# Log level:
# 0 - Errors only
# 1 - Warnings and errors
# 2 - Notices, warnings, errors
# 3 - Info, notices, warnings, errors
# 4 - Debugging
# Log file:
# Filename to write log messages to
# Defaults to /var/log/opentrafficshaper/opentrafficshaper.log
# PID file:
# Filename to write our PID to
# Defaults to /var/run/opentrafficshaper/
# STATE file:
# This is the file used to store persistent information
# NOTE: The ordering is very important
# Radius support
# Must load before webserver if you want graphs
# Traffic shaper
# Traffic shaper interface to statistics
# Must load after statistics
# Must load after tc
# General shaping settings
# Group 1 is by default the "Default" group
# Traffic classes
# ID's and short description of traffic classes to Setup. Traffic is
# priortized as the lowest number getting the highest priority
# The second parameter is the name of the class
class=1:High Priority
class=6:Best Effort
# For traffic not classified, we can send it to a specific traffic class
# Interface group
# This is a friendly name for a group of interfaces used for TX & RX
# Its in the format of txiface,rxiface:Friendly name
# The txiface is always the interface the client traffic is transmitted on (downloaded)
# The rxiface is always the interface the client traffic is received on (uploaded)
# Interface setup
[shaping.interface eth0]
# This is the friendly name used when displaying this interface
name=WAN interface
# The rate is specified in Kbps
# Class format is: ClassID:CIR/Limit
# If Limit is not specified it defaults to CIR
# if the class definition is omitted, defaults to rate of interface
# The CIR and Limit are specified in Kbps or percentage
[shaping.interface eth1]
name=LAN Interface
# Radius plugin
# Dictionaries we need to load for radius functionality
# Expire traffic control entries from radius in this period of time if not updated
# Default: 86400 (1 day)
# Protocol to filter on, 99% of the time it will be "ip"
# If however you're filtering VLAN Q-in-Q traffic, set this to 0x88a8
# IP Header offset
# If the kernel offsets your IP packet with octets you need to specify the value here
# this most commonly happens when you shaping vlan traffic (as per above one would maybe
# set this value to 4)