diff --git a/modules/registrars/cozaepp/cozaepp.php b/modules/registrars/cozaepp/cozaepp.php
index ddb57164a57e65f7482cd01d3ce18e602276d292..326d6761a360ec0a226d13028958fb0baa2e9b8a 100644
--- a/modules/registrars/cozaepp/cozaepp.php
+++ b/modules/registrars/cozaepp/cozaepp.php
@@ -857,8 +857,81 @@ function cozaepp_GetContactDetails($params) {
 	return $values;
+ * Catching all the different variations of params as encountered by clients
+ * This has only been reported to have occured in WHMCS 5.2 and 5.3.7
+ * References to the occurences of this particular issue can be found at the followinf urls:
+ * https://gitlab.devlabs.linuxassist.net/awit-whmcs/whmcs-coza-epp/issues/11#note_630
+ * http://lists.linuxassist.net/pipermail/whmcs-coza-epp_lists.linuxassist.net/2013-April/000319.html
+ */
+function _getContactDetailsFromParams($params) {
+	$results = array();
+	$results["Contact Name"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Contact Name"];
+	// Catching different variations of Organisation
+	if (isset($params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Organisation"])) {
+		$results["Organisation"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Organisation"];
+	} else if (isset($params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Company Name"])) {
+		$results["Organisation"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Company Name"];
+	} else {
+		$results["Organisation"] = "";
+	}
+	// Catching different variations of Address line 1
+	if (isset($params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address line 1"])) {
+		$results["Address line 1"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address line 1"];
+	} else if (isset($params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address 1"])) {
+		$results["Address line 1"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address 1"];
+	} else {
+		$results["Address line 1"] = "";
+	}
+	// Catching different variations of Address line 2
+	if (isset($params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address line 2"])) {
+		$results["Address line 2"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address line 2"];
+	} else if (isset($params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address 2"])) {
+		$results["Address line 2"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address 2"];
+	} else {
+		$results["Address line 2"] = "";
+	}
+	// Catching different variations of TownCity
+	if (isset($params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["TownCity"])) {
+		$results["TownCity"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["TownCity"];
+	} else if (isset($params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["City"])) {
+		$results["TownCity"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["City"];
+	} else {
+		$results["TownCity"] = "";
+	}
+	$results["State"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["State"];
+	// Catching different variations of Postal Code
+	if (isset($params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Zip code"])) {
+		$results["Zip code"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Zip code"];
+	} else if (isset($params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["ZIP Code"])) {
+		$results["Zip code"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["ZIP Code"];
+	} else if (isset($params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Postcode"])) {
+		$results["Zip code"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Postcode"];
+	} else {
+		$results["Zip code"] = "";
+	}
+	// Catching different variations of Country Code
+	if (isset($params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Country Code"])) {
+		$results["Country Code"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Country Code"];
+	} else if (isset($params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Country"])) {
+		$results["Country Code"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Country"];
+	} else {
+		$results["Country Code"] = "";
+	}
+	$results["Phone"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Phone"];
+	$results["Email"] = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Email"];
+	return $results;
 # Function to save contact details
 function cozaepp_SaveContactDetails($params) {
@@ -866,17 +939,20 @@ function cozaepp_SaveContactDetails($params) {
 	$tld = $params["tld"];
 	$sld = $params["sld"];
 	# Registrant details
-	$registrant_name = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Contact Name"];
-	$registrant_org = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Organisation"];
-	$registrant_address1 = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address line 1"];
-	$registrant_address2 = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Address line 2"];
-	$registrant_town = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["TownCity"];
-	$registrant_state = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["State"];
-	$registrant_zipcode = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Zip code"];
-	$registrant_countrycode = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Country Code"];
-	$registrant_phone = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Phone"];
+	$contactDetails = _getContactDetailsFromParams($params);
+	$registrant_name = $contactDetails["Contact Name"];
+	$registrant_org = $contactDetails["Organisation"];
+	$registrant_address1 = $contactDetails["Address line 1"];
+	$registrant_address2 = $contactDetails["Address line 2"];
+	$registrant_town = $contactDetails["TownCity"];
+	$registrant_state = $contactDetails["State"];
+	$registrant_zipcode = $contactDetails["Zip code"];
+	$registrant_countrycode = $contactDetails["Country Code"];
+	$registrant_phone = $contactDetails["Phone"];
 	#$registrant_fax = '',
-	$registrant_email = $params["contactdetails"]["Registrant"]["Email"];
+	$registrant_email = $contactDetails["Email"];
 	# Get client instance
 	try {