diff --git a/modules/registrars/cozaepp/cozaepp.php b/modules/registrars/cozaepp/cozaepp.php
index 53b0cf97bfd9e110305b1b9856421df0211905c8..1abd47d616efb5b437eddc0f5e5b9285206a5825 100644
--- a/modules/registrars/cozaepp/cozaepp.php
+++ b/modules/registrars/cozaepp/cozaepp.php
@@ -279,77 +279,6 @@ function cozaepp_SaveRegistrarLock($params) {
 	return $values;
-# Function to retrieve an available contact id
-function _cozaepp_CheckContact($prehash) {
-	$prehash = $prehash . time() . rand(0, 1000000);
-	$contactid = substr(md5($prehash), 0,15);
-	# Get client instance and check for available contact id
-	try {
-		$client = _cozaepp_Client();
-		$contactAvailable = 0;
-		$count = 0;
-		while ($contactAvailable == 0) {
-			# Check if contact exists
-			$request = $client->request($xml = '
-	<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
-	<command>
-	<check>
-	  <contact:check
-	   xmlns:contact="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:contact-1.0">
-		<contact:id>'.$contactid.'</contact:id>
-	  </contact:check>
-	</check>
-	</command>
-	</epp>
-	');
-			# Parse XML result
-			$doc= new DOMDocument();
-			$doc->loadXML($request);
-			logModuleCall('Cozaepp', 'RegisterDomain:CheckContact', $xml, $request);
-			# Pull off status
-			$coderes = $doc->getElementsByTagName('result')->item(0)->getAttribute('code');
-			$contactAvailable = $doc->getElementsByTagName('id')->item(0)->getAttribute('avail');
-			$msg = $doc->getElementsByTagName('msg')->item(0)->nodeValue;
-			if($coderes == '1000') {
-				$values['contact'] = 'Contact Created';
-			} else if($coderes == '2302') {
-				$values['contact'] = 'Contact Already exists';
-			} else if($coderes == '2201') {
-				$values['contact'] = 'Contact Already exists and is not owned by you';
-			} else {
-				$values["error"] = "RegisterDomain/contact-check($contactid): Code ($coderes) $msg";
-				return $values;
-			}
-			$values["status"] = $msg;
-			# if contact still isn't available attempt to add a random time again rehash and return
-			if ($contactAvailable == 0) {
-				$contactAvailable = substr(md5($prehash . time() . rand(0, 1000000) . $count), 0,15);
-			}
-			if ($count >= 10) {
-				break;
-			}
-			$count++;
-		}
-		return $contactid;
-	} catch (Exception $e) {
-		$values["error"] = 'RegisterDomain/EPP: '.$e->getMessage();
-		return $values;
-	}
 # Function to register domain
 function cozaepp_RegisterDomain($params) {
 	# Grab varaibles
@@ -380,8 +309,7 @@ function cozaepp_RegisterDomain($params) {
 	$AdminEmailAddress = $params["adminemail"];
 	$AdminPhone = $params["adminphonenumber"];
 	# Our details
-	$contactid = _cozaepp_CheckContact($sld . '.' . $tld);
+	$contactid = substr(md5($sld . '.' . $tld), 0,15);
 	# Generate XML for namseverss
 	if ($nameserver1 = $params["ns1"]) {
@@ -554,7 +482,7 @@ function cozaepp_TransferDomain($params) {
 	$AdminEmailAddress = $params["adminemail"];
 	$AdminPhone = $params["adminphonenumber"];
 	# Our details
-	$contactid = _cozaepp_CheckContact($sld . '.' . $tld);
+	$contactid = substr(md5($sld . '.' . $tld), 0,15);
 	# Get client instance
 	try {