NASPortId' => 'test iface name1',
			'CalledStationId' => 'testservice1',
			'CallingStationId' => '00:00:0C:EE:47:AA',
			'Username' => 'testuser1',
			'NASPortType' => 15,
			'NASPort' => '45355555',
			'FramedProtocol' => 1,
			'ServiceType' => 2,
			'AcctOutputPackets' => undef,
			'AcctOutputGigawords' => undef,
			'AcctOutputOctets' => undef,
			'AcctInputPackets' => undef,
			'AcctInputGigawords' => undef,
			'AcctInputOctets' => undef,
			'AcctSessionTime' => undef,

	# Test accounting ALIVE packet

	$res = smradius::client->run(


	is(ref($res),"HASH","smradclient should return a HASH");

	testDBResults("Check accounting record is updated correctly",'accounting',{'AcctSessionID' => $session1_ID},
			'NASIPAddress' => '',
			'AcctDelayTime' => '11',
			'NASIdentifier' => 'Test-NAS1',
			'AcctStatusType' => 3,
			'EventTimestamp' => $session1_Timestamp_str,
			'FramedIPAddress' => '',
			'AcctSessionId' => $session1_ID,
			'NASPortId' => 'test iface name1',
			'CalledStationId' => 'testservice1',
			'CallingStationId' => '00:00:0C:EE:47:AA',
			'Username' => 'testuser1',
			'NASPortType' => 15,
			'NASPort' => '45355555',
			'FramedProtocol' => 1,
			'ServiceType' => 2,
			'AcctOutputPackets' => '800000',
			'AcctOutputGigawords' => '0',
			'AcctOutputOctets' => '810000000',
			'AcctInputPackets' => '777777',
			'AcctInputGigawords' => '0',
			'AcctInputOctets' => '123456789',
			'AcctSessionTime' => '999',

	# Test accounting STOP packet

	$res = smradius::client->run(


	is(ref($res),"HASH","smradclient should return a HASH");

	testDBResults("Check accounting record is stopped correctly",'accounting',{'AcctSessionID' => $session1_ID},
			'NASIPAddress' => '',
			'AcctDelayTime' => '11',
			'NASIdentifier' => 'Test-NAS1',
			'AcctStatusType' => 2,
			'EventTimestamp' => $session1_Timestamp_str,
			'FramedIPAddress' => '',
			'AcctSessionId' => $session1_ID,
			'NASPortId' => 'test iface name1',
			'CalledStationId' => 'testservice1',
			'CallingStationId' => '00:00:0C:EE:47:AA',
			'Username' => 'testuser1',
			'NASPortType' => 15,
			'NASPort' => '45355555',
			'FramedProtocol' => 1,
			'ServiceType' => 2,
			'AcctOutputPackets' => '999999',
			'AcctOutputGigawords' => '0',
			'AcctOutputOctets' => '888888888',
			'AcctInputPackets' => '1111111',
			'AcctInputGigawords' => '0',
			'AcctInputOctets' => '222222222',
			'AcctSessionTime' => '3998',
			'AcctTerminateCause' => '5',

	# Test missing accounting START packet

	my $session2_ID = 81700217;
	my $session2_Timestamp = time();
	my $session2_Timestamp_str = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $session2_Timestamp,time_zone => 'UTC')
			->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');

	$res = smradius::client->run(
	is(ref($res),"HASH","smradclient should return a HASH");

	testDBResults("Check missing accounting record is created correctly",'accounting',{'AcctSessionID' => $session2_ID},
			'Username' => 'testuser2',
			'NASIPAddress' => '',
			'AcctDelayTime' => '12',
			'NASIdentifier' => 'Test-NAS2',
			'AcctStatusType' => 3,
			'AcctOutputPackets' => '786933',
			'AcctOutputGigawords' => '0',
			'AcctOutputOctets' => '708163705',
			'AcctInputPackets' => '670235',
			'AcctInputGigawords' => '0',
			'AcctInputOctets' => '102600046',
			'AcctSessionTime' => '800',
			'EventTimestamp' => $session2_Timestamp_str,
			'FramedIPAddress' => '',
			'AcctSessionId' => $session2_ID,
			'NASPortId' => 'wlan1',
			'CalledStationId' => 'testservice2',
			'CallingStationId' => '00:00:0C:EE:47:BF',
			'NASPortType' => 15,
			'NASPort' => '15729175',
			'FramedProtocol' => 1,
			'ServiceType' => 2,


} else {

		"--config", "smradiusd.conf.test",

	sleep 4;

	exit 0;



# Cleanup function
sub cleanup
	if ($child) {
		# Kill the child if it exists
		if (kill(0,$child)) {
		# Wait for it to be reaped


# Function to quickly and easily insert data into the DB and generate 2 tests out of it
sub testDBInsert
	my ($name,@params) = @_;

	# Do the work...
	# Make sure we got no error

	# Grab the last insert ID
	my $id = DBLastInsertID();
	# Make sure its > 0
	is($id > 0,1,"$name, insert ID > 0");

	return $id;

# Test DB select results
sub testDBResults
	my ($name,$table,$where,$resultCheck) = @_;

	# Build column list
	my $columnList_str = join(',',keys %{$resultCheck});

	# Create where criteria
	my @whereLines = ();
	my @whereData = ();
	foreach my $columnName (keys %{$where}) {
		# Add template placeholders
		push(@whereLines,"$columnName = ?");
		# Add data for template placeholders
	my $whereLines_str = join(',',@whereLines);

	# Do select
	my $sth = DBSelect("

	# Make sure we got no error
	is(AWITPT::DB::DBLayer::error(),"","Errors on DBSelect: $name");

	# We should get one result...
	my $row = hashifyLCtoMC($sth->fetchrow_hashref(),keys %{$resultCheck});
	is(defined($row),1,"DBSelect row defined: $name");

	# Loop through results and check if they match
	foreach my $resultName (keys %{$resultCheck}) {
		is($row->{$resultName},$resultCheck->{$resultName},"$name: $resultName check");