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# awit-ssh - SSH initiator which searches LDAP for host details
# Copyright (c) 2016, AllWorldIT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

use strict;
use warnings;

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use Term::ANSIColor;
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use Getopt::Long;
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use Net::DBus qw(:typing);
# Check Config::IniFiles
if (!eval {require Config::IniFiles; 1;}) {
	print STDERR "You're missing Config::IniFiles, try 'apt-get install libconfig-inifiles-perl'\n";
	exit 1;
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# Check IO::Socket::INET6
if (!eval {require IO::Socket::INET6; 1;}) {
	print STDERR "You're missing IO::Socket::INET6, try 'apt-get install libio-socket-inet6-perl'\n";
	exit 1;
# Check Net::LDAP
if (!eval {require Net::LDAP; 1;}) {
	print STDERR "You're missing Net::LDAP, try 'apt-get install libnet-ldap-perl'\n";
	exit 1;
# Check Term::ReadKey
if (!eval {require Term::ReadKey; 1;}) {
	print STDERR "You're missing Term::ReadKey, try 'apt-get install libterm-readkey-perl'\n";
	exit 1;
use User::pwent;
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Robert Spencer committed
my $NAME = "AWIT-SSH-Client";
my $VERSION = "0.3.0";
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print(STDERR "$NAME v$VERSION - Copyright (c) 2016, AllWorldIT\n\n");
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# Grab options
my %optctl = ();


) or exit 1;

# Check for help
if (defined($optctl{'help'})) {
	exit 0;

# Check for version
if (defined($optctl{'version'})) {
	exit 0;

# Variables we may set below
my $loginUsername;

# Pull in hostname
my $hostSpec = shift(@ARGV) // "";
my ($loginHost,$loginPort) = split(':',$hostSpec);
if (defined($loginHost)) {
	# Suck in username if specified
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	my ($userBit,$hostBit) = split('@',$loginHost);
	if (defined($hostBit)) {
		$loginUsername = $userBit;
		$loginHost = $hostBit;
} else {
	logger('ERROR',color('magenta')."No hostname provided".color('reset'));
# Check for config and read
my $configFile = $ENV{"HOME"}.'/.awit-ssh.conf';
if (! -f $configFile) {
	print STDERR "No configuration file found. Please answer the questions below to generate it.\n\n";

	tie %iniSetup, 'Config::IniFiles';
	$iniSetup{server} = {};
	print STDERR "Your LDAP URI     : ";
	chomp($iniSetup{server}{uri} = <STDIN>);
	$iniSetup{server}{uri} =~ s/^uri=//;
	print STDERR "Your LDAP Base    : ";
	chomp($iniSetup{server}{base} = <STDIN>);
	$iniSetup{server}{base} =~ s/^base=//;
	tied(%iniSetup)->WriteConfig($configFile) or die "Could not write settings to new configuration file.";
	untie %iniSetup;
} else {
	# Flag, so we don't echo the same output lower down immediately after a setup.
	$iniSetup{server} = 'installed';
my $config = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => $configFile);

my $ldapURI = $config->val("server","uri");
if (!defined($ldapURI) || $ldapURI eq "") {
	logger('ERROR',color('magenta')."Server URI not defined in config file".color('reset'));
	exit 1;

my $ldapBase = $config->val("server","base");
if (!defined($ldapBase) || $ldapBase eq "") {
	logger('ERROR',color('magenta')."Server base DN not defined in config file".color('reset'));
my $pkcsProvider = $config->val("pkcs11","provider");
if (defined($pkcsProvider) && $pkcsProvider ne "") {
	if (! -f $pkcsProvider) {
		logger('ERROR',color('magenta')."PKCS11 provider '$pkcsProvider' does not exist".color('reset'));
		exit 1;

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# Check if we should be doing port knocking
if (defined(my $knock = $optctl{'knock'})) {
	# If so, split off the host and the port
	my ($host,$port) = split(':',$knock);
	if (!defined($port)) {
		logger('ERROR',color('magenta')."Port knock specifications should be in the format of HOST:PORT".color('reset'));
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		exit 1;
	print STDERR "Port knocking '$host' on port '$port'...";
	# Do the port knock
	my $sock = IO::Socket::INET6->new(
		PeerAddr => $host,
		PeerPort => $port,
		Proto => 'tcp',
		Timeout => 3
	# We should get a failure of "Connection refused", if not ERR
	if (defined($sock) || $! ne "Connection refused") {
		print STDERR "FAILED\n";
		exit 1;
	print STDERR "success\n";

if (%iniSetup) {
	print STDERR "LDAP server URI   : $ldapURI\n";
	print STDERR "LDAP server base  : $ldapBase\n";
# Try get name automatically
my $pwent = getpwnam($ENV{'USER'});
(my $username) = split(/,/,$pwent->gecos);
if (!defined($username) || $username eq "") {
	print STDERR "WARNING: Cannot determine your name, set your gecos field.\n\n";
	print STDERR "Your LDAP CN      : ";
	$username = <STDIN>;
} else {
	print STDERR "Your LDAP CN      : $username (passwd->gecos)\n";
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Robert Spencer's avatar
Robert Spencer committed
my $password;

if ($config->SectionExists("kwallet")) {
	my $dbus = Net::DBus->find();

	# Grab the kwallet service off DBus
	my $kwalletService = $dbus->get_service('org.kde.kwalletd');
	if (!defined($kwalletService)) {
		logger('WARNING',color('magenta')."Kwallet not found on DBus".color('reset'));
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	my $kwalletObject = $kwalletService->get_object('/modules/kwalletd','org.kde.KWallet');
	# Grab a handle to the network wallet
	my $networkWalletName = $kwalletObject->networkWallet();
	my $kwalletHandle = $kwalletObject->open($networkWalletName,0,$NAME);
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Robert Spencer committed
	my $kwalletFolder = $config->val("kwallet","folder");
	if (!defined($kwalletFolder) || $kwalletFolder eq "") {
		logger('ERROR',color('magenta')."Kwallet folder not defined in config file".color('reset'));
		exit 1;
	my $kwalletFolderEntry = $config->val("kwallet","entry");
	if (!defined($kwalletFolderEntry) || $kwalletFolderEntry eq "") {
		logger('ERROR',color('magenta')."Kwallet folder entry not defined in config file".color('reset'));
		exit 1;
	$password = $kwalletObject->readPassword($kwalletHandle,$kwalletFolder,$kwalletFolderEntry,$NAME);
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Robert Spencer committed

if (!defined($password) || $password eq "") {
	print STDERR "Your LDAP Password: ";
	# Don't echo password
	chomp($password = <STDIN>);
	# Turn echo back on
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print STDERR "\n";

my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapURI,
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#	'debug' => 15
if (!defined($ldap)) {
	logger('ERROR',color('magenta')."Failed to setup LDAP object '%s'".color('reset'),$@);
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	exit 2;

# Bind
my $mesg = $ldap->bind("cn=$username,ou=Users,$ldapBase",password => $password);
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# Search
$mesg = $ldap->search(
	base => "ou=Servers,$ldapBase",
	filter => "(|(cn=$loginHost)(awitLoginHost=$loginHost)(awitLoginHostAlias=$loginHost))",
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# Check for error
if (my $mesgCode = $mesg->code()) {
	if ($mesgCode eq "No such object") {
		logger('ERROR',color('magenta')."LDAP returned '%s', this more than likely means a Username/Password error or your BaseDN is wrong.".color('reset'),$mesgCode);
		logger('ERROR',color('magenta')."LDAP returned '%s'".color('reset'),$mesgCode);
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	exit 2;

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# If no matches
my @ldapResults = $mesg->entries();
my $ldapNumResults = @ldapResults;
my $ldapEntry;
if ($ldapNumResults < 1) {
	logger('NOTICE',color('bold blue')."No LDAP results, using defaults".color('reset'));
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} elsif ($ldapNumResults == 1) {
	$ldapEntry = $ldapResults[0];

} elsif ($ldapNumResults > 1) {
	logger('WARNING',color('red')."Found multiple entries!".color('reset'));
	print STDERR "\n";
	foreach my $key (sort(keys %{$mesg->as_struct()})) {
		logger('MENU '.$counter,"  ".color('red')."%s".color('reset'),$key);
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	print STDERR "Your selection: ";
	chomp(my $menuSelection = <STDIN>);
	if ($menuSelection =~ /\D/) {
		exit 3;
	$ldapEntry = $ldapResults[$menuSelection];
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print STDERR "\n";

# Check if we got a result and modify our connection details
if ($ldapEntry) {
	my $ldapEntryName = $ldapEntry->get_value('cn');
	logger('INFO',"Found server entry '".color('green')."$ldapEntryName".color('reset')."'");
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	# Check if we need to set the host
	$loginHost = $ldapEntryName;
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	if (my $ldapLoginHost = $ldapEntry->get_value('awitLoginHost')) {
		logger('INFO',"  - Host ".color('green')."%s".color('reset')." (awitLoginHost)",$ldapLoginHost);
		$loginHost = $ldapLoginHost;
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	# Check if we need to set the port
	if (my $ldapLoginPort = $ldapEntry->get_value('awitLoginPort')) {
		logger('INFO',"  - Port ".color('green')."%s".color('reset')." (awitLoginPort)",$ldapLoginPort);
		$loginPort = $ldapLoginPort if (!defined($loginPort));
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	# Check if we need to set the username
	if (my $ldapLoginUsername = $ldapEntry->get_value('awitLoginUsername')) {
		logger('INFO',"  - Username ".color('green')."%s".color('reset')." (awitLoginUsername)",$ldapLoginUsername);
		$loginUsername = $ldapLoginUsername if (!defined($loginUsername));
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	# Check if we have a description
	if (my $ldapDescription = $ldapEntry->get_value('description')) {
		foreach my $line (split(/\n/,$ldapDescription)) {
			logger('INFO',"    ".color('green')."%s".color('reset'),$line);
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		# Hack'ish ... look if the description mentions dss is required...
		if ($ldapDescription =~ /needs ssh-dss/i) {
			$needDSS = 1;
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	# Check if we have a wiki page
	if (my $ldapLoginWikiPage = $ldapEntry->get_value('awitLoginWikiPage')) {
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		logger('INFO',"Wiki Page");
		logger('INFO',"    ".color('green')."%s".color('reset'),$ldapLoginWikiPage);
# TODO for forwarding
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Robert Spencer committed
if (defined($pkcsProvider)) {

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# Check if we have a port defined, if so specify it
if (defined($loginPort)) {
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# Check if we have a different username defined to login as
if (defined($loginUsername)) {

# If the server is ancient, we need to enable DSS
if (defined($needDSS)) {
	logger('WARNING',color('red')."Host needs ssh-dss".color('reset'));

logger('NOTICE',"Connecting to host '".color('green')."$loginHost".color('reset')."'" .
		(defined($loginPort) ? " on port '".color('green')."$loginPort".color('reset')."'" : "") . "...\n\n\n");

# Fixup environment
$ENV{'LANG'} = "en_US.UTF-8";

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		# Try our key only, we should never need to fall back to password
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		# Use TCP keepalive
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Nigel Kukard's avatar
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		'-o','ServerAliveCountMax=24', # 120s
		# Timeout for our connect
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		# Use basic compression
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		# Fail if we cannot forward ports
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exit 0;

# Internal Functions

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# Log something
sub logger
	my ($level,$arg1,@args) = @_;

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	printf(STDERR '%-7s: '.$arg1.color('reset')."\n",$level,@args);
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# Display version
sub displayVersion
	print("Version: $VERSION\n");

# Display usage
sub displayHelp
Usage: $0 <options> [USER@]HOST
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    General Options:
      --help                             What you're seeing now.
      --version                          Display version.
      --debug                            Enable debugging.

    Port Knocking:
      --knock HOST:PORT                  Port knock a host to get access.