<dd>{% t An international directory of chat, wiki, forum GNU/Linux®-related resources. %}</dd>
<dt>{% t How do I submit a new or updated entry to this page? %}</dt>
<dd>Changes to the site data are done by sending a Merge Request on our repository located <ahref="https://gitlab.linux.community/linux-dot-chat/linux.community/linux-community-website/blob/master/_data/sites.yaml">{% t here %}.</a></dd>
<dd>Changes to the site data are done by sending a Merge Request on our repository located <ahref="https://gitlab.linux.community/linux-dot-chat/linux.community/linux-community-website/blob/master/_data/sites.yaml">{% t here %}</a>.</dd>
<dt>{% t How do I search? %}</dt>
<dd>{% t Type multiple keywords, such as distribution name, language, or word 'forum' or 'chat'. Do not type your GNU/Linux® question - this tool lists URLs only and does not search the forums or chats themselves. %}</dd>